-Part 3

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With the first round of the Dark Zone Bout done, the time for the second round was at hand. But first, a pause for snacks and team conversation.

"These guys are as real of a deal as they come." Tate said, placing down his box of chocolate milk. "Even though I beat Gin-san, it was still through luck. If I didn't got that critical on my second turn, I would have lost by a deckout, and worse, if I didn't get that heal, I wouldn't even get a chance at ending it the turn after. If we have to rely on luck to beat them, then we're super screwed."

"To be fair, you were playing Reijy." Izuru deadpanned.

"Yeah, I think Reijy's the biggest problem here." Ban sighed.

"Shut up, I make Reijy look cool!"

"I don't think even Renji could make Reijy look cool, and all he talks about his damnation and how his girlfriend draws him piledriving Ryuuga!" The black haired exclaimed.

"I heard that!" Ryuuga called. "And as Maxios-san would put it, that's offensive!"

"Shut up, not my fault your sister in law is a yaoi artist!"

"Your family sounds lovely." Ban sweatdropped. "Hey Ryuuga-san, is it time for the second round yet?"

"Hm? Oh shit, right, that. Huh, yeah, let's begin the second round!"

"Freaking dumbass." Izuru, Kaido and Mayuri sighed.

"Shut up! ...whichever of you said that. Let's get back into the Vanguardriver testing!" Ryuuga clapped his hands. "Big PP Nation, send out your second member!"

"PP so big it even has a second one." Masato snickered.

"What are you, five?" Gin deadpanned. 

"Yeah, five inches deep in Kaido's mom."

"I will literally tase you in the dick. I still have the taser Emma stole from you!" Kaido exclaimed, taking out a white taser from his blazer.

"And the fact you haven't given it back says alot about the type of friend you are!"

"My expectations of my heroes... I can hear them crack and shatter..." Ban cried.

"Yup. Yuuup." Izuru nodded, giving his blonde friend a pat on the back. "I'll avenge your soul, my dearest blonde monkey."

Taking out his FiCa from his scarf, Izuru stepped forward, and with a big grin, he aimed the device at the four members of Hanabi and Mayuri.

"I'll be going on the second round! Come here and get ready to have your ass kicked and name taken!"

"I hate visual novel protagonists who think they're the shit for having a harem." Kaido scoffed, stepping forward with his FiCa at hand. "I'll beat you like I beat that momcon, you-"

"Ban, come replace me."

And Izuru was already out!

"DUDE, AGAIN?!" Ban and Tate yelled.

"I critted that guy before, I'll just do it again! How can we test these belts if I just end it in three turns?! What do I look like, pre-errata Riviere?!"

"That's a low blow, specially after Sakuya got you that job as a rental boyfriend." Gin shook his head. What a dick that Izuru was.

"Wait wha- YOU DID WHAT?!" Ryuuga asked.

"I was broke and I needed to complete my Raging deck, I'm not proud of what I did for that money!" Izuru exclaimed.



"Wait a sec, you didn't do anything for that money! Ibuki bought you the rest of the deck, fully blinged out and everything!" Tate said. "Did the pink scarf make you forget that or something?!"

"It's magenta, not pink!" Izuru roared, rubbing Tate's head with his knuckles.

"Everyone here has the maturity of a middle schooler." Mayuri said with a flat stare.

"You stepped forward, you fight the rich man. I don't own you anything." Ban sighed.

"I will now talk about Ban's sister, Rio!"

"I- Alright fine, I'll fight this round, you fucking dickhead!" The blonde boy grunted, taking out his FiCa and pushing Izuru out of the way. "Honestly, where did you even get that attitude?!"

"He doesn't even have the money to back it up." Kaido scoffed.

"Exactly! Finally, someone who gets me!"

"On second thought, leaving the two rich guys to fight each was probably my worst idea in recent times..." Izuru sweatdropped. And yes, taking his cards out of his sleeves was included in the list.

"Do you ever stop complaining?!" Ban asked, clicking the button on his FiCa before entering it into his belt. "Stand up!"


"Spoiler alert, he doesn't." Kaido replied, clicking the button on his FiCa.


Before entering his FiCa into his Vanguardriver, Kaido held his FiCa near him. The small device began playing an instrumental composed out of acoustic guitars and trumpets, very akin to mexican music. Why yes, Kaido's FiCa came with a jingle included.

In the meanwhile, Pissbot 3000 jammed to the song while doing the thing it was supposed to do when looking at blond people.

"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid."

You may not be a momcon, but Pissbot doesn't judges people based on whether or not they have oedipus rex.



"Will you just-"


"Can you-"


"PUT THAT OVERCOMPLICATED DECK BOX INTO YOUR RIP-OFF BELT BEFORE I BREAK YOUR TOY DOG IN HALF!" Ban yelled, finally pushed to his limits. Soon, the blonde monkey would rise like the moon.

"Sorry, but if you're blonde, then I'm legally allowed to call you stupid regardless of who you are, stupid. Stand up." Kaido said, finally putting his FiCa into his Driver.

Ban's player data materialized in the form of a blue dragon in golde armour, while Kaido's manifested as a giant skuleton in mage robes. Instead of having a fast fight like Tate and Gin's data did before, these two just jammed their hands against the other's and tried to push the over out of bound.

But eventually, the data just turned into the playing boards.

"Stand up, my vanguard! Knight of Early Dawn, Coel! (6000)" Ban declared.

"Ah? I was promised Ethics copium, stupid." Kaido scoffed. "Stand up, the vanguard. Undying Departed, Grenache. (6000)"




"Player turn: Mikazuchi Kaido."

"Going first, huh? I knew I already won, but this is just rubbing salt in the wound."

"Your ego really doesn't know any bounds, does it?" Ban asked.

"I haven't met anyone who has made said bounds appear. Draw. I ride Sea Strolling Banshee. (8000) When she's ridden, I can drop any card from my deck." Kaido explained as a menu appeared in front of him. He took a card from the menu and put it into his drop zone. "I'll discard Skull Dragon. After shuffling my deck, I draw a card using Grenche's skill. Turn end."

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"You annoying little-" 'Wait a sec, Ban. Think about it. You've seen alot of this guy's fights before. What's his best weapon? His ego. He can push anyone into doing the wrong play or into questioning their every move. He can even do that without his ego. If you play his game, you lose.' Ban thought as he took a deep breath. "Draw. I ride Fast Chase Liberator, Josephus. (8000) Coel's skill, I draw and get a shield ticket."

"Huh. When did Katsu-chan change clans?" Tate asked.

"To be fair, did anyone think he'd really keep playing Novas after Raizers crashed harder than the stock market?" Izuru replied.

"Fair enough." The half slav shrugged.

"And then-" 'One of the fights that most sticks out to me was his first fight with that Takanori guy. I remember watching that one with my friends back at middle school. Kaido rode Romario going first, then Takanori rode Gaiban and called Phoenix to the side. He swung under with Gaiban to give Kaido the damage to use Romario. But in this scenario... He dropped Skull Dragon with Banshee, so he isn't using Seven Seas this time. He's probably playing his Cocytus deck. In that case, seeing as he didn't call Navigator to turbo his drop zone, then he probably doesn't have it in hand, meaning he's going to use the Colombard he'll ride on his next turn to get it. In that case, I know what I'll do.' "I end my turn."

"Ah?! But Katsu-chan, you gotta deal damage to take it home!" Tate exclaimed.

"Oho? Ban-san sure looks like he knows what he's doing." Ryuuga mused, rubbing his chin.

"You sure you don't want to get a damage in? I'll let you go back on your choice." Kaido said, this time lacking any of his overbloated superiority. He was being serious.

"Yeah, I'll end it there."

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

Hand: 7
Damage: 0

"I'll admit that I'm surprised that someone was able to read that far ahead into my gameplan." Kaido said, throwing a card to his drop zone. "I ride Pirate Sworsman, Colombard. (9000) However, that's what I was expecting."

"What?" Ban asked.

"I call Skeleton Sea Navigator and Greed Shade. (7000) (9000)"

'Wait, he held back from calling Navigator to make me waste a drive check?!'

"If you're wondering if I sacrificed a part of my turbo to make you lose a card, then yes. Greed Shade's skill. I discard Skull Dragon to mill two, then I return the milled Sea Crusining Banshee to my hand. I rest Navigator and Shade to mill five. That's ten cards. Colombard attacks. (9000)"

"Tch, no guard!" Ban grunted.

"Drive check. (Witch Doctor of Powdered Bone, Negrobone)"

"Damage check! (Flame of Victory - Critical) Crap..."

"For a blonde monkey, you're a smart, I'll give you that. But when I set my ego aside and get serious, then no one can beat me. I don't like the overcalculating type. Afterall, Vanguard is freedom, so being tied by calculations isn't the way to go. Instinct is what has gotten me this far. So bring your A game, Ban Katsuhito." Kaido said, waving at Ban to tell him to come at him.

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

Hand: 7
Damage: 0

"I won't fall for your game like the rest of them. Draw! I ride Liberator of Royalty, Phallon! (9000) Josephus' skill, I scry one and either call it or leave it on top. I'll call it. Bluish Flame Liberator, Percival. (12000) I call Oath Liberator, Aglovale. (9000) Battle. Percival attacks Greed Shade! (12000)"

"Greed Shade dies."

"Aglovale attacks! Percival moves to the soul and Aglovale gets 10k. (9000>>19000)"

"No guard. (Ice Prison Necromancer, Cocytus)"

"Aglovale returns to my hand. Phallon attacks! (9000)"

"Banshee. Heal Guard. (34000)"

"I expected that. Drive check. (Dawning Knight, Gorboduc) No trigger. Turn end."

Hand: 4
Damage: 1

Hand: 8
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw. The freezing depths will be the fate of the world. Fall under the judgement of the necromancer that curses the realm beyond that of the living, lying underneath the bottom of the seven seas! Ride, Ice Prison Necromancer, Cocytus! (12000)"

'With that unit on the field, he won't need to call cards from hand anytime soon.' Ban thought, looking briefly at his cards.

"This is my Imaginary Gift, Protect I. Cocytus' skill. I mill four cards and call two from my drop zone, with extras depending on the number of grade 3 units in my drop zone. I call two Stormrider Ghost Ship. (9000) (9000) Fifteen cards, with the Ghost Ships after they died, seventeen. Cocytus' skill. Since there's over than ten cards in my drop zone, add 10k. (12000>>22000) Battle. Cocytus attacks. (22000) Return to Absolute Zero."

"No guard!"

"Twin drive. (Skeleton Sea Navigator) (Rampage Shade - Critical) Power to the left Ship, crit on Cocytus. (9000>>19000) (22000>>22000/2)"

"Tch, damage check. (Knight of Hard-work, Alienor) (Halo Shield, Mark - Draw) I got a draw, all on Phallon! (19000)"

"Left Ship, attack. When it attacks, add 15k. (19000>>34000)"

"Clarity Wing Dragon, Heal Guard! (44000)"

"Ghost Ship retires and I draw. Boosted by Navigator, the right Ship attacks. (9000>>16000>>31000)"

"Guard with Vortimer! (34000)"

"Ghost Ship retires and I draw again. Turn end."

Hand: 8
Damage: 1

Hand: 7
Damage: 3

"Stand and draw! Bonds and promises light up the heart, where a bluish flame burns brightly! One golden fist! One azure flame! One regal dragon! One strike clad in blue flames that'll freeze sin and burn this moment in history! Ride the vanguard! Bluish Flame Liberator, Promiance Core! (12000)"

"TRISHULA! TRISHULA! TRISHULA, DRAGON OF THE ICE BARRIER!" Izuru and Tate cheered, knocking on their wooden bench to replicate the sound of a drum.

"Doesn't the guy who's dad worked on my grandpa's place use the same card?" Kaido asked.

"No, Kawaguchi-san used the weirdly named one mixed in with Percival and whatever Masato calls a deck." Mayuri deadpanned.

"Oi oi, I'm right here." Masato said, waving around his taser.

"Imaginary Gift, Accel II. I draw a card. I call Vortimer. (9000) Prominence Core's skill! Counterblast, Vortimer retires, I scry four and call up to two, but with Percival on my soul, I can call four! I call Dindrane, Alienor and Percival! (7000) (9000) (12000>>17000) The last card goes on the bottom. Dindrane's skill, I soulblast one to draw a card, and then, I put Vortimer into the soul to countercharge. Prominence Core's skill! Explosion Blue! When a unit is placed, both it and Prominence Core get 3k! (12000>>15000) (7000>>10000) Again! (15000>>18000) (9000>>12000) And again! (18000>>21000) (17000>>20000) Percival's skill! Counterblast, I discard a card and open a new Accel II! I draw a card and superior call Aglovale from the deck! (9000>>14000) Explosion Blue! Since the unit called was Aglovale, Prominence Core's critical becomes two! (21000>>24000/2) (14000>>17000) From hand, I call another Aglovale. (9000) Explosion Blue! (24000>>27000) (9000>>12000)"

"Blue nut." Tate bluntly said.

"Please don't call it that..." Ban sweatdropped. "Battle! Prominence Core attacks! (27000/2) Rhadamanthus Accel Overdrive!"

"Rampage Shade and Navigator guard. (52000) No pass."

"That's fine, twin drive! (Fast Chase Liberator, Josephus) (Flame of Victory - Critical) A critical! I put it all on Alienor! (12000>>22000/2) Percival attacks! (20000)"

"Dragon Spirit, guard. (22000)"

"Aglovale attacks! I move Percival to the soul for his skill! (17000>>27000) That's just enough to force a 20k." Ban smirked.

"I don't need to guard that. Damage check. (Pirate Swordsman, Colombard)"

"Aglovale returns to my hand. Boosted by Dindrane, Alienor attacks! Since two units were called this turn, add 5k, and since four were called, add another ten! (22000>>32000>>47000/2)"

"Protect I, perfect guard."

"Tch, just get pushed to five already. Alienor moves to the soul. Aglovale attacks! Putting Dindrane in for his skill! (12000>>22000)"

"No guard. (Dragon Spirit)"

"Aglovale bounces back to hand." 'Even with five attacks and two of them having two crits, I only got to deal three damage... I'm at three damage, but I only got one Mark, and he's going to use Skull Dragon on his turn... If he gets a crit, this will get more complicated.' Ban thought as he looked at his cards. "Turn end."

Hand: 3
Damage: 4

Hand: 11
Damage: 3

"Twenty one cards." Kaido said, looking through his drop zone. "Just enough. Stand and draw. Remember this, blonde monkey: You will never beat someone like me. Persona Ride! Ice Prison Necromancer, Cocytus! (12000) Burn this moment into your memory: Final Turn!"

"Already?!" Tate screamed. "Oh god, he's using the pres' Skull Dragon rush, isn't he?!"

"He's a first rate cardfighter using a three attack deck, that means Ban has more than enough chances!" Izuru exclaimed.

"You two, shut up." Ban said. He sounded more serious than normal. Heck, last time he took a fight this serious was when he was fighting Nakano because of Yasuke punching Tate once. "Come."

"This is my Imaginary Gift, Protect I. I move Navigator up and call Greed Shade. (9000) I discard my Protect to mill two and return Rampage Shade to my hand. Cocytus' skill. I mill four cards and call three units. Over Greed Shade and Navigator, two Dragon Undead, Skull Dragons, and behind my vanguard, Dragon Spirit. (12000) (12000) (8000) Dragon Spirit's skill. When called from the drop zone, add 8k. (8000>>16000) Skull Dragon's skill. For each card in my drop zone, add 2k. There's twenty five cards, so add 50k. (12000>>62000) (12000>>62000) And since there's over twenty cards in my drop zone, Cocytus gains 20k and a critical. (12000>>32000/2) Battle." Kaido declared.

'I'll survive this turn... I'll survive this turn and win this fight!'

"Boosted by Dragon Spirit, Cocytus attacks! (32000>>48000/2) Return to Absolute Zero!"

'This is the decisive moment... If I guard this one, I can take the next two attacks, but if he draws a critical, I'll have to sacrifice all of my hand to survive... Or I can drop my hand here and keep my perfect guard for one of the Skull Dragons. But if I drop everything to survive here, I won't have many options any turn... Think, Ban, think...' Ban thought.

"Annoying..." Kaido muttered.


"Annoying... Annoying, annoying, GODDAMMIT, THIS IS SO ANNOYING!" The rich man screamed. "Why does everyone gotta overthink this shit?! Like overcalculating this will make any difference! You can spend all the time in the world calculating this single moment, and it won't change how you'll wake up tomorrow! The calculating type pisses me of so much! If Vanguard is freedom, then you're free to use your instinct, you shithead!"

"Oh no, his patience got pushed to the limit..." Mayuri sweatdropped.

"You're just like that guy! Overcalculating everything and taking this too serious! That stupid guy..."

Kaido's mind flashed the image of someone he met at GEN Academy.

"That stupid asshole..."

Someone who annoyed him beyond the limits of his patience because of something stupid they did.

The type of person who'd push him to buy the island just to publicly humiliate them.

And he was...



"It was the sheep alarm app." Masato shrugged.

"Instinct..." Ban muttered. For a brief moment, the image of a certain blue haired girl flashed in his mind. "My instinct... Tells me to do what she'd do! I'm gonna look over your drop zone!"

"Ah?! How's that-"



"Dragon these nuts through your face, hand over your board!"

Oh man, Ban gave Kaido a reason to buy Japan to publicly humiliate him.

Ban moved his board aside to make up some space for Kaido's board. Including the cards in his soul, damage zone, drop zone, and the one Rampage Shade Kaido had turned to his hand during his turn, fifteen triggers were gone. That's why you don't play Vanguard/Grand Navigator. 

'Fifteen triggers gone, ten cards left in deck, it's a one in ten, ten percent chance... Alright!' Ban nodded and returned Kaido's board to the owner. "I'll perfect guard with Mark!"

"Twin drive! (Cyril the Ghostie) No trigger. And the second check..." Kaido picked up his card. He looked at it and smiled, before revealing it. "Dragon Spirit. No trigger."

"Alright!" Ban exclaimed, clenching his fist.

"But I'm not done yet. Skull Dragons, attack! This is for the word joke, only my old man falls for those! (62000) (64000)"

"No guard for both of them! (Listener of Truth, Dindrane) (Halo Shield, Mark - Draw) Draw trigger, I draw one! (22000)"

"That's it for my turn." Kaido said, putting his last Skull Dragon into the drop zone.

Hand: 5
Damage: 4

Hand: 10
Damage: 5

"I swear it on these blue flames... That I'll be the one who'll defeat you, Mikazuchi Kaido!" Ban declared. "Stand and- DRAW!"

(Media - Chrono's Fight)

"I call Prominence Core! Explosion Blue! (12000>>15000) (12000>>15000)"

"He isn't riding it?! But the free Accel II!" Tate called out.

"He isn't gonna need it for this one, trust me!" Izuru replied.

"Prominence Core's skill! I retire Core and call the top four cards of my deck! Percival! Alienor! Flame of Victory! Clarity Wing Dragon! (12000>>17000) (9000>>14000) (5000) (10000) And then, Explosion Blue! (17000>>20000) (14000>>17000) (5000>>8000) (10000>>13000) (15000>>27000) Percival's skill! Accel II, open! And then, call Aglovale! (9000) Explosion Blue! (9000>>12000) (27000>>30000/2) I call two Aglovales, one over Percival, and Josephus, two Gorboduc and Phallon! (9000>>14000) (9000>>14000) (8000) (8000) (8000) (9000>>14000) EXPLOSION BLUE! (14000>>17000) (14000>>17000) (8000>>11000) (8000>>11000) (8000>>11000) (9000>>12000) (30000>>48000) Gorboduc's skill, add Core and Perc to hand and discard them, then each gets 5k! Same with Phallon! (11000>>16000) (11000>>15000) (12000>>17000) Then over Josephus, Flame of Victory! Explosion Blue! (5000>>8000) (48000>>51000) Over Flame, Phallon! Explosion Blue! (9000>>12000) (51000>>54000) And then over Phallon, Josephus! One more time, Explosion Blue! (8000>>11000) (54000>>57000) I'll take these blue flames and explode them to their limit!" Ban exclaimed, showing his big empty hands.

"JAZZ HANDS!" His friends yelled.

"Battle! Aglovale, attack! No skill! (17000)"

"Dragon Spirit, guard! (22000)"

"Alienor, attack! Skill! (17000>>32000)"

"Rampage Shade, guard! (42000)"

"Alienor goes into the soul, and then Aglovale, attack! Skill by putting the rested Aglovale into the soul! (17000>>27000)"

"Cyril, guard! With his skill, add 10k shield! (32000)"

"Aglovale returns to hand! My other Aglovale attacks my putting the Gorboduc behind him into the soul! (12000>>22000)"

"Knight Spirit, guard! (27000)"

"Aglovale returns to hand! Boosted by Josephus, Phallon attacks! (17000>>28000)"

"Tch, no guard! (Ice Prison Necromancer, Cocytus)"

"Phallon's skill! I call the top card of my deck! Clarity Wing Dragon! (10000>>15000) And again, for a final time- EXPLOSION BLUE! (15000>>18000) (57000>>60000) Clarity Wing Dragon, attack! (18000)"

"Dragon Spirit, guard! (22000)"

"No guards left! I win! Boosted by Gorboduc, Prominence Core attacks! (60000>>76000/2)"

Ban's hands exploded into a growing cluster of bluish flames. They flew into the sky, and blasted a pillar of fire behind, out of which came Prominence Core.

"Come!" Kaido challenged.

"I'll end it with this move!"

Prominence Core extended his hand. The flames burning through his body began coming together in front of him, forming a giant fire wheel that crashed into the ground. With a fist clad in flames, he punched the wheel towards Cocytus, who held back against it with his bare skeleton hands.

The dragon clad in golden armour stepped forward and started piledriving the wheel into Cocytus with the bare strength of his punching frenzy. Among his punches, a second unit made out of his flames appeared and aided him.

It was Lupina.

"Wait, already?! Ryuzaki said this shit was possible but I didn't think it'd happen this fast!" Ryuuga exclaimed, looking up at the clash between the units.


With Kaido's scream, Cocytus ripped the wheel appear, but it didn't matter.

"Burn everything under a wheel of bluish flames! THIS IS OUR-!"

Prominence Core and Lupina reached their hands towards Cocytus, and within the giant skeleton's empty ribcage, a small bluish ember flickered, before exploding into a giant wheel in an explosion of blue.




Kaido's last damage was burned into his damage zone by blue flames. It was Cocytus.


[MATCH TIME: 25:41]



"I did it... Nah... We did it..." Ban muttered. All that adrenaline from the fight was flushed out of his body, and he fell back on the floor, but Izuru and Tate caught him time.

And by that I mean they served as human pillows for the weight of Ban's massive gains.

"You gotta slow down on the bananas, man..." Tate whimpered. "Miyuki, heeeeeeelp...!!!"

"I'm in the same situation as you, dumbass...!!!" Izuru coughed out.

"So... Kishou-kun still hasn't gotten that piano?" Ryuuga asked as Kaido got back to the Hanabi side of the temple. "You'd think he'd have made up his mind by now."

"I can understand him. When it comes down to buying things you love, you must think hard before you make the wrong choice. It happens all the time when I'm buying tasers and cheap chinese electronics." Masato shrugged.

"No it doesn't, you just buy everything your eyes see." Kaido deadpanned, opening a can of matcha soda.

"Hey that's a-!"

"I'm still finding tasers between tge seats of Fujiko's car after she let you use it to go shopping." Gin interjected.

"-possible truth!"

"Each time a fight ends, I feel my brain cells becoming smaller... Rescue me, Rei-chan..." Mayuri sweatdropped. He wasn't having a good time.

But now, the second round was over. One more win and Big PP Nation would be winning the Vanguardriver testing tournament. But the last fighter on Big PP Nation's side was Izuru, and with his overbloated ego still riding high since the wedding, who knows how hard things could go downhill from here.

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