- Part 7

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The third race started. As I got off in a running start, Yamaguchi cut ahead of the other competitors, crossing over their lanes, and rushing towards me with his shoulder sticking out.

"Takanori-san, look out!"

I could hear Ryouta, Kouji, and other boys scream at me to move out of the way, but it was no use. Yamaguchi barged into me like a freight train, sending both of us flying off the track and into the mud.

Everyone was shocked, but Kawaga-sensei didn't blow the whistle to stop the race. Instead, he let it continue as usual, not letting the other competitors slow down for a second to comprehend what just happened in front of them.


After whispering that, Yamaguchi got off me with a cocky smirk. Two teachers ran over to check if we were okay or not. I got up as well.

After confirming we were both fine, for the sake of fairness, our batons were passed onto the next person waiting, but someone from my group would have to run an additional 100 metres. This would be decided by the leader.

Of course, that task naturally fell to Shimada. Despite my meddling, he didn't seem annoyed about my actions. If anything, he seemed strangely pleased that I had interfered with him.

I sat on the sidelines, watching the rest of the race unfold. When it came to the last sprint, Shimada and Ryouta were practically neck and neck. At the final crossing though, Shimada managed to clinch out the win.

1st) Shimada's group +8
2nd) Ryouta's group +7
3rd) Mitsuba's group +6
4th) Yahagi's group +5
5th) Koishi's group +4
6th) Ishima's group +3
7th) Handa's group +2
8th) Kirishima's group +1
9th) Yamaguchi's group +0

Nora retiring from the challenge was secretly a blessing for Mitsuba's group, as having Yukimura run 300 metres gave them a massive advantage. It was just enough for them to swipe third place from under the noses of Yahagi's group.

Even though it wasn't first or second, Yukimura still looked satisfied at the result. Despite this, there was still a clear invisible wall between him and everyone else in the group after his outburst from earlier.

And just like the previous two times, Yamaguchi's group walked the race. There was an added layer of frustration too, since Yamaguchi had broken one of the rules by running into me. They had no clue what punishment would befall on them for that.

We all gathered around Kawaga-sensei to hear the announcement of the final results.

"And with that, the challenge is over. Well done for doing your best and running so hard, even in this awful weather. I'll keep this short so you can all go back inside quickly. In last place with 0 cumulative points is Yamaguchi-san's group. In eighth place with 4 cumulative points is Kirishima-san's group. In seventh place with 5 cumulative points is Handa-san's group. In sixth place with 9 cumulative points is Ishima-san's group. In fifth place with 13 cumulative points is Koishi-san's group. In fourth place with 15 cumulative points is Mitsuba-san's group. In third place with 17 cumulative points is Yahagi-san's group. In second place with 22 cumulative points is Ryouta-san's group. In first place with 23 cumulative points is Shimada-san's group."

That means after today's challenge, the rankings should now look like this:
1st) Shimada's group - 51 Cu
2nd) Yahagi's group - 43 Cu
3rd) Ryouta's group - 35 Cu
4th) Koishi's group - 33 Cu
5th) Mitsuba's group - 31 Cu
6th) Ishima's group - 28 Cu
7th) Yamaguchi's group - 14 Cu
8th) Kirishima's group - 11 Cu
9th) Handa's group - 7 Cu

I say should because I'm also waiting to see if Yamaguchi's group lost any cumulative points from him running into me. In any case, this challenge was more than enough for Ryouta's group to reclaim a podium position.

"Brother, I'm going to visit Takayuki-san. Do you want to join?"

Mikitaka called out to me as we were returning to the outdoors school. I nodded, and together we headed to the infirmary. When we arrived, we found Nora lying down in one of the beds, eyes closed, and more importantly, his breathing steady.

"Thank goodness..."

Mikitaka breathed a sigh of relief as he peeked at his best friend from behind the curtain. It was reassuring to know that he was now fine.

"I think he might be sleeping."

"We probably shouldn't bother him then."

"Yeah... at the very least, I want to be here when he wakes up."

Mikitaka firmly planted himself on the seat adjacent to Nora's bed. He reached out and gently brushed the bangs out of Nora's eyes.

"His sleeping face is way too cute... wouldn't you agree?"

I haven't really seen it for myself yet, so I slipped past the curtain and examined Nora's face carefully. Indeed, it was as adorable as one could imagine... his eyes were tenderly closed and his soft pink lips parted slightly, like he was about to kiss someone.

His light brown hair, still damp from the rain, coiled around his dark red cheeks like tangled vines in a picturesque manner. I think this was the first time I'd seen Nora look so relaxed before. It reminded me of my younger sister Rei a little bit.

"...yeah. He really is."

Mikitaka sighed, undoing his man bun. As it did, his hair fell loose into it's long, natural state. He pat down his damp hair, running a hand through it to get rid of the clumps.

"Much better. That really got soaked..."

"Mikitaka-san, can I ask a question?"

"Hm? What's up, brother?"

"I was wondering. Why did you become best friends with Nora-san?"

Mikitaka raised two eyebrows before laughing heartily.

"Did Yukimura-san's words get to you?"

"A little. While I don't agree with most of what he said, I thought the bit about you becoming friends with Nora-san despite bullying him rang true. Especially since he entered the war with the main goal of beating you in particular."

"I could tell from a single glance. For such a gentle person, his eyes were filled with an indescribable determination on that day he fought me. I haven't seen that sort of passion since."

"So why? Why Nora-san? Did you just pity him that much?"

"Of course not. When I bullied him, I meant it for real. Otherwise, how could I get Kaido-senpai's attention? But at the same time, when I said I wanted to become friends with him, I also meant that for real as well. Not because I pitied him, or because I wanted to make up for what I did, but because... well, the reason should be obvious."

Mikitaka smiled slightly, making me raise an eyebrow.

"...not really. I have no clue what you're referring to."

He laughed, shaking his head.

"Don't you think Takayuki-san is one of the most kindest people in the world?"

"Well... yeah. He'll forgive just about anyone and always puts others before himself."

"And don't you think Takayuki-san is one of the most loyal friends in the world?"

"I do. Ever since I've met him, he's never betrayed me or let me down once. If anything... he's probably one of the first friends I made at this school."

"And most importantly, don't you think Takayuki-san is the cutest person in the world?"

"...that one, I can't answer."

"I think he is. He's cuter than all of the girls in our year, in the 2nd Year, and the 3rd Year combined."

I was surprised by how quickly and how resolutely Mikitaka said that.

"Alright, here's a different one then. Don't you think Takayuki-san is one of the most patient people in the world?"

"Of course. He's the first one in class every morning, waiting at least an hour before it actually starts."

Mikitaka smiled, nodding his head.

"Then you understand the appeal of Takayuki-san, brother."

"...the appeal?"

"The reason why I wanted to be friends with him is because I could tell from the moment I met him that he's one of the last few truly goodhearted people in this world. Compared to him, you, me, and everyone else are nothing but trash people. But Takayuki-san... he's different. He's done nothing wrong, yet the world constantly punished him for it. But despite all that, he's not bitter at the world. Instead, he's thankful. Thankful for what he has now, thankful for all the friends he's made, and thankful for the memories he's got to experience with everyone at this school. He deeply treasures everything that comes his way, good and bad. And that's an admirable trait... something I wish I could have."

Mikitaka pulled his hair back into a bun, tying it up.

"My older brother said that coming across these kinds of people are a dime a dozen, so I should do everything I can to protect them. Because one day, they'll be the ones who make this rotten world into a better place, for everyone."

"...I get it now. I finally get what you mean, Mikitaka-san."

He nodded. Nora's lips fluttered slightly.

"Yes. I love my best friend. I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world."


Nora stirred in his sleep, turning his head to face our direction. Slowly, his eyes blinked open.

"M... Miki... Mikitaka... san?"

Those were the first words he whispered. Mikitaka put a hand on Nora's head.

"Good morning, princess."

"I-I told you to stop calling me... that..."

Nora yawned, rubbing his eyes. He looked up, noticing me.

"T-Takanori-kun too...?"

I waved.

"What are you two doing here..."

"To check up on you obviously. Everyone was worried sick after you started curling up on the floor."

"Ah... t-that was really reckless of me... I-I'm sorry..."

"Nah, don't sweat it. You were busting your ass off trying to help our group win. No one can be mad at you for that. You were amazing out there!"

"I don't think so... w-wait, what about the results?! D-did we win?"

Nora sat up, desperate for answers. Mikitaka shook his head.

"We only came in fourth place. Sorry."


Nora frowned, but shook his head.

"L-let's do our best... in the next challenge then."

"Yeah. We're sure to win that one!"

It seems Nora might be in good enough physical condition to continue the last two days. If he wasn't, and had to retire, Mitsuba's group would lose 10 cumulative points. I'd rather avoid that, so it's a stroke of good luck that Nora is okay.

I got up and left, heading back through the main corridor to enter my group's room. On the way there, Yamaguchi stopped me.

"...did you find out how much it cost?"

"15 cumulative points."

"That's more than everything your group has."

"Teacher said we can't go into negatives, so we're sitting on zero."

"I see. Thanks for your help back there. I'll pay you when we get back to school."

"You better. It's a promise."

"Of course."

Yamaguchi handed me a sheet of paper. It looked like he had drawn up his own contract for this occasion. Shigeru probably taught him how to do this.

While it was crudely made, it did cover all the necessary aspects. There was nothing I could exploit to avoid paying him for his service. Shame, since if we kept it as a verbal agreement, I wouldn't have paid him at all.

I entered my room and put away the paper in a drawer. Yamamoto was laying face down on his bed. If you weren't looking closely, you'd think he's dead.

"Takanori-san... is that you?"


Yamamoto sat upright, clutching his stomach. He looked up at me, gritting his teeth.

"Why didn't you run like he told you to...?"

"I didn't feel like it."

Yamamoto seemed disappointed, and even mildly angry, at me.

"...then, this is all your fault."

Yamamoto lifted his shirt, revealing a huge purple bruise spread across his entire ribs with some parts being pudgy yellow or more darker than the others.

"Shimada-san... did this to me... my entire torso feels numb..."

Yamamoto keeled over, digging his face into the pillow. It looked like the pain was unbearable for him.

"...did he do this to everyone?"

"He's doing it... to Kishida-san and Kouji-san right now... outside..."

"I see. Let's get you to the infirmary."

I helped Yamamoto off the bed and carried him to the infirmary where Nora and Mikitaka was still there. When I returned to the room, I found Kouji and Kishida tossed on their beds in similar states.

Kouji's arm had been beaten and battered until it was blue with bruises, while Kishida's legs were twisted and folded in an unnatural position over his face. Even Nakajima didn't escape this, as he returned to the room with multiple lashings on his back.

"This is all your fault..."

That was what everyone said when they saw me.

"All your fault..."

They muttered that when I helped them to the infirmary.

"All... your... fault..."

I don't know how many times I've heard that phrase by now.

"Everything... is... your... fault..."

Even back there, it was all my fault too.

When I returned, Shimada was there waiting for me. He was lying on his bed, rolling a lollipop between the corners of his teeth.

"Are you satisfied?"

He sat up, looking at me. Crushing the candy with his canines, he pulled out the stick.

"That was gonna be my question to you."

Twirling it between his fingers, he littered it on the floor.

"What happens to them is none of my concern. But I'd be worried if I were you."

"Huh. What's this?"

"If those four retire, you'll lose 40 cumulative points, putting you in the danger zone. We both know it's impossible to recover from that at this stage of the special exam. Not to mention, you'd would be put in a major disadvantage in the next challenge. Groups with more members have a clear advantage. If it was just us two, then there's no way we could win."

"I think you and me would be more than enough to beat everyone else. That's assuming you'll cooperate, but you didn't today. It doesn't matter anyways, they'll recover from their injuries by tomorrow. Even if they don't, I'll force them to participate."

"Even Nakajima-san?"

"He'll continue. I know he will. Same with Yami. I've got you to cover Tenma. The only odd one out is Sui, but I've already figured out what his deal is."

"That's still assuming I'll cooperate. What will you do if I let Kouji-san retire?"

"You can't. Otherwise, that's breaking the contract. Having two people from your class in my group was part of the deal, after all."

Just before I could reply, there was a knock on the door. Shimada got up, brushing past me to answer it. Seeing who it was, his face scrunched up. I too was surprised.

"Good evening gentlemen. Is Yuu-kun here?"

It was Hiden-sensei, smiling while tipping his hat towards us. Shimada looked at me over his shoulder.

"Oi, Yuuto. This old fart wants you."

What does Hiden-sensei want with me...?

"Good evening."

I walked over, reluctantly greeting him. Hiden-sensei firmly placed his hat back on his head and turned around.

"Please follow me. There's a serious matter we must discuss."

"Uh oh, looks like someone's in trouble."

Shimada snickered as he plopped himself back down on his bed.

"...I see."

Ignoring him, I nodded and followed Hiden-sensei.

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