- Part 3

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After changing into my jersey, I went to get breakfast from the cafeteria. As I sat down to eat my meal alone, a pair of hands covered my sunglasses.

"Guess who?"

At first, I thought it was Yogen who was doing this, but after hearing that familiar voice, I was surprised to realise it was actually Yukina. She even giggled a little.

"You sure are cheery this morning, Yukina."

She removed her hands and peeked over my shoulder, smiling.

"I finally found you after all! I was getting a little worried since I hadn't seen you all morning..."

"...I accidentally slept in."

While it wasn't exactly the truth, it wasn't exactly a lie either. It's just a condensed down version of what happened last night.

"Oh... you did? When I asked Kouji-san, he said you weren't in the room at all when he woke up."

Huh... I wasn't expecting this. I wondered how I would get myself out of this one.

I can't exactly say I was sleeping in someone else's room, or else she'll get the wrong idea... and there's absolutely no way I can mention it was Chabashira-sensei's room either, otherwise that was just asking for trouble.

"...I slept outside."

Yukina knitted her eyebrows together.

"You... eh?"

"It was more peaceful that way. You know, being surrounded by the sounds of nature and stuff."

"Yuu, I think this is your worst lie yet..."

"I'm not lying."

I was totally lying.

"I'm pretty sure you are. In the first place, you'd never willingly choose to go outside. You're a shut-in through and through."

I froze, stunned by Yukina's brutal yet accurate comment. She laughed a little, patting my back. I can't believe she was using this to deduce my lie... and I can't believe she's teasing me over it too. This was more embarrassing than I'd like to admit.

"I assume I hit the nail on the head then. Your face says it all."

"My face has no expression... except maybe disappointment."

"At me? Or yourself?"


I cleared my throat, wanting to move away from the topic. Yukina nodded and sat across from me, her ahoge practically dancing as she did.

"Did you need something?"

"Hm? No, not really."

"Are you sure? I didn't ask you to visit me this morning."

"I know, but... for some reason, I just felt like I had to."

"Like you had to...?"

Yukina nodded her head. She was speaking on such vague terms, I didn't really understand what she meant by that.

"It sounds weird... but that's the best way I can describe it. There's nothing rational or logical about it. It's just something based entirely on my own feelings. Somewhere, deep down inside of me, was a burning urge to see you. It was nagging at me, telling me to go before it's too late. Otherwise... I would regret it."

I put down my chopsticks. So that's why she looked even more cheerful than usual, huh? I guess I really can't hide anything from Yukina after all.



"Thank you for everything you've done so far."

Yukina's eyes widened. Just as she was about to cut in, I continued speaking to stop her.

"I really shouldn't be telling you this, but I have some information about today's challenge that I need to share with you. It's important."

Swallowing what she was just about to say, Yukina nodded.

"What is it?"

"In today's challenge, both the boys and girls will be participating together. That means there's a chance we might run into each other."

When I said that, her eyes brightened a little. She must be getting the wrong idea...

"However, I want you to stay away from me as far as possible."


For some reason, fear leaked into Yukina's eyes.

"In fact, you should stick to your group as close as possible if you can, and avoid contact with the boys entirely altogether."

"...Yuu, are you planning something?"

"I'm not planning anything. It's what the others are planning that will make interacting with me, or the others, dangerous."

"Just what kind of challenge is this...?"

"I can't go into specifics, but point is, I don't want you getting caught up in the mess that's going on our side."

There's no reason to drag her into this one-sided madness. Yukina sighed, shaking her head.

"For a moment there, I had the entirely wrong train of thought. It's so like you to worry about me like that... I really should've expected this kind of thing from you."

"Of course I'd want to keep you safe. You're my partner. Without you supporting me, I can't do much."

"Then let me help you more! I already said I don't mind getting my hands dirty for you... so don't worry about things like that. Use me as you like. If there's something you need me to do, please just say it. No matter how hard or difficult it is, I'll make it happen."

"If that's the case... what I said is now an order."

I looked at Yukina straight in the eyes.

"I'm ordering you to stay out of this. Just focus on the task at hand today and win on the girl's side."

She pouted a little before begrudgingly accepting it with a smile.

"Ah, fine. I guess I can't go against your word after all..."


"But at the same time, can you promise me something?"


"Promise me you'll come see me after this is all over."

Yukina held out a pinky finger, trying her hardest to smile. I stretched out my hand and intertwined her finger with mine.

"I promise."

To think I'd be making two promises in one day...

It was embarrassing to do it in public, but if it'd reassure her, then I don't mind.

After all, I had no intentions of dying from the start.

...but on the off chance I really am beaten, and today would be my last day...

...I wanted to at least tell Yukina how much she meant to me.

Both as a person, and as a friend.

And maybe, even...

The shadow swayed.

...or maybe, not yet.

"...thank you for being the only real friend I've ever had."

Without even realising it, I voiced the feelings I'd never been able to for years.

Even though I would've struggled saying it normally, the words came out without hesitation this time.

Was it because I had already done this before with Chabashira-sensei...?

Still, the lingering fear creeping down my spine wouldn't leave my body.

It might've been my imagination, but I thought I could feel Yukina tighten her finger around mine.

She moved her face forward, closing the distance between us, and practically forced me to look into her eyes.

Her lips parted, like she wanted to say something, but instead she stopped herself and held back.

"I'm really happy to hear that, Yuu."

I wondered what she was about to say in that moment.

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