- Part 3

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"Like I said before. From now on, you belong to me, Takanori-san."

Saionji chuckled and packed away her cards. Likewise, I did the same.

My fate this summer was sealed with this loss.

I was going to participate in Project MF.

"Welcome aboard. I'm looking forward to seeing what you can do."

I languidly nodded.

Saionji took out a contract from her bag and handed it to me.

"Sign here. You're free to read through it, but it's basically a consent form, a waiver, and an NDA combined as a single document."

I flicked through the contract, skim reading it, before looking up at Saionji.

"...is there anything else I need to do beforehand?"

"Not particularly. Everything's been set up for you, so there's no worries there."

"I see. In that case, may I borrow a pen please?"

"Of course, since you asked so politely."

Saionji took a pen from her jacket's pocket and handed it to me. Using it, I signed the contact and handed it back to her.

"Thank you for your cooperation. Now, all you need to do is talk with Mikazuchi-san and he'll instruct you on what to do next."

"Alright. Do you know where he is?"

"I don't. If you want, I can call him to come back here."

"...yeah, that would be appreciated. Thanks."

"No problem."

She took out her phone and called him before turning back to me.

"Mikazuchi-san said he'll be here in five minutes, give or take."


I nodded before scratching the back of my head and sitting down.

"Since my business here is done, I'm going to take my leave now."

I looked up at Saionji who was ready to leave the faculty building.

Just as I was about to nod, I hesitated.

Something from earlier bothered me, nagging me to stop.

"...wait, Saionji-san."

"Hmm? What is it?"

Before I knew it, the words I hadn't been able to say earlier began tumbling out.

"I... I want to know something about you."

"About me?"

She looked half-surprised and half-amused at my sudden interest in her. It made sense, considering I had been so hostile towards her this entire time...

"Earlier, during the fight... you said that I reminded you of yourself when you were younger."

"Indeed, I did."

"I wanted to know... how did you know that freedom wasn't what you actually wanted?"

Saionji put a finger to her chin and hummed.

"Well, that's certainly a question I've never been asked before. To be honest with you, there was no defining moment where I realised the freedom I had obtained wasn't working for me. I just enjoyed myself to the fullest, not being bound to anything, indulging in hedonism, and disregarding the consequences of my lifestyle. Pleasure was the only thing on my mind during those days. However, I think as a result of that immense satisfaction, something else changed inside of me. I should have been happy, and I was happy, that I got to live the life I always desired... but as a result, what sprouted in my heart was hollow irritation."

There was a sad smile on her face as she spoke with complete honesty towards me.


"Yes. If you obtain the freedom you desire someday, I'm certain you'll feel it too. It's a small feeling at first, and you won't immediately understand why you're noticing it... but as time goes on, that feeling will become more opaque, and before you know it, you realise that irritation is a sign of dissatisfaction. Because, if everyday is a day filled with freedom... then freedom will stop being special to you. It becomes a part of your regular every day. And when that happens, your desires will change again."

Slowly but surely, I was beginning to understand what Saionji was trying to warn me about. She put a hand to her heart.

"For me, that happened when the world around me started turning bland and grey. I wanted it so badly my entire life, and yet, now that I was here, I found nothing of what I hoped for. It was a meaningless existence where my heart wasn't being fulfilled, even if I was doing things of my own choosing. After a while, it stopped being fun too. It got me thinking, why? Why didn't this feel as good anymore? And that's when I noticed the ruckus in my heart. Seeing it for the first time, I finally understood what I had been missing."

Saionji sat down on the desk I was at, peering down at me.

"Hidden underneath that wish for freedom... was a yearning for ambition."

I looked up at her in awe.

"So I decided— I would simply be better than everyone else."

As those bold words left her mouth with such confidence that only people like her could have...

...just for a little bit, just a she reminded me of someone else I knew.

"It was that ambition which gave me a goal in life I could follow. And fighting to achieve that goal with everything I had gave me meaning in my life again. Without it, that freedom was wasted on me, because I didn't know what I was doing or where I was going. But having this ambition ignited something within me... and suddenly, that freedom became important again, and I savoured every moment of it as I used it to work towards my goal. I think that's what people actually mean when they desire freedom."

...was that really the case for me too?

"Freedom is a wonderful thing."

At the very least, I was certain of this much.

"I agree. Though, I think it's only a means for people to achieve a grander goal. When people wish for freedom, what they truly wish for is the space and time to nurture their passions without being tied down by the world around them. They want to chase a dream. To master a hobby. To perfect a skill. To feel fulfilled. To achieve their ambitions. And, above all else..."

Saionji gazed at me with gentle eyes.

"...to live properly."

I lowered my head.

"But... I don't even know what it means to live properly, Saionji-san."

She put her hand on my head and stroked it.

"Nether do I."

My eyes widened slightly. I raised my head, looking up at her slightly.

"But it's because I don't know that I'm trying to seek that answer."

She pulled her hand away and crossed her arms.

"Tell me, Takanori-san. What do you think is the reason why you're here?"

I stared at Saionji blankly before my mouth moved on its own accord.

"...to be a little kinder than I was yesterday."

Without even realising it, those precious words slipped out of my mouth.

As I was about to cover my lips with my hand, Saionji stopped me.

As she held onto my wrist, I peered up at her face through my bangs.

Saionji was smiling.

"Did you hear that from someone else?"

I looked away and gently nodded.

"...I don't remember who told me that, though."

Saionji let go of my wrist, laughing a little.

"How interesting. I've heard those exact same words in the past from someone I knew before."

"...you have?"

I perked up, squeezing my fist in anticipation.

Could... could Saionji know the person who taught me those precious words?

Did she know the person who saved me, all those years ago?

"Of course."

At this point, my excitement was about to spill over.

"Do you know who—"

The door slammed open, causing Saionji's attention to pull away from me.

"Yo, Takanori-shounen! I see you're still here with Saionji-san."

Cheekily making his entrance, Mikazuchi-sensei laughed while waving at me.

"Oh, Mikazuchi-san, you're here."

"Ha ha, yup! Coming at you live in the flesh! I hope it wasn't too painful babysitting Takanori-shounen."

"You consider this babysitting?"

"Why not? He's like an overgrown baby, isn't he?"

Mikazuchi-sensei laughed heartily and slapped me on the back like he was my grandfather or something.

I pushed him away, glaring at him.

You stupid old man... you've ruined this important chance for me...!

"In a way... yeah, I can see it. Though, I don't think that's a bad thing."

Saionji teased me a little.

"True. At least he won't become a jaded old man at 18 like Nozomi-kun any time soon."

Mikazuchi-sensei chuckled, sitting besides me. Was Anjou-sensei really that jaded for his age?

"In any case, Takanori-san was fine to be around. He's a good kid, but he's surprisingly docile, like you said."

"Yep. You gotta poke him real hard to get him to do anything. I assume you played into his kinks to convince him to join?"

Saionji raised an eyebrow at Mikazuchi-sensei.

"I'm sorry?"

"Oh, don't you remember? Takanori-shounen is a huge—"


Before he could blurt out more misinformation, I gave him the best death stare I could muster. He shivered, abruptly stopping his sentence.

"—fan of Vanguard! You must've really hammered on and focused in how fun it will be playing Vanguard while driving in a car, a ha ha!"

"Right... well, let's just say it was something like that."

Of course, Saionji wasn't convinced either. She glanced at me, looking at me with pitiful eyes.

Somehow, I had a sneaking suspicion that she already knew what Mikazuchi-sensei was going to say...

"Oho? Takanori-shounen, you lucky boy!"

Please stop making it weird, Mikazuchi-sensei...

"Well, since your mentor's now present, I'll let him handle things from here. It was nice meeting you today, Takanori-san."

"...you too, Saionji-san."

I wanted to continue our conversation from earlier, but with Mikazuchi-sensei here, I didn't want to bring up the topic again.

However, as I watched Saionji leave the room and close the door behind her, I couldn't help but feel the urge to chase after her and spit out that desperate question I wasn't able to ask.

But in the end... against my better judgment, my legs didn't budge. I didn't want either of them to know how badly I wanted to know her identity, since they could use it against me in the future to force me into even more bothersome things like this.

...the last thing I want is for someone to weaponise my precious memories of her against me.

Considering she was the host and organiser of Project MF, I knew I would have another chance to ask Saionji about it in the near future. Even so... I can't help but feel like I've just thrown away the biggest chance of my life to find out who she is.

I stared distantly at that shut door, lowering my head. Mikazuchi-sensei turned to look at me.

"Saionji-san's really captivated you, huh?"


Hearing his voice, I briefly snapped out of it.

"I've never seen you so blank-headed before. Where's your mind at, Takanori-shounen?"

"...sensei, do you think I'll get to see Saionji-san alone like this in the future?"

Mikazuchi-sensei raised his eyebrows in surprise before smiling.

"If you win the tournament, I'm sure you will."

I raised my head, clenching my fists.

"...you really mean it?"

"Of course."

"...alright. Then I've decided."

I stood.

"I'm going to win the MF Tournament so I can see Saionji-san again."

Mikazuchi-sensei looked at me and chuckled with a smile.

"I'm glad to hear it. Though, I was going to say... if you want, I could also arrange a private meeting with her for you."

"Thanks for the offer, but... I want to see her again on my own terms."

"Oh. Oh, so that's how it is..."

Mikazuchi-sensei stroked his chin and nodded with a sly grin.

"Ha ha, forgive me. I wasn't familiar with your game."

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Looks like you've fallen pretty hard for her, huh? I don't blame you, Saionji-san looks exactly like your type."


I don't understand. What was he talking about this time?

"You don't have to be shy! I can tell just from the look in your eyes. As your mentor, I'm more than ecstatic that you've found someone you're interested in. So go on, Takanori-shounen! I'm rooting for you to get her!"

"Hang on, I feel like you're misunderstanding something here, Mikazuchi-sensei..."

Ignoring me, he put a hand to his chin.

"Oh, hmm... it won't be a simple path though. There's someone who'll probably get in your way of seeing Saionji-san."

"...what do you mean?"

"His name is Takamine. If you're not careful, that man will tear away a future where you and Saionji-san are together."

I couldn't imagine what this Takamine guy looked like, but if Mikazuchi-sensei was warning me about him, he must be tough...

"So, someone super strong like that is also participating... now I feel even more out of place with these competitors."

"Ha ha, don't worry. I think Takamine's the exception, not the rule. He'll probably be your biggest hurdle, so keep a close eye on him, alright? I don't want you coming back to me with a broken heart or anything."

"...looks like I have no other choice but to get serious for this tournament then, huh?"

"Indeed. But, knowing you, I'm sure you can do it."

Mikazuchi-sensei stood and pushed my back, encouraging me to step forward. I stumbled forward a little before stabilising and looking back at him.

"Now go! Minamoto-kun and Shigaisoshi-sama are waiting outside for you. The three of you will drive together to Gunma, which is where the MF Tournament is going to be held. Once you're there, give Anjou-sensei a call, and he'll show you all where you'll be staying. I'll see you again whenever the tournament actually starts up, so look forward to it!"

I nodded at his instructions, stepping towards the door with a heavy feeling on my shoulders.

Despite my initial reservations about participating, I can't help but admit my interest is piqued a little.

There was a real chance I could find the person who saved me— something I had long given up on.

I narrowed my eyes and muttered.

"Thank you, Mikazuchi-sensei..."

I don't think he actually heard it though.

As I left the room, waiting outside for me in the corridor was Chabashira-sensei.

"Takanori-san... are you alright?"

I looked up at Chabashira-sensei and nodded lightly.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"I'm relieved to hear that..."

She breathed a sigh of relief. I felt bad if she was standing out here the entire time, so I brought up the topic lightly.

"Umm... how long have you been waiting for me, Chabashira-sensei?"

"Ah, I only just got here, don't worry. While I was gone, I was helping the other teachers clean up the summer school. I only came here when Mikazuchi-sensei told me Saionji-san had phoned him to come here."

"I see..."

"I also heard from Saionji-san that you decided to join her project."

"Ah... yeah, I did."

"Are you sure this is what you want?"

I looked away slightly, before the faint memory of that day on the beach resurfaced in my mind.

"Originally, I didn't want any part of this... but now..."

I lifted my head, looking straight at Chabashira-sensei.

"...I want to do everything I can to enjoy myself to the fullest."

Hearing that, her worried face melted into a soft smile.

"Takanori-san... I'm really glad to hear you say that."

"You... are?"

She nodded.

"All this time... you've looked miserable."

I was surprised when I heard Chabashira-sensei say that. I don't think I've let any discomfort show on my face... maybe I've slipped up somewhere and she's seen it?

"You've put yourself in danger countless number of times and did whatever was necessary, regardless of the risks, to obtain the results you wanted... as your homeroom teacher, it hurt watching you push yourself so much despite all the pain and anguish it caused you. So, to hear that you wanted to enjoy yourself for once... it made me really, really happy. Because, at the end of the day, you're still just a child, Takanori-san. You shouldn't have to worry about these adult matters... you deserve to have fun, just like everyone else."

The usually cold and distant Chabashira-sensei had tears threatening to spill in the corner of her eyes.


I was frozen.

I didn't mean to make her cry... but at the same time, I didn't expect her to be so concerned about me.

Up until now, I didn't realise just how close of an eye she's been keeping on me. But thinking back, it makes perfect sense...

Because of me - because of my past - Chabashira-sensei was involved in things she shouldn't have been involved with in the first place.

And as a result, because she's my homeroom teacher, she had to keep an extra look out for me to make sure I was safe from it all.

I can't imagine just how worried she must've actually been when she saw me after my fight with Shimada... she must also be surprisingly good at hiding her own emotions too.

Seeing this now... I finally understood the full weight of the words Mikazuchi-sensei gave me earlier.

With a trembling hand, I reached out to Chabashira-sensei.

"...sensei. Is it okay... if I..."

Before I could ask the question, she wiped away the tears.

"Sorry... you saw an uncool side of me there, Takanori-san."

Chabashira-sensei laughed it off, slightly embarrassed that I had seen her so vulnerable.

"No... it's fine. I'm... sorry for making you worry so much too..."

I bowed, trying to show the sincerity of my apology.

"It's okay... it's not your fault, there's no need for that."

Under the dim lights, Chabashira-sensei embraced me.

My eyes widened as she hugged me, but I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back.

The gentle scent of vanilla filled my nose.

"Just stay safe and have fun this summer, okay?"

"...I will."

I couldn't look at her in the eyes.

I felt that, if I tried, then something within me would break.

Ah... why couldn't you have been born closer in age to me?

If you were my classmate or senpai, I might have really fell in...

...I erased those thoughts before the shadow could disgrace them.

"Thank you, Chabashira-sensei..."

At the very least, I could get that much out.

Chabashira-sensei broke the hug with a sad smile.

"I'll see you next semester then."

"...yeah. See you soon."

"Oh... and if there's any trouble, feel free to contact me on the school app. My number will still be open over the break."

I nodded before waving goodbye.

"Have a good summer vacation too, Chabashira-sensei."

"Thank you, Takanori-san. And you too."

I walked down the long hallway before reaching the reception. Even though I wasn't looking forward to going back to the mainland, the fact the tournament was being held outside Tokyo made it a bit easier to swallow.

As long as I didn't stand out or somehow give my location away, I could remain relatively incognito and avoid any potential persecution from those in the Underworld.

Before I stepped outside, I sent Yukina a message telling her that I'd return to the island at a later date, apologising that I wouldn't be there with her for now.

I was a little disappointed, since we had already made some plans to play together over the summer, and I was secretly hoping we could make up for lost time from middle school this way too.

As I pushed open the door to outside, I saw Minamoto and Shigaisoshi-sama waiting together by what looked to be some sort of red luxury sports car.

It's ironic how I've seen everyone else but Anjou-sensei from that initial meeting. Judging from what Mikazuchi-sensei told me, he's probably gone ahead to Gunma to sort out our lodgings.

"So, did you make up your mind?"

I was standing under the canopy's shade when Minamoto walked up to me and asked that question, the dazzling sunlight shining down on her. Shigaisoshi-sama stayed behind, scrolling on her phone whilst leaning against Minamoto's car.

"...I did."

"And, the verdict?"

"I'm doing it."

I stepped out into the sunlight. Minamoto smiled widely, cheering for me. Considering how rocky our relationship used to be due to a simple misunderstanding, I was glad she now treated me like a normal person after it was cleared up.

"Alright! Ahh, I can't wait for this Takanori-san! You're gonna learn tons from me, a professional three time back-to-back championship racer!"

She really wanted to stress the fact she was a pro, huh?

"Yeah... I hope I will. I'll be in your care, Minamoto-san."

"You can count on me!"

She grinned and stuck out her thumb. Then, she turned to Shigaisoshi-sama, who looked completely uninterested in the conversation between the two of us.

"BFF-samaaaaaaa! Look! It seems like Takanori-san finally grew a pair! Isn't that great?!"

"Hmm? Oh, good for him. Maybe we can reward him later with a dog treat."

Although... I couldn't say the same for Shigaisoshi-sama.

Even though I've moved on from being in Drachma Red, Shigaisoshi-sama still regarded me as a dog, continuing to look down at me like I was one. It was enough to make me think that she got off on treating me this way or something...

"What?! No fair, I want a reward too, BFF-sama! Can you give me a reward too? I'll even take dog biscuits! Please, please, pretty please!"

Instantly forgetting my existence, Minamoto rushed over to Shigaisoshi-sama, getting on her knees and begging for some kind of reward.

"O ho ho, of course! How could I resist when you're looking at with such cute eyes... I'll be sure to give you a very special treat later."

Shigaisoshi-sama giggled as her hand caressed Minamoto's blushing face, causing her eyes to fill with carnal desire and her mouth to drool in excitement.

Am I... interrupting something here? Should I like... take my leave, or something?

"BFF-sama... Namie-sama... you're so kind to me... thank you, thank you...!"

Minamoto then scrambled to her feet, wiped her chin with the back of her sleeve, and clapped her hands.

"Alright, let's go to Gunma, Takanori-san!"

"Are you driving us there?"

"That's right! It's gonna be a super fun road trip with me, Shigaisoshi-sama, and you! Duct-tape-covering-your-mouth-and-shoved-in-the-boot!"

...huh? Did I hear that last part correctly?

"Uh... Minamoto-san, could you repeat that last bit-"

"Chop chop, we're wasting time, let's hurry!"

"Kumi-chan, is the doggie being troublesome to handle? Do you want me to come over and discipline him?"

"H-huh? N-no need, BFF-sama! I can handle him for you, don't worry!"

"Seriously guys, I'm not a dog..."

Minamoto looked at me with a stare that burned through my skull. She began muttering in a dark and low voice.

"Do not cause any trouble for Namie-sama. If you make her worry about you or make her do anything over a mess you make, I will personally lop off your wiener and neuter you."

"...you won't kill me?"

"Namie-sama would be upset if her pet dog died. Besides... it's not fair! Why do you get to be Namie-sama's dog?! I want to be her pet! I want to be completely under her beck and call! I should be the one she looks down upon with complete disgust! So why are you the one she's so engrossed over?!"

I'm starting to think Minamoto would go to E Class if given the chance just so Shigaisoshi-sama would treat her the same way she treats me... huh, I wondered if I could use this to my advantage somehow and convince her to come down to join my class.

"Here, pochi-pochita. Come here, pochita. Good boy, good boy."

As Shigaisoshi-sama clapped her hands and beckoned me over to the car, Minamoto pouted at me. Why was she making such a jealous face? Seriously, I didn't want this... if she wanted it that badly, she could just ask for it.

"Let's go, Takanori-san..."

Minamoto's good mood soured around me, before returning to her flowery and happy self the moment she was around Shigaisoshi-sama.

As I walked over to the duo, I sighed.

"Shigaisoshi-sama... you know that's not my name, right?"

"O ho ho... o ho ho ho!"

Shigaisoshi-sama stared at me for a second before laughing like a princess.

"Oh, pochita, don't be silly! That's always been your name. Now be a good boy and get in the trunk. If you do, I'll give you another treat!"

"Here ya go, Takanori-san!"

Minamoto opened the boot of her car and welcomed me inside with a smug smile. Inside the boot was a roll of duct tape, a bag of dog treats, and most concerning, a human sized leash. Oi, were they serious about this...?

"Guys, like I said before... I'm not a dog. Like, actually."

They still didn't listen.

After wrangling and getting on my knees begging to sit in the car like a normal person, in the end, they graciously decided I would be allowed to sit at the back of the car... under one condition.

"...I feel so degraded right now."

I mumbled to myself while the bell on the collar around my neck jingled as Minamoto drove.

From the rear-view mirror, I saw Minamoto give me the craziest glare imaginable. I still don't get why she was so upset at me, Shigaisoshi-sama put a collar on her too after she forced me to wear one...

...and anyways, why does she casually have two collars on hand? What the hell kind of play is she into?

"Ah... driving on a hot summer's day with the windows rolled slightly down is the best... it feels so good just having the wind in my hair..."

I think for the first time ever in my life I saw Shigaisoshi-sama act normal. She stretched her legs and arms as the cool breeze wafted into the car.

"He he he, I'm glad you're enjoying it BFF-sama! I hope everything's alright for you too."

"I've got my neck pillow, the cool breeze, and you driving for me... I couldn't be comfier."

Shigaisoshi-sama was a real passenger princess, huh? Minamoto squealed with glee, taking in the sight of Shigaisoshi-sama closing her eyes and smiling blissfully. There was even drool running down her chin again.

To be honest, I was convinced Minamoto was some kind of expert in racing the moment I saw her drive with only one hand. The other was just holding Shigaisoshi-sama's hand, squeezing it like they were lovers.

"How long do you reckon the trip is going to be?"

"Huh, don't speak, Takanori-san."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Wait, but—"

"Ah-ah, what did I say? My car, my rules."

I zipped my mouth shut and put my hands up by my head as a way of nonverbally communicating to her my confusion.

"Shigaisoshi-sama is currently trying to sleep. She has severe car sickness so the way she can get through long rides is by sleeping through them. Now be a good doggie and don't wet the seat."

Ignoring that unnecessary jab at the end, I guess even the haughty princess has a crippling weakness, huh? No wonder she likes the fresh air so much too.

Well, if I can't speak, and if this journey is gonna take awhile, I might as well get some rest myself. My body was still sore from all the fighting I've done...

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