Chapter 2: Team Bonding

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Summer is here.

The last day of our first semester came and went, and the long two month holiday was just over the horizon.

Personally, I was planning to stay on the island for my vacation, but a certain email forwarded to all the 1st Years yesterday got me out of bed early today.

That's because it was a message from the school, telling everyone to arrive promptly at the docks so the cruise ship back to Tokyo could leave on time.

At first glance, this seemed fairly innocuous. How else were we supposed to get home?

The issue was, it said failure to turn up would result in immediate expulsion. People like me, who wanted to stay behind on the island, couldn't. We were forced to board the cruise ship with everyone else and go back to Tokyo.

It didn't make sense. I had personally confirmed with Chabashira-sensei that I could stay on the island a week ago. However, when I messaged her about this email yesterday, she told me to just go along with the announcement for now.

I don't know what the school is planning, but I don't like the sound of it.

Just in case we weren't able to return back to the island, I packed a suitcase full of stuff I wanted to bring with me, and headed to the docks where everyone else was.

"Good morning, Takanori-san."

"Good morning, Jin-san."

Greeting me was Jin Shun, an immigrant from China. He was the dorm manager for Zoa Green, just like how Fumio was for Drachma Red. Unlike her, he's young, and has a chill personality. He does seem a little lazy though.

Fumio, while strict, treated us like we were in her home. For example, she would go out of her way to make dinner for us if we couldn't afford it. Meanwhile, Jin only ever helps us out if its related to the dorms. It's almost as if he's the receptionist, rather than the manager.

"You have any plans for the summer holiday?"

"Not particularly. I'll just go with the flow and see what happens."

"Ha ha, it sounds nice to be so free spirited. Enjoy your vacation!"

"Thanks. But I have a funny feeling you'll be seeing me again soon."


With that, I left the dorm lobby and headed outside.

Immediately, I was surrounded by the sound of cicadas and the drumming heat of the sun. It's way too bright out here... not to mention, really hot.

I wiped the sweat from my brow and headed to the train station so I could take the train up to Stark White, where the priority dock was.

I have to say... ever since I became leader of D Class, the atmosphere of people around me have become even more distant.

Even just walking through the train station, I could feel people's discomfort towards me in their flickering gaze.

They seem to back off whenever I draw near them, or try to avoid me if we're walking the same direction.

I don't think I was that unapproachable... even as a loner, I had people stay away from me, but I've never felt or seen it be done so blatantly before.

Even if we are strangers, it felt like the atmosphere between me and everyone else was filled with fraught.

In this sea of apprehension, there was only one person who seemed unbothered by my casual appearance.

"Ah, Yuu!"

"Yo, Yukina."

It was Yukina, who waved brightly at me while wearing a cute black summer dress.

Somehow, everyone started backing away from her too...

"How are you?"

"Tired... and slightly annoyed."

"Oh, I'm sure it'll be fine. The school wouldn't tell us to board the cruise ship for no reason."

Tell us? More like force us. The threat of expulsion was basically a guaranteed way to make us do whatever they wanted.

"I guess... I'm just not looking forward going back to Tokyo."

"Why not?"

I sighed a little under my breath.

"Who knows. Weren't you going to stay on the island too?"

"Yes, but that's because my parents are currently abroad."

"I see..."

My mind cast back to the time she was with Kouji. Back then, she said that her parents had died. I want to believe that Yukina's parents are really abroad, but some twisted part of me thinks it's some kind of a cover up.

Then again... she might've lied to Kouji in order to get closer to him. I guess I could ask to clarify, but if her parents really are dead, then I'd be treading on some sensitive territory. I don't want to make Yukina upset.

Plus... it's not like I have any right to dig into other people's family past anyways.

"By the way... have you noticed it?"

The last time Yukina asked me this kind of question, she was referring to her makeup. I observed her face closely, but it looked the same as usual to me. What was she referring to?

"Noticed what?"

"The atmosphere around us... isn't it a little...?"

"Oh... yeah, I noticed it too. Just ignore it."

I looked around at everyone else waiting at the station. They were staying far away from me and her.

"Do you think it has anything to do with us being class representatives now?"

"Probably... now that we're leaders, people are becoming more aware of us."

"Somehow, it's kind of scary..."

"Why's that?"

"The idea that people are becoming more aware of me... it's a little unsettling."

I'd argue people have always been aware of Yukina. Not only is she beautiful, but she has a kind personality too.

It's the perfect recipe for popularity amongst boys and girls alike. I mean, that's why Ichinose from B Class is so popular too. She's smart, pretty, and kind to everyone she meets.

The only difference is Yukina hangs out with me, which drops her status in some people's eyes. I'm still regarded as a loser, a bit of a loner, and the rumours about me being a woman beater still haven't disappeared.

Just because I'm her friend, it makes everyone think she's weird for hanging around with me. Some people even think she does it out of obligation, rather than choice, since we went to the same middle school.

Though, it seems like she still hasn't realised this yet, nor has she realised her own popularity. If she did, then our newfound attention wouldn't have surprised her so much.

"In the first place, I don't feel like much of a leader. I still look up to you and follow your orders."

"What happens if I'm not there to be leader though?"

"Eh? Yuu, where's this coming from?"

"There might be a time where I'm unable to lead the class. When that time comes, they'll look to you for advice."

"Well... I don't think I'm the best person though. They'd probably ask Matsushita or Sakigamiya."

"Maybe, but you're the official representative. You can use your status to rein everyone in and give out commands."

"Are you saying that... you want me to take the lead when you're not there?"

"Yeah. If I can't give out commands, I want to leave everything to you."

That's because you're the only one I can trust in our class, Yukina.

"Ah... um, I'll try my best. No promises though."

"Its fine. You might not be the leader type, but pretending to be a leader is more than enough."

Without someone to follow, the class will descend into chaos. As long as someone is at the head, there will be a direction to move forward, which is most important.

It may encourage some students to also speak out and give their opinions on matters. Yukina is much more sociable than I am, and people are more likely to open to her because she's so kind.

While we were talking, a tall man with dark blue hair and sharp eyes approached us. He was wearing a dark navy blue suit with a silk pink tie very casually. Despite this laidback look, he had a serious demeanour.

"Yo, Takanori-san. Long time no see."

It was Hyoudou Kaito, the policeman who interviewed me on the night I got attacked by Nakajima.

"Hyoudou-san. Good morning."


Yukina, having never met Hyoudou before, was confused as to who he was. After all, it was strange to see an adult approach me on the island.

"Hello beautiful. I'm Hyoudou Kaito, a detective working for the GEN police. And you are?"

Hyoudou winked at Yukina, making her blush slightly.

"K-Kazuraba Yukina. It's nice to meet you, Hyoudou-san..."

"Kaito is fine, darling."

Hang on, where did this womaniser come from? When I talked to him on that night, he was all serious and down to business. With Yukina, he's smiling and acting like he's the next prince of Japan or something.

"Oh... um, Kaito-san? Is that okay?"

"Woo, that's perfect. I'd love to chat with you some more, but I'm actually here for this loser."

Hyoudou bonked me on the head with a cheeky grin. I brushed his hand away and sighed.

"Oh, do you two know each other?"

"Yeah... unfortunately."

"Hm? What do you mean unfortunately? I'm here trying to help your sorry ass, and this how you treat me?"

"It was my aunt who made the call, not me. In any case, I'm assuming you're here to discuss about that?"

"Well of course. Me and Juumonji-san made a major breakthrough."

"I see. Yukina, could you step aside? It's a private matter."

"Oh, sure. I hope it's nothing bad."

"Don't worry sweetheart, it's only good news from me."

Once agin, Hyoudou winked charmingly, making Yukina blush. She nodded and put some distance between me and him.

"...honestly, you should go after girls your own age."

"Hey, I'm only 21. That's fresh out of university."

"Still weird you're going after a 15 year old, detective-san."

"Sounds like someone is jealous."

Hyoudou smirked smugly.

"Don't get the wrong idea. She's not my girlfriend."

"Oh, she's a little side thing, is that it?"

"Not that either."

"Huh... never mind, I'm not interested in her then."

"What's that supposed to mean...?"

"Don't worry about it. Anyways..."

Hyoudou cleared his throat and returned back to the no nonsense man I remembered him from that night.

"Regarding your assailant, we've found out who he is."

" have?"

No way... Nakajima was caught? But he was in school on Friday... does that mean they found him on this weekend then?

"Yeah. We made an arrest on Friday evening and got a full confession by Saturday morning."


I tried to sound happy about it, but to be honest, all I felt was unease. There was something horribly wrong with the way things were going.

"Yup. You can feel safe and assured knowing he's now locked behind bars."

"That's good... if I may, can I ask who the culprit was?"

"It was 20 year old Nanjo Hyakutarou, a retail worker at Nishi Mall."


"Who is that? I've never heard of him before."

"That makes sense, since all his attempts at murder were opportunistic. None of it was pre-planned, except for him actively going out with a knife under the intention of killing someone that night."

Wait, so did Nakajima somehow frame this guy as the murderer? That doesn't make sense though, since he said if he ever got caught, he'd just pay off the police. This sort of action wouldn't be necessary...

...unless, those 4 million private points weren't enough.

Thinking back, that would make sense. Oozora had to pay 20 million to dodge expulsion. There's no way getting out of jail for attempted murder would be that cheap either.

Plus... paying off the police would only work under the assumption they're corrupt. I guess it wouldn't be a stretch to assume they are corrupt, since they work for GEN Academy and this school is pretty shady, but they still have to uphold the law.

I can't imagine someone like Hyoudou, or even the superintendent Juumonji, taking a bribe from a criminal, much less a high schooler.

So, Nakajima realised his strategy of paying off the police wouldn't work, and changed his tactics to framing someone as the culprit so he could close this loose thread hanging above him.

It'd be convenient if things were that simple... however, it's all just speculation. I don't have any actual evidence that this is the case. It could just as easily be the police got the wrong guy.

But even if you think like that, it doesn't explain why he confessed to the crimes. And that's what's bugging me the most.

"How did you guys catch him?"

"He was one of our main suspects, mainly based on the physical description your aunt gave us. Tall, skinny, black hair... but the most damning piece of evidence was the knife."

A pit formed in my stomach.

"We found a knife in his apartment with a design that matched the one found at the crime scene. When we examined the fingerprints, it was a match."

"...I see."

I get it now... it's not that Nakajima framed him.

It's that this Nanjo guy was working together with Nakajima.

In order to protect Nakajima from the police, Nanjo took the fall for him.

As such, the case would be closed, and there'd be one less person on his trail.

So he has allies even outside the student body, huh...?

"You don't sound all that happy hearing about this."

"No, I am... I was just thinking, my auntie will be more relieved to hear it than I am."

"I think everyone on the island will be more relieved that a maniac like him is behind bars now. You know, he tried killing three other people! Thankfully, he didn't succeed at all."

It seems Nakajima was also trying to protect himself in the future by making Nanjo confess to his attacks on Shimada, Oshita, and Rinbayashi as well.

If any of those three make a report about it to the school, which I doubted anyways, this confession would ensure that their cases would be explained away as Nanjo's doing, preventing another one from opening up in the future.

"Even so, there's still one strange thing in this case."

"What's that? Everything is solved, isn't it?"

"Everything but the knife's origin."

It seems Hyoudou and Juumonji realised this knife isn't something your typical person can buy off the shelf.

"It's unlike anything we've seen before. Even after conducting thorough research into what type of knives are available in the world, both common and rare, nothing came up that matched this one we found at the crime scene. Granted, it was a lynchpin piece of evidence when we found a carbon copy of it in Nanjo's apartment, but it still doesn't explain how he got his hands on two of them."

"Perhaps it's custom made?"

"We did consider that. However, it's too professionally crafted to be the work of an amateur."

"You never know. He might be quite good at making knives."

"I suppose we could try and find evidence of that."

"Or maybe just straight up ask him if he knows how to make it?"


Hyoudou shrugged his shoulders, before sighing.

"Oh well. I'll get to the bottom of this eventually."

"Good luck, I suppose."

He'll need it if he wants to step into the Underworld's business.

"Thanks. By the way, I was wondering something."


"You know your auntie..."

"Auntie Rina?"

"Yeah. Is she—"

"She's married."

"Even better!"


"I was going to ask if she was free to go out for drinks this weekend."

"I don't know, go ask her that yourself. You're a detective, aren't you?"

"I am, which is why I asked you too. You can never have too many sources of info."

"First it was Yukina, now it's my aunt... what the hell are you playing at?"

"I'm a young, single, attractive man. She's a fine, older, married lady. I think you know exactly what I'm playing at, Takanori-san."

Hyoudou winked at me.

"Did you miss the part where I said she's married...?"

"Did you miss the part where I said that's even better? Besides, you're the one who told me to go date a girl my age."

"She's older than you!"

"That just means she's more experienced in bed."

"Oi, what makes you think she'd cheat on my uncle for you?"

"Sleuthing around requires a certain level of charisma. I'm a very persuasive man."

"I'm calling my auntie right now to protect her from you..."

"Sure thing. And while you're at it, feel free to call me Uncle Kaito from now on."

"I refuse to acknowledge you as my uncle, you home wrecker..."

"Sure, sure. You'll come round to it someday, Takanori-san."

Hyoudou laughed as he walked away from me, hands behind his head.

Seriously auntie, please be careful and stay away from this guy... he reeks of sexual predator.

Seeing Hyoudou leave, Yukina came back to join me.

"What was all that about?"

"...would you believe me if I said he was trying to hook up with Aunt Rina?"

"Oof. Is that why he came up to you?"

"Pretty much."

"Hey, look on the bright side! Your auntie is in her mid-thirties, but she's still attractive to guys in their early twenties! Isn't that great?"

"I'm sorry, what?"

Just as this conversation was about to take another dark turn, the train had arrived just in time to stop it.

"Ah, it's here."

"Thank god... let's go."

I went in the train and sat in the corner, mulling over what Nakajima would do next, why the school forced everyone to go to Tokyo, and the hidden meaning behind Hyoudou's mysterious words about my auntie.

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