-Part 2

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The end of September meant the start of autumn.

And the start of a new season meant the end of the clash that had been occuring in Heiwa for the past two years.

A thick layer of dark, greyish clouds covered the entirity of Tokyo, rumbling loudly with thunder and blowing strong winds all over the city, but no signs of rain were present. As far as anyone was concerned, these were just some meaningless strong winds.

Maybe playing card games on the rooftop was a bad idea.

Izuru stood in front of the gates of Heiwa, looking up at the rooftop of the school with an intense glare. 

For some ungodly reason, he came to the fight wearing a suit that many salaryman wish they could afford. How did he got it? He played the strongest card in Ryuuga's wallet. If there's one thing Ryuuga's salary is used for, it certainly isn't his personal expenses.

Clenching to his deck, he looked back at his friends.

Aimi, Minami, Yumi, Chika, Ban and Tate were there. The others had chose to stay at home, because no matter how hard Yukiko can punch and kick, the cold weather was still a hard opponent to battle.

Showing his friends a smile that then turned into a flat stare, Izuru popped a question.

"Ok but why the hell are you guys here? This is just get in there, sack a few crits and get out. In and out, twenty minute adventure."

"We're here to support you so don't be a jackass about it!" Minami replied, crossing her arms. "What did you expect? For us to just stay home and wait for you to tell us what happened?!"

"Well, yeah! Having some people watching me play a card game isn't exactly what I was planning to do today! Just go do something else while I handle Endo, I'll get done in like twenty minutes!"

"You gettin' sacked in twenty minutes for tryna act cool by wearing a suit." Ban snickered.


"It was wishful thinking that made me believe you'd act like normal people today." Aimi deadpanned. Sumireko was never a tired mother, but Aimi was about to become one because of the shenenigans the boys of the group did on a daily basis.

"I mean..." Tate rubbed the back of his head. "Let's be honest, guys... You shouldn't do this, Miyuki!"

"A-ah?! B-but we came so far! Why would I stop here?!"

"Because... Because...!"

Looking down as if he was holding back some tears, Tate soon looked up at his best friend and spoke his emotions out.



"Are you stupid or something?" Yumi sweatdropped.

"I'm sure Miyuki-kun made preparations against the weather... Ahah..." Chika let out an empty chuckle. Yeah she believe in those words as much as she believe in a day where the council's paperwork was normal.

"As if the wind would ever become an enemy to my cards! Watch as I yell this into reality! My cards will suffer no damage due to wind!" Izuru declared. "Aqua Force and wind are the greatest of friends! Wind, my dear friend, you will never betray me, right?!"

The wind wasn't his friend.

And then the hot springs chapter happened but we're not there yet.

"I don't think even Endo's gonna fight on this weather." Minami sighed. "My expectations of that man are low but let's be realistic."

"That's where you're wrong! I'm certain he's stubborn enough to fight on this weather! Afterall, I'm that stubborn too!" Izuru laughed loudly.

"My expectations were low but holy fuck, that sounds like him..."

"Nevermind, he's actually stupid..." Yumi chuckled.

"Besides, if the wind just happens to blow at the right time..." Izuru looked back at his friends with a scummy grin. "I guess we'll just have to restart the game just as Endo's about to take the dub."

"He's actually serious about that..." Aimi deadpanned.

"What a freak..." And Minami deadpanned aswell.

"You're letting you're inner Ryuuga out, dude." Tate sweatdropped.

"But speaking of him, I think we should stop stalling and show why we're really here." Aimi chuckled, cracking her knuckles.

"E-eh....?" Overtaken by the fear of potentially getting his ass kicked by Aimi a second time, Izuru staggered back to protect his kneecaps. "W-w-w-w-what do you mean?!"

"I'm not going to kick your ass, you dirty playboy." The student council president deadpanned.

"Oh thank-" Izuru sighed in relief.

"Not yet, that is."


"Shut up. Everyone, line up!"

One by one, each Izuru's friends gave him a copy of their favourite card as a good luck charm for the upcoming fight. Nightrose from Aimi, Venus Luquier from Minami, Coral from Yumi, Fromage from Chika, a SP Scharhot from Tate, and from Ban, surpringly, Paon Mask, a Nova Grappler grade two unit. Yeah, not exactly subtle about who he liked when his new favourite card was just an outright elephant, a.k.a her favourite animal.

"And I got these from people who couldn't be here!" Tate smiled, placing a small pile of cards in Izuru's hand.

Among those cards were Angelica, from Yukiko; Bigbelly, from Risei; Nemain, from Sumireko; Revonn, from Taira; Dantarian, from Mayuri; and Shiranui and Thavas, from Ako and Tamaki. There was also a copy of CoCo, a card his mother had recently picked up, but without Izuru knowing, the sleeve it was on held a second card behind CoCo, a copy of Dragonic Overlord "The X", from his father.

"You guys..." Izuru looked up at his friends. "Just how big do you think my deck box is?! I barelly managed to fit in everything I have there!"

"Just shove 'em in your chest pocket, it's big enough for everything!" Ban deadpanned, giving Izuru a whack.

"Alright, alright, I hear you..."

Izuru sighed and placed all of those cards into the pocket on his jacket's chest, alongside the SP Susanoo he gotten years ago. Among those cards could have been Boris' special artwork Pacifica but Tate veto'd that idea faster than his neurons activated when he saw Ako and Tamaki, because if anything, that cursed card was just something the feds could use to put you in jail.

And Boris' card wasn't even the worst part. Ryuuga tried to give a cursed Spike Brothers heal trigger whose name shall never be mentioned as a joke but not even he could go through with such an atrocious act. He wasn't ready to break the Geneva Convention, at least not yet because Kaido's shenenigans hadn't gotten past that point, so he just gave a special copy he had of Chrono Dran.

Oh yeah, all those cards were just extra copies that they had, the ones that belonged in their decks remained in their decks. Last thing anyone needed was to let some quality cardboard be blown away by the wind because some soon-to-be-expelled dude agreed to fight with this wind.

"I guess that's that. Well then... Yeah, I got nothing. Big goodbye speeches aren't my thing. See you on the other side!"

Waving his friends one last goodbye, Izuru ran into Heiwa Academy. The fight for his destiny was close at hand.

The rest just stood behind, staring at the school in silence until they got tired of just standing in the middle of the wind.

"Yo, let's go check the school out! This place must look awesome when it's empty!" Tate suggested.

"The last thing I want is to spend my free time on the place that makes free time impossible." Aimi deadpanned.

"Hai. Fully agree. Let's not return here until we are obligated to do it." Chika nodded.

Not even the senpais can escape the hell's worth of paperwork this school generates on a daily basis. Saying half the world's trees end up as paperwork here would both be an exaggeration and a fact.

"Someone has been stealing the tiny wisks from the cooking club! This is the ideal time to go plant secret cameras there!" Yumi exclaimed.

Tate and Ban shuddered at the thought of hidding cameras in places. Thousand years worth of therapy wouldn't make the pain of the pool incident go away. Even Izuru shuddered during his run to the rooftop because of Yumi mentioning hidden cameras.

"L-let's not get ahead of ourselves, w-why would we go do that when we don't even have cameras, r-right?" Ban laughed.

"I am always prepared!" The blue haired girl then draw a bag of small cameras from her sleeves.


Not the best time for thinking about that, big guy.

"No. I want to go in for another reason." Minami declared, glaring at the school. "If Endo's here, then so is his lapdog."

"W-wait, you don't mean what I think you mean, do you, Mimi-chan?" Tate blinked.

"I do. And stop calling me that or else so help me buddha, I'm suing your ass first thing when we graduate!"


"So you want some answers too, Minami-san." Chika said.

"Mhm." Minami nodded. "And not just answers. I'm ending this clownery today for good! Nijimura Airi, I'm coming for you!"

"Kinky." Ban whistled.

"Don't say things like that, Katsu-chan!" Yumi exclaimed, blushing.

"R-right..." He nodded and looked away.

"Even kinkier." Tate's remark earned him a nice right hook to the face, courtesy of Yumi. "W-WHY DID I GET HIT AND HE DIDN'T?!"

"I-I'm sorry, Yukiko-san only taught me how to hit you and Izuru-kun!!"


"On second thought... Let's just leave these gentlemen on their own and go do our thing." Chika suggested.

"S-senpai!" Tate and Ban called out.

"D-dont take me wrong, Tate-kun, Ban-kun!!" The upperclassman exclaimed, waving her hands. "It's just that... You sound kinda depraved when you say things like that and we don't need that sadness in our lives."

Yeah, that comment was the final nail in the coffin on the going their separate ways argument. For a super cute and smart upperclassman, Chika sure knew how to misuse her wrongs to annihilate the poor souls of boys who looked up to their senpai to defend them. Rest in peace, Tate and Ban's souls.

But nonetheless, the group split in two and they went their separate ways. Minami sought out Nijimura, and Tate and Ban just walked around the school, checking out the place, until a blast from the past would separate the two when they least expected it, but we'll get there when we get there.

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