-Part 7

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After months of clashing and times of peace, almost all of the stigma of the Izuru vs Endo situation was gone, and the warm waters of the hot springs were bound to wash away all that was left from those times. The Tokisada Hot Springs Inn, located atop a small mountain that could only be reached by a trail surrounded by a beautiful green scenary, would be the place where it all ended.

Thanks to her ingenuity and fat bank account, Rio managed to cancel all other reversations at the inn so that the group could have the place all for itself, and for her to do her schemes without many people being there. Well all except a group of old ladies that came from a retirement home in Hokkaido, they somehow out-sassed Rio and crapped on the fat stacks she was offering for them to delay their trip for a week.

Around the mid point of the trail was an open area for the visitors to rest before continuing on their journey, which also offered an amazing view at the forest around the mountain.

"Oh yeah, go pay for everyone's stay but not for some elevator, nice game design..." Tate panted, falling flat on the ground. 

"So many... Stairs..." Aimi fell too.

"I don't get your problem, those were fine." Yukiko shrugged. The gap between her and Aimi's staminas were bigger than Rio's bank account.

"This seems like a good place to rest. We'll take a five minute break and then get back on our way to the inn. Is everyone alright with that?" Endo asked, closing the map he had of the area.

"This trip was flawled from the start. It can't do downhill from here, can it...?" Risei muttered, sitting on a bench next to Endo. And yes, it can and will go downhill from here.

"You complain way too much for someone with your annual income." Izuru deadpanned. Was he still mad about his bad salary? Of course he was. "What happened to all powerful guy who beated the hell out of people who said ungraceful words?"

"Stayed at the cafe, God of Holmes Cafe doesn't leave the estabalishment."

Can't argue with that logic.

Izuru just sighed and walked over to the safety railings around the are. As he looked out at the beautiful landscape before his eyes, he looked back on everything that happened that lead to this.

From the fight with Junpei, to being the outcast of Hirabayashi, from the many fights he had until Sumireko stopped him to the verbal fights he had to protect Heiwa from the shadows, all of the fights he brought upon himself with the friends he held close, all of the clashes with Endo, all the times he suffered in gacha games and the time he lost to a tiny whisk stealing war criminal.

All of that were just memories that helped him grow into a better person, into a Sawada Izuru he can one day see in the mirror and say "Goddamn, I am pretty awesome.".

And as he took all of that into account, he decided to yell from the top of his lungs to say goodbye to his horrible past self and fully become one with the person he is today.


Oh look, Ibuki's here. That's always a good sign.

"I-IBUKI?!" Izuru asked, staggering back from the sight of the white haired girl.

"G-GACHA BOY?!" Ibuki asked, also walking back.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" The two asked.

"Hm? Wait, that's the Ibuki girl? I thought she'd be more..." Minami said, looking at the two.

"Like a gorilla cyclops." Aimi nodded.

"G-gorilla cycplops?! What have you been those guys about me?! I'm not some gorilla cyclops, you dipshit!" Ibuki grumbled, pulling Izuru's hair.

"T-t-t-that's not an ahoge, dumbass!" Izuru grunted, replying by pulling Ibuki's ahoge.

"H-h-h-hey watch it, ahoges are mortal weak points!!!" She cried.

"If you're here... Then your Shinjuku pals should be around, right? Where they at, I'm gonna do this the Izuru away!" Ban exclaimed, slamming his fist on his palm.

"Shut up, dumbass! The Izuru Way is with terrible card games, not throwing hands!!" Izuru said, releasing Ibuki's ahoge from his grasp.

"Why would I come here with those dumbasses?" Ibuki asked, rubbing her head. "Anyone who comes to a hot springs has the goal of relaxing, bringing those morons would just be counterproductive!"

"Oh, then you're here with your folks or somethin'?" Tate asked.

"Hell would I bring those for too? I'm here by myself, why does that matter?" She deadpanned.

"Then join us, Ibuki-san!" One of the girls said.

"Eh? Who said tha- C-chika-chan?!"

"Yup! You should join us, Ibuki-san!" Chika nodded, smiling to the girl that had destroyed her the previous week.

"Huh... W-well..." Ibuki hid behind Izuru. "Scum your way out of her idea and I'll pay you a ten roll for whatever game you want."

"Deal." Izuru said without even thinking about it. Get a life. "Wait, why? Aren't you the super cool biker jacket girl who owns Royalties and shit?"

"Yeah but it's super weird to deal with people that you treated like crap before because of card games!! Just do your thing and I'll give you the money!" She whispered.


"Disgusting playboy." Aimi and Rio muttered, breaking Izuru's kneecaps with her glares.

"A-actually... I-i might have to hold you on that one!!" And then he ran away to hide behind Ban. Again, get a life.

"Just forget about it, Ibuki-san!" Chika laughed, grabbing Ibuki's hands. "What happened is in the past, let's enjoy this great day together! I learned alot from losing at your hands, so there's a silver lining to how bad you treated me!"


"Yup! That and Ryougi-san isn't bound by good sportsmanship this time."

"If the game isn't in the cards, I can break your kneecaps." Yukiko said, blasting Ibuki with a pair of fingers guns.

'Great Nino, you got yourself into something that you can't scum your way out of...' Ibuki mentally slapped herself and looked back at Chika. "Well then, I guess I can't really refuse your offer then, Chika-chan, ahaha..." She sweatdropped.

"That's great!!" Yumi exclaimed, popping out from behind Ibuki.

"When did you get there?" Ibuki blinked.

"Does that matter?" Aimi asked, also popping out from behind Ibuki.


"It's going to be a fun day!" Ako and Tamaki giggled. They also came out from behind Ibuki. That's alot of people hiding behind someone without them noticing it.

'How could this happen to me, made my mistakes, got no where to run... I wish I'd stayed home and played the new Call of War, this is so not cash money!!' Ibuki mentally cried as the other girls dragged her with them.

'Really? Another girl?' Rio thought as she looked at Ibuki. "Tch, they just keep coming and ruining my plans..." She muttered under breath.

"Hm? Said somethin'?" Ban asked.

"Nope, just thinking outloud, Katsu-nii! Let's go enjoy the hot springs!" She giggled.

"I like the way you think, Rio-nee." Ban chuckled.

'That giggle, she's definitely planning something!!' Izuru thought.

But as everyone else, Ibuki included, got back into the trail and started heading towards the inn, Ban stayed behind by himself, because he was having a hard time tying his shoes. Having smaller hands would have been greatly appreciated.

"Goddammit, why didn't I bring some Timbs, those would make this so much easier!" Ban grumbled as he finally finished tying his shoes. "Ah, finally." He sighed.

As Ban got up and prepared to run his way back to the group, he got tackled by someone into the floor. His eyes widened, as his vision became covered by the long, light blue hair of the girl that ignored all of her fears and suddenly kissed him.

Ah, the start of the elusive hot springs arc.

With Rio scheming another way to monopolize Izuru and Ibuki joining the party, all the pieces for a great day were in place.

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