- Part 5

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During round 1, Yamamoto won his game, I lost my game, and Kishida won his game, although just barely. This put us up by one point, but Yamamoto seemed annoyed that we had to go into the third game.

"Takanori-san, please try to avoid another mistake like that again please."

"Yeah, I will. Sorry about that."

I had guarded sloppily, leaving my defences open when my opponent pulled an unexpected front trigger. There was really no good excuse for it, I just played badly.

"You were so close to winning too..."

"I don't want to hear that coming from you, Kishida-san. If you didn't get that Heal trigger early, Hiraoka-san would've won."

This was the first time I'd ever seen Yamamoto so passionate about winning in a challenge. Before, he was very indifferent about everything. Now that he was in his element, it looked like he wanted to take this as seriously as possible.


"The next round's pairings got announced as well."

Since round 1 was finished, round 2's match ups were displayed on the board now.

"Looks like we're up against Koishi-san's group."

In their trio was Kasai, Ritaka, and Nishikori.

"Same set up as last time?" Kishida said.

"Hold on. Did you find out anything about them while observing their games, Takanori-san?"

"Yeah. Their order was Ritaka-san, Kasai-san, then Nishikori-san. Between the three of them, Kasai-san is the one to look out for, followed by Ritaka-san. Kasai-san uses Nightmare Dolls, Ritaka-san uses Coral, and Nishikori-san uses Gastille."

"They're saving their best for the middle huh... in that case, I'll take on Kasai-san myself. Takanori-san, do you mind going first?"


I got up and stretched my back. While there was a chance they could switch the ordering like we did, I felt confident that Ritaka would be drawn to fighting me if I stepped up. It was the only way he could get back at me after I punched him in the face.

And as expected, he was my round 2 opponent. What I didn't expect was Coral to be so strong...

In the end, I lost to him. Ritaka jumped for joy, bragging about how he got the better of me, especially while being in the class under mine.

I ignored him and trudged back over to my group, where upon Yamamoto gave me a disappointed look.


"It's fine... is everything okay though? You seem really off today."

"I'm just rusty. I haven't played in awhile..."

"I see. Try your best to win next round then. If you're still not feeling it, I'll have Kishida-san go second, and make you the anchor."


Round 2 concluded without any major event. The Yahagi group got the bye card this round, so no one had a chance to go after them.

The match ups for round 3 got announced, and we were up against Yamaguchi's group.

"Well, this one's going to be easy... they've thrown all their matches on purpose so far." Yamamoto said.

"Let's just take the free win. This is basically a bye card for us."

"Yeah. I'll see how you do next round then, Takanori-san."

I nodded. Yamamoto went up to fight first. And just like in the last two rounds, Yamaguchi's group lost each game to us on purpose. Since everything happened so fast, the three of us were watching the other fights to gather information on upcoming opponents.

"Talk about a winning streak... Ryouta-san's group, Yahagi-san's group, and even Mitsuba-san's group have yet to drop a single game." Yamamoto said.

"Meanwhile, we've had one complete win, and two rounds that have gone to game 3... I don't think there's any chance we'll make it to the finals." Kishida said.

"It's far too early to count us out just yet. There's still another two rounds where we can pull it back. However... after round 5, if we're still down on complete wins... then it's most likely we won't be able to make it."

While those two concerned themselves about reaching the finals, I was mainly focusing on Yahagi's group. Their opponents for this round was Koishi's group, giving them an easy victory.

Round 3 concluded, and round 4 started. Our group was up against Kirishima's group.

"Talk about drawing the short end of the stick."

Yamamoto sighed, ruffling the back of his hair. I couldn't tell if he was annoyed or intimidated about fighting against them.

"That group is stacked with impressive fighters... even that unassuming Ikesugi-san from your class is surprisingly good."

I'd never seen Ikesugi fight before, so I couldn't comment. Come to think of it, he's the only person in my class I barely know anything about...

"What does everyone use?" Kishida said.

"Kirishima-san uses Vermillion, Suna-san uses Ezel, and Ikesugi-san uses Hammsuke. They usually save Ikesugi-san for last, but switch between who leads with Kirishima-san and Suna-san. The three of them make up for a deadly Accel trio."

"To get them so early as our opponents... we're in for a bumpy ride." I said.

"Ideally, it'd be best if you or Kishida-san goes up against Kirishima-san. With how reliant my deck is on Blaster Dark, I'll be severely put on the back burners if he manages to bind them."

"I'd rather not play against Kirishima-san if I can help it... I'm the worst player out of the three of us, so having to face someone as strong as him would be the worst case scenario for me."

Since both Yamamoto and Kishida weren't up for the task of fighting Kirishima, it looks like it was up to me.

"...I guess it can't be helped. I'll be the one to go against him. Besides, with how poorly I've been playing today, it'd be a waste to have me up against one of the weaker players when you guys would have a much easier time against them."

"I agree. However, don't act like you're some sort of tactical sacrifice, Takanori-san. If anything, your deck might be best suited to beating his, especially since you're not reliant on your rear-guards to make your plays. I want you to try your best out there and win against Kirishima-san."

"...I'll see what I can do. The issue is, can we successfully predict when he'll show up?"

"Oh, true... this will all be for nothing if Yamamoto-san ends up being the one who fights Kirishima-san." Kishida said.

"...hang on, I've got an idea."

Yamamoto signalled for us to wait before stepping out and making his way downstairs towards the table.

Across from us, on the other side of the stands, the Kirishima group were watching us. Seeing Yamamoto leave, the three of them exchanged some quick words before Kirishima made his way downstairs.

As he did, I understood what Yamamoto was doing. I had to wait for him to return upstairs before going down there myself.

Below us, Yamamoto got close to the table as much as possible without locking himself in. At the same time, Kirishima made his way over, grinning while shouting at Yamamoto.

"Yo, Yamamoto-kun. You don't mind fighting against me, right?"

"If you were going to target me from the very beginning, then it can't be helped. I'll leave our win in the hands of Takanori-san and Kishida-san."

"Hey, that's not like you at all. Where's your confidence? Did you really come out here just to die? It'll be a boring game if you don't even fight back."

I could've made my way downstairs at any point, but I kept waiting. I had to drag it out as long as possible, so that Suna and Ikesugi don't suddenly shout down to Kirishima that we were trying a bait and switch.

"I never said anything about accepting my fate while lying down. I'm going to win, no matter what. However, it's never a bad thing to have a safety plan in case things go wrong."

"So you're an overly cautious type... ha ha ha, that's just like you. If you're going to give it your all, then I'm going to enjoy our fight very much. I've been wanting to go up against one of A Class's best for a long time."

Kirishima stepped up to the table, putting on his visor. At that point, I made my way downstairs. It seems Suna and Ikesugi were none the wiser to my disappearance.

"One of A Class's best? You're flattering me too much."

"It's just the truth. If you weren't a cut above the rest, you would've never made it into that class. In that regard, I've got a lot of respect for you."

"You know what... you might be right. Thanks, Kirishima-san."

I walked through the door. Looking behind him, Yamamoto noticed me and smirked.

"But unfortunately for you... surface level compliments won't get you anywhere. I meant what I said earlier."

He turned his back on Kirishima and began walking away. Kirishima's eyes widened.

"I'm going to win. Not against you, though."

I passed Yamamoto, putting on my visor.

"I'll leave your destruction in Takanori-san's hands."

I stepped up to the table.

"So long."

Yamamoto walked away. Kirishima smiled, laughing.

"No wonder Yamamoto-kun wasn't coming any closer. He was trying to set you up against me, huh?"

"Yeah. Sorry to disappoint that I'm your opponent."

"Nah, don't sweat it. If anything, I think I'll prefer this more."

I raised an eyebrow.

"I mean... you're the class leader of D Class! If anything, beating you will be more impressive than beating Yamamoto-kun!"

"I'd lower my expectations if I were you... I'm not exactly playing my best today, so it might end up being a hollow victory."

"If you need some time to limber up, I don't mind. I'd rather play against you at your fullest, rather than you at your weakest."

"...thanks for the offer, but it's not necessary. The first three rounds was enough for me to shake off the rust. I'm going all out this game."

"Oho. After all the goods things I've heard about you from Taiga-chan and Ichinose-kun, hearing that has made me all fired up now! I can't wait!"

Me and Kirishima set up, and the first game of round 4 would begin. The system decided he would go first.

"Stand up, (the!) Vanguard!"

"Ambush Dragon Eradicator, Linchu!"

"Promising Knight, David!"

It feels like I've been fighting against a lot of Narukami players recently... at least it was predictable what Kirishima would use.

"Stand and draw! I discard to ride Red River Dragoon from the Ride Deck! Linchu's skill, I draw! Turn end!"

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

I was surprised to see a 9k vanilla as his Ride Deck choice, but I assume it was to deter people from rushing him early. If he plays what I think he plays... it seems he wanted to keep his damage zone low for later on.

"Stand and draw. I ride Blue Espada Dragon from my Ride Deck! Espada's skill, I scry 3, and since there wasn't a Claret Sword or Morion Spear among them, I put them all into my drop zone."

If anything, this result might've been better. I managed to mill three grade 1s off the top of my deck. Combined with my discard, I was already halfway there to fulfilling Claret's cost.

"David's skill, I draw and get a Quick Shield ticket. From my hand, I use Origin Mage, Ildona's skill! I discard him to reveal the top ten cards of my deck. Since there's two or more grade 1 units among them, I can add a grade 2 or greater card from among them to hand - I choose Claret Sword. Then, I call Lluails, who'll boost Blue Espada to attack your vanguard! (8000 > 13000)"

"Oh, you didn't open Nemain? No guard!"

"If I did, I would've called her. Sometimes even mulligan five isn't enough. Drive check! (Mage of Entwined Roots, Amergin)"

"Ouch, that's rough... damage check! (Desert Gunner, Goudan)"

"Turn end."

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

Hand: 6
Damage: 0
Ritual: 5

"Stand and draw! I discard to ride Desert Gunner, Goudan from my Ride Deck! I call Thunderstorm Dragoon and Thunder Valet Dragon! Valet's skill, I scry 5 and add a Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion from among them to hand! Then, I discard one."

As I suspected, he used a Kaiser deck, just like his father. If he wants to use THE BLOOD without killing himself, he'll have to keep his damage low. I wonder if there was a way to exploit this weakness...

"Since you have one or less front row rear-guards, Thunderstorm gets +5k! (9000 > 14000) Goudan attacks! (9000)"

"Darkside Trumpeter guards! (23000)"

"Drive check! (Old Dragon Mage) Draw trigger! I draw and give power to Thunderstorm Dragoon! (14000 > 24000)"

From the Red River in the Ride Deck to vanilla Draw triggers... he certainly played a lot of cards for their flavour, rather than their effects. For someone as highly rated as he was, I wasn't expecting to see such suboptimal choices.

Maybe this was the reason why he couldn't make it into A Class? At the very least, I respected his unashamedness about it. He seemed to take a lot of pride in using his deck in his own style.

"Thunder Valet attacks next! (8000)"

"Branwen guards! (18000)"

"Thunderstorm Dragoon takes aim! (24000)"

"No guard! (Knight of Foolhardiness, Lughaid)"

"That's all from me. Turn end!"

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

Hand: 4
Damage: 1
Ritual: 6

"Stand and draw. I discard to ride Witch of Reality, Femme from my Ride Deck!"

"Woah, what's this? A Witch card? I thought you used Blaster Dark as your grade 2 ride!"

"Call it a recent addition. Amergin's skill, since he was discarded, I scry 3 and put Ildona into my drop. The rest gets botdecked. I assume you called two units last turn to try and play around Dark, didn't you?"

"Yeah, that's right. If I could prevent you from getting a free Twin Drive, why wouldn't I?"

"That's exactly the reason why I switched over to Femme. Her skill, I soulblast to make you call two grade 0 units from your drop zone over two of your grade 1 and greater units! However, since you have none to call, she gets a drive check instead! (10000/1d > 2d)"

"Oh wow. So if I had discarded grade 0s for my Ride Deck earlier... I could've prevented it."

Kirishima looked over his drop zone and laughed. Earlier, he had discarded two Dragonic Kaiser Crimson. If anything, that was far more beneficial for him.

My current predicament now was whether or not to field anything. I knew Vermillion or THE BLOOD would be coming down next turn, meaning Kirishima could attack my front row, so if possible, I'd like to avoid it by not committing rear-guards.

However, since Goudan was his vanguard, if I didn't call anything, he would be able to draw a card. Either way, I'd be losing a card, or he would be gaining a card. Much like with Femme, whatever I did, he would still benefit off it.

"I call Perennial Knight, Rimmon to rear-guard."

In the end, I decided that denying him the draw was the better option. And on the off chance that he didn't have Spark Arrow, Vermillion or THE BLOOD attacking into my rear-guard and retiring it would actually benefit me as well.

"Boosted by Lluails, Femme attacks! (10000 > 15000/2d) Illusion Diablo!"

"Reseph guards! (39000)"

"Twin Drive!! (Strict Order Knight, Lluails, Grim Revenger) Critical trigger! All effects to Rimmon! (8000 > 18000/1 > 2)"

Now I was real glad that I called a front row rear-guard now.

"Rimmon attacks! (18000/2)"

"Heal Guardian, Blitz Knuckle Dragon! Rimmon loses 2 critical!"

"Turn end."

Hand: 4
Damage: 1

Hand: 5
Damage: 1
Ritual: 9

"Stand and draw! Emperor of the heavens above, appear with a powerful storm of light. Crave the blood of your enemies with the strength of an apocalypse! Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion, DISCHARGE!"

When I saw that card, it felt like my mind was being squeezed into a ball.

I tried to not let it show on my expression, but my head was pounding. I wanted to hold my throbbing temple to try and ease the pain, but I didn't want to show any weakness either.

I don't know why, but seeing that card reminded me of something someone told me a long time ago. It was vague and fuzzy, yet it stood out like a thorn on a rose... the only thing I could be sure of was the fact it wasn't a good memory.

As I tried to push these thoughts away, my mind instead groped at them harder, trying to hold onto the barely formed shadows and voices that seemed to call me from a distance, like a ghost...

I caught the scent of red aquamarine.

My heart squeezed.

In my mind, I exhaled a silent but grateful breath.

...these were different from my memories of <that>.

It was like I was at a blinking crossroads.

Or in a sea eclipsed in bright red light.

Bubbles escaped my mouth as my body was being swallowed up by a rushing vortex.

Laying at the bottom of hell, I came face to face with a melting wall made up of putrid sludge.

While I refused to touch what lied beyond that murky darkness, the memories bubbling up past me now felt ever so slightly warm...

...yet the taste of bitterness spread through my mouth and nostrils.

The lights flickered red, the horizon turning orange.

I knew I resented it, but at the same time, I couldn't bring myself to turn away.

The lights flickered orange, my vision turning grey.

Like a sepia coloured photograph filtered through a lens of innocence, it flashed in and out of my mind like snippets of a film left to rot on a cut up camera reel.

Surrounded by shadows, I could see a mouth moving.

An unfamiliar and uncouth voice that I never want to hear again.

But while listening to it, I was whisked off to a place somewhere far, far away.

It was like a melody, an ear worm I wanted to forget, yet somehow never discarded.

Instead, it was left buried deep in the crevasses of my mind rather than thrown away like it was supposed to.

My stomach felt sick as my mind churned out the reel against my own will.

I didn't want to face it, especially not in the middle of an important game like this one.

But I could start to feel the walls ever so slightly crack from this piercing, twitching memory.

I wandered towards it, staring at the shadows that grew into form.

I was staring at myself, when I still believed him.

Those pure eyes.

That pure smile.

This pure naivety.

"Tell me one more time about it!"

His smile.

The one that reflected back at me like an ugly mirror.

I looked down, unable to bear to see it happen.

His arms bringing me up.

My vision creaked.

"The most difficult fight I've ever done, huh? Well, that's got to be obvious!"

That cheery voice that doesn't match that man's true intentions.

Everything was becoming blurry.

"It was against the Void."

My mind swelled in a flare of indescribable pain and numbness.

Standing across from Kirishima, I had only just realised what I had done.

I had unwillingly walked into the promised future from the past recreating itself in the present.

It was the exact same match as that time.

I lifted my head up to the sky as dark grey clouds permeated overmy thoughts again.

Against my own will, I was following in his footsteps without realising it...

Why didn't I realise it sooner?

...I refuse to be anything like him.

Was this also one of his machinations against me too?

Or was this just a cruel coincidence that things ended up this way?

Whichever it was... it didn't matter anymore now.

Now that I was here, I couldn't change the situation at all, even if I wanted to.

Out of all the ways to remember those days... this was the one I least expected.

"Imaginary Gift: Accel II! I draw one! Call, Spark Arrow Dragon! Spark Arrow's effect, since I have a Kaiser vanguard, I soulblast and retire him! I search my deck for a Kaiser unit... and superior ride it! Encased in crimson and enshrouded in vermillion, this is a warning for the mighty dragon king that seeks blood with the strength of an apocalypse! Pair up and surge on the count of 1, 2, 3! You have been warned! Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion "THE BLOOD", DISCHARGE!"

There it was. Kirishima's avatar, Vermillion... just like his father. The two of them even shared ride chants. Hearing that iconic "You have been warned!" sent shivers down my spine.

"I get another Imaginary Gift: Accel II! Spark Arrow's skill, when your rear-guard would be retired, it gets bound instead! Next, the BLOOD's skill activates! I counterblast and put a card from hand into my soul! The BLOOD gets +5k, an extra drive check, and he can attack your entire front row this turn! (12000 > 17000/2d > 3d) On top of that, since I put a Vermillion, he gets another +10k and a crit too! (17000 > 27000/1 > 2/3d) I call Deathscythe (9000 > 14000) and Goudan (9000 > 14000) to rear-guard! Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion "THE BLOOD" attacks your entire front row! (27000/2/3d) Crack the heavens, Royal Lancer!"

Even though I was only on one damage, I was nowhere near safe from this attack. If he somehow sacks his way into three critical triggers, I would lose the game instantly, so I was incentivised to at least try and guard this attack.

"Belial Owl guards Femme, Rimmon gets retired and bound! (40000) Two to pass!"

"I like my odds! Triple Drive!!! (Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion, Malevolent Djinn) Critical trigger! All effects to Deathscythe! (14000 > 24000/1 > 2) (Desert Gunner, Gaiban) Since the attack hit, Valet gets +5k! (8000 > 13000) And since you have no front row rear-guards, Thunderstorm gets +5k as well! (9000 > 14000) Valet attacks! (13000)"

"No guard! (Mage of Entwined Roots, Amergin)"

"Thunderstorm attacks! (14000)"

"No guard! (Skull Witch, Nemain)"

I took these smaller attacks in the hope I'd get a damage trigger to shut his turn down, but it seems like I didn't have any luck getting one.

"Goudan attacks! (14000)"

"Branwen guards! (20000)"

"Goudan's effect at the end of battle, since my vanguard's attack hit this turn, he goes to soul and I draw! Deathscythe attacks next! (24000/2) When he attacks, since you have no front row rear-guards in the same column as him, he gets +5k! (24000 > 29000/2)"

"Grim Revenger and Dead Armour guard! (35000)"

"Turn end!"

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

Hand: 2
Damage: 3
Ritual: 11

"Stand and draw. Only the strong have the right to wield this sword! A true dictator overcomes adversity with strength, and strength alone! I ride my avatar, Claret Sword Dragon!"

"Heh, now this is certainly a throwback. It takes me back to whenever I played against Taiga-chan and she'd scream "might is right" with all her chest, just like grandpa."

I'm still unsettled by the fact that Taiga is legally his auntie, despite her being the same age as him.

"Imaginary Gift: Force II! To the vanguard! (13000/1 > 2) Claret's on ride skill, I scry 3 and mill two grade 1s from among them to give him +20k! (13000 > 33000/2) I call Nemain and use her skill! I rest Nemain to superior call Abyssal Owl from deck! Owl's effect, since we're the same grade, I soulblast to draw! On a battlefield littered with corpses, only one man stands to reap them all! Destroy everything in sight, Knight of Foolhardiness, Lughaid!"

"Next, I use Lughaid's effect! I bind three grade 1 cards in my drop zone to draw a card! Since I have fourteen of them in drop, I'll activate this skill four times, letting me drawing four cards! Now skill, activate!"

My visor started glowing claret red.

"Third Fist! When a card is bound, my vanguard gets drive +1! (33000/2/2d > 3d) I call Ildona. Now let's rock. Boosted by Lluails, Claret attacks! (33000 > 38000/2/3d) Septimum Eraser!"

"Show me what you've got, Takanori-kun! Come at me with your whole might! No guard!"

"You asked for it. Triple Drive!! (Strict Order Knight, Lluails, Darkside Trumpeter) Critical trigger! Power to Ildona, critical to vanguard! (13000 > 23000) (33000/2 > 3/3d) (Grim Revenger) Critical trigger! Power to Lughaid, critical to vanguard! (13000 > 23000) (33000/3 > 4/3d)"

"Quadruple damage check! (Spark Arrow Dragon, Desert Gunner, Goudan, Blitz Knuckle Dragon) Heal trigger! Power to vanguard, and I heal one! (12000 > 22000) (Yellow Gem Carbuncle) Critical trigger! All to vanguard! (22000 > 32000)"

"Claret's skill! At the end of the battle he attacked, I counterblast and bind Amergin, who counts as seven grade 1 cards, to restand the vanguard with drive -1! (33000/4/3d > 2d) Once more, Claret attacks! (33000/4/2d) Nihil Bloodriver!"

"Guld, perfect guard!"

"Twin Drive!! (Astral Chain Dragon) Heal trigger! I can't heal, but I give power to Ildona! (23000 > 33000) (Cherishing Knight, Branwen) Boosted by Abyssal Owl, Lughaid attacks Deathscythe! (23000 > 28000)"

"Deathscythe can go!"

"Ildona attacks! (33000) His skill, when he attacks, I counterblast and retire Lughaid and Owl to draw two!"

"Old Dragon Mage guards! (37000)"

"That's all from me. Turn end!"

Hand: 3
Damage: 4

Hand: 10
Damage: 3
Ritual: 1

OST: Sen no Tsubasa

"Stand and draw! Emperor of the heavens above, flash with an eternal storm of light. Unleash a fearsome thunderbolt that surpasses the strength of even an apocalypse! Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion, PERSONA DISCHARGE!"

"Imaginary Gift: Accel II! I draw one! I call Spark Arrow and Gaiban! Spark Arrow's effect, I soulblast and retire him to search my deck for a Kaiser... and superior ride it! Encased in crimson, enshrouded in vermillion, and enraptured in warning, feast on the mighty dragon king's crown and become the destiny sworn apocalypse itself! Pair up and surge in 3... 2... 1——! Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion "THE BLOOD", PERSONA DISCHARGE!!!"

"Imaginary Gift: Accel II! On top of that, all your retired units become bound this turn! THE BLOOD's skill, I counterblast and put Vermillion into my soul to give him +15k, a crit, drive +1, and the ability to attack the entire front row! (12000 > 27000/1 > 2/2d > 3d) That's not all though. The BLOOD has one more effect that I've yet to tell you, Takanori-kun. But I'm sure you're already familiar with it."

"...yeah. I can sense what's coming next."

There was a reason why Kirishima was so aggressively riding all these copies of Vermillion and THE BLOOD.

"THE BLOOD's second skill! I soulblast a Kaiser to give him drive +1! In exchange, at the end of my turn, he gets dealt one damage! And since the effect isn't once per turn, I can do it as much as I like! Throughout this fight, I've accumulated five Kaisers in my soul... so I'm going to get rid of all of them to give my vanguard drive +5! (27000/2/3d > 8d)"

It was all for this moment— his deck's signature move. A do or die finisher that could end the game in a flash if he checked any sizeable amount of triggers. And with eight checks under his belt, the odds were stacked against me.

"I call Thunderstorm Dragoon (9000 > 14000) and another Thunder Valet Dragon! (8000 > 13000) Battle! THE BLOOD attacks your front row! (27000/2/8d) Skill, activate!"

Kirishima's visor started glowing blood red.

"Decimating Crownholder! When my vanguard attacks the front row, it attacks the entire field instead! And for each unit hit, my front row gets +2k! Skill of both my Crimson's in drop zone! When I attack with the vanguard, I counterblast one each to superior call them to an open front row rear-guard circle! (12000 > 17000) (12000 > 17000) Royal Lancer, CRACK THE HEAVENS!!!"

Raising his hands into the sky, a spear of lightning formed in THE BLOOD's hands. The dark clouds above rumbled, flashing white, unleashing a howling storm of rain wind and rain.

As that whirlwind kicked up, desiccating everything surrounding him, standing firm in the eye of that storm was Claret, staring up at the dragon consumed in shades of blood red lightning.

As the spear pointed down on him, and his allies were being swept up by the storm, Claret grinned, raising his namesake sword into the air, goading THE BLOOD to strike down with all his judgment.

Matching that arrogance, the spear that THE BLOOD was going to launch suddenly bloomed in his hands, forming a giant sphere of light.

The storm worsened, the rain screamed, the wind howled, and the clouds turned pitch black in fury. It was almost enough to also take Claret away, but he held his ground by stabbing his sword into the dirt floor and digging his heels in.

His smile widened as he watched the ball of concentrated energy in THE BLOOD's hands grow further, expanding to the point it nearly encompassed the entire sky as it coalesced with pure light, concentrated thunder, and condensed lightning.

The two dragons roared at each other.

The rebel and the emperor.

A predestined showdown.

"Belial Owl and Grim Revenger guards the vanguard! (58000) Everything else gets retired, then bound! That's four to pass!"

I certainly wasn't expecting a full field attack... I tried to mirage half my front row away with Ildona, but it seems Kirishima's skill rendered it a fruitless endeavour. At the very least, this attack was guardable.

"Octuple Drive!!!!!!!! (Thunder Valet Dragon, Malevolent Djinn) Critical trigger! All effects to vanguard! (27000 > 37000/2 > 3/8d)"

I flinched. I really wasn't expecting Kirishima to boldly bet everything on the vanguard, especially with no hesitation whatsoever... if anything, I was more confused on why he was committing instead of giving it to his rear-guard.

He already had Gaiban on board, so the smarter play would've been to stack all his triggers on a rear-guard (probably Valet due to getting +15k and +6k from all the on hits) and using Gaiban's skill to give it sentinel block, making it a hyper deadly attack that I'd have to waste the majority of my hand stopping, before going in with his other attacks for the kill.

In any case, this might work out for me. I was playing it extremely risky by making it only four to pass, but I had no other choice if I wanted to be able to even have a chance of guarding the rest. I guess even Kirishima wanted to do things the flashy way.

"(Dragonic Deathscythe, Dragonic Kaiser Crimson, Lightning of Triumphant Return, Reseph) Critical trigger! All effects to vanguard! (37000 > 47000/3 > 4/8d) (Lightning of Triumphant Return, Reseph) Critical trigger! All effects to vanguard! (47000 > 57000/4 > 5/8d)"

To my chagrin, Kirishima had gotten three of the four necessary triggers, and he still had another two checks left. It would all come down to this... would he be able to get one last trigger to break through? Or would this gamble of his end up in reckless shambles?

"(Desert Gunner, Gaiban) Only one left, huh...? Alright, guess I better give it my all."

Kirishima chuckled, probably enjoying this bet a bit too much. Why is it always the hot blooded types that get stupid ideas like this anyways? I don't see the thrill in possibly throwing the game like this at all...

"Thanks for being such an awesome opponent, Takanori-kun. Last check!"

As Kirishima flipped the final card over, he roared from the bottom of his lungs, drawing the card up like an arch of light.

Then, like a violent strike of a thunderbolt, he slammed the card down onto the table.

It sparked yellow, just like lightning.

"Got it... (Malevolent Djinn) A critical trigger! All effects to the vanguard! (57000 > 67000/5 > 6/8d)"

As all the elements in his hands reached a point critical mass, THE BLOOD roared as he threw his body forward, dropping the spirit bomb down onto Claret.

The light engulfed everything in it's path— the clouds, the wind, the rain, the dirt, and even the sky itself. Even so, it was being resisted by one single man.

Instead of adverting his eyes, Claret looked straight ahead into the light until both his eyes went blind. Once his eyesight had been purged, he let himself close his eyes, as bit by bit, even he couldn't resist against this lance made to split the heavens anymore.

First, the claret sword was eaten. Then, his arms. Then, his legs, going all the way up to his waist. Then, his body. Then, finally, his head, which had never stopped smiling for even a second.

This was karma. This was fate.

The world's death match, reincarnated.

On impact, a flash of vermillion soared across the world.

"Damage checks... (Blue Espada Dragon, Mage of Entwined Roots, Amergin, Claret Sword Dragon, Death Feather Eagle, Astral Chain Dragon, Knight of Foolhardiness, Lughaid) Nothing."

And just like that, our game came to an end.

"Good game, Takanori-kun!"

"Good game, Kirishima-san."

I took off my visor, shaking Kirishima's hand before we parted ways. He sure looked happy about this victory, and for good reason too.

Yamamoto's not going to be happy about this though... but at the same time, it's not like I could've done anything else. Whether or not Kirishima checked those four triggers, I was doomed from the start.

My hand was nowhere near enough able to defend against the sheer number of attacks he was going to send my way anyways, so losing this way was arguably less embarrassing for me.

Either way though, it didn't bode well for our group to have suffered another loss like this. Yamamoto and Kishida would have to try and pick up for my slack again, like usual.

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