- Part 5

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While I'd love to stay around and chat with them, I had to rendezvous with Ikeda in a couple of minutes.

"Thanks for paying for my meal, Ryouta-san."

"No problem, it was a pleasure dining with you."

Like usual, we shook with our left hands.

"Just before I go... may I enquire something?"

"Hm? What is it?"

"When are you going to change classes?"

When I brought that topic up, Akihiro's eyes widened. Meanwhile, Masamoto and Tamaki (I had gotten her permission to call her that while eating) both looked at me strangely.

"Uh... hopefully, never?"

Ryouta chuckled slightly afterwards. I raised an eyebrow.

"But you lost that challenge with Shimada-san."

"Yes... that much is true. However, the reason why I'm still in A Class is because of everyone else."

Ryouta looked at Tamaki and Masamoto with a gentle smile.

"When the results were revealed, I announced to everyone that I would be leaving A Class to whichever class Shimada-san desired since it was my loss. However, there was a giant outcry, and everyone in class protested this decision."

"It was certainly quite the spectacle. Ishima-san and Yogen-san were the first to speak out against Shimada, and everyone else naturally followed." Masamoto said.

"Yes... it's a little embarrassing, but I just thought it wasn't right that Ryouta-kun had to leave our class over such a slim defeat, especially since Shimada-san didn't even get 100% himself. I think it's more impressive that the gap between them was only 2%, since it shows just how hard Ryouta-kun worked in order to keep up with someone who has photographic memory. In my eyes, he won." Tamaki said.

"I agree. In the first place, our class only agreed to this challenge because we wanted Shimada out, and this was the only way to force his hand. Even if Ryouta-san lost, I don't think any of us would actually support the decision."

"Exactly! We all rallied besides Ryouta-kun and made it clear to Shimada-san that we weren't going to let him leave just because of this result. And guess what happened?"

Tamaki, with a cheeky grin, nudged Ryouta as he scratched his cheek and smiled to himself timidly.

"Because of their support... Shimada-san changed his mind. Even he, someone who operates purely on his own whims, could see just how much they didn't want me to go. In the end, he told me to transfer to A Class as the outcome of our challenge."

So that's how Ryouta got to stay in A Class, huh?

It seems Shimada was bemused enough by A Class's antics that it made him change his mind on the outcome. Though... knowing him, he probably also let Ryouta stay because he was bored with him.

This challenge proved that Ryouta wasn't going to sate his hunger for competition. If anything, that desire to find a close match had been shifted to me instead, because he recognised me from... <that>.

As such, he probably doesn't have a reason to fight Ryouta anymore. And if that's the case, whichever class he belonged to would become irrelevant.

Even so, Shimada still could've pissed everyone else by forcing Ryouta to transfer elsewhere, but I think he didn't, partially because he understood just how much moving him to another class would drastically alter the current power dynamic in our year.

A Class would be at a severe disadvantage if they gave away their leader for free. It'd be like if E Class gave away Zyriot to us. We would absolutely dominate the interclass war if that was the case.

Likewise, the power scale would immediately tip in favour to whichever class Ryouta joined. Despite his innocent appearance, his ability to pull off schemes rivalled mine. To this day, I'm still shocked by his bold strategy of leaking A Class's exam.

"What a shame. I was going to offer you a place in our class."


For some reason, Ryouta looked surprised. I nodded.

"I think you'd make for a valuable asset. Aside from Nora-san, we don't have that many bright people in our class."

"Ah... while I do appreciate the sentiment, I probably would've declined your offer."

"I see."

Seeing my reaction, Ryouta bowed his head apologetically.

"Sorry, I hope it didn't come across as rude... it's just, when it happened to me, I was aiming to join B Class. That's all."

B Class, huh? I guess that makes sense. He'd only be a class away from regaining his original status, and if things go well enough, he could've usurped Machida as the male class representative, even more so now that Machida's faction was disbanded.

To be honest, imagining Ichinose and Ryouta in the same class scared me a little. Adding Ryouta's tactics to Ichinose's natural charisma would make for a deadly combination. Plus, they'd even work well together, since they have similar personalities.

"Nah, it's fine. I didn't take it that way."

"Phew, I'm glad..."

I waved goodbye to the four of them and took my leave, heading to the pool. Once there, I sent a message to Ikeda saying that I had arrived. He quickly sent me a message back saying he'd find me.

I was going to go into the area to try and find him, but since he was coming to me, I didn't bother. While waiting, I peered inside the pool area to see how everything was like.

It definitely seemed chaotic as students from all year groups were scattered around in the pool, enjoying themselves by swimming, diving, or just laying down in the refreshing water.

Some of them were just relaxing by the pool, dipping their feet in while talking to their friends. Others weren't using the pool, but rather reclining on the deck chairs set up on the sidelines, enjoying the gorgeous warmth of the sun and the fabulous ocean view.

If I had to guess, there was at least forty or so people there. However, due to how wide the pool was, it didn't look cramped at all. If anything, there was more than enough space to fit another hundred people in here easily.

"Yo, Takanori."

I looked over my shoulder to see who called out to me. As I did, I quickly looked away and put my hands over my eyes.

"What, you don't recognise me?"

As she came closer, I shuffled away. Eventually however, she grabbed my wrist and yanked me towards her.



It was Kurosaki, who grinned while holding me captive by the wrist. Because of her death grip, I couldn't move at all. Despite her modest appearance, she was actually really strong...

"Hey. Is something wrong? You were acting like we were total strangers earlier."

Now that I was up this close to her, I could smell the gentle fragrance of honey and milk wafting from her silky long hair. Was this the shampoo she used...? It was really pleasant.

"That's because... uh, well..."

As I tried to explain myself to her, something else was distracting me entirely.


"...do I even need to mention it?"

"Oh, you mean this?"

Kurosaki smiled, pointing at her revealing two piece bikini. She wore it with such style and confidence, it became difficult to look at her properly without getting distracted by the allure of her mature, charming body.

I'm not one to get embarrassed easily, but seeing a woman like this in front of me... it definitely made me feel shy just from looking at her face, which had also started to tan.

"Fu fu fu. Do you like it?"

"O-oh, yeah... it's very good, it suits you a lot. You definitely seem more... mature in it."

I was honestly at a loss for words. I was trying to genuinely compliment her, but because of my nervousness, it ended up sounding insincere instead. Even so, Kurosaki didn't seem to mind. She was smiling gently the entire time.

In fact, with how boldly she was acting, I think she was already well aware of how good she looked in this swimsuit. She didn't need my validation at all. My opinion was completely unnecessary.

"Fu fu, I'm glad to hear. I picked this out especially just for you."

As she whispered the last part in my ear, I jumped.


"Fu fu fu! Your reaction is priceless!"

Instead, Kurosaki burst into a laughing fit. I looked away, scratching my cheek. Seeing this, she calmed down a little and ruffled my hair.

"Aww, I'm sorry. I was only messing with you."

"I-I could tell... you got me good, senpai."

I sighed, crossing my arms. Well, if I wasn't already embarrassed before, I was definitely embarrassed now...

"I'm glad to see you were at least shocked by it. When I tried that line on Kishou, all he did was raise his eyebrow at me."

If anything, that's an achievement. Kishou's face is more static than ice. Getting any muscle on his face to move is impressive.

"Just how many people have you told that line to...?"

"Hm, maybe about four or so people? Including you, of course."

Those poor guys... except Kishou. They probably had the shock of their life, like me. Especially when she leaned in close and whispered into my ear like that... my heart is pounding.

It makes me wonder what it'd be like if Shinomiya did that to me. Actually, I think I'd explode into little bits from happiness... especially if she wore something as revealing as Kurosaki's bikini.

"If I can ask, who were the unlucky bastards?"

"Kishou, Ken, and Hagane."

She was really out for blood today, huh...? That's three of the most powerful people at our school that she casually said that line to...

"Let me guess, Shiori-nee chased you down to the ends of the earth when she found out you said that to Ken-nii?"

"Surprisingly, no. But that's because she doesn't know about it... yet."

"I'm sure she'll find out sooner or later, knowing how obedient Ken-nii is..."

"Fu fu, that guy can't keep a secret to save his life when it comes to her. It's impressive just how persuasive Shiori can be."

"Well, she knows everything about him. And I mean... everything."

If they weren't siblings, Ken and Shiori would be an unstoppable power couple. Unfortunately for them, they're twins related by blood. Perhaps that's why they're so close?

"Hey, Takanori-san!"

Cutting between mine and Kurosaki's conversation was Ikeda, who was running towards me with his girl posse in tow.

"Oh... Ikeda-san. Hey."

"Friends of yours?" Kurosaki asked.

"More like... acquaintances. We were gonna have a cardfight, but I got pulled away for some other business, so we couldn't have it until now."

"Ooh, sounds like fun. Mind if watch?"

"Go ahead. Ikeda-san's friends are also watching."

"Honestly, for a moment, I thought that was his harem."

"To be fair, he is popular enough to have one..."

Not even the girls liked Matsushita this much. Between the two of them, Ikeda was the quintessential ikemen. I wasn't sure if there was a cooler guy in our year.

When Ikeda, Nakasato, Uramoto, and Yokouchi approached us, they stopped and staggered back a little seeing Kurosaki. She waved at them nonchalantly while the girls made a grossed out face. Ikeda raised his eyebrows and pointed at her.

"Is this your girlfriend, Takanori-san?"

"...where did that come from?"

"Well, you two are alone together, and she's in a bikini, and you're blushing, and..."

"Oi, don't get the wrong idea... she's just one of my senpai."

"Ah. Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Ikeda Arata, from 1st Year C Class, but Arata is just fine."

Sweeping his hair back and holding out his hand, Ikeda smiled charmingly at Kurosaki.

"Ikeda, eh? Nice to meet you. I'm Kurosaki Ginko, 2nd Year A Class."

She shook his hand. The C Class girls standing before Ikeda gasped, before muttering amongst themselves with jealous faces.

"Woah, A Class?! Takanori-san, you know someone as important as her?!"

Ikeda's cool demeanour immediately wore off learning of Kurosaki's status. She laughed strangely, shaking her hand no.

"Fu fu, don't worry. I'm harmless. I'm more like an alien in that class."

"Really? I would've never guessed..."

While saying those words, Ikeda's eyes trailed down to her chest, before glancing back up at her eyes. Was he checking her out...?

"Is it alright if we fight over there?"

I sighed and pointed over to the nearby seating area of the cruise ship, which had cool shade thanks to the parasols attached to every circular table that was laid out.

"Sure thing. Girls, you coming?"

"Of course, Arata-kun!"

I was kind of freaked out by how synced up Nakasato's, Uramoto's, and Yokouchi's responses were. The six of us moved over there, with me and Ikeda sitting at one table, and the girls sitting on another.

Somehow, there was more tension between them and Kurosaki than there was between me and Ikeda... and it wasn't blatant tension either, it was really passive aggressive.

Even so, Kurosaki seemed to ignore it, and even waved in my direction when she saw me gazing at their table.

"Ha ha, you like Kurosaki-senpai, don't you?"

While shuffling his deck, Ikeda made light conversation with me.

"That's a strong word. It's nothing like that."

"This entire time, you've been staring at her though."

"You were doing the same earlier..."

"That's because I was surprised by her sexy body..."

Ikeda pouted, blushing slightly. At the very least, I could relate to getting embarrassed in Kurosaki's presence.

"And besides, it wasn't because I was checking her out or anything! I don't really find boobs all that appealing."

If I was Mitsuba, I'd probably respond with something like, "Oh, you're an ass man, eh?" or something perverted like that.

"I get what you mean. There's more to a woman than just their looks."

"Exactly! It makes feel so bad for these girls, since they're always trying their best to look beautiful for other people's sake..."

Ikeda's eyes trailed off, looking at Nakasato, Uramoto, and Yokouchi.

"I just wish they'd stop having such high standards for themselves. How they are now is perfectly fine. There's no need to be beautiful if they have a good personality... I wish they'd understand that."

Honestly, after hearing that, I found even less reason I found to hate or even dislike Ikeda. Despite being an ikemen, he seemed like a genuine and well meaning person just from his passionate words. He wasn't sleazy or perverted, nor was he toxic with his morals.

It's hard to explain, but compared to Matsushita, you could tell Ikeda was more honest with his feelings. It was kind of like he had an air of naivety that barred him from lying.

Then again, this is just my first impression of him. He might be hiding something beneath the surface that makes him just as bad as Matsushita. I really doubt that, though...

"Yeah. Being yourself is the most important thing of all..."

I felt like a hypocrite as those words left my mouth. Even so, Ikeda nodded in innocent agreement.

"If only Kinoshita-san also felt that way. Maybe then, she wouldn't have to keep up this silly act."

Ikeda sighed. I looked at my opening hand.

"You really care about Suzune-chan, huh?"

"I care for everyone in my class. But I care for her more than the others, because I know just how stressful it is to be a leader. I'm not very good at leading others, but I am very good at listening to their problems. So at the very least, I'll do my best to support Kinoshita-san emotionally. And the first step towards that is making it possible for you and her to be together again."

Ikeda grinned and pointed at himself.

"So I'll be your opponent in your struggle to C Class, Takanori Yuuto-san!"

"...bring it, Ikeda-san."

Even though I said those provocative words, deep down, I appreciated his thoughtfulness. Maybe, my relationship with Ikeda doesn't have to be one of hatred, but rather one of mutual respect and high competition, like with Zyriot.

"Stand up, Vanguard!"

"Promising Knight, David!"

"Running Sniper!"

Ikeda's clan was Spike Brothers, huh? My mind cast back to the fight between Nibiiro and Oozora, where Nibiiro crushed him with Rising Nova's explosive copying skills.

"Good luck, Arata-kun!" Nakasato shouted.

"You've got this!" Yokouchi cheered.

"Arata-kun, I believe in you!" Uramoto squealed.

"Thanks for the encouragement girls. I won't let you down."

Ikeda smiled at them, making them scream in delight. Must be nice having cheerleaders...

I looked over at Kurosaki to see if she had anything to say to me, but she was currently preoccupied sipping on a mock-tail she had ordered. I sighed, realising I was on my own for this one.

Whatever, I don't need support or words of encouragement. This is the way I've always done things... I'm used to it by now.

"Stand and draw! I discard a card and ride Gyro Slinger! Sniper's skill, I draw! Slinger's skill, I put a card from hand into soul, scry the same grade as my vanguard, then I can either call it or botdeck it. I call Machine Gun Gloria to rear-guard with +5k! (8000 > 13000) Then, I'll call Wonder Boy, and use his skill to botdeck the Agile Fullback I discarded to get +5k. (8000 > 13000) Turn end!"

This was definitely an unconventional deck. Gyro Slinger, Gloria, Wonder Boy... these were all units Nibiiro didn't use. Was his deck like Mikitaka's, and aimed to amass soul for a huge Coyote swing?

Hand: 4
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Stand and draw! I ride Blue Espada Dragon from the Ride Deck! Espada's skill, I scry three and put them all into the drop zone. David's skill, I draw and get a Quick Shield ticket. I discard Ildona to use his skill! I reveal the top ten cards of my deck, and if there are two or more grade 1s, I add a grade 2 or greater card from among them to hand."

There was Amergin and Rimmon, so I added a Heal Guardian to defend myself from a possible rush turn 2, since I know Spike Brothers are good at that.

"I choose Astral Chain Dragon, grade 3. I call Nemain and rest her to call Lluails from deck. Blue Espada attacks! (8000)"

"No guard!"

"Drive check! (Knight of Foolhardiness, Lughaid)"

Seeing this, Kurosaki perked her head and got up, wandering over to our table to have a closer look.

"What the heck is that? (Cheerful Lynx) Draw trigger, I draw one."

"That's what I'm also thinking. I've never this card before..."

Kurosaki hummed, leaning over my shoulder to read the card in my hand. Again, her dreamy scent tickled my nose, making me shiver.

"You guys shouldn't think too hard about it... turn end."

I sighed, making Kurosaki laugh strangely.

"So you've changed the deck since last time you fought Kishou, hm?"

"Y-you fought the King?!"

Ikeda nearly lost it when Kurosaki casually brought it up.

"I did... and lost."

I quickly clarified my position before Ikeda could get the wrong impression of me. Even so, judging by the shock on his face, he was really impressed. Somehow, I felt a little better than before...

"It was quite the spectacle though. I've never met anyone ballsy enough to only run two grade 2s in their deck."

"It's now only one grade 2 because of the Ride Deck."

"Y-you only used two grade 2s before the Ride Deck...?"

Now Ikeda was looking at me like I was insane.

"Fu fu, indeed he did. Though, it just makes me more excited to see how you'll use Lughaid later."

Kurosaki smiled, patting my shoulders as encouragement. Why does my face feel hot...?

Hand: 5
Damage: 1

Hand: 7
Damage: 0
Ritual: 4

"I'll admit, I've never played against Claret Sword, so this'll be interesting... my turn, stand and draw! I discard a card and ride Adorbs Perm, Rona! Rona's skill, I counterblast and superior call Juggernaut Maximum from my deck! Juggernaut's skill, he gets +10k! (13000 > 23000) Wonder Boy's skill, he goes into soul and I superior a copy of him from deck! Then, I'll use the Wonder Boy who was just called to botdeck my MaxMax and get +5k! (8000 > 13000)"

Slowly, I was starting to understand Ikeda's deck. After seeing that Juggernaut Maximum Maximum in the drop zone, I was almost certain that was his avatar.

He was using a lot of cards that go into soul during the main phase, which would fulfil both the heavy soulblast 3 cost and calling four units that turn.

"I call Agile Fullback behind vanguard, giving him the ability to swing from the back row this turn! Fullback swings! (10000)"

"Heal Guardian, Astral Chain Dragon! (8000 > 23000) My vanguard gets +10k! (23000 > 33000)"

Looks like I made a wise choice grabbing this, since Ikeda was rushing me. I don't know why he did though, considering he knew I had this... maybe he did it on purpose to make me burn it early? Either way, I wasn't going to let myself get pushed back to three just yet.

"Rona! (10000)"

"No guard, one to pass!"

"Drive check! (Breach Spurt) Nothing... boosted by Gloria, Juggernaut attacks! (23000 > 31000)"

"No guard! (Astral Chain Dragon) Heal trigger... but I can't heal."

"Damn, unlucky. Turn end!"

Hand: 5
Damage: 1
Soul: 4

Hand: 6
Damage: 1
Ritual: 4

"Stand and draw! Glorification is only fitting for those in the light. Arise from the abyss and ride, Blaster Dark! Amergin's skill, I scry three and put Ildona to drop zone. The rest goes on the bottom of my deck. Nemain's skill, I rest her and superior call Abyssal Owl! Owl's skill, since we're the same grade, I soulblast to draw one."

Here, I had two options. I could either rush and attack Ikeda's vanguard to push him to three, making my turn 3 more impactful, or I could swing into his rear-guard to deny him counterblast and to prevent a second Juggernaut from spawning.

Considering the nature of his deck, it doesn't use that much counterblast to begin with. Juggernaut MaxMax only used soul, and the other cards gained power for free. I would just be wasting my time by denying him.

"Blaster Dark, attack! (10000) Crossing Diablo!"

Recently, it feels like I haven't been able to use Blaster Dark's Twin Drive that often. People really like playing around him... maybe I should consider using another grade 2 as my ride target.

"No guard!"

"Drive check! (Belial Owl) Critical trigger, power to Owl, critical to vanguard! (5000 > 15000) (10000/1 > 2)"

"Damage checks! (Agile Fullback, Breach Spurt)"

"Boosted by Lluails, Owl attacks! (15000 > 20000)"

"Sonic Breaker! (25000)"

"Turn end."

Hand: 4
Damage: 3
Soul: 4

Hand: 8
Damage: 1
Ritual: 7

"I'm really feeling the pinch now... stand and draw! I discard a card and ride Exceptional Expertise, Rising Nova!"

In hindsight, I probably should've seen this coming. Due to his ability to get two Force markers and copy skills, Rising Nova was definitely the best boss to pick when building a Spike Brothers deck, since he could essentially be two vanguards at once.

Seeing MaxMax, I knew one of his copy targets would be him. I'm guessing his other target will either be Bullspike or Cyclone, since he's built up enough soul to move around markers, and has enough counterblast to double restand Juggernaut with Cyclone.

"Imaginary Gift: Force I and II! Both to the left rear-guard circle. Juggernaut, Fullback, and Wonder Boy's skills! They all go into soul and I superior call another copy of Fullback and Wonder Boy!"

Strange, he didn't call another Juggernaut down. Did he run out of copies in his deck? I guess the other one must be in his hand.

"Fullback's skill, he gets +10k and can attack from the back row! (10000 > 20000) Wonder Boy's skill, I botdeck Dexter to give him +5k! (8000 > 13000 > 23000/1 > 2) Let's start this with Fullback from the back! (20000)"

Surprisingly, he didn't use Rising Nova's copy skill. I'm starting to get really confused at what the point of this deck is...

"Grim Revenger! (25000)"

"Rising Nova! (13000)"

"Branwen! (20000) One to pass."

"Twin Drive!! (Ambush Dexter, Cheer Girl, Marilyn) Draw trigger! I draw, and give all to vanguard! (13000 > 23000)"

"Damage check! (Darkside Trumpeter) Critical trigger, all to vanguard. (10000 > 20000)"

"Boosted by Gloria, Wonder Boy attacks! (23000 > 31000/2)"

"No guard! (Mage of Entwined Roots, Amergin, Strict Order Knight, Lluails)"

"Turn end!"

I'm still not sure what the point of that turn was. He didn't commit that many cards down, so is he missing a combo piece? Maybe he discarded the MaxMax earlier thinking he'd find another one, but didn't?

In any case, I need to capitalise on this lacklustre turn 3 as much as possible next turn. It should be easy to blow through his seven card hand with what I have in mind.

Hand: 7
Damage: 3
Soul: 8

Hand: 5
Damage: 4
Ritual: 8

OST: Gluttony Fang II

"Stand and draw! Only the strong have the right to wield this sword! A true dictator overcomes adversity with strength, and strength alone! I ride my avatar, Claret Sword Dragon!"

"Imaginary Gift: Force II! On the vanguard circle. (13000/1 > 2) Claret's skill, I scry three and mill two grade 1s from among them, giving Claret +20k! (13000 > 33000/2)"

There were nine grade 1s in drop. I can do this.

"Nemain's skill, I rest her and superior call a copy of her to rear-guard. Kurosaki-senpai, you wanted to see what this card could do, right? It's time to show you. On a battlefield littered with corpses, only one man stands to reap them all! Destroy everything in sight, Knight of Foolhardiness, Lughaid!"

"Damn, you even have a call chant ready for him? Just how important is he to your deck?"

Ikeda was surprised to see me give so much attention to this card, when it's just meant to be a tech. I shrugged lightly.

"You'll understand once I use his skills. Speaking of which, Lughaid's on call skill activates! I counterblast two and retire three rear-guards to make you retire the same amount!"

"Considering I only have three... it's a whole board wipe. Fair enough. Is that all though?"

"Nope. We haven't even gotten to the good part yet. But first, I call Blue Espada Dragon! I scry three and add Claret to my hand. The rest goes to drop. Since I have five grade 1s in drop, he gets +10k! (8000 > 18000)"

Now, there were thirteen grade 1s in my drop zone. It's time to do it.

"Lughaid's second skill! I bind three grade 1s in drop zone to draw a card! Skill, activate!"

My visor started glowing claret red.

"Third Fist! When a card is bound, my vanguard gets drive +1! (33000/2/2d > 3d)"

Ikeda's eyes widened. Kurosaki smiled, laughing strangely.

"Fu fu... fu fu fu! So it turns Claret's triple drive into a penta drive... how innovative of you. I like it, Takanori."

"W-what?! You can do that?!"

Hearing Kurosaki's praise and seeing Ikeda's surprise cheered me up from earlier, when I showed Kaido this and he had no reaction to it. At least they could see it's worth...

"Not only that, but Lughaid isn't once per turn either. I could keep going and bind another nine cards to draw three."

"You're not going to do that, are you...?"

"Why not? It puts seven grade 1s into my bind zone. You know what that means?"

Ikeda gasped, immediately pointing at Amergin.

"You can just bind that for the cost of Claret!"

"Exactly. I'm netting cards in hand and restanding my vanguard. It's a win-win for me."

Ikeda gritted his teeth, smiling slightly.

"Ha... I knew you were good, but not this good. Damn, I can't even be mad at you for this. This is super cool, Takanori-san!"

"Thank you. Now I'll use Lughaid's skill to bind nine grade 1s in my drop zone and draw three! I call Ildona and Amergin! Let's rock. Boosted by Nemain, Claret attacks! (33000 > 38000/2/3d) Septimum Eraser!"

Ikeda sighed, mulling over his hand with a concentrated expression.

"Eh... this is going to be risky, but... n-no guard."

"Are you sure? You're on three damage, and I'm swinging for two critical and triple drive."

"Yes... I have to take this first attack if I want to live."

"Alright. Triple drive!! (Cherishing Knight, Branwen, Astral Chain Dragon) Heal trigger, healing a damage and all to Ildona! (13000 > 23000) (Perennial Knight, Rimmon) Nothing."

Ikeda breathed a deep sigh of relief. He sure was lucky that I didn't see any of my twelve critical. Then again, I did draw into two of them with Lughaid, so maybe I'm just unlucky...

"D-damage checks! (Wonder Boy, Cheerful Lynx) Draw trigger! All to vanguard and draw one! (13000 > 23000)"

"Claret's skill! I counterblast and bind Amergin to restand the vanguard with drive -1! (33000/2/3d > 2d) Claret, attack once more! (33000/2/2d) Nihil Bloodriver!"

"Marilyn, perfect guard!"

"So you were saving it for the second swing? Twin Drive!! (Darkside Trumpeter) Critical trigger! Power to Lughaid, critical to Ildona! (13000 > 23000) (23000/1 > 2) (Belial Owl) Critical trigger! Power to Ildona, critical to Lughaid! (23000 > 33000/2) (23000/1 > 2)"

Of course I hit double critical now, rather than when he no guards... even so, Ikeda looks freaked. At this point, the two critical on my other swings are meaningless since he's at five damage, but the power on each column is real.

If it weren't for that defensive trigger, he'd have a much harder time guarding these last two attacks with that six card hand of his.

"Boosted by Amergin, Lughaid attacks! (23000 > 31000/2)"

"Cameron guards! (38000)"

"Boosted by Espada, Ildona attacks! (33000 > 51000/2)"

For a moment, I did consider using Ildona's skill to retire two rear-guards and draw two. However, doing so would put me at a disadvantage next turn, since I'd use up my last counterblast and lock myself out being able to use Claret's skill.

It'd also be easy for Ikeda to damage choke me, since he has a Force II marker. All, if not most, of his swings will be two critical, meaning I wouldn't be able to take any for open damage. I'd be stuck doing a vanilla turn and lose almost all my tempo.

The me in the past would've use that skill without hesitation in order to have an even bigger hand. However, as I am now, I realised it would be a mistake to do it. I'd be getting greedy.

"Double Silence Joker guards! (23000 > 38000 > 53000)"

"That's it from me. Turn end!"

Hand: 3
Damage: 5
Soul: 8

Hand: 11
Damage: 4
Ritual: 0

"Seriously, that turn was too close for comfort... stand and draw! I'll start things off by rebuilding my field! I call Breach Spurt (10000 > 20000/1 > 2), Machina Gun Gloria, Juggernaut Maximum Maximum, and Ambush Dexter! Dexter's skill, I counterblast and put MaxMax into soul to superior call another MaxMax from deck, and finally..."

Suddenly, the atmosphere around Ikeda turned dark and gloomy. For a split second, I could feel a gripping darkness ooze out from behind him. Behind me, Kurosaki laughed to herself strangely.

"Fu fu... things are becoming really interesting now."

"Here comes the heavy dust storm that devours the dew on the grass and bumps all obstacles in our way! Kick off a long ball and scorch the field in a blitz of hunger and suffering! I superior call my avatar, Great Demon Emperor, Dudley Emperor "Яeverse"!"


Those words escaped my lips as I saw Ikeda slam down this card onto the field. I could just faintly see a haze of black and red trail off the card like smoke.

"You have... a Яeverse...?"

I would've never thought that Ikeda would be one to own a mysterious card like this. Even so, I wouldn't let this unexpected card scare me. I've seen Яeverse units like this before, at least twice. After awhile, the shock factor decreases.

"Yeah. Originally, I played Dudley, so my avatar was Dudley Emperor. After... some things happened, I experienced Inverse Syndrome, and as a result, these cards appeared."

As Ikeda said those words, there was a bittersweet tone in his voice. It sounded like he went through something painful to obtain this card, so I won't prod him for an explanation.

After seeing Alice get her "Я" through an unbelievable amount of fear, panic, and stress, I can't imagine what kind of similar hell Ikeda went through to get his, especially since he seems to be so normal and well adjusted on the outside.

In fact, I didn't even think this side of him existed. He was so earnest, it feels like tonal whiplash to see him with this card.

"Well, it's all in the past now! Don't pity me too much, please."

Even so, Ikeda grinned and laughed it off. Kurosaki wandered to his side with an intrigued face, leaning forward to read the card for herself. He flinched in surprise seeing her get so up close, while the C Class girls glared at Kurosaki from the other table.

"By itself, Dudley Emperor "Яeverse" doesn't seem all that impressive... but when you combine it with Juggernaut Maximum Maximum, something amazing happens, doesn't it?"

Ikeda smirked at Kurosaki's cryptic words.

"You've got it spot on, senpai. Rising Nova's skill! I soulblast and copy the skills of MaxMax and Dudley Emperor "Яeverse"!"

Instead of returning to my side or the girl's table, she pulled up a seat and sat down at our table for the first time.

"Let me see it. Your seven drive frenzy."

For some reason, it kind of annoyed me that Kurosaki gave more attention to his combo than mine... it's not that cool, is it?

"With pleasure! Takanori-san, you ready for this?"

Ikeda seemed all fired up now, as he had his battle face on. I nodded.

"Alright! Boosted by Gloria, Breach Spurt attacks! (20000 > 28000/2) Breach's skill, I botdeck a normal unit to force all your units to intercept! However, at the end of the battle, he goes into soul and I draw a card."

"Good thing I only run one grade 2... Branwen and Rimmon guard! (33000)"

"Before Breach goes into soul, I use Gloria's skill to make them both go on the bottom of my deck and draw a card! And since Breach's draw isn't reliant on him going to soul, I draw a card from him too! Skill, activate!"

Ikeda's visor began glowing dark blue.

"Caligula Bomb! When a rear-guard is put into my deck during my battle phase, I countercharge one! Then, skill gained from Emperor! When a rear-guard is put into my deck during my battle phase, I lock a standing rear-guard to give my vanguard +10k! Then, I discard a card to get drive +1! Since two rear-guards were returned, I do it twice, locking Dexter and MaxMax and discarding two! (13000 > 23000/2d > 3d) (23000 > 33000/3d > 4d)"

Looks like I'm not the only one who can get extra drives, huh... still though, four drive checks is no joke. Like me, Ikeda's been compressing his deck by calling out copies of normal units. The chance of him getting triggers was very high.

"Now, Rising Nova attacks! (33000/4d) Skill gained from Emperor again! Since I have no grade 2 or lower rear-guards on field, I counterblast and soulblast to superior call Breach Spurt from my deck! (10000 > 20000/1 > 2) Emperor's Blazing Chariot!"

"Belial Owl and Astral Chain guards! (13000 > 43000 > 58000) Three to pass."

"Quadruple drive!! (Sonic Breaker) Critical trigger... all to vanguard! (33000 > 43000/1 > 2/4d) (Machine Gun Gloria, Cheer Girl, Marilyn) Draw trigger! I'll... give it all to vanguard! (43000 > 53000/2/4d)"

Ikeda must've been feeling really confident on this last check if he was putting everything on vanguard. At the very least, Kurosaki was enjoying how risky the fight's been thus far. I don't think she's looked away from it since we started, while the C Class girls only watched when Ikeda was doing his turn (such as right now).

"Last check! (Great Demon Emperor, Dudley Emperor "Яeverse") Damn it, nothing. Well, at least I can use the skill gained from MaxMax now! At the end of the battle, since I called at least four rear-guards this turn, I soulblast 3 to restand a column! I choose my vanguard, and it gets drive -1! (53000/2/4d > 3d)"

So this is what Kurosaki meant by seven drives, huh...? It completely beat my penta drive with Claret... no wonder she was so interested in seeing what he was capable of doing.

"Breach attacks! (20000/2) Same skill as last time!"

"Nemain guards! (23000)"

"He goes into soul and I draw one! Rising Nova attacks again! (53000/2/3d) Skill gained from Emperor once more, I counterblast and soulblast to superior call another Breach Spurt! Emperor's Blazing Chariot!"

"Belial, Trumpeter, and Death Feather guards! (13000 > 43000 > 58000 > 73000) Two to pass!"

"Triple Drive!! (Silence Joker) Critical trigger...! I'll give it all to Dudley Emperor! (13000 > 23000/1 > 2) (Exceptional Expertise, Rising Nova, Sonic Breaker) Critical trigger..."

Unfortunately, by playing it safe, Ikeda missed his chance to end the game here. Even so, he still kept his nerve, smiling confidently.

"All to Dudley Emperor! (23000 > 33000/2 > 3) Breach Spurt attacks, and I use his skill! (20000/2)"

"Lluails! (23000)"

"He goes into soul, and I draw! Dudley Emperor "Яeverse", finish this! (33000/2)"

Slashing through the smokescreen of dust that had billowed up on the field was Dudley Emperor, chained up in black and red rings. Lifting up his robotic head, his eyes gleamed blood red.

With a heavy creak, his arm moved backwards, and his torso swung forward, giving him the momentum to release a devastating high voltage ball straight at Claret.

Claret watched as the spiked ball arched through the air and dived straight at him. However, moments before it could land...

"Belial Owl, guard! (43000)"

He smacked it away with the back of his sword, and Belial Owl intercepted it, catching it with his talons. Dudley Emperor's last ditch drive had failed.

"Heh... that's everything I've got. Turn end! MaxMax's skill, all my rear-guards go to the bottom of my deck. Then, I unlock Dexter and MaxMax."

Hand: 10
Damage: 5
Soul: 5

Hand: 1
Damage: 4
Ritual: 4

I'll admit, I didn't expect him to put me on the ropes like that. I'm glad I didn't spend that counterblast last turn on Ildona, or else I'd be in a much worse position than I am now.

"Stand and draw. On this bloodstained stage of the world, a demonstration of might will overrule all the opposition! Slaughter the competition and pulverise the weaklings into dust! Persona ride my avatar, Claret Sword Dragon!"

"Imaginary Gift: Force II! To Lughaid! (13000/1 > 2) Claret's skill, I scry three and mill grade 1. He gets +10k! (13000 > 23000)"

"That's bad news for me, isn't it? The fact you only hit one must mean you're nearly out out of grade 1s..."

"Yeah. I call Branwen over Amergin. Her skill, I scry five, add Claret to my hand, then discard him."

I've thinned out my deck so much, in my top five check for Branwen, there were four triggers. It instilled me with the confidence needed to predict that I'd get all triggers in all three of my drive checks.

"Branwen gets +5k since I have three grade 1s in drop. (8000 > 13000) Let's battle. Boosted by Nemain, Claret Sword attacks! (23000 > 28000) Septimum Eraser!"

"Two Sonic Breaker and Gloria guards! (13000 > 28000 > 43000 > 53000) No pass!"

Looks like he's saving his perfect guard for the second swing. I'll pass everything I get here to my rear-guards, then.

"Twin Drive!! (Grim Revenger) Critical trigger, power to Lughaid, critical to Ildona! (13000 > 23000/2) (13000/1 > 2) (Darkside Trumpeter) Critical trigger, all to Ildona! (13000 > 23000/2 > 3)"

"Gloria's skill, when she's retired from guardian circle, I counterblast to call her to rear-guard!"

"Claret's skill, I counterblast and bind Amergin to restand the vanguard with drive -1! (23000/2/2d > 1d) Claret Sword, attack once more! (23000/2/1d) Nihil Bloodriver!"

"Marilyn, perfect guard!"

"Drive check! (Belial Owl) Critical trigger, all to Lughaid! (23000 > 33000/2 > 3) Boosted by Espada, Ildona attacks! (23000 > 31000/2)"

"Silence Joker and Fullback! (33000)"

"Boosted by Branwen, Lughaid attacks! (33000 > 46000/3)"

"N-no guard! (Juggernaut Maximum Maximum, Exceptional Expertise, Rising Nova, Great Demon Emperor, Dudley Emperor "Яeverse") Ah, damn... ha ha, good game!"

Despite losing, Ikeda was laughing heartily over the outcome. He seemed pleased with himself. The same couldn't be said for the C Class girls though, since I could feel their stares pricking my sides after I had managed to beat him.

"Good game. Despite that massive hand... you weren't able to guard that last attack?"

"All I had left in my hand were two grade 3s and a grade 1. There was no way I would be able to stop that."

"That's rough..."

"Well, that's what I get for playing a deck with twelve grade 3s. I was lucky enough to draw into any of my shields in the first place, so I can't complain that much."

"Kurosaki-senpai, what did you think?"

"I thought it was a good fight. Well done for winning, by the way."

Kurosaki pat my head.

"H-hey... does that mean you were rooting for me this entire time?"

"Not at all. I was going to reward whoever won with a head pat either way."

"I should've known..."

I sighed. Better me than Ikeda who receives it, I suppose... I think his posse would freak out if Kurosaki did that to him.

"Do you not like it?"

"It's not that. It's just... I was a little surprised by it."

"Fu fu. You've slept on my lap before, so you should be used to it by now."

Ikeda's jaw dropped, and his eyebrow twitched.

"Oi, seriously... what kind of relationship do you two have if it's not boyfriend and girlfriend...?"

"It's... complicated."


Me and Kurosaki looked at each other as we gave different answers. Ikeda facepalmed.

"I don't think you can be just "acquaintances" after something as intimate as a lap pillow..."

"There isn't a better word to describe us, unfortunately."

"I don't know... I think "friends" would be a good place to start." Ikeda sighed.

I looked at Kurosaki, but she didn't look back at me. Instead, she merely laughed strangely to herself.

"Fu fu... friends, hm?"

She smiled and got up, leaving the table.

"Thanks for the interesting fight you two. Later, Takanori. Ikeda."

"You're welcome!"

Kurosaki waved goodbye without looking at us, walking away into the distance. Ikeda also waved goodbye to her, before stopping and turning to look me in the eyes.

"Takanori-san, be honest with me."


"What do you think of Kinoshita-san compared to Kurosaki-senpai?"

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