- Part 3

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I made my way back inside the cruise ship, and took the elevator down to the lower floors, where all the private rooms were.

Apparently, you could pay to rent out a room in the cruise ship to stay in if the public spaces weren't to your fancy. I would've rented a room as well, just so I could have a quiet space to myself, but the prices were quite high, so I didn't bother.

Even so, when I reached the 1st floor, I could immediately tell why these rooms were so expensive. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought I was currently staying in a western style five star hotel, rather than a cruise ship.

The only people on this level of the ship were Stark White students, mainly from the 3rd Year. There was the occasional 2nd Year student fluttering around, but generally this small area was dominated by the elites at this school.

"I wonder if Kurosaki-senpai is here too..."

I muttered to myself while making my way to room 108, which was at the end of the hallway. Knowing her, she's probably enjoying herself upstairs, getting involved in all of the ship's offerings, and probably annoying Kishou if she comes across him.

I sighed, reaching the room. I really wasn't looking forward to this... why did Kaido need me of all people? He could've just asked Sakate, or his girlfriend Emma for help. It honestly just feels like he wants to make fun out of me again.

As I knocked the door, someone promptly answered it.

"Finally, you're here."

Kaido stepped out, staring down at me with a lowering glare. He looked visibly fine, so I doubt this was a physical emergency. Perhaps, did someone trick him?

"Hey. What do you need me for?"

"Don't ask questions. Come inside."

Oi, you're the one who asked me to come over... don't give me that obtuse attitude if you want my help. Like usual, he sounds annoyed that he has to talk to me.

On the other hand, his genuinely grumpy tone makes me think that something serious has gone wrong. As much as it pains him to talk to me, if he's going out of his way to willingly do it, then something even worse than this must've happened to him.

I followed Kaido inside, once again overwhelmed by the opulence of his room. I should be used to this level of grandeur by now, but I'm still stunned by its magnificence. How can one man be so rich?

"Take a seat."

Kaido sat down at a table, gesturing me to join him. I pulled out a chair and sat opposite from him.

"It pains me that it's come to this..."

As he a spoke, a grim air hung around him, making Kaido look miserable.

"...that you're the only one who I can turn to, Yuuto."

For a moment, I thought his investments had crashed or something, but after he said that, I immediately grasped the situation.

"Is your emergency... related to Vanguard?"

Kaido gave a short nod. He stood up and turned away from me, putting his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah. You see..."

He lowered his head, almost ashamed that he had to admit this.

"...no one wants to play a game with me."


Kaido sat back down, placing his deck on the table.

"Everyone... Sakate, Emma, Strelzia, even that damned piano loving bastard Kishou... none of them want to play Vanguard with me! They all want to check out the cruise ship, even though I could rent this place out for them at anytime!"

Ah... that way he casually said that, it annoyed me a little. Rich people have too much money.

"It's ridiculous... I'm still having an aneurysm from how Sakate chose manning the bar over playing card games with me!"

"If you don't mind me asking, what about the other three...?"

"Emma went to go swimming, Strelzia is showing Hikaru the ship on video call, and Kishou is playing the ship's grand piano."

Why is there a piano on the cruise ship?

"I'm surprised you didn't join Emma-senpai in swimming."

"Unlike you, I don't need to see a girl in a swimsuit to feel immediate gratification."

"I'd rather not see any girls in their swimsuits, to be honest."

Knowing Mitsuba and the other guys, they're all probably at the swimming pool just to ogle at the girls anyways.

"What about the other people in your class? Can't you ask them?"

Kaido shivered.

"I am not asking Rossiya-san... don't even get me started on that crazy Russian bitch."


I've heard of Rossiya once before, is she really that bad? The way Kaido is acting makes me think they're some kind of bitter enemies.

"Look, the point is, no matter who I've asked, they've all turned me down to do other stuff on the cruise ship. I suppose I can't blame them, since they don't get many opportunities to go on one... but the experience has become tediously boring for me since I've been on these things more times than I can count."

Was it really necessary to casually flex on me like that?

"With a whole three hours to kill, what better way to spend it than playing Vanguard?"

"I would agree, but... I thought you didn't like Vanguard that much?"

Kaido scoffed.

"Huh? Are you kidding me? I love Vanguard. What I don't like is playing against you, since you're such easy game."

"Ah... wait, if that's the case, why pick me?"

"Because you're the only one desperate enough to accept."

I clenched my fists.

It was true. Even though I hated the circumstances that led here, I was unbelievably excited at the prospect of fighting Kaido again, especially now that I had a new deck.

This rare chance to fight him would give me another chance to beat him. With all the experience I've gained in the first semester, such as fighting Zyriot and Kishou, I felt confident I could win this.

"Well... you're sure right about that."

I took out my deck and put it on the table.

"Yup, stupid."


"I knew you wouldn't give up an opportunity like this. Too bad for you, I'll still win."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that. I think I've got the upper hand this time."

Kaido smirked at my faux confidence. Inside, a part of me was shaking slightly. However, on the outside, I kept my nerves hidden.

"Stand up, the, Vanguard!"

"Captain Nightkid!"

"Promising Knight, David!"

Kaido raised an eyebrow while looking at my starter.

"So, you've decided to embrace my gift, huh?"

"Yes. With that card... no, with this deck, I will become your rival, Kaido-senpai!"

"Let's see if that tenacity will last for long. Stand and draw! I discard to ride Sea Strolling Banshee! Her skill, I put an Oguchi Voyage from my deck to drop zone."

My eyes widened as he milled a Seven Seas card. What's that doing in his deck? I thought he played Cocytus.

"Then, Nightkid lets me draw. Turn end."

Hand: 6
Damage: 0
Drop: 2

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw! I ride Blue Espada Dragon from the Ride Deck! Espada's skill, I mill the top three cards of my deck. Since there's a Claret Sword among them, I add it to hand. Amergin's skill, since he was discarded, I scry three and put a Blue Espada into drop zone. The rest goes on the bottom of my deck. David's skill, I draw and get a Quick Shield."

With those three skills, I've set up three grade 1 cards in my drop zone already. I just needed another four.

"I activate Origin Mage, Ildona's skill from my hand! Since my vanguard is grade 1, I discard him to reveal the top ten cards of my deck, and if there's two or more grade 1 cards, I can add a grade 2 or greater card from among them to hand."

I flipped the top ten cards of my deck, revealing a Nemain and Rimmon. Unfortunately, I only had one grade 2 or greater target, that being my grade 3 Heal Guardian.

"I add Astral Chain Dragon to hand. The rest gets shuffled back. Now again, I discard another Ildona to activate the skill again!"

The great thing about Ildona is he isn't once per turn. I hard mulled for at least two copies of him, since his skill is only active when you're on grade 1.

I flipped 10 cards again, revealing Lluails and Amergin. There was a bit more choice for cards this time, but I ended just adding Claret for a future persona ride.

"God, it's like I'm playing against Highlander. Hurry up, I don't have all day."


I wondered if Kaido ever realised his attitude might be the reason why people don't want to play against him. At the very least, I now had five grade 1s in drop zone now, since Ildona becomes a grade 1 while in deck or drop.

"I call Nemain and use her skill to rest and superior call Lluails from my deck. Blue Espada, attack! (8000)"

"No guard."

"Drive check! (Death Feather Eagle) Critical trigger, all to vanguard! (8000 > 18000/1 > 2)"

"Damage check! (Seven Seas Apprentice, Nightrunner, Sea Cruising Banshee) Heal, I recover one."

"Turn end."

Hand: 6
Damage: 1
Drop: 3

Hand: 7
Damage: 0
Ritual: 5

"Stand and draw. I discard to ride Seven Seas Swordsman Lord, Nighthaze! Nighthaze's skill, I counterblast and mill 5 to put a Seven Seas from among them to hand."

So Kaido isn't playing Cocytus anymore... just like me, he's switched his deck for a more powerful one.

"I add Nightspinel. Then, I call Nightrunner, and use his skill! I bind him, mill the top two cards of my deck, and return Slash Shade to hand. I call Slash Shade and Raistutor to rear-guard."

Since Seven Seas' main gimmick is to gain Treasure markers when their attack hits, Kaido is trying to rush me in order to flood his board with as many Treasures as possible. Furthermore, it turns off Blaster Dark's skill, since I can't retire two.

However, since he knows I have a Heal Guardian in my hand, he's playing around it by putting Raistutor behind Slash Shade, ensuring his attack will hit even if I bump Blue Espada to 18k.

This puts me in a pinch where, I can either burn my Heal Guardian now to stop both attacks and get damage denied, or I could save it for Slash Shade's attack, since if Nighthaze hits, Kaido will likely put the marker on Slash Shade to make him 24k.

Either way, he's gaining an advantage from this set up. The best I can do is just stop both attacks in order to slow the momentum of his deck before it spirals out of control.

"Nighthaze attacks! (9000)"

"Heal Guardian, Astral Chain Dragon! (8000 > 23000) Skill, add +10k to vanguard! (23000 > 33000)"

"Drive check! (Seven Seas Helmsman, Nightcrow) Turn end."

Hand: 6
Damage: 1
Drop: 10

Hand: 6
Damage: 0
Ritual: 5

"Stand and draw. Glorification is only fitting for those in the light. Arise from the abyss and ride, Blaster Dark! Nemain's skill, I rest her and superior call Abyssal Owl! His skill, I soulblast to draw a card."

And with Blue Espada out of my soul, I was now at seven grade 1 cards. Next turn, I could fearlessly use Claret Sword.

"I call Branwen. Her skill, I scry 5 and... whiff. She gets 5k since I have three grade 1s in drop. (8000 > 13000) Blaster Dark attacks! (10000) Crossing Diablo!"

"No guard."

"Drive check! (Grim Revenger) Critical trigger, power to Branwen, critical to vanguard! (13000 > 23000) (10000/1 > 2)"

"Damage checks! (Seven Seas Pillager, Nightspinel, Rough Seas Banshee) Critical, all to vanguard. (9000 > 19000)"

"Boosted by Lluails, Branwen attacks! (23000 > 28000)"

"No guard. (Witch Doctor of the Seven Seas, Raistutor)"

Alright, I got him to four... next turn, I'll be sure to clinch it.

"Turn end!"

Hand: 6
Damage: 4
Drop: 10

Hand: 7
Damage: 0
Ritual: 7

"Stand and draw. Come face to face with your fate! The freezing judgment awaits you under the cold depths of the seven seas! Arise, prosecutor of the cursed seas on the other side! I discard to ride my avatar, Lord of the Seven Seas, Nightmist!"

"This is my Imaginary Gift. Protect I! I call Nighthaze and Nightspinel! Nighthaze's skill, I counterblast to mill 5 and add Raistutor to hand! Nightspinel's skill, I counterblast and mill two to superior call Nightrunner from my drop zone! Nightrunner's skill, I bind him and mill two to put Oguchi Voyage from drop to my hand!"

Kaido smirked as he added that grade 3 from drop zone. I grit my teeth, knowing exactly what would happen next.

"Awaken from your eternal slumber, spirit chained to the bottom of the cursed seas! Consume all in a whirlpool of judgment and freeze the fools that have sunk to the bottom! I call the strongest apparition, Grudgeful Spirit of the Seven Seas, Oguchi Voyage!"

"Nightcrow's skill in drop zone, I soulblast and retire Nighthaze to call him to rear-guard! Oguchi's skill, he gets +3k for each Seven Seas in my drop and bind zone! In total, I have seventeen, so he gets +51k! (12000 > 63000) Now, let's begin the assault. Battle!"

If I even so much as let one attack hit, his entire back row will be able to swing, including that massive Oguchi... but if I don't take a damage, I won't be able to use Claret's skill next turn. Damn it, what do I do...?

"Nightmist, attack! (12000) Freezing Smite!"

"Grim Revenger, guard! (10000 > 25000) Two to pass!"

"Twin Drive!! (Gust Djinn) Draw, I draw and give power to Nightspinel. (9000 > 19000) (Seven Seas Master Swordsman, Slash Shade) Nightspinel attacks! (19000)"

"Abyssal Owl guards! (20000)"

"Boosted by Raistutor, Slash Shade attacks! (9000 > 17000)"

Since this is his last attack, I have no choice but to take a damage here, or else I won't have anything to use for Claret's skill. While it's annoying to let him swing with Oguchi, at least I've managed to dodge a potential 24k swing from Slash Shade.

"No guard! (Cherishing Knight, Branwen)"

"Since the attack hit, I get a Treasure maker. Putting it on Raistutor's circle, allowing him to intercept. Nightmist's skill, since I have a Treasure marker, all my Seven Seas units can attack and intercept from the back row. That means Oguchi Voyage can attack! (63000) Purge into Negative Infinitude!"

"No guard! (Skull Witch, Nemain)"

"Since the attack hit, I get a Treasure marker. Putting it on Slash Slade's circle, giving him +15k. (9000 > 24000) Nightcrow attacks Branwen! (8000)"

It seems he's aiming to get a third Treasure marker in order to give his board +5k. Usually, I would let this attack hit, since it fuels my Ritual, but in my current situation, I have to guard it.

"Darkside Trumpeter! (23000)"

"Not bad. Turn end."

Hand: 9
Damage: 4
Drop: 20

Hand: 4
Damage: 2
Ritual: 8

"Stand and draw. Only the strong have the right to wield this sword! A true dictator overcomes adversity with strength, and strength alone! I ride my avatar, Claret Sword Dragon!"

"There it is. Ah, what a nostalgic feeling, fighting this card. Too bad it's you who's piloting it, and not Chisaki-senpai. He even had a cooler ride chant."

I know.

I know as I am right now, I'm nothing compared to your old rival.

I know that, try as I might, I'll never replace Chisaki in your heart.

Even so, just for a little...

I want you to acknowledge me, just like you acknowledged him...!

"Imaginary Gift: Force II! To the vanguard circle! (13000/1 > 2) Claret's skill, I scry 3 and put all of them into the drop zone for +30k! (13000 > 43000/2)"

"How cheeky, Ildona counts as a grade 1 in deck too. If it wasn't for that skill, you'd only be milling two."

"It's both a win and a loss. While it makes him a great target to mill with Claret, Branwen can't search him out."

"So? Your deck doesn't want to call him out anyways. If you did, it would mess up your Lluails' skill. He's only there to turbo seven grade 1s in drop."

"...you're right about that. And so far, I'm doing better than even seven."

My ritual right now was nine. I looked at a certain card in my hand and hovered over it. I was about to call it, but decided to use Nemain to fill my last rear-guard circle instead.

"Nemain's skill, I rest her and superior call Lluails from deck. All three of my Lluails' skill, they get +15k! (5000 > 20000) (5000 > 20000) (5000 > 20000) Branwen's skill, she gets +5k! (8000 > 13000) Let's rock. Claret Sword attacks! (43000/2) Septimum Eraser!"

"Cringe attack name. Rupture Eon is miles better. Protect I, perfect guard!"

"If you wanted to play Chisaki, you should just remote fight him instead of getting me to play. Twin Drive!! (Mage of Entwined Roots, Amergin, Astral Chain Dragon) Damn it..."

"Chisaki-senpai is too busy being good with Claret and wiping the floor with bad American players. By the way, get cucked loser."

"I can't heal, but I give power to Branwen. (13000 > 23000) Claret's skill, I counterblast and bind seven grade 1s in drop zone to restand the vanguard with drive -1! (43000/2/2d > 1d) Once again, Claret attacks! (43000/2/1d) Nihil Bloodriver!"

"What, are you not using your Skill?"

"...I'm saving it for later."

"You really are stupid. It's cute you think you'll get another turn after this one. Gust Djinn, perfect guard."

"Drive check! (Darkside Trumpeter) Critical, all to Lluails! (20000 > 30000/1 > 2) Boosted by Lluails, Lluails attacks! (30000 > 50000/2)"

"Raistutor intercepts from back row. I add Knight Spirit and Rough Seas to guard. (12000 > 22000 > 37000 > 52000)"

"Boosted by Lluails, Branwen attacks! (23000 > 43000)"

"No guard. (Knight Spirit) Wasted critical."

"Turn end..."

Hand: 3
Damage: 5
Drop: 25

Hand: 7
Damage: 2
Ritual: 2

"Stand and draw. My name is Mikazuchi Kaido, God of Gods! Look upon my works, ye scum of a lower plane, and kneel down! Persona Ride! Lord of the Seven Seas, Nightmist!"

I was this close to scooping from how obnoxious that ride chant was... is this how Kaido wins his fights? By being the bigger prick?

"This is my Imaginary Gift. Protect I! Let's kick it up a notch, shall we? Awaken from your eternal slumber, spirit chained to the bottom of the cursed seas! Consume all in a whirlpool of judgment and freeze the fools that have sunk to the bottom! I call a second copy of the strongest apparition, Grudgeful Spirit of the Seven Seas, Oguchi Voyage!"

Just my luck... if one wasn't bad enough, now a second one was on board. With two Treasure markers, he only needed one more to give his board an extra 5k. He was sure to force it out of me with those two Oguchi.

"I have nineteen Seven Seas in drop and bind zone, so both of my Oguchi get +57k! (12000 > 69000) (12000 > 69000) Nice. Battle! Oguchi attacks first! (69000) Purge into Negative Infinitude!"

If there was a benefit to being on low damage, it was being ale to safely take his large attacks without crippling my hand. As long as I don't give Kaido a 6th Treasure marker, I'll be fine.

"No guard! (Origin Mage, Ildona)"

"Since the attack hit, I get a Treasure marker. Now that I have three of them, Nightmist gives my entire board +5k! (24000 > 29000) (12000 > 17000) (9000 > 14000) (69000 > 74000) (69000 > 74000) (8000 > 13000) Nightcrow attacks! (13000)"

"Amergin! (23000)"

"Nightspinel! (14000)"

"Nemain! (23000)"

"Looks like I won't be getting any Treasures soon. Fine then, Nightmist attacks! (17000) Freezing Smite!"

Seeing as he didn't have enough attacks left to get all six markers in time for his vanguard's swing, he decided to forgo it in favour of passing possible triggers to his remaining two attacks.

"Belial Owl guards! (43000) No pass!"

"Twin Drive!! (Seven Seas Apprentice, Nightrunner, Rough Seas Banshee) Critical, power to Slash Shade, critical to Oguchi! (29000 > 39000) (74000/1 > 2) Slash Shade attacks! (39000)"

"You're kidding me... guard with Darkside Trumpeter and Grim Revenger! (43000)"

"Oguchi, clinch this! (74000/2) Purge into Negative Infinitude!"

"No guard! (Blue Espada Dragon, Claret Sword Dragon)"

"Since the attack hit, I get a Treasure marker. I only need two more... no, scratch that. I only need one more. Turn end."

Kaido smiled mysteriously. I don't like the way he said that... is he hiding a Skill from me? Or perhaps... his Balance Breaker?

Hand: 5
Damage: 5
Drop: 25

Hand: 2
Damage: 5
Ritual: 4

"Stand and draw..."

I looked over my hand and gulped. There was probably only one way I could turn this around... otherwise, if I don't win this turn, Kaido will.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I'll bet it all on this. I opened my eyes and slammed down my avatar.

"On this bloodstained stage of the world, a demonstration of might will overrule all the opposition! Slaughter the competition and pulverise the weaklings into dust! Persona ride my avatar, Claret Sword Dragon!"

"Lame ride chant is still lame."

"Isn't your one based on a poem we learn in class? Imaginary Gift: Force II! On the rear-guard circle. (20000/1 > 2) Claret's skill, I scry three and mill one grade 1. (13000 > 23000/2)"

"You learnt that poem at 16, I read that poem when I was 10. We are not the same."

"Ah... we really aren't. I think I'd hate myself if I ever ended up anything like you."

"I'm surprised you don't hate yourself already, stupid."

"I'm not that far gone yet, Kaido-senpai. I don't think so, at least..."

It's time to turn it all around.

"...though, you might think differently after seeing this."

"I'm ready for you to call down Dordona and call it your "secret tech", stupid."

"Dordona? C'mon, even I can do better than that. On a battlefield littered with corpses, only one man stands to reap them all! Destroy everything in sight, Knight of Foolhardiness, Lughaid! (13000/1 > 2)"

Kaido raised his eyebrows in surprise, before bursting out into laughter.

"This? This piece of hot garbage is your secret tech? Let me read it, I've never seen anyone play this trash before in my life."

"It's a simple card really. In fact, I'll use his first skill right now! I counterblast two and retire all my other rear-guards! You retire the same amount of rear-guards as the number of cards I retired!"

Since I called a grade 3 to rear-guard, it would shut off Lluails' power gain, making them useless on board. That's why I had no remorse getting rid of them, since they'd be more useful in drop zone thanks to their grade.

"What a desperate last ditch effort. It costs two counterblast, you don't even get to choose what to retire, and you can only wipe out four units at most... Lord, can this card get any worse? I retire everything except the Oguchi behind my vanguard."

"Actually, I can retire five if I also sack off Lughaid. However, I need to keep him around for his second skill."

"And what would that be?"

"I bind three grade 1 cards in my drop zone to draw one!"

"That one extra card isn't saving you from Oguchi next turn, Yuuto."

"Who said I was only drawing one? I have another seven cards in drop zone, Kaido-senpai."

"Huh... are you seriously going to bind six just to draw another two?"

"That's right. I use Lughaid's skill two more times!"

"You're asking to deck yourself out, stupid."

"That's not all though."

"There's more to this jank?"

My visor started glowing claret red.

"This is why I was saving my skill. Third Fist! Since a card was bound, my vanguard gets drive +1! (23000/2/2d > 3d)"

This was the reason I held off. By using Lughaid, I could increase Claret's drive checks before the battle even began.

"...am I supposed to be impressed?"

"It's five drive checks for a super compressed deck full of triggers."

"Which you probably drew three of from Lughaid. Also, did you forget what Imaginary Gift I have? You could have ten drives and things would still be the same. I'll perfect guard it either way."

"Then let's test that theory. Claret Sword Dragon, attack! (23000/2/3d) Septimum Eraser!"

"Protect I, perfect guard."

"Triple drive!! (Belial Owl) Critical trigger, all to Claret! (23000 > 33000/2 > 3) (Death Feather Eagle) Critical trigger, all to Claret! (33000 > 43000/3 > 4/3d) (Astral Chain Dragon) Heal trigger, healing a damage and power to Claret! (43000 > 53000/4/3d)"

Three triggers, just as I expected. Kaido continued to remain calm though, unfazed by what he just saw. I guess it'll take a lot more than this to impress him, huh?

"Claret's skill, I counterblast and bind Amergin for cost, since he counts as seven grade 1s in drop zone! I restand the vanguard with drive -1! (53000/4/3d > 2d) Claret attacks again! (53000/4/2d) Nihil Bloodriver!"

Claret, covered in cuts and bruises, got up once more with a tenacious smile on his face. Picking up his heavy sword that was on the verge of breaking, he raised it high and swung down, aiming to saw off Nightmist's head.

Nightmist, sitting comfortably in his golden throne, remained calm as Claret went in for a second attempt at his life. There wasn't a single trace of worry on his fearless poker face and calculating smile.

"Gust Djinn, perfect guard!"

All the force Claret could muster was met with an echoing pang, as his iconic sword became stuck in a dense wall of wind, courtesy of Gust Djinn, who materialised just in front of Nightmist.

"Twin Drive!! (Astral Chain Dragon) Heal trigger..."

"What awful luck. You can't heal since I'm at five damage, and you're at four."

"It's fine, I'll give all power to Lughaid. (13000 > 23000/2) Second check! (Dead Armour Dragon) Nothing..."

"So much for deck compression. You still somehow had grade 1s in deck."

Claret grumbled and passed the baton to Lughaid, who maliciously aimed his crackling lance at Nightmist.

"It happens, but what can you do? Lughaid attacks! (23000/2) Finish this!"

As his skull armoured steed charged down the battlefield, Lughaid's tattered red cape fluttered in rhythmic fashion with the wind.

"Rough Seas Banshee. (27000)"

I grit my teeth. He had just enough shield to stop it... and it was his last card in hand too...!

"Too bad. If you checked one more trigger, or even so much as had one more attack, you would've won this. What stopped you from calling another rear-guard, huh?"

"I... I wanted to save hand cards to guard against Oguchi..."

"Well, you wouldn't have to guard against Oguchi in the first place if you killed me this turn. You nearly had me for a moment, but then you fumbled it by not calling anything."

Kaido looked down on me with a cruel smirk.

"You could've won against me, but you threw it away."

...I messed up.

"...turn end."

Hand: 0
Damage: 5
Drop: 34

Hand: 9
Damage: 4
Ritual: 0

OST: Clavar La Espada

"Stand and draw. While that Lughaid's retire got rid of one of my Oguchi, did you forget which clan I play? You really are stupid if you thought getting rid my units would stop me."

Kaido picked up as a Treasure marker and threw it to the side.

"I play Granblue. Our speciality is revival! Oguchi's skill, I remove a Treasure marker from my rear-guard circle to revive two grade 2 or less Seven Seas from my drop zone! Resurrect from the depths of hell, Nightspinel and Nightrunner! Nightspinel's skill, I counterblast and mill two to revive Oguchi! Nightrunner's skill, I bind him and mill two to add Oguchi from drop to hand!"

Somehow, he went from one Oguchi to three of them... even with this nine card hand, there was no hope for me.

I wouldn't be able to guard all these attacks.

I was going to lose.

"Awaken from your eternal slumber, spirit chained to the bottom of the cursed seas! Consume all in a whirlpool of judgment and freeze the fools that have sunk to the bottom! I call the strongest apparition, Grudgeful Spirit of the Seven Seas, Oguchi Voyage! All three of their skills, since I have twenty one Seven Seas in drop and bind zone, they get +63k! (12000 > 75000) (12000 > 75000) (12000 > 75000) Slash Shade's skill, he gets +15k! (9000 > 24000) Nightmist's skill, all my units get +5k! (24000 > 29000) (12000 > 17000) (9000 > 14000) (75000 > 80000) (75000 > 80000) (75000 > 80000) Battle."

Even so... I have to keep trying.

"Nightspinel attacks! (14000)"

"Dead Armour! (23000)"

I have to keep going.

"My first Oguchi attacks! (80000) Purge into Negative Infinitude!"

If I give up now, all my time here would be wasted.

"No guard! (Belial Owl) Critical trigger, all to vanguard! (13000 > 23000)"

My eyes widened.

No matter how slim it is... there's still a chance I can survive.

There's still a possibility that I can win this... I just have to live.



"Since the attack hit, I get a Treasure marker. My second Oguchi attacks! (80000) Purge into Negative Infinitude!"

"I guard with Belial, Eagle, and Trumpeter! (23000 > 53000 > 68000 > 83000)"

"My third Oguchi attacks! (80000) Purge into Negative Infinitude!"

"I guard with Belial, and two Astral Chain! (23000 > 53000 > 68000 > 83000)"

"Slash Shade attacks! (29000)"

"Branwen! (33000)"

I only had one card left in hand.

"Nightmist, finish this! (17000)"

It was Claret Sword Dragon, a grade 3.

"Lay down the law, Freezing Smite!"

My vanguard was on 23000 power.

"...no guard!"

I had to bet everything on Kaido not getting a trigger here.

"One to pass, huh?"

If he did, I would lose.

"Yeah. You're the one who encouraged me to be riskier earlier, so I'm just following your advice."

If he didn't, I would win.

"There's smart risks and there's dumb risks. Unfortunately, your one is the latter."

That's how close the line between the winner and loser was.

"You weren't the only one thinning out your deck for triggers, Yuuto. I was as well."

While it's true he dug through his deck with Nighthaze, Nightspinel, and Nightrunner, none of them were selective mills, meaning triggers had also piled up in the drop zone as well.

"Then let's see who's luckier between you and me, senpai."

I was betting on that factor to get me through this. Even if his deck is thin, there's proportionately less triggers than normal units. I could tell by counting the number of triggers in his public zones.

"Twin Drive. First check! (Witch Doctor of the Seven Seas, Raistutor)"

Nightmist swung his cutlass up at Claret's head, but he leaned back to avoid it.

"Second check! (Knight Spirit) Critical trigger."

However, Nightmist smirked as he thrust his cutlass forward like a rapier, suddenly jamming it into Claret's chest.

"It's my win. All effects to vanguard! (17000 > 27000/1 > 2)"

As he did, a rush of ice expanded from Nightmist's blade, freezing Claret from in the inside out, trapping him in an iceberg of his own flesh and blood.

I knew there was no chance of me living. All four of my Heal triggers were out of deck.

This gamble had completely backfired on me.

"Damage checks... (Claret Sword Dragon) No trigger. Good game, Kaido-senpai."

"Good game, Yuuto."

Kaido looked satisfied to beat me. It seems he was happy with the outcome, even if it was victory by a trigger.

Personally, I felt frustrated by the whole thing. In hindsight, I don't know why I didn't call down another rear-guard to secure four attacks.

Kaido only had five cards in hand, one of them being a Protect gift. He'd burn it on guarding one of Claret's attacks, leaving him with three cards left to guard three other attacks. If their power exceeded the shield in his hand...

No, there was another way to victory. One I didn't see because I got caught up in the excitement of getting three triggers in three drive checks.

The power assignments. If I gave one of the three trigger's power to Lughaid... he would've been able to surpass the remaining guard in Kaido's hand and hit.

My rationale of putting everything on vanguard to force out the last three hand cards on Claret's swing was a misplay. I should've divvied up the power to ensure both my lanes were powerful, not just one.

Somehow... it reminded me of how I usually do things.

It's always putting everything on myself, then only when I've failed I resort to someone else for help.

I looked at Kaido, who I turned to last month in order to expel Oozora.

I've always been like this... huh?

"What are you moping around for? Get out of my room already."

Before I even realised it, Kaido was laying sideways on his bed, turned away from me.

"I'm knackered after that cardfight, so I'm going to take a nap. I can't sleep well if I know you're in here, leeching off the room I paid for."

"Right... sorry. Thanks for the game, senpai. It made me realise something."

"You're welcome, but don't ever expect another one again from me. This is a one-off occurrence because no one else wanted to play. Got it?"

"Yes, I understand... see you around, I guess."

"I hope not. If I see you in the Dream Team Challenge, I think I'll puke."

"The Dream Team Challenge?"

"It's something my father is setting up in the summer, or whatever. I don't know the full details, but I've heard whisperings about it from him. I'll probably join, just to flex on the peasants."

"I see... enjoy yourself, I suppose. I have no intention of returning back to Tokyo during the summer anyways."

As I turned my back to leave, I heard a soft rustling followed by an exacerbated sigh.

"And why's that?"

"...I don't need to tell you."

In the first place, I thought he wouldn't be interested in that kind of thing.

"So it has to do with your father, got it."

I tightened my fists.

I was about to leave the room when Kaido spoke up one more time.

"At the very least, visit for a week. There's someone I'd like you to meet."

"I thought you'd throw up if you saw me during the summer?"

"Who said I was going to meet you as well?"

"...fair enough. Who is this person?"

"If I told you, it'd ruin the surprise. Wait until then."


I sighed and opened the door to leave.

"Oh, and one more thing."

I looked over my shoulder.

"Stop making stupid mistakes, nerd. Otherwise, you've improved a little since last time."

I closed the door behind me, and left Kaido's room.

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