#2: Hell of Hirabayashi

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The time of summer vacation had ended alongside the month of August, and with the curtains closing over that chapter of everyone's lives, September arrived, carrying the start of the second semester of Heiwa by its side.

Two weeks had passed since the start of the semester, with only another two weeks to go before Izuru's inevitable expulsion from the school at the end of the month. With only two small weeks until the deadline of his future, it was more than obvious that the two first weeks were spent doing meticulous planning of how to confront Endo without being twisted by his words and learning the ultimate way to counterattack his deck.

But harem heroines liking the protagonists is also obvious and those shows still take a fat two seasons to come up with a winner.

The only planning done in those two weeks were dumb deck shuffling fights to decide who'd pay for snacks after classes ended, and even then, they'd always lose to Aimi. All she did was pretend she was using Navigator and then reveal rip five criticals from the top of her deck.

At the start of the third week of September, just like how they did when the school year began, Tate and Yumi met near Izuru's house to walk to school together, only that this time, Izuru was the one being late.

"This sucks... He told us to wait for him but he's taking forever to show up!" Tate cried, falling to his knees. "Miyukiiiiii! We're wasting precious Ako-chan and Tamaki-chan time!!!"

"Ahah..." Yumi chuckled and sweatdropped. "I'm sure Izuru-kun's going to be here sooner or later. The pressure of his expulsion being closer with each passing day is probably getting to him and taking its tool on his-"

"He slept in because he stood up late playing video games." Tate deadpanned, looking a text sent by Izuru right as Yumi tried to defend him.

"Ah. He's a worthless and scummy piece of trash." Yumi spoke, her eyes carrying a cold stare.

"He's the a dick alright. But he's our dick." The half-slav laughed softly. "But hey... Yumi-chan?"

"Hm? What is it, Tate-"

"If Miyuki's a worthless piece of trash, then what is Katsu-chan?"

"K-Katsu-chan is-! N-no, I-i meant Bantsu-chan-! I-i don't know, he seems like a very nice person!!" Yumi screeched, using her hands to cover her red face.

'Ah. He was right.' Tate thought.

"I-i guess what I'm saying is that- N-no, he's just as much of a dumb monkey as you two!! No, w-what I truly meant is that- A-ah, just forget about it!!!" The underclassman screeched.

Tsunderes, always fun.

"Oh, Miyuki sent another text!" The boy exclaimed. 

"W-what does it say?!"

"He's taking this long because there's more that has to be done besides just entering Endo's office and fight him on his own ground... Wait what?"

"Endo's a smart man, but worse than that, he's more charismatic than I need him to be. If I'm gonna talk down to him like how he does to everyone else, I can't just barge into his office and challenge the man. Bastard's gonna defuse my determination in seconds with his cocky words, so I gotta look the part if I'm gonna go with this forward. So that's why-"

Tate and Yumi looked back at the bearer of those confidant words, their childhood friend who was between the sword and the wall, and instead of seeing their protective friend who was about to challenge destiny itself, they saw something else...

They saw the total slacker and gacha addict that thought Susanoo was a good deck for four years, the exact type of person whose idea of 'looking the part' was the same as ditching his turtleneck shirt for a dark blue hawaiian shirt with white flowers all around it. If that pompous turtleneck ever made him look like a douchebag, then this new style only boosted that douchebag level a trillion of times.

"-I got Taira to give him one of his hawaiin shirts! This is an Ansei Taira-ownership hawaiian shirt, baby! Actually no, scrap that! This is a Sawada Izuru-ownership Heiwaian shirt, baby!" Izuru exclaimed, giving himself a thumbs up. "And all I had to do was run away from the Magallanica crowds as they tried to punt me and take it from me! The reeee is fast, but my fear of them is faster!"

He didn't even bother to button it all the way up, leaving the top button free to flex his neck, and that, mixed with the scar he had on an eyebrow, courtesy of the bittersweet ending to the Asakusa date the month prior, and with how he carried his school bag over his shoulder, just made him look like an actual delinquent.

There was no clear winner in the 'Worst Fashion Choice' contest between the hawaiian shirt and the loincloth from summer, to the point where Tate and Yumi reacted the same they did back then.

"Take that off." Tate said bluntly.

"Wha- No! Stop telling me to-!"


Izuru pouted in response to his comrade's command. Being constantly told by his friends to strip off the clothes he liked had reached a limit.

That burning hot blood of Asakusa was about to rear its head a second time, but instead of annihilating Tate out of the face of the planet with genius insults like in Sakate's case, Izuru's response came out in the english language.


Well, more like engrish.

That argument lasted a whole thirty minutes.

Yumi endured the slav versus engrish debate throughout the entire walk from the residential area to the front gates of Heiwa, where someone very special, on a small visit to her precious Kasumi, did what had to be done to quiet the two.

Before Izuru and Tate even had the time to notice and react, they got punted straight into the ground with a single dropkick that took out the two in one fell swoop.

"Thank you so much, Yukiko-san." Yumi bowed. One more minute of the fight and she'd be the one to dropkick them.

"JUST SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU DUMBASS SHITHEADS!" Yukiko roared, scaring all of the incoming Heiwa students in the process.

And that's why she's best girl.

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