-Part 2

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Since Raijin vetto'd their idea of using the Vanguardrivers inside the diner, the gang moved to another location, a park near the coast, where a guy seeking the true man's world beat up his brother some years ago. That's right, this narrator still remembers Tenma!

"Unlike Chabashira-san and her massive mommy milkers, I'm actually a good teacher, so I will educate you on this new Domain function through a fight instead of giving some three line long explanation. And people say I suck as a mentor." Ryuzaki laughed loudly.

"Christmas is almost here, Ryuuga, don't ruin the holidays for the old man..." Ryuuga sighed.

"You can rant about him at the office. We still gotta prepare the Christmas events for our branches." Taira said, giving Ryuuga a pat on the back.

"We gotta what?! Ow, stupid Maxios and his stupid Christmas events! One day, I'll humilate that guy on the place he feels the most confidant on!"

Hold your horsepower Ryuuga, the Initial V special isn't here yet.

"I honestly can't tell if I should feel sorry for you or for Maxios. Someone's gonna get his ass kicked by Homura, and I'm here to make it go viral." Izuru sighed, placing his Revengerise in front of his waist. The belt portion came out from the sides and tied around his waist. "Oh, automatic? Das very auto."

"Demons Revengeriser."

"That isn't very das auto."

"Oi oi, don't compare my life changing tech to some bad car making compa- I SHOULD MAKE CARDFIGHTING CARS!" Ryuzaki yelled out.

"NO!" The branch managers yelled back.

"Aww... First Payic says I can't use the Vanguardriver to make a superdemocracy, then she says I can't buy the country again to do it, now I can't even make card games of motor vehicles! What's the point of being rich then?! Gacha?!"

"Yes." Izuru replied.

"Life hasn't been the same since we took that family trip to Grabahan..." Ryuzaki sighed and put on his personal Vanguardriver. Inside of having a FiCa that went into a thing, it just had a straight up handhold console looking devide attached to the front. 

"Ryuzaki Touch."

"T-that's the name of your driver?! Don't you have anyone else working on the naming department?!"

"Shut up, Izuru! My Ryuzaki Touch is great! Now watch this!"

Ryuzaki removed the console part of his driver from the belt, and by entering a special card into it, some symbols appeared on the screen. He began presisng them all, in order of release.

"Cray's Collapse, Thunderous Rebellion, Shadow, Z World, Team C4, Spiral Terra, Spiral Soul, Generations, Silence, Heiwa, The Guidebook! Ryuzaki, Complete Stand Up!"

With a grin, Ryuzaki placed the console back on his belt.

"Stand up."

"...go out with your brother, she said... It'll guilt trip him to give you Christmas, money she said..." Izuru sighed and forced his FiCa open.


"Stand up!" Izuru called out, shoving his FiCa into the driver.

Oh yeah, nothing happened.

"Oh, right, I forgot to say- You get it working by pulling the handle from the left to the right. Like a lever, you know?"

"The sword handle is just a lever then? Man, I got done dirty..."

Izuru groaned and pulled the handle from a side to the other, exactly like a lever. But, once the handle reached the other side, a small clicking sound came out of it, and it detached from the rest of the driver.

He looked at the handle and pointed it up. Then, a red blade unfolded upwards, with red and black lightning flickering through it, making Izuru's jaw drop.

"...I love you..."

"Who doesn't?" Ryuzaki asked with a confidant smirk.


"Relax, the blade's a hologram for style. He can just attach the handle back into the driver and it'll disappear." The rich man shrugged.

"I-i mean, I love it, but that sounds easier." Izuru said, turning off the blade and attaching the handle back to his belt. "Huh, we're the holograms fighting to scan the area?"

"Oh, I got rid of that. It's just easier that way. Besides, it makes the narrator's job easier."

Thank you.

"As for the holographic fields, screw that! Ta-da!"

Their decks materialized next to them, with the ride decks next to them. Despite the lack of an actual board, the cards were put perfectly into place.

"Vanguard is fun when you hold the actual cards, so I made holograms that you can feel!" Ryuzaki exclaimed, drawing five cards from his deck and holding them in his hand. "Oh yeah, that feels and sounds like actual cardboard."

"H-how did you do that?!" Izuru asked, drawing his own cards.

"Huh... Quantum mechanics."

Hell yeah, now I can dunk on the writer for not being able to provide an explanation.

"Vanguard's all about the power of the imagination, so I left a big, always growing hole in the Driver's program. I want people to be able to make things as they imagine them. Make a unit look like someone you know, be able to hold your avatar's weapon in your hands, get some fresh drip while fighting, anything you desire! Who knows? Maybe you can even make a miracle happen with it. My dream is for Vanguard to grow with humanity, and one day, that dream may even turn into one of said miracles." Ryuzaki explained.


"Now stand up, the vanguard! Stealth Dragon, Adoba Spike! (6000)"

"Stand up, vanguard! Crisis Revenger, Fritz! (6000)"

"Oh yeah, I scrapped the turn player choosing thing too. The damn thing cucked too many of my strip Vanguard games, I ended up having to wash the dishes butt naked while Payic kept all her clothes." Ryuzaki said, pulling out a normal coin. "Call it."


"It's tails, I go, insta win. Draw and ride! Stealth Fiend of Summoning, Jiraya! (8000) Adoba Spike's skill, I draw one, then Jiraya's skill, I draw one and botdeck a card from hand. Turn end."

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Draw. I ride Dark Armour Revenger, Rinnal! (8000) Fritz's skill, draw and get discard fodder! Call a second Rinnal (8000) and attack! (8000)"

"That's a spicy searcher effect that I can't let you pull off. Kumadori Dove, Heal Guard! (33000)"

"Son of a bitch, he's cucking me out of my free plusses! Vanguard Rinnal attacks! (8000)"

"No guard, crit me if you can."

"(Transient Revenger, Masquerade) Mother- Tch, turn end." Izuru sighed.

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

Hand: 7
Damage: 0

"How do you like them apples, you word joke-using son of a bitch?! Stand and draw! Check out this grade 2 ride that would have been busted back in 2018! I ride Stealth Dragon, Shuratoguro! (12000) That's right, I got myself a 12k vanilla, babyyyy!"

"No better ride targets?" Taira asked.

"Yup... It was either this or a shitty promo that forced me to call down cards and use my precious counterblast, no way I'd use that crap." Ryuzaki cried. "Shuratoguro attacks! (12000)"

"You're a sad, strange, little man. No guard."

"(Central Arrester) Can't wait for the brits to come yelling about how it's centre and not center."

"Damage check. (Barrier Trrop Revenger, Dorint)"

"Turn end."

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

Hand: 7
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw! Dark Change, Blaster Dark! (10000) That stupid vanilla's annoying as hell... I call Claudas to back (8000) and move Rinnal back. Blaster Dark's skill, pitch the discard fodder ticket for an extra drive! Boosted by Claudas, Blaster Dark attacks! (10000>>18000)"

"No guard, no guard!"

"Twin drive! (Nullity Revenger, Masquerade) (Dark Shield, Mac Lir - Draw) I draw one. (18000>>28000)"

"Damage check. (Backwards Arrester) NO, NOT ONE OF THE GOOD ONES! GODDAMMIT!"

"What was that about name jokes?" Izuru asked with a sleazy grin.

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

Hand: 8
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw! Rules are for the weak, and I will overturn them with my enormous amounts of fortune! I'll put the world in this lock of golden chains, and make the rules! And then I will screw them, because I! Have! MONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY! So let's plunge this rule-infested world into a dark night where golden bills rain from above! Ride the Vanguard! Dueling Dragon, ZANBAKU! (12000) Imaginary Gift, Accel II- And then..."

A golden card began rising from ZANBAKU's card. Ryuzaki caught it, and then let it fall on the ground, where it sunk into.

"Let's go a step further into the night. Stand up, Domain. Eternal Abyssal Night."

The sinking card turned into an expanding darkness. The ground, the sky, their surroundings, everything became coated in pitch black darkness, akin to the night. Then, the only source of light came, a slight red moon high in the sky, with a small portion of it slowly drifting away from the main part.

"This is my Domain, Eternal Abyssal Night. Domains are something special to each unit, and they stand up once that specific unit is ridden, unless they say so otherwise. They will strength your forces, and be the battlefield where you will fight your fights." Ryuzaki explained.

"So it's like field spells from Yu-Gi-Oh?" Izuru asked.

"No, it's not like field spells."

"So it's like territories from Build Divide?"

"No, they are not like territories!"

"I see."


"So they're like set spells from Buddy-"

"SHUT UP AND ENJOY THE ORIGINAL MECHANIC I MADE!" Ryuzaki screeched. "I mean, Domains, super cool, I made them first, enough said. Now for my turn, I'll call Backwards and Center Arrester (8000) (9000), and with ZANBAKU's skill, I also call Left Arrester from the deck, and give my vanguard 5k. (9000) (12000>>17000) Eternal Abyssal Night's skill. All my Arrester units get 5k, and if I have at least three of them, then my vanguard gets 10k! (9000>>14000) (8000>>13000) (9000>>14000) (17000>>27000)"

"Are you sure they aren't like field spells?" Izuru asked.

"I'm sure I'm gonna get a reason to finally punch a teenager in the face if you keep those dumb questions." Ryuzaki grunted. "Battle! ZANBAKU attacks! (27000) You're about to get hit with the swing of the west, the coolest attack ever made! Heavy Chain Cut Down!"

"No shit you can't get another student, you sound lamer than me..." Izuru sweatdropped. "No guard!"

"Twin drive! (Left Arrester) (Stealth Beast, Moon Edge - Critical) Oh my, what a lovely yellow! Crit on BAKU, power on Center! (27000>>27000/2) (14000>>24000)"

"Damage check! (Dark Cloak Revenger, Tartu) (Death Feather Eagle - Critical) All on the vanguard! (20000)"

"Boosted by Backwards Arrester, my Left Arrester will attack! Backwards' skill, soulcharge and get 10k, and Left's skill, soulblast to get 5k! (14000>>27000>>37000>>42000)"

"Heal Guard! Astral Chain Dragon! (45000)"

"Ah, this sucks. Even with Center's skill to get power, I'm still 1k too short... Bummer." Ryuzaki shrugged.

"Central." Izuru spoke up.


"It's Central Arrester, you dumbass. Are you playing with a blindfold on or something?"

"No, but with these cataracts, I might aswell be!" Ryuzaki picked up his card and placed it back down. "Huh, it is. Maverick's right, we've been testing the next reboot too much. There's a limit to how much unwanted collabs a man can test." He shivered. "Turn end!"

Hand: 7
Damage: 1

Hand: 7
Damage: 3

"I used to have a solid image of you for saving my ass back at Hirabayashi, but I gave you too much value..." Izuru sweatdropped with a tired glare. "Stand and draw! Look up and cry your heart out! The strongest, most unbeatable and undefeated abyss dragon of the sixth heaven! The instant this cold and unstoppable bullet strike in the trillionth of a second of a blow, a shooting star-!"

"Hurry it up!" Taira called out.

"Yeah! I get the idea of mixing Valeos and Raging's chants, but we don't got all day for this!" Ryuuga added.

"I-it really is super long, Ibuki was right..." Izuru looked down, embarassed by the matter. "S-shut up, you're just dumbasses with poor taste! I can make cool ride chants on the spot too! Watch it, I'm gonna do it!"

"Please do it fast, Payic said I can't be late on our wedding anniversary dinner again." Ryuzaki said.

"Rage across the sixth heaven, and make black flashes rain down! Fight all silence, spirals and generations alike! Fight even the world itself, mad dog of myriad heavens! Ride! Revenger, Raging Form Dragon! (13000)"

"Oooh, that was pretty good!" Ryuuga and Taira applauded, making Izuru get back his grin.

"Of course it was. I'm the king when it comes to being awesome."

"I thought you were made Joker for being a clown." Ryuzaki pointed out.

"Shut up... Imaginary Gift, Force I! (13000>>23000) And then!"

Izuru grabbed the red card rose out of Raging Form's card, and threw it into the skies, where it exploded in a storm of flames and lightning that raged across the field.

"I made these effects too loud and realistics!" Ryuzaki exclaimed, covering his head with his arms.

The storm turned into a dust storm that blew by. The ground, once dark as night, turned into dirt, as broken houses began rising around the fighters, except for behind Izuru, where instead of houses, a temple rose. Then, everything started burning with raging red flames.

"The theatre where I rage war, my hell on earth, where I defy death! Stand up, my Domain! Hell Realm, Final Honnoji!" Izuru declared with a loud laugh.

"Starting to think shoving whacky woohoo battlefields into a system that you can be used to fight anywhere may have been a bad idea." Taira said, opening a bag of peanuts. "Want some nuts?"

"I'd respond but Ryuzaki got desperate enough to use any word jokes he can. I hit him with an Expos joke the other day, it was hilarious." Ryuuga chuckled, throwing some peants into his mouth.

Since the bench those two idiots sat on was inside the FiCa's safety area, they saw the fiery hell that was Izuru's domain directly.

"At the start of my main phase, Final Honnoji's effect activates. I reveal two cards from the top of my deck, and call any grade 1 Revenger units from among them. (Transient Revenger, Masquerade) (Death Feather Eagle) I call Masquerade. (8000) I also call Tartu. (10000) Her skill, I superior call Rinnal. (8000) Before going into the battle phase, I swap Rinnal and Masquerade's positions. Now boosted by Rinnel, Tartu attacks! (10000>>18000)"

"I'm about to get hit with the worst soulblast one to retire one effect since someone greenlit Knies being released into the public... I guard with Moon Edge! (27000)"

"Boosted by Masquerade, Rinnal attacks! When small Masq boosts, he gets 3k! (8000>>16000>>19000)"

"Man... No guard. (Dueling Dragon, ZANTETHU) Aw man!"

"Rinnal's skill, I scry three and add Raging Form to hand!"


Ryuzaki wasn't having a very good afternoon, it would seem.

"Raging Form attacks! (23000) Black Flash Downpour!"

"Hm... Nope, perfect guard."

"Twin drive! (Battle Troop Revenger, Dorint) (Death Feather Eagle - Critical) Hate to see it. All on the vanguard. (23000>>33000/2) Raging Form's skill! I sack both Rinnals and Tartu, and reride from hand! Revenger, Raging Form Dragon! Force the cycle of samsara, and be reborn! Papiyas Rebirth! Imaginary Gift, Force I! (23000>>33000) Rinnal's skill, I soulblast one to make you retire one!"


"One more time!"


"Boosted by Claudas, Raging Form attacks! (33000>>41000) Black Flash Downpour!"

"Tch... No guard."

"Twin drive! (Astral Chain Dragon - Heal) (Revenger, Raging Form Dragon) I heal one, power to Raging Form! (41000>>51000)"

"Damage check. (Gateway Stealth Rogue, Ataka) Wait, I run this guy? Who'd have thought?"

"Dude... Turn end." Izuru sighed.

Hand: 4
Damage: 3

Hand: 10
Damage: 2

"Go deliver the special drivers in person, she said, take this chance to teach people about the Domains and get feedback, she said..." Ryuzaki muttered. "Stand and draw... Man, I have not touched this deck in ages. Alrighty then, I will unfuck the massive minus I went in last turn by calling this card, ZANTETHU. (12000>>17000) ZAN's skill, I put the top card of my deck face up into my damage zone to call two Arresters for freeeeee. I call Central and Left. (9000) (9000) I also call Backwards from hand. (8000) BAKU's skill, I call Right Arrester! (9000) (12000>>17000) And then, with BAKU and Right's skills combined, Complete Golden Lock! Your vanguard ain't standing, it you ain't gonna reride! And don't forget the buffs from my Eternal Abyssal Night! (9000>>14000) (8000>>13000) (9000>>14000) (9000>>14000) (8000>>13000) (17000>>27000)"

"You mean your field spell?"

"It's not a field spell! Thinking of it like a- Like a set order!"

"What's an order?"

"No shit we make those better in the reboot, half the playerbase doesn't know what those shits are." Ryuzaki mumbled under his breath. "Screw that! Get ready to meet the half mexican storm that is approaching! BAKU attacks! (27000) Heavy Chain Cut Down!"

"No guard!"

"Twin drive! (Dueling Dragon King, ZANGEKI) (Right Arrester) My RNG..."

"Damage check! (Grim Revenger - Critical) I'm burning through crits at the wrong time, but I love all the deck thinning I do. It's as if I was fighting against Vowing Bad Dragon. All on the vanguard! (23000)"

"Tsk, I should have attacked with ZAN first, that one's on me..." Ryuzaki admitted with a heavy sigh. "Minor! Central's skill, he can attack from behind my vanguard, and since my vanguard's a Dueling Dragon, he gets 5k for each other Arrester on the field! That's a fat 20k! (14000>>34000)"

"I guard that one with Astral Chain! (38000)"

"Boosted by Backwards, Right attacks! Backwards' skill! (14000>>27000>>37000)"

"Guard with Claudas and Tartu! (38000)'

"And boosted by Backwards, Left attacks! Both their effects go off! (14000>>27000>>37000>>42000)"

"No guard! (Dark Cloak Revenger, Tartu)"

"Turn end. I got a rought start, but I'm feeling pretty confidant about ending it next turn."

Hand: 5
Damage: 4

Hand: 7
Damage: 4

"I'd go out of my way to mention the whole 'Those who say that don't tend to get a next turn.' or whatever, but who has the time?! Stand and draw! Final Hoonji's effect! (Dark Armour Revenger, Rinnal) (Nullity Revenger, Masquerade) I call Rinnal! (8000) Next I call Masquerade! (10000) Masquerade's skill, I scry seven, add Mordred to hand and sack Rinnal, and then Rinnal's skill! Sack one!"

"Use it once, fair enough, use it twice, kinda weird but ok, but use it three times?! Shame on you, I retire ZAN!"

"I got nothing to be ashamed about, this is all part of my genius plan to make you go to hell, dumbass." Izuru said, tapping the side of his forehead. "Call Dorint! (10000) Battle! Big man Masquerade attacks Left Arrester! (10000)"

"Ah? Going for the rears? Hell no, I intercept with Right. (14000)"

"Boosted by small man Masq, Dorint attacks Left Arrester again! (10000>>18000>>21000)"

"Dude, just go play Kagero or something, I know your dad gave you a shiny The X... Gah, I guard with Moon Edge! (24000)"

"That's it for my turn. Pass."

Hand: 4
Damage: 4

Hand: 7
Damage: 4

"I don't really get what was the point in all of that, but I'm gonna end it. I'm even showing good sportsmanship by not saying the final turn thing. I never got the point of it anyway. If it got money after a fight, then hell yeah! Huh, maybe that's something I could trick the brit into adding to Gen... Declaring final turn and winning it in forces the loser to pay to the winner... That oughta make the E trash saltier. Oh right, the fight, my bad! Stand and draw! Rules are rules, but truly, they exist for the same reason bad cars and football clubs alike exist for! To be shat on! So I'll scrap those lousy rules out of my world, and rise as its rulers! Because I! Have! Even! More! MONEYYYYYYYYY! Ride the vanguard! Dueling Dragon King, ZANGEKI! (12000) Accel II, open! And then, I call Right Arrester and Ataka! (9000) (8000>>13000) Ataka's skill, scry five, add BAKU to hand and ditch him! Ataka's skill, since I got dupes of a unit, add 5k! (13000>>18000) GEKI's skil! With Right and Left Arrester on the field, add 5k and a crit, and with BAKU in soul, you can only call grade 0s to the guardian circle! And then, Eternal Abyssal Night, strengthen my units even further! (9000>>14000) (8000>>13000) (9000>>14000) (9000>>14000) (8000>>13000) (12000>>27000/2)"

"Huh, I just noticed this but his Domain kinda looks to be made from him being tired of people dropping a crit to cuck him off his ZANGEKI win." Taira commented.

"It really does, doesn't it?" Ryuuga asked.

"You two, go do your jobs and shut up! Battle! GEKI attacks! (27000/2) Platinum Chain Slashdown!"

"As if I'd let that hit, I nullify it with Mac Lir!"

"Twin drive! RNG, let's Ryuzaki it up! (Right Arrester) (Left Arrester) Mother-"

"Language, dickhead!"

"Fuck off... Ataka attacks! (18000)"

"Big guy Masq and Dorint intercept! (23000)"

"Oh shit, that is a thing he can do, isn't it? Minor, Central attacks! (34000)"

"Grim Revengers! (43000)"

"Your RNG cucked you too? Boosted by Backwards, Right Arrester! (14000>>27000>>37000)"

"No guard! (Dark Shield, Mac Lir - Draw) I think it uncucked me. (23000)"

"Mother- Boosted by Backwards, Left Arrester will this fight with a power buff skill that outranks Tetra Drive's, not the abr was set very high to begin with! (14000>>27000>>37000>>42000)"

"I'm starting to see where all your good RNG went to." Izuru deadpanned, looking at the amount of triggers flooding Ryuzaki's soul. "Anyway, perfect guard. Dimension Creeper-"


"Exactly." Izuru nodded with a smirk.

"These stupid light novel protags with more than one girl after them for some ungodly reason... Turn end!"

Hand: 5
Damage: 3

Hand: 2
Damage: 5

"Now finally, stand and draw! Final Honnoji's skill! (Transient Revenger, Masquerade) (Frontline Revenger, Claudas) That ought to leave a mark. I call both of them! (8000) (8000) I also call Masquerade! (10000) Now brace yourself, sensei-san! Battle! Boosted by small man Masquerade, Claudas attacks! (8000>>16000>>19000)"

"As if! I guard with Left and Right! (22000)"

"Boosted by Claudas, Raging Form attacks! (33000>>41000) Black Flash Downpour!"

"No guard!"

"Twin drive! (Barrier Troop Revenger, Dorint) (Revenger, Raging Form Dragon)"

"Damage check! (Dueling Dragon, ZANBAKU)"

"Raging Form's skill! I sack small man Masq, alongside both Claudas!"

(Media - Smell of the Game)

"Force the cycle of samsara and be reborn! Papiyas Rebith! Revenger, Raging Form Dragon! (33000) Force I, on the empty front row circle! Then, Raging's skill! I call Dorint! (10000>>20000) Dorint attacks! (20000)"

"Intercept with Right and Left! (22000)"

"Boosted by small man Masq, big man Masq attacks! Big man Masq's skill, add 3k! (10000>>18000>>21000>>24000)"

"No guard! (Right Arrester)"

"Raging Form Dragon, attack! (33000) Black Flash Downpour!"

"Perfect guard!"

"That's a nice small hand you got there! Twin drive! (Illusionary Revenger, Mordred Phantom) (Dark Cloak Revenger, Tartu) Raging Form's skill! I sack small man and big man Masq, and Dorint! Rage across the sixth heaven, and makeblack flashes rain down! Fight all silence, spirals and generations alike! Fight even world itself, mad dog of myriad heavens! Ride! Revenger, Raging Form Dragon! (33000) One more Force I, this one himself! (33000>>43000) Then with his skill, call Masquerade! (8000)"

"He's going for a bigger attack instead of playing safe with an extra attack?! What the reeeee?!" Taira asked.

"Oh god, oh fuck, his ego kicked in again!" Ryuuga exclaimed.

"Will you shut up? My ego didn't do shit this time. I know exactly what I'm doing. Despite all the filtering that guy did, half his triggers ended up in the soul, alongside his last three heals!"

"Oh shit, he cucked me on a probability level!" Ryuzaki screamed in despair.

"Boosted by Masq, Raging Form attacks! (43000>>51000>>54000) BLACK! FLASH! DOWNPOUR!"

"Ah crap, ah shit, ah motherfucker, n-no guard!"

"Twin drive! (Frontline Revenger, Claudas) (Barrier Troop Revenger, Dorint)"

Izuru grabbed the sword handle and drew the sword from his driver. As he ran at ZANGEKI himself, the blade extended from the guard as lightning swirled around it. He was about to take the term "Fine, I'll do it myself." to new heights that no one asked for.

ZANGEKI twirled his chain around before shooting them at the incoming attacker, followed by the chains of the fallen Arrester units, creating a rain of chained weapons to fall down upon Izuru with raging power.

Changing from a fast one hand grip for a safer two hand grip, Izuru hacked away at the incoming attacks, either striking away the weapons of slashing through the chains themselves. One last weapon, a chain axe, sneaked past him, but he striked its chain with his sword and spun the chain around the blade. He pulled the chain back in a slashing motion, tripping away parts of it, while also making black and red lightning run down through the rest of the chain, leading to one of ZANGEKI's arms to be scorched by it.


With a savage yell, Izuru slammed the blade onto ZANGEKI's chest, and even though the dragon's armour was tough, he slashed through it in one fell swoop.

But he didn't stop there.

In fact, he kept going.

Towards Ryuzaki.

"W-what are you doing?" Ryuzaki asked.

Izuru leapt into the air, tossing his blade from one hand to the other, and then slammed Ryuzaki's face with the sheer weight of his heavy asakusan hand. That baby broke thirty tiles during summer.

Poor Ryuzaki got yeeted out of the FiCa's designed area, making the virtual dome that surrounded the four disperse with the end of the fight.

"HM! MOTHER-!" Ryuzakki yelled, holding to the left side of his face.

"Holy crap... In my defense, I thought he'd also be a hologram or something." Izuru shrugged, sheathing his blade, and removing his FiCa from his driver.

"No no, that's understandable. This is Ryuzaki afterall. And honestly, he was kinda asking for it." Ryuuga said, whispering that final part.


To be fair, most of them either punch Izuru in the lungs or throw them at a wall after he lands the first strike.

"I don't know shit about medical stuff, but people I say sound like your son so that's good enough for me to give you a medical solution to your problem: walk it off." Izuru deadpanned.

In the end, Izuru took pity on Ryuzaki and kept the name Ryuzaki gave to his driver. Beating old people is fun, but not very fun when they can sue you for war crimes humanity hasn't discovered yet.

Izuru went back home to start making dinner, and because he is who he is, he kept his driver on while doing so, much to the annoyance of the gremlin playing video game son his living room rent free.

"Oi... Are you going to keep that thing on the whole day?!" Ibuki asked.

"Dad and mom said I couldn't have a real sword strapped to by waist, so you can be sure as hell I'll have one strapped to my-"

"God, you're an idiot!"

"With pleasure! Hey Ibuki, you know how my super great great grandfather asked my super great great grandmother on a date?"

"I think I don't wanna know..." She sweatdropped.

Izuru slapped his FiCa into his Revengeriser and pulled the handle until it was halfway to the end.

"Come unsheath my special sword!" Izuru exclaimed with a massive grin.

"..." Ibuki looked at him with a blank look, and then returned to playing video games silently.

'OH CRAP, SHE HATES FOR THAT JOKE! I THOUGHT IT'D BE A KILLER BUT THE ONLY THING IT KILLED WAS ANY SHOT I HAD!' Izuru thought, his mind broken by this immense failure.

'Think good things, Ibuki... Just think... Good... Things...' Ibuki thought.

The two continued plunged into their awkward silence, until Izuru's phone began ringing while he finished making dinner.

"Yeah, this is Izuru..." Izuru sighed. "Huh? They're probably gonna spend it with Ryuuga, Homura and my grandparents, why? Wait, for real?! Your parents just went to Vegas for Christmas?! The entire apartment all to ourselves?! Get the blonde monkey or else I'll never forgive you!" He exclaimed, ending the call.

"What do you need Ban for?!" Ibuki asked.

"I mean an actual blonde mon- I don't have enough time to explain this! Ban and Rio's parents went to Vegas for the holidays, so they got their big ass apartment all for themselves! They're having a massive party with the guys from Heiwa on Christmas Eve, let's go!"

"Ah?! Did you ever consider I may already have plans for Christmas Eve?!"

"Waiting for midnight to do your sad Christmas rolls isn't an excuse, trust me, I tried that."

"...you're a rude bastard. Hmph." Ibuki pouted.


Oh no, the honorary Ansei thing is starting to take its toll on izuru, he's making their mating call in his mind!

"But sure, let's go to their party or whatever. It's not like we have anything better to do with our lives." Ibuki shrugged.

Same... Same.

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