Opening - REALxEYEZ

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REALxEYES by JxTakanori Nishikawa

ZERO ONE (x20)

The opening starts with the title being formed in the background and flashes from previous scenes pass through the screen, with a character appearing every four scenes.

The first set is Izuru meeting Airi, then Izuru meeting Junpei, then Izuru beating up Junpei, then Izuru and Tate meeting after the incident, ending with Izuru appearing on the screen.

The second set is Izuru meeting Shin, then Sumireko, his cardfight with Ban, him losing to Endo on the roof, ending with Junpei appearing.

The third set is Izuru throwing away his old headphones, the many things that happened over summer, Tate fighting Junpei, and Izuru fighting Endo, ending with Tate appearing.

The fourth set is Yumi fighting Nobuhiko, Izuru and friends meeting Nakano and Yasuke, Ibuki's first appearance, and the hot springs scene with Kasumi, ending with Nakano appearing.

The final set is Izuru riding his bike, Izuru meeting and fighting Kagekiyo, Izuru exploding into Raging Form, and then his final fight with Kagekiyo, ending with Shin appearing on screen with a grin.

The sequence ends with the title "Vanguard -Heiwa-" formed, with the iffens around Heiwa being a magenta FiCa with black lines on the inside (instead of the usual white outside and green lines) and a golden FiCa with purple lines.

Kōdaina ākaibu access shite

The scene changes to the student council room, where Aimi falls on top of a mountain of paperwork, with Yumi and Chika trying to cheer her up.

Izuru opens the door, sees the scene, and immediately leaves.

Kensaku shitatte I don't think it's right.

Izuru walks through Heiwa's always and enters the Royalty room, which has now been redecorated for the new Royalty. Inside are Tate and Minami, standing next to the couch, and Ban sitted on it. A fifth figure is in the shadow, grinning and twirling a small object in his hands.

Dēta wa kako wādo wa sain
kotae wa 404 Not Found...

The scene changes to Shinjuku Tech.

It first shows Nakano, Yasuke and Junpei in Jack's storage room, with Kiyokiyo Kiyokiyo and Koko standing at the door for another fight. And yes, Kiyokiyo is dropping some crispy lyrics.

Then it shows Shin and Masao walking past the cafeteria, where Kagekiyo is fighting everyone he sees in front of him and decimating them.

Finally, the opening shows Ibuki laying on the roof. She's staring at the sky.


The opening then shows the Dark Zone temple where Ryuuga and Mayuri work. In front of the main building, Ryuuga looks back to Kaido, Masato and Gin and nods. They smirk and nod back, taking out their old FiCas.

The skies turn dark red as mist surrounds the temple, and bones blast out from the grounds around it, creating an army of Skull Dragons around Izuru, Ban and Tate.

Izuru takes out his magenta and black FiCa and forcefully pulls the two parts around the center piece to the side, revealing smalls projectors surrounding the black lines. Then, he rams the FiCa into a mechanical belt with an opening on the front in the exact shape of an opened FiCa.

Ban and Tate get out their FiCas too, Ban's being light blue with dark blue lines and Tate's being white and with red lines. They both press a small button on the FiCa's side and enter them into their belts, where they open naturally.

The projectors around the lines shine.

REAL×EYEZ hajimari no aizu

Izuru turns into Raging Form and starts attacking the Skull Dragons with kicks.

Atarashī jidai wo

In the skies, Tate, as Reijy, is dodging the sword swings for Sanctuary Guard Dragon. When he gets close enough, Sanctuary Guard ditches the sword and goes on the offensive with his bare hands, taking in a boxer's stance. Gin jumps off Sanctuary Guard's head and strikes Tate with a punch.

Ban suddenly jumps over the two, being armoured in Liberator of Royalty, Phallon's golden armour. He swings down his sword, making it clash with Colombard's sword. Colambard's jacket, which hiding the fighter using the unit by waving in front of his face, moves down, showing a smiling Kaido to the audience.

In the background, Prominance Core is blasting his fire at the Skull Dragons. Despite his fire being blue, it freezes the dragons, but his ice clashes with another ice. A giant Cocytus walks past the ice pikes and attacks Core.

We gotta SUN×RISE

Masato as Platinum Ezel suddenly appears and slashes through the back fo Raging's knees and his elbows, making it fall down without being able to move. His body explodes into flames that rearrange as Izuru in his Raging Form armour.

The scene becomes clouded in dark mist and Izuru delivers a kick covered in Black Flash, but the screen shatters to reveal a much shinier image, where Izuru, now with his Raging Form armour turned white, and with Raging's cape around his neck serving as a scarf, swings Ashlei's lightsabers.

Burning like the fires
Kiri hirake unmei wo

The scene suddenly changes into Chronodragon Nextage firing his cannons down at the streets, but Raging Form and Prominance Core take the attack head on.

Izuru, in his white Raging armour, and Ban, still as Phallon, jump over their dragons, heading towards Nextage, but instead of being them reaching him, they instead serve as support to launch Tate further up.

In the skies, Tate swings down his fist at Nextage, punching Ryuuga out of his dragon, making the scene change again.

The new scene has Nakano sitting on a stone with Chronojet behind him during the Skull Dragon attack. Shin is there too, laughing as the Skull Dragons in the sky are destroyed by his avatar.

You wanna REAL×EYEZ egaita miraizu

The scene changes into the evening, where Izuru and Junpei stand in front of each other on a snow-covered riverbank. Airi is standing near them.

Izuru forcelly opens his FiCa.

Junpei clicks the button on his golden and purple FiCa.

In the skies, black and red lightning in the shape of a dragon clashes with golden and purple lightning in the shape of a beetle.

Buchi nuite Ikeru no wa
You're the only ONE!

As the camera returns its focus to the ground, the scene changes into Izuru arriving at home, where Ibuki, hugging her knees, is sitting in front of the door, with snow on her hair and shoulders.

He reaches his hand for her and pulls her up, making the scene change into the stairway that leads to the Dark Zone temple. Both are wearing kimonos to celebrate the new year, and the gang from Heiwa, already at the temple, is yelling at them to hurry up.

Izuru smiles and starts pulling Ibuki as he runs up the stairs, but instead of screaming at him, Ibuki smiles and goes along.


In the final scene, Tate and Ban walk into the scene from the left, Junpei, Nakano and Shin walk into the scene from the right, and Izuru walks into the scene from the center.

The screen breaks into six columns, each showing the characters. Each character briefly becomes their avatar, except for Shin.

The opening ends with Raging Form and Prominance Core sitting on top of Heiwa's roof, watching the sunrise. Izuru, on his white Raging armour, stands on Raging's shoulder alongside Tate as Reijy. Ban stands on top of Core's head as Phallon, and Minami, as Luquier, stands on Core's legs. The final Royalty member is also there, sitting on the edge of Raging's head.

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