-Part 5

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Tate's incessant chase after the grey haired boy took him far and away from Heiwa. Whenever he ran past a corner, his target passed one far ahead of him. It was like the more he pursued him, the more distant he became.

That is, until Tate arrived at a riverbank, where the one he'd spent minutes pursuing sat peacefully on a bench, as if waiting for him.

"Yo. It's been a while, Tame-chan."

"Niji... Mura... Wha... What are- Hm!"

Tate suddenly gasped and covered his mouth with both hands. He dashed for the river and crouched next to it, right before puking into the water.

"Is everything alright? Do you want some water?" The boy asked, walking up to Tate, and offering him a bottle of water that he had within his trench coat.

"G-GET AWAY FROM ME!" Tate yelled, slapping the bottle away and crawling far from him. "W-why... WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE?!"

"Careful, the river did nothing to you, so don't go polluting it just like that." The boy sighed, and after fetching the bottle from the water before it could drift away from shore, he dried it with a handkerchief and returned it to his pocket.

"DAMMIT, ANSWER MY QUESTION, NIJIMURA!" Tate demanded, panthing harshly.

"That's a fair demand. But stop calling me that, you'll understand in a sec. Meeting you today was actually just a funny coincidence." The boy shrugged. "But this gives me the chance to do something I've been waiting to do for these past four years."

Tate braced himself and crossed his arms above his head to defend himself from the incoming blow, but nothing of the like happened. Instead, what he saw was a hand being offered to him.

"I'm sorry."

"Eh...? What are you... WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!"

But instead of accepting his help, Tate slapped away the hand and quickly got back up on his feet. With a small bunch of dirt he grabbed from the ground, he took aim with a trembling hand and hurled it at his supposed opponent, but he only raised an arm to defend against it.


"Well, you aren't wrong there." The grey haired boy said, dusting off his sleeve. "And I don't care whether you accept it or not, but either way, I still wanted to say sorry for the whole Hirabayashi deal. It's the least I can do for myself to get some peace of mind, no matter how small it is. It's been four years since then, and alot changed, Tame-chan."


"Alright, fair enough. Like I said, alot has changed since that day, Serebryakov-san. You probably heard some of it by now, probably got scolded by the school about it. The Nijimura's great and honourful legacy has fallen. I got kicked out of the family. That sort of stuff. Nijimura Nobuyuki is gone."


"Drop the yelling and maybe we can have a proper talk. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that... Nijimura Nobuyuki is gone. My name is Kotomine Junpei, the name my mother wanted to give me."


Tate stepped forward, reaching out for Junpei's collar, but in a simple movement, Junpei dodged and stepped behind him.

"You really think you can actually take me on a fight? Alot has changed over the last four years, but this hasn't. You're still weak." Junpei mused.

"YOU CALL THAT AN APOLOGY?!" Tate turned around and tried to blast another blow, but his opponent dodged once again.

"I thought I said I didn't care whether you accepted it or not. As far as I'm concerned, I feel much better already by just getting that out of my system. And please, don't mistake an apology for a change of heart. I still don't like you or your precious Miyuki."


Tate hurled a weak hook towards Junpei, but that was easily stopped by Junpei grabbing his wrist with a strong grip.

"Oi Tate, you can't beat me physically, that I can say for sure. So let's make this a fair fight, alright?" Junpei asked, shoving Tate away from him. He reached for a pocket within his coat and took out his deck box. "People these days love to solve things through card games, so why not give that a shot? Trust me, you need this handicap."

"You're going to disappear forever, right...?! IF I BEAT YOU, YOU'RE NEVER GONNA RETURN TO OUR LIVES AGAIN, RIGHT?!"

"If that makes you sleep better at night, sure."

"Then this time... I'M TAKING YOU ON MYSELF!" Tate declared, showing his deck box.

They placed down their decks on a nearby table. On one side, Junpei calmly looked through the cards he drew and chose which to return for his mulligan, but on the other side, Tate picked up his cards with trembling hands.

'I gotta beat him... I gotta beat him, I gotta beat him, I gott beat him...' In the midst of his thoughts, Tate accidently dropped his cards.

"Are you sure you don't want some water?" Junpei asked.

"SHUT UP, I'M FINE!" He exclaimed, picking up his cards with a stronger grip, though his hands still quivered. "STAND UP, MY VANGUARD!"

"The vanguard."

"Werfleder Ordonnaz! (6000)"

"Young Mutant, Worectus. (6000)"

'M-megacolony...?!' "Oi, what happened to your Royal-"

"It's like I said. The times have changed, Tate." Junpei said, showing a small smile. "Let's have a good game, alright?"

'That smile... That damn smile that was burned into my mind...!' "Draw! Ride! Ironheart Assassin! (8000) Ordonnaz to draw, turn end!"

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Draw. Hmm..." Junpei dragged his finger through his cards until he picked one to use. "Ride! Mutant Gentleman, High Class Moth. (8000) Worectus' skill. Draw one and get a quick shield. Attack. (8000)"

"N-no guard!"

"(Jewel Flasher - Critical) Get, a critical trigger. I'll give it all to Moth. (8000>>18000/2)"

'A critical this soon?!' "Damage check! (Demonted Executioner) (Evil God Bishop, Gastille)"

"So you play the variant that has Gastille teched in. Nice. Turn end."

Hand: 6
Damage: 2

Hand: 8
Damage: 0

"Draw! I ride Emblem Master! (9000) Ironheart's skill, call him back! (8000) Emblem Master's skill, put three Ironhearts into the soul! Call! Variants Killertail, Emblem Master! (6000) (9000) Counterblast, I put three Killertails into the soul! Rest her, put Gastille into soul, put the top card of my deck into the damage zone and then stand her and countercharge! Demonted Executioner! (9000) Counterblast, soulcharge three and draw one!"

"Oh, that's a wonderful combo. Eleven cards in the soul just like that. Not bad at all." Junpei chuckled.

"Shut up! Executioner! (9000)"

"Emblem Master attacks! (9000>>17000) Ironheart's skill, soulcharge, countercharge!"

"And now that's twelve cards just like that!" Junpei exclaimed. "But guard with Area Stiller. (18000)"


"No guard. (Machining Mantis)"

"T-turn end!" Tate declared, panting harshly. 'I only dealt one damage b-but that's fine!! I can attack alot more next turn, I just need to draw into Scharhrot by then!!' He thought, the speed of breaths increasing. 'M-miyuki, I won't let this bastad just walk like that back into our lives!! That's right, y-you fought for me once, this time I'll be the one fighting for-!'

"Calm down, Tate." Junpei sighed, using his handkerchief to clean the sweat on Tate's forehead. "I may still dislike you but I don't you to have a stroke or something."


Hand: 5
Damage: 2
Soul: 12

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

"If you want it that way, then sure." Junpei nodded and returned his handkerchief to his pocket. "Stand and draw. Ride! Despoiling Mutant, Sticky Bolas. (9000) Her skill. Counterblast, I look through the top six of the deck and add Darkface and Gredora to my hand. The rest is shuffled back. I also call Moth to the back. (8000) I rest him and put Area Stiller into the bottom of the deck to countercharge one. Oh, and Emblem Master also can't intercept for this one. I call Spear-attack Mutant, Megalaralancer. (9000) He attacks. For each of your rested rears, add 2k. (9000>>17000)"

"Y-yellow Bolt! (19000)"

"Sticky Bolas. (9000)"

"No guard!"

"Drive check. (Disturbance Mutant, Morsiroro) No trigger."

"(One-eyed Succubus - Critical) Vanguard! (19000)"

"Turn end."

Hand: 4
Damage: 3
Soul: 12

Hand: 5
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw! Here and now, be dragged into the cursed sanctuary at the end of the world, the bottomless land of relics! Ride! Evil God Bishop, Gastille! (12000)"

"Oho?! Gastille this early? Did you not draw Scharhrot?"

"Be quiet, I don't Scharhrot to beat you!! Executioner moves back and call, Number of Terror! (12000) Skill, add 10k! (12000>>22000) Killertail's skill, I move One-eyed Succubus into the soul and countercharge! Battle! Gastille's skill! Counterblast, draw one! For every five cards in my soul, you choose an ability to activate!"

"That's an easy pick. I choose the skill that doesn't let me activate my auto abilities and the one who reduces my vanguard's power to 1. (9000>>1)"

"Gastille attacks! (12000>>20000) Ironheart's skill! Cursed Chain Helheim!"

"No guard."

"Twin drive! (Scharhrot Vampir) (Emblem Master) No trigger!"

"Damage check. (Machining Hornet)"

"Number of Terror attacks! (22000) I move Executioner into the soul with his skill and draw two cards!"

"No guard. (Pincer Attack Mutant, Intrude Scissors)"


"No guard. (Evil Governor, Darkface Gredora)"

"How's that, huh?! I can kill you next turn without breaking a sweat!"

"I'm glad to see you're doing better now, but don't go thinking you own the world while still looking like an agitated chicken who left its egg two seconds ago." Junpei mused with a grin.

"Tch, I pass!"

Hand: 7
Damage: 3
Soul: 16

Hand: 5
Damage: 4

"Stand and draw. The red thread of fate and the infinite Mobius string, intertwined with one another to create this never-ending cage of lies. Ah, spin your thread, my red spider! Ride the vanguard! Evil Governor, Darkface Gredora! (12000)"

(Media - Black Tar)

"Imaginary Gift, Protect I. And then, Gredora's skill. Counterblast, I put Number of Terror and Variants Killertail into cradle markers."

Junpei grabbed a pair of cards from the pile where his markers were and tossed them at Tate.

"The units in cradle markers have their power reduced to zero, can't boost or intercept, and can't also use their skills, but when they hit the drop zone, I'll be able to add a card with the same grade as the unit within the cradle to my hand. Now call, Morsiroro. (8000) I retire her for her skill, and with it, I retire Killertail too."

"Tch, fine!" Tate grit his teeth and placed the card into the drop zone.

"Then I superior call a unit with the same grade as the unit retired. Area Stiller. (8000) And then, with the effect of my cradle, I add Morsiroro to hand. Area Stiller's skill! I soulblast a grade 3 and add a Protect to hand!

"Wait, but you don't-!"

"That's the beauty of Moth's skill. It's a grade 3 in both the deck and the soul. It hurts that I can't off a grade 1 in a cradle to get him, but when most of my deck can tutor him easily, who cares? I call Hornet and Sticky Bolas. (8000) (9000) I won't use her skill this time. Moth's skill. I put Moth into the bottom of the deck and coutercharge. Emblem Master can't intercept this turn. Battle. Boosted by Hornet, Sticky Bolas attacks. (9000>>17000) I soulblast to activate her skill and give her 6k for each cradle on your field. (17000>>23000) Her power goes over 20k, so I draw one."

"Dark Knight! (27000)"

"Gredora attacks. Gredora's skill. Sticky Bolas retires and I superior call Intimidating Mutant, Darkface. (12000) Both get 10k. (12000>>22000) (12000>>22000) Red Thread Hell Cage!"

"No guard!"

"Twin drive. (Paralyzing Madonna - Draw) Draw trigger. I give it to Megalaralancer. (9000>>19000) (Machining Hornet)"

"Damage check! (Dark Knight of Nightmareland - Critical) Vanguard! (22000)"

"Ah, what a pain. Boosted by Area Stiller, Megalaralancer attacks. (19000>>33000) With the other part of his skill, I suck Moth into the soul."

"Alice!! (42000)"

"Darkface attacks. (22000) Counterblast, the cradled Number of Terror retires. For each grade of the retired unit, add 5k. (22000>>27000) And with the cradle's effect, I return Moth to my hand." Junpei smirked. "Crescent Slash Burst Stream!"

"No guard! (Alice of Nightmareland - Heal) Heal trigger! To the vanguard and I heal! (32000)"

"Turn end."

Hand: 5
Damage: 4
Soul: 16

Hand: 10
Damage: 4

"Stand and draw! FINAL TURN!"

"If you want to eat those words, go for it." Junpei commented.

"Spin and overtake, turbulent storm of eternal fangs! Coat the skies red and initiate the march into this crimson dawn! Ride! Scharhrot Vampir! (12000) Protect I! Poisonic Abductor! (9000) His skill! Counterblast, discard one, I reveal two Yellow Bolts from my deck, put one into the soul and call the other! (8000) Number of Terror! (12000>>22000) I'm gonna beat you now and make you disappear form our lives once and for all!!!"

"Please, go for it."

"Battle phase! Darkness of Yggdrasil! All units in my front row get 1k for each card in my soul! That's 18k! (22000>>40000) (12000>>30000) (14000>>32000) Emblem Master attacks! (32000)"

"No guard. (Large Snowflake Mutant, Snow Trick - Heal) Eh, heal trigger. I give all the effects to Gredora and heal one. (22000)"

"This isn't over yet! Number of Terror! (40000) I suck Poisonic into the soul and draw two cards!"

"No guard. (Despoiling Mutant, Sticky Bolas)"

"Scharhrot attacks! (30000>>38000) Counterblast and activate his skill! Bell of the Thirteenth Hour! My front row rears restand! LET'S GO LET'S GO LET'S GO LET'S GO LET'S GO!"

Tate's fired up imagination exploded into the image of Megacolony's hive being annihilated by the storm of countless bone tendrils that blasted out of Scharhrot's back. The ceiling was completly destroyed, allowing for the light of a red sun to fall onto the field and power up the units on his side.

Scharhrot's bone storm, Number of Terror's lightning and Emblem Master's sphere blasts, vastly powered beyond their limits, all charged at Gredora.

But even then-

"Complete guard."

Darkface stepped in front of the queen of Megacolony and slammed his hand and pincer together, as if to replicate the clap of one's hands.

In that second, the incoming attack vanished from existence.

Darkface pulled down the part of his cloak that covered his mouth, revealing a human's grinning mouth within his own.

"End your last pathetic turn, Tate!"

"T-this... I-it can't be..." Tate muttered, looking at the board with widened eyes.

"Are you stupid or something? You saw me getting the Protect markers, you saw me drive check the sentinel, and you still thought you were gonna win here? Ah, maybe some things didn't change since then." Junpei grunted.

"T... Turn end..." Tate muttered, his voice cracking.

Hand: 9
Damage: 4

Hand: 4
Damage: 5

"This is the real final turn. Stand and draw. Once again, spin the threads of the cage of lies! Persona Ride! Evil Governor, Darkface Gredora! (12000)"

"I-i still have nine cards... You... Y-you...! YOU WON'T BEAT ME!"

"That's true, I won't." Junpei sighed and nodded, but then grinned. "I already did. Call, Moth! (8000) Gredora's skill."

Cradle markers were put onto Number of Terror and Emblem Master.

"Morsiroro! (8000) Retire her and Number of Terror! Now superior call, Death Warden Ant Lion! (12000) And I add to my hand, Moth! Rest Moth and countercharge! Are you having fun yet? Battle! Megalarancer attacks! (9000>>13000) I shove Moth into the soul with Megalarancer's skill."

"No guard! (Scharhrot Vampir)"

"Boosted by Hornet, Ant Lion attacks! Skill activate. I soulblast Gredora and discard two cards for a critical, glory and 10k! (12000>>30000/2)"

"Tch, guard! Emblem Master, Blitzritter! (37000)"

"Gredora, attack! "Megalaralancer retires and superior call! Intrude Scissors! (12000>>22000) (12000>>22000) Then I soulblast one for Intrude Scissors' skill and restand Ant Lion! Intrude gets 10k! (22000>>32000) Red Thread Hell Cage!"

"One-eyed Succubus! (42000) Two to pass!" 'I'll gamble it here! Even if he gets a trigger on his first check, what are the chances he's confident enough to believe in getting a second one?!'

"High." Junpei said. "You're thinking about the chances of me getting a second trigger, right? In case you haven't noticed, my gameplan isn't stalling the game and getting more hand cards with cradles. It's the exact opposite."

"W-what do you mean?!"

"My true gameplan is to thin my deck as fast as possible, and then end the game with a rampage of triggers after using cradle to get all my normal units out of the deck! Twin drive. (Jewel Flasher - Critical) Critical trigger. Ah, but even so, I hate it when the game comes down to situations like these... All the effects go on to Ant Lion. (12000>>22000/2)"

'Alright! Ant Lion's attack will go up to 32k, I can guard that! And even if he gets another trigger, I can guard that too!' Tate thought, looking at his other One-eyed Succubus.

"Second check. (Jewel Flasher - Critical) Critical trigger, all to Ant Lion. (22000>>32000/3) Ah man, if only I could pump that attack up to 50k."

"Shut up and finish your attacks! I'll live through them and then-!"

"I said I already won, didn't I? Intrude Scissors' skill! After the battle my vangaurd attack, if a new card as been put into your damage zone this turn, I counterblast one and superior call him from the drop zone! (12000) And then, soulblast to restand Hornet! (12000>>22000)"

'N-no... But I... I'll guard it... I'll live through this turn...!'

"Stop being dellusional, Tate. I won, that's all there is to it. Ant Lion attacks. (32000>>50000/2) Now, die. CRESCENT SLASH BURST STREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!"

Even though it was Ant Lion the attacking unit, the vision of the fight in their minds was different.

Darkface was the one charging forward, his pincer coated in flashing red energy created by Gredora's threads.

For a brief second, red and black lightning creaked through Darkface's pincer.

He slashed through the bones Scharhrot created to defend himself like if they didn't exist, and in the end-


A red line was drawn along Scharhrot's body and the pincer closed.

Scharhrot was slashed across his chest.

Red and black lightning flashed through Scharhrot's wound and around Darkface's pincer.

"Black Flash."

But in the actual fight, Tate weakly placed a copy of Scharhrot Vampir into his damage zone, gritting his teeth.

"It can't be... You were supposed to disappear from our lives forever... Why did you come back now...?!" Tate cried, slamming his fists down on the table.

"Hmm... Beats me." Junpei shrugged. "However... I win...!" He muttered with a fake grin. "Is that want you wanted me to say?"

"Shut up... SHUT UP!"

Tate pushed the table out of their way, scattering the cards of both players in the air. He tried to punch Junpei, but each of his blows was easily dodged. Eventually, he tripped on his own feet and fell on the ground, crying into the grass.

"This isn't fair... We were finally moving on... You can't just force your way back into our lives...!" He cried. "WHY?!"

"Hai, hai, I hear you." Junpei sighed, gathering his own cards and Tate's, and then placing Tate's deck on the bench. "Put those back into your deck before the wind returns and blows them into the water or something."

"Yo, Junpei!"

Tate and Junpei looked up at the bearer of the call, a brown skinned student tall enough to tower over both of them, with dreadlocked hair and in a jacket similar to Junpei's, just normal styled instead of being a trench coat. He was holding up a plastic bag with snacks and drinks.

"You done with that? Pekora-chan's stream is gonna start in like five minutes and Nakano-senpai's bitching about us being late!"

"Yeah, my bad, Yasuke. I'm coming now, already finished everything I had to do here anyway." Junpei said, waving at him.

Tate stared as Junpei walked up to the other male and briefly fistbumped him. The other guy, Noritashi Yasuke, handed him the bag to see the snacks inside.

"Oho, bell pepper cup ramen!"

"I got it before those middle school bitches could snag 'em from us this time! We ain't taking Ls from those bitches again! And I also snagged some lime juice and fried chicken from Family Mart! Ibuki's gonna finally stop telling us we suck at life!"

"Either that or she's gonna kick our asses." Junpei deadpanned.

"Good point. Now allow me my counterpoint. Getting our asses kicked by a white haired big tiddy goth gf? That sounds like a dream come true." Yasuke refuted.

"Oi... What are you doing...? Is that your friend...?" Tate muttered, getting off the ground. "You think... YOU REALLY THINK YOU DESERVE TO HAVE FRIENDS?!"

Tate ran up the small grassy hills and towards Junpei, with the intent to try to him again, but right as the distance between the two become so minute that Junpei wouldn't be able to dodge, Yasuke kicked him down the hill.

"Oi, brat! Violence isn't a good thing so don't go tryin' to throw hands with people!" Yasuke warned, giving Tate a thumbs down. "That ain't cool!"

"D-damn you...!" Tate coughed, covering his bleeding nose.

"Don't go saying that after then kicking people down hills!" Junpei deadpanned. "What would Rushia think of you if she learned about this?"

"Oh shit, you're right!"

"Of course I am, dumbass! I'm something of a pro when it comes to knowing violence sucks!"

"Ahah, true."

"You're still the same selfish shit... You come here to apologize and then think you deserve to have friends after what you did...?!"

"Jesus christ, how stupid can you actually be?" Junpei sighed. "Let me paint you a picture. I'm selfish for saying sorry and moving on with my life? Then what about you? Don't you think it's selfish to assume I came here because of your stupid self and your stupid friend? Look closer, Tate."

"What are you talking about?!"

Tate's eyes widened as he finally took notice of the insignia in Junpei and Yasuke's coats.

An inverted shield being crushed between a red spider's legs. The emblem of Shinjuku Metropolitan High.

"So, found anything interesting?" Yasuke asked, cracking open a can of lime soda.

"Nope. Couldn't find Nijimura anywhere around to steal some info out of her. All we got is what Gakuganji-san's brat told him and he's as useful as a porcupine in a condom factory."

"I'm sorry, Miyuki... I-i couldn't... Protect you..." Tate muttered, clenching to the grass as he cried.

"You're still at that? If it gives you some peace of mind, let me leave you off with some words of kindness. I respect the way Sawada's standing against Endo's rule. It's stupid that he got himself almost expelled for punching him, but nonetheless, his fight for Heiwa's freedom is something I can respect. We aren't so different, him and I. All the things he caused allowed me to open my eyes and see that I was born just to be a slave to the Njimura family. I do regret trying to destroy your lives and I'll be forever sorry for doing that, it's a burden I'll carry to my grave, but even so, part of me is glad things turned out like this. Being kicked off the Nijimura allowed to be free for the first time in my life. I'm living my greatest life, far and away from that cursed family and their dellusions of a fake glory. So as far as I'm cocerned..."

Junpei extended his arms and looked down on Tate with a smirk.

"Sawada Izuru... Is not my enemy."

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