-Part 4

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The battlefield for the final fight was the city of Tokyo.

The day was moving by without anything unusual happening. People move from point A to B, students went to and left school, old people at the park spent the day doing nothing. And then, a white light glimmered in the center of the city.

From a second to another, Alter Ego Messiah manifested into existence.

The moment its feet grazed the roads down below was the moment life ceased to exist in the city. No warning, no chance of survival, just an instant extinction from a moment to the other.

But that was only the start of the end of the fight.

The true battle happened in the rooftop of a tall building in front of Alter Ego Messiah, where a loud clash announced the final stage of the battle.

On one side, Endo, armoured with his Counterkill Strike, Gastorur's armour.

On the other, Izuru, in the same navy uniform as Valeos, using his spear to defend against Endo's guillotine kick.

"My dream... My dream won't die here!"

Endo jumped back to build some distance and clenched his fist. Gravity around him began to twist and crumble upon itself, creating a singularity that shot out a pair of Volkogodes towards his opponent.

"This spear needs to second strike! FROZEN STAR-!"

Izuru dragged the bottom end of his spear along the stone floor, making it ignite like a rocket that he hurled towards the cyber golems. With all of the built up power on the spear, it blasted through two units without needing a second strike.


But instead of keeping its charged and head for Endo, the spear exploded into a cloud of freezing haze that frozen the remainings of the Volkogodes in place.


And out of that greyish haze came Izuru, in a leap towards Endo, with his right fist pulled back. Black and red lightning creaked through his fingers, indicating the blow that would end the fight in less than a second.

But instead-

"White Flash!"


With a fist covered in flashing white and yellow lightning, Endo survived by punching a clean hole through Izuru's chest.

"This is... Impo..." Izuru coughed. "...ssible...!"

"For the sake of the ideal Heiwa... For the sake of protecting innocent people from that whirlwind of curses' ressurection... No matter how many lives I have to destroy for it happen... I will..."

Endo pushed his opponent up to the edge of the rooftop, and then, in a swift kick, he kicked him down to his certain death.

The fight was over.

"...save Heiwa from itself..."

With the battle finally won and his biggest opponent defeated, Endo sat by the edge of the building, looking out at the liveless city. For the sake of his dream, sacrifices were made.

"It is done. No one will oppose Heiwa's salvation again. At last, Heiwa can grow into something better, controlled enough to not be rebirthed into that cursed pillar it was... I sacrificed innocent people for the sake of his dream, but what is done is done. They will become the stepping stones for something that may better the lives of many others."

(Media - HEAVY DAY)

Endo got up and looked back at Alter Ego Messiah, and the image he saw made him freeze where he stood. 

And then, faint cries coming from the space angel were heard.

With the battle finished, Alter Ego Messiah had began ascending back into the skies, but the moment one of his hands dangled over the rooftop of a nearby building, something began pulling it back.

"...this is impossible..."

On that rooftop, Izuru held onto one of Alter Ego Messsiah's fingers and pulled it down. 

"You damn heavy son of a bitch... JUST FLIP OVER ALREADY!"

Spreading out his entire strength, and even some strength he didn't have, Izuru dug his feet into the ground and began flipping the giant over his shoulder.



Alter Ego Messiah's body fell over the ward of Shinjuku, crushing it under its body, which was then broken into pieces like a crystal.

With the giant unit destroyed, Izuru clapped his hands to get the dust out of them and looked back at Endo, carrying a scummy grin on his face.

"How many times did you expect to one shot me with a punch to the chest, Endo?"

The hole on his chest left by White Flash had been sealed temporarily. Until that seal wore off and reopened the wound stronger than before, Izuru could keep fighting, until either him or Endo were gone.

"So I'll say it again... COME AT ME, ENDO!"

"For Heiwa's future... ACCEPT YOUR DEFEAT!"

The two charged at each other and leapt high into the sky, where they slammed their fists against the other's.


One fist flashed black and red.


One fist flashed white and yellow.


Buildings all across the city were cut off their roots and thrown into the skies due to the power of the impact of the blows, and soon began falling towards the ground.

Among that 'meteor shower' of buildings and rubble, lights shinning in white and yellow and black and red flickered all through, either alongside the falling buildings and using them as fighting surfaces, or either being destroyed between their clash.

The exchange of Flashes ended when the fighters stopped in different falling buildings.

"You know, it says in the lore than Valeos was some big ass dragon that had to seal himself in a human form to not outright die!" Izuru exclaimed.

Reaching his hand towards the sky, Izuru clenched his fist, bringing forth a storm that unleashed an heavy rain within seconds. The rain that fell around him began bending and taking the shape of serpentine dragons.

"They never released Valeos Dragon into the game, so we can make whatever headcanon we want! And mine is that this is Valeos' true form is this!"

Once their creation was finalized, the dragons roared. With a body covered in blue and grey metallic scales, the Riptide Dragons roared.

The Riptide Dragons swam through the rain as if it was the ocean and chased after Endo, who ran alongside the wall of a falling building, and dodged the high-powered water blasts they fired down at him.

Endo stopped his escape and jumped over one of the dragons, severing its head off with a White Flash, and then blasting a hole cleanly through the other one with another White Flash.


Izuru reached for the skies, hand covered in black and red lightning, and had a thunderbolt come crashing down towards him. In the trillionth of a second of the moment his lightning and the thunderbolt hit each other, his spear reappeared.


Dragging the spear along the side of the building he stood one, Izuru ignited the rocket within the spear and shot it at Endo, who defended himself by kicking it into another building as he approached Izuru.

"Opposition is useless! Heiwa will be saved!" Endo exclaimed, his fist flashing white and yellow.

"Is that everything you ever talk about?!" Izuru replied, his fist flashing red and black.

Black Flash and White Flash clashed one last time.

The power of the impact sent the two fighters straight into the ground, where, with water and buildings raining around them, they entered the true final stage of the fight.

On one side, Endo created silver stars that he compressed into a saber.

On the other, Izuru fused some of Riptide's scales to create a katana.

"This is...!" The two muttered.

"For Heiwa's salvation!" Endo yelled, charging forward.

"For our freedom!" Izuru exclaimed, also charging forward.

Clash after clash, the two exchanged blows in their sword fight, the sound of metal striking metal ringing through the rain.

After many blows, the two swordsman created distance between them.

The true end of the fight was at hand.

Clenching onto his saber, Endo manifested his aura in the shape of a roaring Alter Ego Messiah, shinning silver.

Clenching to his katana, Izuru manifested his aura in the shape of a roaring Riptide Dragon, shinning black and red.

They charged at each other one final time.

And their blades clashed one last time.

Lightning flashing black, red and silver was released from their clash.

Cracks scattered through both blades.

Memories began flashing through their minds in the final second of the fight.

Endo saw the first time he picked up Minami as a baby, the days where he lived with Sumireko and their daughters as a family, and the day he left Minami behind for his dream.

Izuru saw the first time he met Yukiko and Tate, the summer days where he and Tate fought against people during the summer of 2048, and the days spent on the Ban family's beach house alongside everyone else.

In the end, one of the blades shattered.

After dealing slashes to his arms, legs and chest, Izuru prepared to impale Endo with what remained of his sword.



Endo's aura ran rampant once again, manifesting in the form of a cluster of Messiahs that saved him from Izuru's strike by pushing him back. Then, he condensed that cluster of units into a second blade.

"You think this is some vision I have for Heiwa... WHAT I'M DOING IS SAVING IT!"

Holding his blade with both hands and behind his back, Endo made his sword glimmer in an explosive silver aura.

"I heard that already, dammit! And I'm gonna trample over that for our sake!"

Izuru raised his sword, or what remained of it after the Messiah cluster broke away most of the blade, and condensed all of his leftover energy into it, making it extend into a tall blade of light that grazed the sky.



The two swung their blades, Endo in an horizontal motion that slashed through half the city next to them, and Izuru in a vertical motion that slashed through the storm clouding the skies.

The ground began trembling and shattering under the force of the impact of the two blades, but once again, there was no victor. 

Both blades destroyed the other once again, raising a tower of smoke and dust in their destruction.

But within that tower of smoke, a shadow stepped forward.

The smoke and dust were blown away, revealing Izuru in front of Endo, holding back his right fist, black and red lightning flashing around it.


Izuru slammed his fist against Endo's chest, making him tense up from the pressure of the attack. He thrusted his fist forward, releasing Endo from his grasp.


The space between the two flashed red and black, and with a hole on his chest that appeared in the trillionth of a second of the blow, Endo was blasted into a wall behind him.

Defeated, Endo's body slithered down until he was sit.

And then, Izuru sat next to him, holding onto a wound left by Endo's sword on his chest.

The rain stopped and the clouds began to disperse, making the dim light of the sunrise hit the two.

"I really hate this... Who gives a damn about your enemy's reasons after they almost screwed your life in so many ways... Stupid Ryuuga being nice to people who did him dirty... It's not like I care about we're both finished so just... Why?" Izuru asked.

"Heiwa was a curse that destroyed lives that deserved better... Even after changing, its curse still remained behind... Someone had to... Change it..." Endo muttered in his dying breaths. "But no matter how much I try to erase that curse... It gave me the only thing I need in my life... The only person... I lost the day you challenged me... When she said... I was not her father... I always prepared myself to hear it, because it was bound to happen... But actually hearing it... It never made me feel so defeated..."

"Hey hey, don't go ruining the mood like that..." Izuru coughed. "Heiwa really... Doesn't belong to any of us..."

"Yeah..." Endo weakly nodded, cracks forming on his legs.

"But why... Why did you lie to her, dammit...?"

"She'll live happier thinking I'm to blame for everything than knowing her mother only had her as a bargaining chip... My path made me many enemies... The Endo name will only be a curse for her because of me... But the Sachi name will be her shield..."

"Ah..." Izuru looked up. "Endo... What if Heiwa saves itself without us..."

"Your wishful thinking never stops, Sawada-kun..." Endo muttered with a small smile.

With what little strength he had left, Izuru helped Endo getting up, and with one of his armous around his neck for support, the two began walking towards the sunrise.

Though Endo's body kept cracking and soon disappeared, and though the sealed wound in Izuru's chest reopened in a burst of blood, Izuru kept moving forward.

Towards the future.

Towards a new stage of his life.

Towards a new Heiwa Academy.

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