Opening - Rakuen

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Rakuen by Fujifabric


With the first bass sound, the opening begins with Izuru sitting on a bench on a riverbank, right in front of the bridge where he had his fight with Nijimura's brother, looking down. The skies are growing orange from the sunset.

With the second bass sound, the opening changes into Endo, standing atop a hill made of faceless bodies wearing Heiwa's uniform. Endo stops looking out at the city and looks back.

As the instrumental continues, it returns to Izuru. He slowly raises his head to look up at Endo, his eyes covered by the shadow of his hair. As he gets up from the bench, two Volkogodes rise from behind the bridge, both holding their fists up. The opening suddenly focuses on Izuru's grin, before the fists of the giant machines crash down on the ground and unleash a cloud of dust.

A wave of wind blows away some of the dust, revealing the title of the book, and as the instrumental ends, Izuru steps out of the dust cloud, holding Valeos' spear. Behind him are shards reflecting him during his first year of middle school, him during his second year of middle school, and him during his second year of high school.

Migi e iku ka hidari iku ka dō dai dō dai

The opening changes to day time, and changes into the football field in Heiwa Academy, focusing on Tate, who's training with the team.

As Tate prepares to kick the ball to score a goal, the opening focuses on a table near the field, where Ban is sitting with Minami, both going through their notes. Ako and Tamaki join them and wave at Tate, who briefly looks back at them, but the image of a blue eye glaring makes him focus back on the match.

Boku to chigau naraba koko de sayonara

The scene changes into the student council room, where Aimi sighs and lays her head atop of a small pile of papers. Chika walks up to her and drops a much smaller pile on top of her head, making her get back up.

Aimi rushes into the room, holding a pile twice the size the one Aimi used as a pillow and puts it on the desk, making Aimi sigh again and slowly slither down her chair.

Acchi no mitsu kocchi no mitsu unzari

In a small cafe in Ikebukuro, Risei places down two mugs of coffee on the counter and looks at the cafe's door.

Ajimi shiteru yōna sonna hima ha nai

Back in Heiwa, Endo enters his office and looks back at the school's hallways, where Nijimura briefly hesitates before following him inside.

Saki e isoge mikai no rakuen

The opening changes into a shot of the Tokyo Tower, and as the verse comes to an end, the focus becomes Izuru, who's standing on top of the tower.


In this brief segment, Izuru gets pushed off the tower, making the focus become the two men who pushed him, one being Ryuuga while the other is Taira. The two share a glance and nod before looking back down.

The final shot of the segment is Izuru's grin.

Shakunetsu no shōdō koko ni aru

Dark red lights briefly shine from within the tower's body, and soon, Link Joker units attack Izuru. He extendeds his hand, summoning forth Valeo's spear, and uses it to defend against the units' strikes and then strike them away.

In the middle of the verse, he crashes into the ground like a comet, raising a tall cloud of dust, but from within it, the silhouette of the spear is seen. The spear is swung around, blasting away the dust and revealing Izuru, in Valeos' uniform. He raises his head and the scene focuses on his glare.

Tsukamitakerya te o nobase

Endo, as Gastorur, stands on top of a building across Izuru. He looks back at him with an equal glare as Alter Ego Messiah rises from behind the building, spreading its wings to unleash arrows of lights towards Izuru, and making the scene focus back on Izuru's glare and the skies turn red.

Kare hateta koko ni todomaru nara

Izuru's glare becomes Tate's, who, as Scharhrot Vampir, unleashes a cluster of bones from his back, up towards someone standing on top of a building, but as the scene focuses on the target, it shows Dragonic Blademaster "Souen" as the one pierced by the bones.

The scene shifts back to Tate, whoee eyes widen from seeing who he attacked.

Kimi da to shite mo boku wa kiba o muku

Nijimura watches the two battles from the streets, eyes widenned. She reaches out for Izuru with her left hand, but her right hand stops her. Gripping her head, Nijimura stumbles back as the left half of her hair becomes dark purple and her left eye goes from red to light blue.

The scene zooms away from her until her body is just a shadow with a glowing red and a blue eye. Her body begins to rapidly morph and grow, and her head splits in half, with each half becoming a head of Galatic Beast, Zeal.

Aimi and Minami, as Nightrose and Venus Luquier, step forward to face the beast, with Aimi as Coral and Chika as Fromage behind them.

At the end of the verse, the scene changes into Yukiko, as Angelica, chasing after Kasumi in an alley. As she reaches out for her, the scene focuses on Yukiko's eyes as they widen, and quickly zooms out to show Valeos piercing through her chest with her spear. Though his face is hidden by shadows, his eye gleams red as a cybernetic tail crawls out from underneath his coat.

Karamatte himotoite
Tobikoete yuganda sekai
Owatte hajimatte
Hai agatte negatta jidai

Back on Izuru vs Endo, Izuru weaves past Alter Ego's arrows as he charges forward. Endo raises his hand, making the barrage of arrows stop and charges forward himself.

The two begin their fight, with Endo blasting Izuru with a barrage of kicks, to which Izuru defends by spinning around his spear to deflect them.

After exchanging some blows, Endo's kick breaks through the spear and he blasts his fist against Izuru's chest, with enough power to push him away.

Karamatte himotoite
Tobikoete yuganda sekai
Owatte hajimatte
Hai agatte negatta jidai

The scene begins to slowly zoom back towards Izuru, and as that happens, glimpses of memories begin to rapidly play in a see through way.

The first memory is of Izuru and Shouto making flower crowns.

The second is of a younger Endo and Risei walking out of the old Heiwa.

The third is a younger Izuru, Yukiko and Tate walking out of Hirabayashi.

The fourth is Endo running through the halls of a hospital.

The fifth is Izuru meeting a purple haired girl on a park.

The sixth is Endo sitting alone in the center of his almost empty apartment.

The seventh is of Izuru and Ban slamming their fists together,

The eighth is of Izuru running along the beach as Ryuuga and Taira watch.

And in the ninth memory, Izuru looks up at a starry night sky.

Each of Izuru's memories leave behind a katana stuck on the ground, and once the scene reaches Izuru, he extends his right hand forward, shattering all of the katanas, which unleashes a cluster of blue flames that fly back to his hand, creating one final katana that he raises towards the skies, creating a blade of blue flames tall enough that it grazes the sky. Swinging it down, Izuru cuts through the red skies, changing the scene into a wall of blue flames.

As the music ends, the blue flames start to dissipate, showing the riverbank from the start of the opening coated in dark red flames. The opening focuses on Darkface, standing under the bridge. He slowly looks up, making the opening end.

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