Valentines SS Kurosaki Ginko: My Favourite Kouhai

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It was 4:30pm, way past the end of the school day.

Despite that, the school was still surprisingly lively because today was the 14th February, also known as Valentines Day.

Some clubs were holding valentine-related events, most of which could only be participated by couples. Of course, being single, I wasn't allowed to join any. So instead, I was just wandering around the school, checking them out, and watching them from afar.

I'm certain I would've swept them either way though, with or without a partner. I'm just that strong. That being said, this strength of mine is also my biggest downfall when it comes to Valentines Day.

While most boys would be excited to receive a chocolate from a girl, even if it's giri-choco, when it comes to me... no one ever seems to want to accept it.

I remember back in my first year of middle school, I prepared giri-choco for everyone in my class. Even though I tried giving them out to all the boys, they all looked away shyly and backed off in fear, only accepting my chocolate as a courtesy.

By the end of the day, I found all the chocolate I had given out stuffed inside the classroom's trash can.

I didn't know whether to be impressed or upset by it. I wasn't too bothered by it, but it was the first time I was forced to become self aware of my unpopularity. They sure weren't happy to get any chocolate from me at all.

That's why, since then, I haven't bothered to give out a single piece of chocolate to my classmates.

Not even to those in my new school, GEN Academy.

I know that a few guys, such as Kishou and Ken, who would happily accept it because of our relationship, but I'd rather not add to the already massive pile of chocolates they'd receive just from being Royalty.

I once saw Ken bring at least six bags full of chocolate home. Two of those bags were made up of honmei-choco. Unsurprisingly, Shiori donated all those honmei-chocos to the food bank. She wasn't going to let him have any girl's honmei-choco except hers.

However, because I don't give out chocolates on Valentines Day, when a boy in my class looks at me on this day, it's painfully obvious that they're hoping to receive one from me.

I remember on my first Valentines at GEN, all my male classmates were staring at me, glancing back and forth precariously while fidgeting in their seat, silently hoping that I'd get up and give them even a slither of giri-choco.

Despite that, I hadn't prepared anything on that day, so I gave them the cold shoulder and left class without giving a single piece of chocolate out to anyone. Not even to my friends, not even to the teacher.

Because of that, I had gained a bit of a reputation as the woman whom it was impossible to get chocolate from. That's why so many boys were staring at me in anticipation this year too, as they were hoping things had changed from last time.

Of course, it was the same as last year. I hadn't prepared anything at all. And why would I?

After all, my presence in the class was the same as in middle school.

I was an alien that didn't fit in because I was just that much better than everyone else.

But it's because I'm so much better than everyone else, that's what makes my Valentines chocolate so valuable.

They wanted bragging rights.

They want to tell their friends "I got chocolate from the Untouchable Flower!" and "I got a giri-choco from Kurosaki-san while you didn't!", even if they dislike me.

Because my personality aside, I was a beautiful woman. I'd be lying if I said otherwise. And for most men, receiving chocolate from a beautiful woman would be a massive confidence boost for them.

Especially if it came from someone like me. Someone who doesn't find interest in other people.

The mere act of giving a chocolate out to someone might imply that I'm interested in them.

If that sort of misconception were to break out, it'd lead to all sorts of annoying troubles for me.

So this year too, I didn't give any chocolates.

I was so sure I wasn't going to give chocolates to anybody, I didn't bother buying any.

They would all end up in the trash anyways.

That's just how I come across to most guys.

I'm just too good.

...that being said, I did something unusual last night.

I even surprised myself when I managed to do it.

It was my first time, so I wasn't sure that it'd come out good, but to my surprise, it ended up being perfect.

I even brought it with me to school today.

I don't know why.

I had no reason to, after all.

I'm not planning on giving it to anyone.

It'd been sitting inside my bag the entire day.

Surely, it's melted by now.

...I guess I shouldn't let it go to waste.

As I headed back to my classroom to go grab my bag, I was surprised to see a certain boy standing in the corridor.

It was Takanori Yuuto. A 1st Year student and my favourite kouhai.

He was standing outside Class 2-E's door. Was he waiting for someone?

I decided to approach him.

"Yo. Takanori."

Behind those thick sunglasses, I saw his eyes scan over to where I was. I gave a little wave.

"...Kurosaki-senpai? H-hey."

A dry greeting, as usual. Somehow, his tone becomes drier and drier every time we meet. It's kind of impressive.

Despite that, I heard a hint of nervousness in his normally stoic voice. Don't tell me...?

"What are you doing out here all by yourself? School ended over an hour ago, President-san of the Go Home Club."

I knew he wasn't in any clubs, so there should be no reason for him to be loitering around here, especially since this was the floor of the 2nd Year's classrooms.

"...yeah, I know. I was just waiting for someone."

Oh dear... I can already have a good guess in mind at who he was waiting for. I peeked into E Class's window, noticing it was completely empty inside.

"How long have you been waiting?"

Takanori looked away, refusing to answer. I drew closer to him, pressuring him back into the wall.

"Well? How long?"

"...w-why do I have to tell you?"

He puffed out his cheeks a little as they softly went red.

"Oh, so you've been waiting over an hour then, huh? Poor thing..."

I ruffled his hair playfully, making Takanori flinch a little. I raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry, you didn't like that?"

He shook his head.

"...i-it's not like that."

I tilted my head, feeling the corners of my lips rising a little. This was one of the benefits of being taller than him. There's no way I'd ever be able to do this with Kishou or Ken.

"Ehhh? So you do like it when I do that?"

I put my hand on his head again and ruffled his hair. It really was as soft and smooth as I remember. Takanori opened his mouth to protest, but with each pat, he slowly closed it and his eyes.

"A... are you done?"

I'd never seen Takanori act like this before. It was like a completely different person to the emotionless boy I was used to talking to.

"I'm not stopping until you tell me how long you've been stood up for."

"I... I wasn't stood up..."

My hand stopped patting his head.


"I've just been standing here by my own free will... no one's stood me up."

"Oh. So how long have you been standing here?"

Takanori lowered his head and mumbled.

"...since the school day ended."

"What were you hoping to achieve from standing out here, exactly...?"

I knew he wasn't going to give me an honest answer, but I decided to ask anyways. It's always interesting to see what lies he comes up with.

Despite that, Takanori didn't answer. He scratched the back of his head and shrugged. He crossed his arms and stared at his feet.

"Were you hoping to meet someone?"

No response. Takanori kept his head down and looked away.

"Was there someone in Class 2-E you were hoping to get chocolate from?"

Ah. That guess must've poked him a little, since he pulled his arms closer to his chest.


I pushed him against the wall, forcing him to look at me. He jumped in surprise, pushing up his falling sunglasses as an excuse to cover his embarrassed face.

"...Kurosaki-senpai, please stop. You don't need to concern yourself with this sort of thing."

"Why shouldn't I? It's the first time I've seen you act like this. How could I not be interested?"

Takanori grumbled. I pulled his hand away, letting me see his face clearly for the first time.

"It's stupid... just forget about it."

Just as he tried to run away, I grabbed Takanori by the wrist. I wasn't going to let him go so easily.

"I don't believe that. This person must mean a lot to you if you're willing to wait over an hour for them."

"They don't even know I'm here... l-look, I was just being stupid earlier. It's seriously not that interesting..."

"Yes it is. You were waiting for chocolate from a woman other than me. How could I let that slide? I'm offended."


Now I've gone and done it.

There was no reason for me to say that.

Takanori furrowed his eyebrows at me.

It was the first time he had looked at me properly during this strange yet wonderful encounter.


Well, I'll roll with it for now.

It seems to have distracted him from whatever's gotten him down.

"Here you are, moping about another girl when I'm standing right in front of you. And here I thought you'd be getting down on your knees, begging me for a chocolate."

I even added a long sigh at the end. Takanori's face returned to it's serious self for a moment.

"But I thought you didn't give chocolate out on Valentines... that's what Kaido-senpai told me, at least."

"People can change."

Takanori's eyes shifted away from me.

"...I seriously doubt you have chocolate for me though. We're not even friends. You wouldn't go out of your way just for me."

I smiled and leaned in, pushing my lips against his ear and whispering sweetly into it.

"Ah. I wonder."

Takanori shivered.

"...K-Kurosaki... sen... pai...?"

"Forget about who you were going to meet. Come with me."

I grabbed Takanori's hand and whisked him away into Class 2-A.

"Senpai, what are you...?"



"Today, I want you to call me Ginko."

"But, isn't that your first name...?"

"Don't lovers usually call each other by their given names?"

Takanori froze for a moment before sighing.

"We're not lovers."

"Well, it's Valentines Day today. So, why not? I've always wanted to do this kind of thing with a boy."

"Please don't use me to act out your weird fantasies, Kurosa..."

As he was about to say my last name, Takanori stopped.

"Go on, say it. It's okay. I don't mind."

As his face turned red, he shut his eyes.

"...Gi... Ginko."

A warm feeling enveloped my heart.

A smile I'd never done before broke out on my face.

It was completely different to how I usually smiled.

Even though it looked the same, it felt even better than usual.

It was sweet. Overwhelmingly sweet, even. Excitement buzzed in my lips.

"Thank you, Yuuto."

Takanori's face turned from red to pink. He could be docile if he wanted to, huh?

"Ah... here it is."

I rummaged through my bag and took out a box wrapped up in lilac and bound by a soft pink bow.

"This is my chocolate for you, Yuuto. It's only giri, but I hope you'll enjoy it."

"...after how you acted today, I'm surprised it's not honmei. But... thank you for the chocolate... G-Ginko. I appreciate it a lot."

I laughed, patting his head again.

"Did you want a honmei-choco from me that badly? I thought a guy like you would be drowning in them."

"No, I only received giri-choco today."

"Then, you can consider this one honmei if it'll make you feel better. It's handmade, after all."

"You made this chocolate...?"

"Yeah. It's actually dark chocolate. Since I expected most guys to get milk chocolate, I thought I'd make mine different to stand out a little. Though, it might be a bit melted when you open it up, since it's been sitting in my bag the entire day, so sorry about that."

"It's fine... were you going to give this to someone in particular then?"

"Not really. Unless, you count giving a chocolate to yourself?"

If I didn't give this out by the end of today, I would've eaten it myself.

"...of course you would. I shouldn't have expected any different from you."

I laughed.

"Hey, it doesn't take away from the fact I gave you, and only you, a chocolate today. That's got to mean something."

What he doesn't realise is that it does mean something.

I just can't bring myself to show it earnestly.

Even I can be embarrassed doing this sort of thing too, you know?

The corners of Takanori's lips twitched. He nodded.

" does."

He hugged the box of chocolate close to his chest. I guess it meant more to him than I expected, huh?

"Anyways, I think you should go home now. Otherwise, you'll be late for club activities."

"The only club activity for the Go Home Club is to go home."

"And you've failed to do even that."

"It's a work in progress..."

"Alright, then let's get that progress into work, shall we? I'll walk you home."

His eyes widened slightly.

"Why are you offering that suddenly...? Don't you live in Stark White?"

"I don't mind. In fact, I know the moment that you leave my sight, you'll just go back to waiting outside that classroom for her, aren't you?"

Takanori pouted. This was the one time where I didn't want to be right on the mark.

"Why are you going so far for me? It's completely unlike you."

"Because it's interesting. That's all there is to it."

And because I don't want to see you like this ever again.

"...ah fine. I give up. Let's just do this your way, Ginko."

"Fu fu. I'm glad to hear it. Come on Yuuto, let's go home."

I extended my hand towards him. He hesitated a bit, but eventually held onto it.

I squeezed it gently, signalling for us to go.

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