- Part 5

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That evening, at around midnight, as I was preparing to go to bed on the living room couch, my phone started to ring.

It was from a private number, so I didn't know who was calling.

Even though it was meddlesome for them to call at this hour of the night, considering they withheld their contact details meant there was enough importance to their identity that I had no choice but to answer.

I picked up the phone and answered it, putting it up to my ear without saying a word.

On the other side was static.

Just as I was about to say something, a voice faintly came through on the other side.

"I know you're back."

It seems they were baiting for a response - for me to speak, so they could confirm my identity.

"Prepare your will. Consider that your final warning."

With that, they ended the call.

I closed my eyes and put down my phone before laying on the couch.

"...I don't have the time to worry about that now."

I yawned, mumbling those words to myself.

I drifted off peacefully to sleep on this slightly uncomfortable couch.


The following morning, I was awoken to the sound of shouting in the kitchen.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes. In the living room was Anjou-sensei, who was busy opening more packs of P Revive Festival.

As I got up from my slumber, he looked at me and waved good morning.

"Hey, Takanori-san. Kiri wasn't kidding when he said you were sleeping here..."

He chuckled lightly.

After he, Shigaisoshi-sama, and Minamoto got a room each to themselves, I had no other choice but to sleep out here.

"Yeah... well, it's fine. This gets the job done, just about."

It definitely needed a more comfortable cover though.

I heard more shouting in the kitchen. This time, it was a girl's voice, so I assumed it was either Shigaisoshi-sama or Minamoto in there making breakfast or something. I got up to check what all the commotion was about.

When I peered into the kitchen, to my surprise, it was just Kiri and Minamoto. Shigaisoshi-sama was nowhere in sight.

"This is unacceptable!"

"What else do you want me to do?! I'm on the student budget, I can't afford anything fancy like eggs!"

...from the looks of things, it seems Minamoto was confronting Kiri over what was in his pantry and fridge.

Laid out on the countertop were half eaten bags of rice and pasta, and scattered between them were tins of beans. The fridge door was also open, showing that there was only milk, half an onion, and a nearly expired pack of ground pork inside.

Yeah, this definitely wasn't a good look for him... I mean, he didn't even have instant ramen, which was a college staple. How did he live like this?

"All of this food is unfit for BFF-sama... oh, how am I supposed to make her anything edible when all you have is inedible tat!"

It seems Minamoto was having an existential crisis over not being able to make Shigaisoshi-sama any decent food from what Kiri had in his kitchen.

"Huh? There's rice, that's edible! Just slap it in the rice cooker and throw it together with the pork or something!"

"With what vegetables?! BFF-sama loves her greens, far more than she loves her meat!"

"Vegetables— you wanna get me started on vegetables?! Girl, missy, respectfully, have you seen the prices of carrots these days?! A single bag of small carrots could buy me a fancy meal at a restaurant!"

"Sounds like excuses to eat unhealthily to me! There's no such price when it comes to nourishing and nutritious food that's good for you!"

I scratched the back of my neck and left them to argue with each other. Something tells me Minamoto would also grill me if she knew my diet was 90% instant ramen...

As I walked upstairs to go to the bathroom, I crossed paths with Shigaisoshi-sama wearing her casual clothes. For a second, I took a step back and blinked.

"Hm? Is there something the matter, pochita?"

Noticing my strange behaviour, Shigaisoshi-sama gently greeted me. I rubbed my bleary eyes, taking a good look at Shigaisoshi-sama again.

"...n-no, it's nothing."

...I couldn't help but think she looked good in her regular clothes. The sweater and dress combo really fit her style.

"Oh. By the way, aren't you forgetting something?"


Did I call her by the wrong name or something?

To my surprise, Shigaisoshi-sama pointed at her neck.

"When did you take your collar off, pochita? Bad boy."

...there's no way she's still continuing this bit, right?

"When I went to sle..."

Before I could answer her, Shigaisoshi-sama sighed and started shuffling me along with her hands, essentially forcing me back downstairs.

"H-hey, wait a sec, I..."

As we passed the kitchen, I could still hear Minamoto and Kiri arguing. When we reentered the living room, Anjou-sensei was still happily opening cards.

Oi, don't tell me this is how the rest of my summer is going be like... I think I'll go insane...

"Here we are! Now be a good boy and stay still, pochi-pochita."

For better or worse, Shigaisoshi-sama looked genuinely happy putting the collar around my neck. I'm starting to think she really does see me as nothing but a pet dog...

"Oh, I know! We should get you some food."

Oh no.

When those words left Shigaisoshi-sama's mouth, I knew I had to correct this before it spiralled out of control any further.

"S-Shigaisoshi-sama, can you be honest with me...?"

"What is it?"

"Do you actually see me as a dog...?"

Shigaisoshi-sama blinked before laughing.

"O ho ho ho! Of course I do, don't worry pochita! You're my cute little golden retriever, nothing more, nothing less!"

I don't want words of affirmation, damn it!

"...so, when you say that you'll get me some food... surely, you don't mean...?"

Shigaisoshi-sama nodded.

"I have the most premium brand of dog food sitting in the trunk of Kumi-chan's car. You're eating good tonight, pochita!"

...I have to run.

"I see... if you excuse me."

I dashed upstairs and locked myself in the bathroom.

There's no way in hell I'm consuming dog food for her...


A few minutes later, there was knocking on the bathroom door.

"Oi, Takanori-san. You in there?"

It was Anjou-sensei.

"...I'm taking a dump."

I lied. I was just sitting on the toilet, trying to weather out the storm that was known as "Shigaisoshi-sama".

"Oh. Sorry, I'll be back in a couple minutes then."

"Wait, do you need the toilet, sensei?"

"Huh? Nah, I was just gonna tell you that the group's going out to eat since Kiri's kitchen is more barren than the amount of support Tachikaze gets each year."

"Oh... uh, by the group, do you mean...?"

"Yeah. Me, you, Kiri, Minamoto, and Shigaisoshi."

From downstairs, I could hear Shigaisoshi-sama shout faintly at Anjou-sensei.

"S-sorry! Err, I mean, Shigaisoshi... sama..."

I found solace in the fact I wasn't the only one who was forced to act like this.

"Can you guarantee that she won't try to feed me dog food...?"


"...never mind, forget it. Tell me, is she footing the bill too?"


I was somehow more impressed that he managed to convince Shigaisoshi-sama to pay for this breakfast. I guess I should get my money's worth and go with them...

Unlocking the door, I came face to face with Anjou-sensei, who was smiling a little creepily. Oi, what was this old man so happy about now...?

"Alright, I'm in."

"Awesome. Time's a wasting, so let's go!"

I followed Anjou-sensei downstairs, and together, the five of us headed off to eat breakfast.


Our destination was a nearby family diner. While Shigaisoshi-sama was being driven in Minamoto's car, me and Kiri were being driven in Anjou-sensei's car.

"So, uh, Anjou-sensei..."

"Hm? What is it, Takanori-san?"

"If you don't mind me asking... why is your radio playing jungle sounds?"

"It's recreations of what the jurassic era sounded like, actually."


I guess that would explain the roars.

"I told you to turn this crap off before Takanori-san entered the car, dumbass."

"What? It looks like he's enjoying it."

In stark contrast of another, Anjou-sensei was beaming while Kiri was malding.

"Huh? You're joking right, you're clearly freaking the kid out!"

"Eh, it's fine. It's my car, so my rules, you know?"

"I get that, but he doesn't know just how messed up your brain chemistry is. The only people who can tolerate this egregious noise is me, Hori, and Ak—"

Before he said that last name, Kiri bit his tongue and stopped himself. Anjou-sensei raised an eyebrow before chuckling, a glint of sadness in his eyes.

"What, Amalie? No way dude, she used to smack me over the head all of the time, that female gorilla."

"That's your own fault. In fact, I would even go so far as to say she was justified to do so, ya— gah, my tongue!"

Kiri, noticing his tongue was bleeding, hissed and pressed it against his hand.

"Oi, are you alright?"

"I'll feel even better if you shut this stupid jungle OST off!"

"Jurassic OST, actually."

"You're doing my head in..."

Kiri groaned, reaching into his breast pocket and pulling out a Seven Stars cigarette.

"Hey, hey, no smoking in cars. That's illegal, y'know? I'll get in trouble."

"Fine, how about a deal? I'll hold off on the smoking if you turn off the dinosaur noises."

Anjou-sensei's eye twitched.

"...make it discreet."

"What?! Oh my god, you're somehow worse than before..."

"Look, I've been through things, the dinosaurs help keep me sane, okay?!"

"This?! The screeches of pterodactyls keep you sane?! The roars of a T-Rex is your will to live?! Nozomi, have you heard yourself recently?!"

"At least I don't have perpetual stress from going to university! How's it like going to class for only 3 hours a week and spending the rest of your time reading up on journalism and politics, nerd?!"

"Huh?! Now you're asking for it, you dinosaur for brains!"

"I can say the same to you, smoker boy!"

"Alright, that's it!"

In unbridled rage, Kiri reached out to switch off the radio.

"Hey, hey, hey, what do you think you're doing?! Get your hands off the button and back on the cigarette!"

Anjou-sensei moved in with his left hand, blocking Kiri off.

"I'm regaining my sanity and protecting Takanori-san's image of you!"

"I don't need my image protected when I have the sound of stegosauruses running across the field!"

"G-guys, eyes on the road, please...?"

As much as I was amused by their bickering, I did not want to lose my life today because of reckless driving.

"...he has a point."

"...Takanori-san is right."

In agreement, Kiri and Anjou-sensei pulled their hands away from each other.

"...I'll forget this ever happened if you buy me another pack of Seven Stars."

"...I'll forgive you if you buy me a box of P Revive Festival."

At the same time, both men shook hands.


These two really are close friends, huh...?


We had arrived at the family diner and sat down together. A waiter greeted us and handed out some menus for us to peruse.

"The realisation of how strange our group looks together is dawning on me."

Kiri muttered that to himself. In a booth at the back, I was sitting between Shigaisoshi-sama and Anjou-sensei, while sitting across from us was Minamoto and Kiri, with a considerable gap in space between them.

"I mean, when two of them are wearing dog collars... yeah, I can see why."

Anjou-sensei chuckled awkwardly while Shigaisoshi-sama laughed proudly over the fact me and Minamoto were wearing our collars.

"Ahh, I'm so glad that I have the best view of BFF-sama... the sun from the window gently hitting her face makes her look like an angel descended from heaven! Nay, she is an angel descended from heaven!"

"O ho ho ho, oh my dear Kumi-chan, you flatter me so... you too, look dazzling under this wonderful and warm sunlight. Ah, it makes me wish I wore a summer dress now..."

"BFF-sama... i-in a summer dress... o-oh, my eyes don't deserve such beauty..."

Minamoto squealed to herself, heavily panting as drool ran down her chin.

"Shigaisoshi-san—sama, do you have a budget for us?"

Anjou-sensei, nice save there.

"Hmm... maybe, 100,000 yen?"

Anjou-sensei nearly choked on hearing that. A vein appeared on Kiri's forehead, but he tried to not let his disgust show.

To be honest, I was also surprised that Shigaisoshi-sama was prepared to spend so much just for a meal out too... so this is what it's like to be friends with rich people, huh?

"Sorry, did I hear that correctly...?"

"Anjou-sensei, how dare you not listen to BFF-sama when she speaks! You should just even be glad she's gazing your way!"

"I-I just wanted to make sure I wasn't wrong!"

"If you must know, then she said 100,000 yen. Next time, pay attention closely. Or else!"

"...t-that's your limit for breakfast?"

Understandably, Anjou-sensei was more shocked over Shigaisoshi-sama's flippant use of money rather than Minamoto's threat.

"Considering there's five people here, that would equate to 20,000 yen each. I think that's a reasonable amount if you were to eat that much food."

"You think... we could spare that money to buy groceries instead?"

For once, Kiri said something reasonable.

"Yeah, I think that sounds like a better plan too..."

Anjou-sensei laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head.

"Hm? I mean, we can, but isn't it more convenient to eat out?"

Minamoto nodded in agreement. Both men looked away from her. I had to join them out of principle.

"I'm starting to understand Minamoto-san's behaviour some more now..."

Kiri mumbled, burying his head into the menu.

"For real..."

Anjou-sensei mumbled, burying his head into the menu.

"...I think I'll have the English breakfast."

I decided to cut through the awkwardness with my order.

"Eh? Are you sure you don't want dog treats, pochita? There's some in Kumi-chan's trunk."

"...I'm sure that I want the English breakfast, Shigaisoshi-sama."

"It sounds like to me you want dog treats."

"...M-Minamoto-san, a little help here?"

Minamoto was giving me a death stare.


Anjou-sensei was distracted by the dinner menu.


Kiri was depressed after fully comprehending how rich Shigaisoshi-sama was.

"Oh come on..."


After getting on my knees and begging Shigaisoshi-sama, she let me order the English breakfast with tea.

Meanwhile, she got pancakes and porridge with tea, Minamoto got scrambled eggs, bacon, and waffles with fruit juice, Anjou-sensei got fried eggs, bacon, and sausages with hot chocolate, and Kiri got two servings of English breakfast with coffee.

Seeing him scran down the first plate of English breakfast in about ten minutes, I wondered just how famished was Kiri?

"Takanori-san! Today, you're coming with me!"

While we were digging into our meals, Minamoto pointed her spoon at me, accidentally flinging eggs into my beans.

"...I am?"

I scraped her flown eggs to the side of my plate and took a bite of my buttered toast.

"Yep! I'm going to be teaching you how to drive, so prepare yourself!"

"Ah... right, that makes sense. I'll do my best not to wreck your car then."

"Huh? Who said I'm letting you drive my baby?"

Minamoto looked offended from even the mere suggestion someone other than her would touch her driving wheel.

"Well, I don't exactly have a car, do I...?"

She stared with a deadpan.

"Mikazuchi-sensei didn't tell you, huh..."

I raised an eyebrow. What has he done this time?

"Shigaisoshi-sama, may I please have more food...?"

Kiri, finishing his second plate of English breakfast, quietly begged for thirds.

"O ho ho ho! Go ahead Kiri-san, eat as much as you want!"

Kiri sniffled, wiping a tear from his eye as he ordered waffles and pancakes.

"Minamoto-san, you might be right... Shigaisoshi-sama really is an angel..."

Just how bad was his financial situation...?

"Don't you dare call BFF-sama an angel. Only I get to do that."

Minamoto quickly jabbed Kiri in the sides to correct his behaviour before turning back to me.

"You know what, I'll save it as a surprise. Just come with me after this is done."

"But what about the shopping?"

Anjou-sensei asked, putting down his fork as he finished eating.

"Huh... I don't trust either of you two with BFF-sama, and as much as I love BFF-sama, I don't trust her with the shopping either, so..."

Minamoto put her hands to her head as she thought long and hard over what the best solution was.

"Can you trust us with the shopping?"

As Kiri asked that sarcastically, Minamoto screeched.

"Absolutely not! After seeing the state of your fridge, I'm convinced you don't even know the basics of nutrition!"

I really shouldn't tell her about the ramen diet...

"O ho ho, Kumi-chan, honey, you're getting too worked up."

Shigaisoshi-sama grabbed Minamoto's hands and squeezed them gently, calming her down.

"BFF-sama... sorry, that was unbecoming of me...!"

"It's okay. I think it would be best if we went shopping first, then we can get pochita's surprise afterwards."

"BFF-sama... you genius! Why didn't I think of that?! You're amazing, this is why you're the one who thinks between us!"

Minamoto squealed as Shigaisoshi-sama laughed happily from the praise she received.

"O ho ho ho! Thank you, only a mind like mine could come up with such a brilliant plan!"

Me, Anjou-sensei, and Kiri all looked at each other with a mutual nod.

"If the girls are going shopping, then you don't mind if the guys stay out of it, right?"

Simultaneously, Anjou-sensei and Kiri said the same thing.

"Huh... what do you think, BFF-sama?"

"I think it's an excellent idea. After all, it just means I get to spend more private time with you, Kumi-chan."

Minamoto squealed again.

"Kyaaaa! That's so true bestie! This is why you're the best, BFF-sama!"

"O ho ho ho, that's right, I am, aren't I?"

Once again with this praise and laugh routine... I'm still confused by their relationship.

"In that case, I'll get you started on Premium. How does that sound, Takanori-san?"

"Sounds fine to me. I'm counting on you, old man."

Anjou-sensei raised an eyebrow at me, this time looking more suspiciously.

"...old man?"

He shook it off and smiled, giving me a thumbs up.

"Alright! I'll have to bring you to a locals here so we can buy more packs and find cards for your deck!"

"Sounds like a plan."

"Hold your horses. If you two bozos are going to a card shop, then leave me out of this. I've got an essay to write that's waiting for me at home."

"Sure thing, I'll drop you off home then while we go to the card shop."

"Aight bet. And don't forget the deal we made earlier!"

"Ha ha, I won't, I won't."


After dropping Kiri off back at his place with a fresh pack of Seven Stars, Anjou-sensei drove us to the card shop so he could teach me about Premium and help upgrade my deck.

"Ah, this is it... this is the life I deserve. I'm so glad to be back here again, it feels like I'm at home!"

We had arrived at a card shop called Card Lab Yggdrasil.

Kicking open the front door, Anjou-sensei spread his arms opened and took a good whiff of the air, taking in that freshly opened cardboard smell. Surprisingly, the ventilation in this shop was very good.

Since it was still early, there weren't many people here, making it a great spot to sit down and discuss strategies. However...

...before anything else, using the money Kiri gave him as part of their deal, Anjou-sensei bought a box of P Revive Festival and went to crack it open. Since he was busy with that, I took a look around the store, admiring the card displays.

After he was done, Anjou-sensei called me back over and we sat down to go through the basics of Premium. He introduced me to basics concepts, the Stride mechanic, and talked me through the best decks in the format.

Once he was finished with that, I passed over my deck to him so he could take a look at it and see what we could do to turn it into a competitive Premium deck. As he rifled through the cards, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"So your current V deck is Claret Sword... that's almost perfect, actually."

Putting the cards down, he hummed, stroking his chin. For once, he actually looked like a reliable teacher...

To be honest, this entire consultation session has given me a vastly different impression of him from what I've seen in GEN Academy... it reminded of Chabashira-sensei a little bit, which made me wonder if all professional adults end up becoming like this.

"Well, there's two ways we can go about with this, Takanori-san. The first is we keep the general core of the deck and have you use this card, Chainrancour Dragon, to activate Claret's skill even as a grade 4."

Taking out his binder, Anjou-sensei showed me a card called "Dark Dragon, Chainrancour Dragon". It had a skill to copy the effects of it's heart card, meaning I could still use Claret Sword's restand while gaining the benefits of Stride.

"The second is the more radical approach, but it's the one I'd recommend more."

"...and what would that be?"

Anjou-sensei flipped to the back of his binder and handed it to me.

Sitting right in the middle of an empty page was Claret Sword Dragon.

However, it wasn't the Claret Sword I was familiar with. It had both a completely different art and completely different skills.

Hell, it even had a title that I'd never seen before either— "Supremacy Dragon".

Immediately, I thought back to the card Anjou-sensei traded me yesterday. That too, was a "Supremacy Dragon"...

"We build the deck around the old Claret Sword Dragon. That way, you can Stride going first using this card."

Then, he flipped to the front of the binder, where a dazzling array of grade 4s were grouped together. Amongst them, one stood out due to its Shadow Paladin clan— "Dark Knight, Grim Recruiter".

"...from the sounds of things, being able to Stride before the opponent is very important in this format, huh?"

"That's right. Usually, whoever gets to Stride first can determine the flow of the game, all the way up until the decisive moment of victory."

In that sense, it was no different from decks in V that wanted to go first so they could get a grade 3 in soul and use that skill quicker.

"Alright... in that case, I'd like to test out both versions to see which I like more."

From what I understand, turning my current deck to a Premium deck would be easier, since I'd be able to transfer most of my knowledge with the deck over too.

However, because the deck has poor late game, I'd be under a lot of pressure to burst and kill as soon as possible, especially considering what sort of late game monsters exist in this format.

And considering I didn't have Skills or Ride Decks from GEN to help me out either, Claret was even more fragile than usual. I would heavily be relying on my Strides to make up for any shortcomings in power my deck might have.

In comparison, if I took the more radical route and uprooted my deck altogether by using the older version of Claret Sword, I would instead be focusing on consistently generating advantage to out-grind my opponent.

The issue with going this route, aside from the cost, would be having to learn an entirely new deck from scratch. It doesn't help that I'm not used to playing midrange decks, since both Eradicator and Claret were burst decks.

Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained... it's better to confirm with my own two hands which deck I preferred or feel would be stronger in this format.

After all, I'm here to win the MF Tournament and get a chance to talk to Saionji again... I can't take the easy way out this time.

"We can do that then. Give me a moment to find some lists we can net deck so you can try it out..."

As Anjou-sensei was doing that, I was gathering the cards necessary for my Premium deck. I was surprised at how much support Claret received in the past, I had no clue he was so important back in the day...

"Darkquartz Dragon... Greymyu... Abyss Summoner... I've never seen any of these cards before..."

"Heh, surprised?"

"Yeah... seeing this much direct support for Claret when he barely got anything in V feels so... surreal, somehow."

"I get what you mean. In V, Claret doesn't seem all that important, especially since he got overshadowed by Luard. However... in G, when he first came out, he was a really big deal! Do you know about his lore?"

"I don't... they've never released any lore for the current units."

"Right... it's honestly a real shame they didn't. But hey, I'll tell you anyways, since you seem to be such a big fan of him."

It feels ironic to be called a big fan of Claret, considering I only ever picked up the deck because Kaido gave me the card...

...even so, when I finally used it, it felt like something clicked in place.

He fit me like a glove, and I couldn't explain why.

That immediate connection, combined with the attachment I've gained from using him in all the trials and tribulations I've faced so far...

...it made me become fond of Claret.

"Claret Sword Dragon started a rebellion against all of United Sanctuary in order to usurp the current Grandmaster of Shadow Paladin, Blaster Dark "Diablo". Sound familiar?"

My head stung a little as Anjou-sensei mentioned Blaster Dark "Diablo"."

"...a rebellion, huh?"

Could it be... that Kaido saw through my intentions and resolve to become the leader of E Class on that day?

"Yep. He started a war so bad on Cray, it took Gear Chronicle— no, Chronojet Dragon's intervention just to take him down. He was an invincible force, backed by a future that shouldn't have existed. That's how unstoppable Claret Sword was."

"Anjou-sensei. Did... did Claret succeed in his goals?"

Anjou-sensei closed his eyes with a sad smile.

"He didn't."

My mind was cast back to what Ryouta told me in our first serious clash.

How his avatar succeeded, while my avatar failed.

...so, this was what he was referring to, huh?

"...figures. Considering what he did, and the fact he failed, the history books painted him as the bad guy."

Anjou-sensei opened his eyes and gazed at me a little.


"I don't know the full story... nor do I really know why everyone went so far to stop him... but I do know that rebellions aren't started on a whim. The reason has to be grand enough to kickstart it."

I looked straight at Anjou-sensei as he crossed his arms, intrigued by my words.

"I think... if Claret was willing to risk everything he ever had on that day he decided to go against someone as important as Blaster Dark... then, deep down, he was the good guy. But because he lost... no one will ever see him that way."

Anjou-sensei blinked, before laughing awkwardly.

"Ha ha... don't get me wrong, Takanori-san. Claret Sword is pretty cool and all... but objectively speaking, he is the bad guy."


"Even if his intentions were good, what he wanted to turn Cray into... was a dictatorship where only the strong could live and the weak would perish."

Somehow, I felt a little sick.

"There's no way..."

"Well, I said that, but at the same time, I kind of get what you mean. The difference is, you don't need those muddy intentions to make a change in the world, do you?"

Before my thoughts could wander off and go down a twisted path, Anjou-sensei quickly pulled me out of it. I raised my head, looking at him.

"...what do you mean by that?"

"I mean, at the end of the day, what's the difference between making a change and causing a rebellion? If anything, they both hold the same purpose. To fight like hell for the world you desire."

I scratched the back of my neck, pulling my hand into a fist.

"...do you think I can make a rebellion that ends in good?"

Anjou-sensei shrugged before laughing.

"Hell if I know! You should go ask Kiri, he's all about politics. Me? I want to continue eating dino nuggies despite my high cholesterol. That's enough rebellion in my life for me."

"I see..."

I brought my hands to my lap and stared at my open palms.

The Claret Sword... is it truly fit to be in my hands?

Or will using it to carve my path just end up leading to the dragon's ruin...?

I tightened my hands into fists.

But... I've committed to seeing the future with you, Claret.

That's why...

...with your blade, I'll do the one thing you weren't able to accomplish.

That's where the difference between you and me begins and ends.

"By the way, the only one from those you need is Abyss Summoner. Let's just say Darkquartz and Greymyu aren't, uh... exactly good."


Seeing me space out, Anjou-sensei gently nudged me to get me back in the swing of things.

After finding some decks online and picking out the cards, we finished building the two variants of Claret Sword.

Then, we began testing.


A couple hours later, Minamoto arrived at the card shop to pick me up so we could begin driving lessons.

"Thanks for the lift, Minamoto-san."

To my surprise, it was just me and her in the car. I guess that means Shigaisoshi-sama was at Kiri's place.

"No problem, Takanori-san!"

"So, what's the plan for today then?"

"Glad you asked. First, we're going to a garage to pick up your car! Second, I'm going to teach you how to drive! Third, I pray to God you don't accidentally kill both of us! Or specifically just me, since if you die, I don't think anyone would care..."

"Oh, alright... wait, huh?"

"Ah, sorry! That was too cruel of me to say... look, even if you don't have any friends or partners, I'm sure your mother or little sister would be sad if you died, so you shouldn't crash or do anything reckless, Takanori-san!"

"Not that... actually, hey, why did you... never mind."

I sighed and rubbed my head.

"I meant when you said... "pick up your car". I did hear you correctly...?"

"Oh, yes. Yes you did."

"...you're kidding me, right?"

"Nope! Remember earlier, back in the diner? I mentioned something about a surprise!"

Right... thinking back, Minamoto did say something about this.

"Don't tell me..."

"He he he. That's right, Takanori-san. Your surprise is... getting a car of your very own!"

"Wait... but I can't afford one."

"Oh, don't worry. It's on the house."

"...just how powerful are your connections?"

"Eh? Hang on, I didn't get it for you. In fact, I wouldn't get anything except for BFF-sama."

Honestly, that checks out.

"If you didn't get it... then who did?"

"Isn't it obvious? Mikazuchi-sensei did. He paid for it."

"Oh... oh crap, wait a second..."

From my bag, I dug up the car keys that he had given me after the hide and seek challenge.

As I dangled the keys, Minamoto stared at it with wide eyes.

"N-no way..."


"No way did Mikazuchi-sensei get you that car..."

Minamoto started shaking, covering her mouth as she drove.

"Uh... i-is it a good car? Or a bad car?"

"...it's a legendary car. One that every racer worth their salt knows."

Hearing that from Minamoto, I clutched the keys close to my chest.

Oi, Mikazuchi-sensei, what the hell sort of car did you get me...?

"Somehow, I'm nervous to see what it is..."

"No, don't be. Stand proud once you get that car in your possession, Takanori-san. Trust me."

"Isn't that just more pressuring...?"

"Huh? You're such a wimp!"


Hearing her scold me harshly, I steeled myself, preparing for any outcome.

"Now listen closely to me, Takanori-san. I'm not joking around when I say this."

There was a serious glint in Minamoto's eyes I've never seen before. I nodded, responding in kind.

"The moment you lay your eyes on that car, I need you to burn it's image into your retinas. I need you to remember every single minute detail about it, all the way down to its paint job, its chassis, and even its tyres. Take note and commit to your memory every last aspect of that car! For an aspiring racer like you, this is a rite of passage! Do you understand?!"

"M-ma'am, yes ma'am!"

"Good. We're pulling in."

We had arrived at a garage store called Toolbox Motors. Stepping out of the vehicle, Minamoto greeted the owner, signed a shikishi board for his shop, and turned down a selfie with him before calling me over.

"Takanori-san! C'mere! Your new baby is just beyond this door!"

"Oi, don't make this sound like my child or something..."

Minamoto stood by the shutter door, bouncing in excitement as the owner started to lift it up.

I stood there, my heart pounding, as the shape and visage of the car slowly came into view.

"Oh my god! It really is that car! It's really here! How has he managed to pull this off?!"

Minamoto started getting even more excited, jumping up and down in glee.

Even though it wasn't her car, she was still getting excited over it... I couldn't help but think that was the mark of a true racer.

As the shutter finished opening, the full view of my car under the cool shade was finally revealed.

The moment I laid eyes on it, my breath was taken away.

"No way..."

Even though I had no interest in cars in my entirely life before, I was able to immediately understand what sort of vehicle this was.

Back in middle school, I saw it before in a manga I read over the hazy summer.

It was the car of the main protagonist—

A black and white Panda Trueno.


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