-Part 2

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The wedding was going to be held on the large garden behind the mansion. An altar was made between two large fountains filled with rare fish, and a wide red carpet was rolled down between the seats placed for the guest that would be attending the wedding, all of them important people hand picked by Gakuganji and Kasumi's mother. There was also an array of bodyguards next to the seats, at least a good twenty of them, all buff enough to dropkick a small child into a fantasy world were they'd get a harem and broken magic powers. And there was also an orchestra, because you can't have a wedding without those guys.

Before the wedding began, Gakuganji met with his most esteemed partner for the past years at the altar, a beautiful and well endowed woman with dark blue hair.

"It's finally the day we've been waiting for, Kurenai-san." Gakuganji mused, chuckling. "If only Takeshi could be here to watch his daughter walk down that aisle."

"Takeshi? Who?" Kurenai asked, and then sighed. "Oh right, that minor creature. He can think about this moment from whatever rathole he is living in now!" She laughed loudly.

"There goes the window budget..." Gakuganji sweatdropped, picking his ear.

"Your poor taste of humour keeps being amusing, Gakuganji Yoshikawa. But now is not the time for it. In fact, I'll be sleeping well tonight knowing that I won't have to hear it or the voice of that brat again after this." Kurenai said. But she wasn't going to be sleeping well tonight. We'll get there when we get there.

"It makes me happy too to never have to bleach my eyes after all of our encounters." The man laughed, walking away to the best man's side.

"Tch, what an unsightly little vermin you are, Gakuganji..." Kurenai muttered while grinding her teeth and left too, joining one of her bodyguards, also big enough to isekai a small child, on the bridesmaid side.

Gakuganji raised his hand and snapped his fingers, ordering he orchestra to begin playing.

At that exact moment, Kagekiyo began walking down the aisle, greeting his father's guests as he did so, and stopped once he had reached the altar. He glanced at his father, who smirked and nodded. 

'This is... My fate.' Kagekiyo thought, clenching his fist.

And then, it was the bride's turn to do the same. Kasumi walked down the aisle next to another one of her mother's bodyguards, and after reaching the altar, he joined his partner and his boss.

Gakuganji glanced at the priest and nodded. Despite the long japanese heritance of the two families, this was going to be a traditional catholic wedding, because someone couldn't do research.

"Today, these two great families, long descendants of greater clans, shall become united as one, through bonds stronger than the fate." The priest prayed.

The priest went through the usual motions, speaking about romance, glory, and all of that stuff, until he eventually said the most important line of the dialogue.

"Speak now, or forever hold you-"


(Media - Zero One & Zero Two Theme)

The guests raised their heads in shock at the loud swearing that came from within the mansion. Even the priest began shaking down to his socks, and Kurenai focused on the mansion with wide eyes. Gakuganji just stood there, with a slight smile and excitment for what would happen next.

Kasumi looked back in shock, because she recognized that voice.

Kagekiyo also looked back, shocked to his core, but not because of the voice. What he recognized was the sound of the engine that came with that voice.

Suddenly, a motorcycle with two people riding on it blasted through of a window on the first floor, and a made an half-ass landed on the red carpet, even copying that one bike sliding landing that everyone started doing after that one anime movie.


That came from the female on the bike, a certain pink haired loudmouth with an attitude, who came wearing a very nice red chinese dress with black thigh highs. She jumped off the bike and took her helmt off, waving around her beautiful and long pink hair, which she quickly tied into a ponytail.

"Jesus christ Yukiko, have some common sense, the priest is right there!"

That came from the masked rider, pun fully intended, a very dumb guy from Asakusa with a bloated ego, who showed up in a nice white shirt with a black tie, but most importantly, a long black jacket with four golden plated characters going down the back, and some smaller one down the arms. He threw away his helmet and took off his jacket, which he then threw over his back, showing the shocked crowd the words going down his back.

勇- Courage

Peak - 

Σ - Sigma

World - 

Down his left arm was "復讐者" for "Revenger", and down his right arm, "バーサーカー" for "Berserker". There was also some smaller plating above the two chest pockets, one reading "世界初" for "World's First" and "文化の人" for "Man of Culture".

I bet the jacket is never brought up again after this.

"Go eat shit with your precious priest, he can go eat a bag of cocks, next time we're taking the bus like normal people!" Yukiko roared, throwing her helmet at Izuru, something he barelly dodged.

"Holy shit, I can hear my health insurance crying...!" Izuru muttered, grabbing his head. "If you're gonna cuck my free healthcare, then let me cuck that sucker first!"

"That's the point so stop whinning!"

"Stop being so pushy, jesus christ!" He deadpanned.

The two wedding breakers looked at the groom and bride and smirked.

"We got something to-!"

"Holy crap, her dress has a boob window, look away!!" Yukiko screeched, poking Izuru's eyes.


"Then you better not look at her or I swear I will end you right here and now!"

"I swear, I swear!"

"Okay! Now we can get this moving!"

"You..." Kagekiyo muttered, clenching his fist. "THROW THEM OUT OF HERE!"


With a loud yell, the bodyguards began surrounding the wedding invaders. But though they were severely outclassed and outnumbered, they smiled and laughed.

"Twenty on two, this outta be fun." Yukiko cackled, looking at her black nails. "I just got these done this week."

"And here I thought that was an one time thing. Ako and Tamaki really rubbed off on you." Izuru grinned, undoing his tie. "I haven't had a brawl this big since middle school."

"What can I say, I like nice- Oi oi, what do you mean with that?" Yukiko asked, undoing the button around her neck.

"It's a very funny story that is totally not similar to a manga series, I can tell you that much. Oh yeah, and as for you clowns!" Izuru yelled, pointing directly at Kagekiyo. "I'm coming for you. Now let's do this shit!"

Both sides of the fist fight started yelling out, and the first punch was thrown!

Only that it wasn't a punch, it was Yukiko knocked a guy's lights out with a kick, somehow not breaking the black heels she brought for the occasion!

On Izuru's side, he jumped from bodyguard to bodyguard, using her faces as stepping stones, on his way to Kagekio.

"You coaster-using wannabe King! You're fucked now, with my feet, cun- Mother-!"

One of the bodyguards he stepped on managed to grab his leg and pull him down, but in that quick second, Izuru triple kicked the bodyguards away from him.

The twenty on two had turned into a fifteen on two just like that.

"DIE, FILTHY INVADERS!" One of the bodyguards exclaimed, taking out a steel baton that he was about to slam against Yukiko.

"Oh no, what will I do." Yukiko deadpanned.

"DIIIIIIIE- H-huh?!"

Something began lifting the bodyguard from behind, an even bigger man, a cafe owner big enough to dropkick a big child into a fantasy world, and strong enough to throw the poor bastard into one of the fountains.

"And that's a hundred points to Japan, what a glorious knock out win in the weight throwing division!" Risei cheered, clapping his hands.

"What are you, a gorilla?" Endo sweatdropped. "You go join that reckless idiot ahead, Yukiko-san. We can take care of these guys."

"Alright, I'm counting on you old timers!" Yukiko exclaimed, giving them a thumbs up, and then taking the same route Izuru dide: the bodyguard's faces. "If my heels stab someone's eye out, you can go be a crybaby to your health insurance company or whatever!"

"Hey hey, I'm just slightly above fourty!" Risei yelled. "I'm what girls mean when they say hot buff daddy!"

"Nobody says that, you moron." Endo sighed. "So, shall we go, Reirei?"

"I thought you'd never ask, Maki-chan." He grinned.

The two best friends calmly walked forward, fist bumping as they undid their ties and tossed them to the side.

"When you need someone to fix your sink, you call a plumber!" Izuru yelled, kicking away a bodyguard.

"When you need someone to fix your electricity, you call an electrician!" Yukiko added, kicking away another.

Now, they were standing in front of the altar, side by side, much to Kasumi's shock and Kagekiyo's horror. Meanwhile, Gakuganji was watching Endo and Risei bulldozing their away past his bodyguards and having a jolly old time doing so.

"And when you need someone to take down a family of overglorified and overconfidant descendants of someone relevant in the past..." Yukiko said as the two walked up the altar.

"Stop right there! You really think you could barge in here and do as you like?! I know who you are, and I will not have any of your insolance on my masterpiece, Izuru Sawada!" Kurenai exclaimed, approaching the duo. "Cease now, you useless berser-"

On one moment, Kurenai was standing up proudly.

And on the next, she was face flat on the ground thanks to a roundhouse kick only someone that survived Nakano's could perform.

"You call an angry man from Asakusa with a gacha problem!" Izuru exclaimed. "And the name's not Izuru Sawada, it's Sawada Izuru! Like the jacket says on the front, I'm Japan's number one fighter, second only to an urban myth among delinquents!" He declared, looking at his audience.

"Hai, hai, what a grand entrance you have made." Gakuganji chuckled, waving the rest of his bodyguards to stand down and allow Endo and Risei to walk down the aisle. "Right up the alley of someone of your fame, if I might add."

"F-father, what are you talking about?!" Kagekiyo asked, looking back.

But while Gakuganji didn't really care about Kurenai getting dropkick into the ground, her bodyguards thought otherwise. One of them had managed to stealthly go around the altar, and the two began a pincer attack on Izuru and Yukiko, each wielding switchblades.

"NO ONE WHO LAYS THEIR HAND ON MADAM KURENAI IS ALLOWED TO LIVE!" The one closets to Izuru yelled, swinging his tiny blade down.

"Man, are you serious?" Izuru sighed, not concerned in the slightest, or even looking at his attacker for that mattern.

The bodyguard's blade was stopped by the thing he least expect: Risei's bare teeth.

"Wha... M-mercy...?"

Risei grinned and snapped the blade in two with the sheer force of his well kept teeth, then smacked the poor bastard with a headbutt so sick his entire body stiffed up and he fell on the floor like a stone statue.

"How'd you like that move, Maki-chan? Pretty badass, huh?"

"I'd say you overworked it a bit." Endo said, clamly hitting the bodyguard that was coming for Yukiko with a seven kick combo that sent the poor guy rolling down the stairs of the altar.

"Oh and I overworked?" Risei chuckled.

"Yo, we're here now!" Izuru declared, looking at Kagekiyo with a grin.

"And I'll be taking this." Yukiko said, snatching Kasumi of the ground and holding her bridal style.

"Y-y-y-yukiko-san...!!!" Kasumi whimpered, holding onto her tightly. "P-p-p-put me down!!!"

"Calm down, I'm not gonna let you fall. Or go ever again, for that matter." Yukiko sweatdropped, placing Kasumi down. "But because your boobs got even more massive, not even my arms can hold all that weight. But don't even think about running because you may be fast but I'm much faster!"

"Yurification, yurification, yurification..." Izuru whispered.

"Shut up! Go do the thing we came here to do!"

"Geez Yukiko, did you never heard about making things interesting?" The black haired sweatdropped. "Alright, you blue haired dipshit. I'll keep things-"

"Father, throw them out! Call more bodyguards! They aren't superhuman, they'll eventually fall!" Kagekiyo requested.

"Hey, I'm talking, shut up."

"He's right. It's kind off rude to interupt someone while they're talking." Gakuganji nodded.

"Hey hey, you stay out of this, you weirdo looking guy, we all know you're the biggest culprint in all of this but my problem is with your dipshit son. You know, Kase- Nah, scratch that, I'll endure some tongue biting to get the point across. You know, Kagekiyo, all of this could have gone differently. I know we've only known each oother for like one or two weeks, but fuck dude, I would fight this fight with you if you had asked me."

"And don't think you're in the clear either!" Yukiko exclaimed, pinching Kasumi's cheeks.

"E-eeeeeeh?! L-let go, Y-yukiko-san!" She whimpered.

"How could you even try to ghost yourself from us and get married without telling me?! And a stupid arranged marriage at that?! No way in hell you want this, and even if you did, then you'd at least ask me to be your bridesmaid instead of having your stupid mom do it! I could dodge Izuru's kick and beat his ass if I was the bridesmaid!"

"That's not why I dropkicked her, you baffoon! Not even Itsuki's monkey brain would reach that conclusion! And me pulling an actual Takanori is besides the point! I'd beat whoever tried to drag my friends into their stupid big name family shit, even if they were just dumb kids!"

"Extreme but go on." Endo deadpanned.

"You... You...!" Kagekiyo muttered, clenching his fist as he looked down. "Don't go running your mouth like you understand anything!" He exclaimed, raising his head. "This is our fate as the descendants from the Taira and Minamoto clans! You think I wanted this?! I never desired to take away Kasumi-san's free-"

"Oi, for real?" Izuru deadpanned.


"Are you really expecting me to believe that 'I didn't want this, but this is our fate.' thing? I'll be real, I'd usually believe that trash talk in a heartbeat, but that isn't gonna fly here. If you really didn't want any of this to come down, then why did you yell your goons and creepy dad to drive us out of here like rats? Fate? Because of some stupid fate bullshit? The only fate I believe in is the one with the metric fuckton of doujins, and like me with that Fate, you're in denial of the problem! I may be in denial about gacha, but you're in denial of this entire family bullcrap!"


The winds blew past Kagekiyo's face in a strong wave.

His words were halted by Izuru's fist stopping a few centimeters in front of his face.

He seemed to be holding something within that fist, and then showed it. It was his deckbox.

"I could totally beat your ass in a fistfight, but that wouldn't be any fun. And since I'm still very pissy about the coaster thing, we'll do it this way. You win, I'll admit defeat and get off your hair. I win, and besides getting the pleasure of whooping your ass in this shitty card game, I also take the bride to myself."

Yukiko, Kasumi, Risei and Endo blinked twice.


"As if I'd ever say yes to that! Get the hell out of here, nothing will-!"

"Fight." Gakuganji spoke up.

"...eh?" Kagekiyo muttered, looking back at his father.

"After our unexpect guests took time out of their busy schedules to come all the way here and fought with so such might against our men, it's only fair that you accept this fight. I mean, the young man even had a jacket made just for this occasion and you're gonna take all of that way from him? Even when his heart is blazing with such a burning soul?"

"True, I had to pay Yasuke extra to get the job done. That man sure knows who to make a jacket even cooler, he even works at the Hololive merch department on the weekends. Mans has the skills." Izuru nodded, looking at his friends.

"F-father... Oi, you can't be serious!"

"Fight, Kagekiyo."

"But father-!"

"Fight." Gakusanji spoke, slightly raising his voice.

"..." Kagekiyo grabbed his grandfather's deck from his pocket and held onto it tightly. "I will... Make my family proud...!"

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