Special: Chika VS Junpei! Battle For The Superior Taste!

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It was a special day for Airi.

After years of not speaking to her younger brother because of the bad terms they were on when separated, and an extra month of only speaking to him over text because the man had to get ready for his midterms, the day had finally come.

On this faithful sunday, the girl known as Nijimiura Airi would finally spend a day with her younger brother, Kotomine Junpei!

The meeting place? Some mall.

The time? Three in the afternoon, not after, not before.

But Airi, thinking ahead, got there half an hour early, in case Junpei happened to come earlier, and hot damn, did she came looking extra cute today. She may have a chest smaller than most younger girls she knows, but that is nothing against a babe in thigh highs!

Of course she didn't came packing heat to impress her brother, she isn't a blonde from Alabama, come on, wrong story in the form of volumes. She came like this because, being the great sister she is, she knows she'll make her brother look like a stud to girls they walk past. Overall, doing a better wingman sibling job than Ryuuga ever did.

So, after arriving at the agreed meeting place, a fountain in the middle of the mall, Airi sat down on a bench and waited.

Then the agreed meeting time arrived, and she waited some more.

And then some more.

And then some more some more.

"Hmph." Airi pouted.

And that bug-playing loser still hadn't shown up! Goddammit, it's impossible to get a decent male in this story that isn't blonde and probably has a sister amazed by someone's tiny whisk.

"Maybe he got lost... But this one's close to Shinjuku, so maybe he's been here before? Hmm, I guess I should go look for him just in case. He can just text me if he gets here and doesn't see me."

And with that proactive attitude, Airi got off her cute little butt and headed off to do her usual mall rounds!

Usual stuff like checking clothing stores, seeing the panda keychains at one shop she liked, going to the library, that type of routine people have when they hit the mall.

But it was when walking on the second floor that her journey would meet its end.

While strolling past a hobby shop for fans of the toku genre, she noticed a grey haired boy inside the store. She didn't gave it much thought at first, but then immediately backtracked to check.

Oh yeah, that's the Junps alright.

Beaming with happiness at the sight of her acceptably attractive little brother, she walked into the store, but unbeknownst to her, he mood would soon be tarnished, tossed to the streets, and trampled all over by a scene that carried the weight of a caravan of elephants... Or, alternatively, she just got shocked beyond belief.

"Junpei-nii- Eeeeeeeeeh...?!?!"

A crowd had gathered at the center of the store, and it wasn't to look at the cute girl that had entered, dear no.

On one side, you had people holding Junpei back.

On the other, you had people holding Chika back.

These two, who had never met before in the story, not even off-screen, were yelling at each other, but frankly, the correct term would be to say they were barking at each other like rabbid dogs.

"How dare you, you shit-eating, smellfungus, ninnyhammer, mumpsimus, unsufferable troglodite, untasteful primate, cum dump on legs, backalley cock sucker, pillock who would die on the spot without her rich daddy's money?! Giant robots beat stupid sky dive kicks any day of the week! You're just like the other skanks and retarded fucks! You only say that because boo-fucking-hoo, Joe Odagiri was attractive back in fuck all 2000go-eat-a-dick! Go be like your bike riding idiotic, moronic, untasteful, half-assed comrades and go fuck Odagiri in the kitchen, that's where your uncultured swines belong to!" Junpei ranted.


"You don't know what you speak off, you bleach-haired, milksoap, mooncalf, anally-made, rectum-discharged, malewhore for bodybuilders, small witted cunt who got rejected by his dad for existing! Giant robots are shit, everyone knows that! So go shove your giant mecha up your ass, because I'm sure you robo riders would enjoy it! And don't you bring Odagiri into this, he may be old as shit, but I'd rather ride his Trychaser 2000 than any of your stupid make belief robots for five year olds- Hell, I'll do you even better! I'd rather get piledrived by all KR actors in their dying 80s than ever have you breath in my direction! Your daddy told you to take a hike because you like five men in spandex!" Chika yelled.

Yowza. Didn't expect that from the cute senpai.

That's right, this the special where two ding dongs argue about which toku's the best, despite Hentai Kamen existing! Narrator-kun Productions presents!

"What... What the hell is going on here...?" Airi asked to some random guy that was in the crowd.

She wasn't worried that her brother got into a fight with student from her school, or with a person she knows.

She was mad at the fact he chose to argue about something as stupid as this instead of go meet her on time.

"New here? Go figure." The random guy replied. "KR fans and Sentai fans have always been at war for which franchise is the best. On one hand, Sentai almost got forced into a hiatus because of low success with certain seasons, but on the other, KR has Wizard and Ghost. It was rare for them to both have good shows going on at the same time, but, in the middle of the crazy Pokemon card pandemic of 2021 and 2022, it somehow happened."

"Yeah, yeah, I don't want your lore dump, I want to do why those two are having this stupid fight!"

"Oh. General agreement for both sides is that both franchises have their strengths and flaws. That's how peace managed to be kept. But when one side says their franchise's the better, then the rules are thrown out the window and a war breaks out. Screw being nice, both sides will throw all they got at the other. Back in the big Genebrah Shop conflict of 51, one so big it forced both sides to sign a war rule convention, one sided doxxed the other while the leader of the other side nailed someone's mom. Legendary shit!"

"...god, this is more non-sensical than that thing Izuru and Ban-san do..." Airi deadpanned.

"Airi! Tell this sea mammal-fucking wench from your school that my taste is the superior one!" Junpei demanded.

"If Nijimura-san will side with anyone, it'll be with me! Go on, tell this avian genital-licking prostitute that my tastes are much superior to his!" Chika commanded.

"As if! She's my sister, you nimb-witted fuck!"

"I'll just bribe her with so many yachts she won't be able to refuse, you small-sighted imbecil!"

"...c-call me when you're done with your friend, Junpei-nii-san..."

Defeated by the sheer lack of a brain cell from both sides, and a small shame from now being associated to those clowns, Airi turned her back to them and prepared to leave.


She remembered her goal, and clenched her fist.

'No! You finally woke up to life, and have a goal of your own! If you'll ever become a great educator, then dealing with two idiot teenagers and their idiot things is something you must do!' She thought.

Airi turned back, and pointed at the two.

"You two will have to solve your differences, whether you like it or not! No one here asked for you to annoy their peaceful leasure time, and no way in hell I'll let you two bother these innocent folks! You two will solve this conflict through a fight, or else!"

Junpei and Chika exchanged glances and nodded.

"Deal." They said, and immediately tried to attack the other with their bare hands!

Thank god the kind folk at the store has the patiance to not just throw those two out and let them handle their own crap.

"No! I didn't meant handle the conflict the Izuru way! Did none of you learn anything?! You're gonna solve this issue the only way this world wants to, and that's by playing card games! So get out your decks, find a table, and settle this with Vanguard like everyone else!"

"Tch, why do that when I can just bite that bitch's ear out?" Junpei scoffed.

"Likewise. I'd much rather just poke one of his eyes into his skull than have to show him the foiling of my cards!" Chika exclaimed.

"Mitsuki-san, please go back to being the cute and innocent rich girl, your addiction is ruining my image of you... Look, I'll buy the winner whatever they want, so just do it, okay?!"

"You mean..." The grey haired muttered.

"She must mean..."

"The 30k yen Ultraman Trigger GUTS Sparklence!" The two yelled.

"Ultraman?! But that's not even the franchises you two are fighting for- 30000 YEN FOR SUCH A TINY THING?!"

"Deal! I'll fight this damn dirty wench and prove how teamwork and a giant robot every week is much better than a dumb bike and an even dumber belt!" Junpei declared, gaining a loud cheer from the Super Sentai fans.

"Agreed! I'll battle this despicable disgusting manwhore and prove how slick and elegant sky dive kicks and a simple yet always evolving transformation device is greatly superior to his always changing transformation item and red spandex!" Chika declared, gaining a loud applause from the Kamen Rider fans.

"Great... Now, get your decks and-"

"No way we're fighting here." Junpei said.

"Yeah, we must elevate this fight to a much grander stage." Chika nodded.


One long train rider and scene change later, Junpei, Chika and Airi arrived at the place of their legendary battle: Mount Iwafune, that one mountainous landscape where alot of toku is recorded.

And look, there was a Vanguard table there because don't think too much about it.

"Why did we have to come all the way out here..." Airi cried, falling to her knees in defeat. "The ground hurts..."

"Let's go at once!" Chika exclaimed, taking out her deck.

"Full speed! Non-stop!" Junpei replied, drawing his deck.

"Please drop the one liners and hurry this up, I was suppsoed to be having a nice afternoon with my brother, not doing whatever this is..."

"Stand up, the vanguard! Sol Maiden, Uzume! (6000)"

In the distant background behind Chika, an explosion went off.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Airi asked.

"Tch, so you got a prop guy." Junpei scoffed.

In said distant background, the tea lover and old time butler of the Mitsuki mansion, Moriarty, raised his hand from the bushes. That's right, no way the volume would end without Moriarty showing up, that'd make it look like we forgot about him.

"Was that prop explosion of your liking, young mistress?"

"Yes! That was amazing!" Chika replied, and then looked up at Junpei with a stupid overconfident smug. "What do you got to say for yourself?"

"Tch... Give me a sec." Junpei got out his phone and dialed Yasuke's number. "Hey man, you still got those illegal fireworks your sister and her friends got for summer?"


"Your Vanguadriver was a golden blaster?! That's such a Kamen Rider thing! How dare you?!" Chika asked, pouting.

"I... I'll show it to you one day. Stand up, vanguard! Young Mutant, Worectus! (8000)"

"I draw for turn! Ride! Citrine Witch, MuMu! (8000) Uzume's skill, draw! Turn end!"

Hand: 6
Damage: 0

Hand: 5
Damage: 0

"Ah?! You got mad over me having a Shootriser for a Vanguardriver, but you're playing Witches, who are basically a giant team! That's such a Super Sentai thing! How dare you, you wench?! I'm going to rip your damn dirty breasts off after I wipe the floor with you!"

"Fine! That's the only way a virgin like you will ever touch a girl, anyway! And after I utterly humilate you and your stupid franchise, I'm going to have intercourse with your father and give him a child he'd actually love!"

"God why didn't you dropkick me too when you had the chance, literally would kill to not be here..." Airi sighed to herself.

"As if someone like you would be able to defeat me! Draw! Ride! Pupa Mutant, Giraffa! (8000) Giraffa's skill! I discard Machining Armour Beetle to add Elite Mutant, Giraffa to my hand! Then Worectus' skill let's me draw and get a ticket! Giraffa attacks! (8000)"

"No guard!"

"(Brilliant Blister) No trigger!"

"And honestly, you're playing an insect deck, which in itself is such a Kamen Rider thing! (Divine Sword, Ame-no-murakumo)"

"Oh fuck off! If you love your inferior franchise so much, then why aren't you playing Megacolony?"

"Because I'm not a bad at the game!"

Airi looked at Junpei. Chika had just hit him with the dirtiest low blows of all time.

"...touche, turn end."

Hand: 6
Damage: 1

Hand: 8
Damage: 0

"Draw! Ride! Topaz Witch, PiPi! (8000) MuMu's skill! When ridden by a Witch, I draw a card, and then, PiPi's skill!"

"Snrk!" Junpei blurted out some weird sound while covering his mouth.

"W-what the hell was that...?" Chika asked.

"N-nothing, just move along..."

"...anyway, PiPi's skill!"

"Pfft!" Junpei wheezed.

"Oh for the love of god, you're clearly laughing like a child at PiPi's name! PiPi's skill! Since my hand has over four cards, PiPi gets 2k! (8000>>10000)

"P-piPi!" He laughed.

"Mou, you suck!!!" Chika blushed. "I call Seablue Witch, NiNi! (9000) NiNi's skill! I move her to the soul to scry three and return them in the order I desire! PiPi attacks! (10000)"

"Please don't fling your piss at me." Junpei snickered. "No guard!"

"Jokes' on you, I didn't leave a critical on top! (Goddess of Water Dragon, Toyotamahime - Heal) I heal one! (9000>>19000)"

"(Martial Arts Mutant, Master Beetle)"

"Turn end!"

Hand: 7
Damage: 0

Hand: 8
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw! Ride! Elite Mutant, Giraffa! (8000)I call High Class Moth and Armour Beetle! (8000) (9000) Giraffa attacks! His skill, counterblast one to add 5k and then draw a card! (9000>>14000)"

"No guard!"

"(Small Captain, Butterfly Officer) Nothing."

"It's what you get for liking the clearly inferior sunday morning entertainment show. (Scarlet Witch, CoCo)"

"I'm going to create true gender equality by hitting you with a devastating dropkick after this. And you'll probably even like it. Boosted by Moth, Armour Beetle! (9000>>17000)"

"No guard! (Jade Witch, TeTe)"

"Turn end."

Hand: 7
Damage: 2

Hand: 8
Damage: 1

"Stand and draw! A great genius bathes the world in the brilliance of her deep blue magic, and gathers the might of a hundred years of witchcraft around her finger! Ride! Benitoite Witch, YoYo! (12000)"

"More like swing into action with a name like that. Bet I know what deck you think is premier in the format and in which direction you proceed." Junpei snickered.

"Quiet! Imaginary Gift, Protect I! PiPi's skill! I soulblast one to draw a card! I call MuMu! (8000) MuMu's skill! I soulblast and rest her to scry five, then reveal to you CoCo, MuMu and NiNi, and add CoCo to my hand!"

"That's way too convoluted, right?"

"I'm well aware! I call Cobalt Witch, PuPu! (9000) Battle! YoYo attacks! (12000) Benitoite Call!"

"I'll have you know I know how to read cards when they're revealed. Heal Guard! Faint Feather Mutant, Quinagripa! (34000)"

"Twin drive! (Wisteria Witch, ZoZo) (Battle Sister, Ginger - Critical) Critical trigger! All effects on PuPu! (9000>>19000/2) PuPu attacks! PuPu's skill, I reveal one Protect in my hand to give her 5k! (19000>>24000/2)"

"Tch, I do need the open damage... No guard. (Machining Armour Beetle) (Mutant Gentleman, High Class Moth)"

"Turn end!"

Hand: 10
Damage: 2

Hand: 7
Damage: 3

"Stand and draw! When the five horns cross, the golden armoured soldier is born! End the queen's reign with an overturn of thundering flash! Ride! Evil Armour General, Giraffa! (12000)"

"Fuck off, that's just Thouser's transformation line!" Chika yelled.

"Endo-san, I hate it here, I wish we were doing late Heiwa paperwork on a sunday..." Airi cried.

"That's none of your business! Imaginary Gift, Protect I! I call Giraffa to the front and back! (9000) (8000) Pupa Giraffa's skill! When placed, I draw. Evil Armour General, Giraffa's skill! For each different named Giraffa in soul, add 5k, and since your vanguard is a grade 3, add a critical! Jacking Stampede! (12000>>22000/2) High Class Moth's skill! I rest him and botdeck a normal unit to countercharge. Armour Beetle's skill! I rest Pupa Giraffa to give him 6k and then stun MuMu! (9000>>16000) Battle! Giraffa attacks! Giraffa's skill! Counterblast, move Moth to soul, you take two cards from you hand and call them as rest! Their autos are useless, and they're stunned too! (22000/2) Yggdrasil Hijack!"

"Tch, I call a second MuMu and Ame-no-Murakumo! (8000) (8000) No guard!"

"Twin drive! (Evil Armour General, Giraffa) (Paralyze Madonna - Draw) Draw trigger! All effects on Armour Beetle! (15000>>25000)"

"Damage check! (Scarlet Witch, CoCo) (Battle Sister, Tiramisu - Draw) All effects on the vanguard! (22000)"

"Armour Beetle attacks! (25000)"

"PuPu inter-!"

"Elite Giraffa's skill! Units on his column can't intercept or move to other circles!"

"Tch... Then I guard with Toyotamahime! (37000)"

"Elite Giraffa attacks! His skill, counterblast one, add 5k for each of your rested rears and then draw a card! (9000>>29000)"

"No guard! (Godess of Water Dragon, Toyotamahime - Heal) Dammit... I heal one! (32000)"

"Turn end! Get on with your turn, because I'm bringing the pain next turn!"

Hand: 8
Damage: 4

Hand: 11
Damage: 3

"God, you're so lame!"

"Not as lame as your lame transformation belts and lame googly eyed helmets! Sentai helmets have class, have finesse, have raw amounts of awesomeness! Your KR helmets are designed after bugs!"

"You play bugs!"

"My bugs are awesome for other reasons!"

"That's it, now you've gone and made me mad... I've had it with your inferior shit tastes!" Chika yelled. "Stand and draw! Ride! Scarlet Witch, CoCo! (12000) Protect I! YoYo's skill! I call her to the side! (12000) CoCo's skill! I counterblast one and soulblast a grade 3, which will be NiNi thanks to her skill, to draw two cards! Then, I exchange any number of Witches in my hand for Protect markers! I'll discard PuPu, NiNi, CoCo and YoYo to get four Protects! Now, battle! CoCo attacks! (12000) Burning Scarlet Call!"

"No way in hell that'll hit! I guard with Brilliant Blister! (22000) Blister's skill! I soulblast one and discard one to rest PuPu and stun her until the end of the turn! Then, I intercept with Armour Beetle! That's two to pass!"

"Twin drive! (Jade Witch, TeTe) (Divine Sword, Ame-no-Murakumo) No trigger! YoYo's skill! After my Witch vanguards attacks a grade 3 vanguard, if it's the first battle of that turn, I counterblast one and discard two to ride a Witch from hand! Rounding Witch Calling! Now come, witch whose powers burns in a violet veil! Ride! Wisteria Witch, ZoZo! (12000) Protect I once again! ZoZo attacks! On attack, her skill activates! I reveal any Protects in my hand, and for each revealed one, my front row gets 5k! I reveal six for a 30k buff! Around the Wisteria! (12000>>42000) (12000>>42000) Vibrant Wisteria Call!"

"A swing that big... Bite me! Protect I, nullified!"

"Twin drive! (Benitoite Witch, YoYo) (Divine Sword, Kusanagi - Critical) All effects on YoYo! (42000>>52000/2) YoYo attacks! (52000/2)"

"Tch, no guard. (Brilliant Blister) (Evil Armour General, Giraffa)"

"Turn end!"

Hand: 13
Hand: 4

Hand: 7
Damage: 5

"Stand and draw! Persona ride! Evil Armour General, Giraffa! (12000) Once again, Protect I! And then, Jacking Stampede! (12000>>27000/2)"

"Eheh, that means nothing to my six Protects!"

"Call! Death Warden Ant Lion! Two of them! (12000) (12000)"

"OH NO!" Chika screamed.

"That's right! It's that time of day, the double Ant Lion hour! I also call two Butterfly Officers! I rest both of them to power up each Ant Lion once! (12000>>22000) (12000>>22000) Battle! Giraffa attacks! His skill goes off! Call two! (27000/2) Yggdrasil Hijack!"

"I call two TeTes over PuPu and YoYo! (9000) (9000) And then, perfect guard with Protect I!"

"Twin drive! (Sharp Nail Scorpio - Critical) Critical trigger! All to the left Ant Lion! (22000>>32000/2) (Sharp Nail Scorpio - Critical) And again, critical trigger! All on the right Ant Lion! (22000>>32000/2) Get turned to dust, rich girl! My right Ant Lion attacks! Its skill! I soulblast a grade 3 and discard to cards for 10k, a crit and sentinel block! (32000>>42000/3)"



"You fool, you sacrificed your intercept block and lost because of it! I intercept with TeTe! TeTe's skill! When she's put into the guardian circle, I can discard any amount of Protects, and for each one, she gets 20k shield! And yes, this activates on itnercept! Welcome to the world where the word "Put" was put into the wording of cards! I trade two Protects for 40k shield! (57000)"

"Wha... WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Junpei asked. "Boosted by Pupa Giraffa, Ant Lion attacks! Its skill again! (32000>>50000/3) Why won't you die?!"

"TeTe, son! (17000) She hardens in response to physical trauma! (57000) You can't hurt me, Junpei!"

"Huh... T-turn end... Both Ant Lions go... Into the soul and I countercharge..."

Hand: 5
Damage: 4

Hand: 2
Damage: 5

"So what's the plan when the double Ant Lion fails?" Airi asked.

"I... Never got to that point, everything from here on out is improv!"

"Ahahaha, ahahahaha! Like I said, my superior franchise empowers me! Moriarty-san, hit it!" Chika commanded.

(Media - Let's Go Rider Kick)

Back on the distant background, Moriarty held up a retro boombox blasting some theme song.

"You little- Stop flexing your prop guy! Your only advantage is that Yasuke isn't here!"

"I didn't ask! Stand and draw! Ride! Benitoite Witch, YoYo! (12000) Protect I! MuMu's skill! Scry five, reveal PuPu and ZoZo, and add PuPu to hand! MuMu goes to the soul! The other MuMu's skill! I reveal ZoZo and add ZoZo to hand! MuMu goes to the soul! And since I looked through my deck, Ame-no-Murakumo gets 5k! (8000>>13000) I call double PuPu! (9000) (9000) Battle! YoYo attacks! (12000) Benitoite Call!"

"Guard with Sharp Nail Scorpio! (27000)"

"Don't care! (Divine Sword, Ame-no-Murakumo) (Seablue Witch, NiNi) YoYo's skill! Rounding Witch Calling! Ride! Wisteria Witch, ZoZo! (12000) Protect I! And then, YoYo's skill! Instead of calling her, I get another Protect I! Boosted by Ame-no-Murakumo, ZoZo attacks! ZoZo's skill! Take a whiff of these three Protects! Around of Wisteria! (9000>>24000) (12000>>25000>>40000) (9000>>24000) Vibrant Wisteria Call! Or on the words of people with taste... WISTERIA KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Defeated by the power of Chika's sunday morning entertainment taste, Junpei fell to his knees.

"Now say it! Speak, mutt!" Chika demanded.

"Kamen Rider is... Superior..."

"And? Say the thing I want to hear the most!"

"Giant robots are... The stupidest thing ever... Ah, this sucks!"

"Yeah, that's right! Giant robots suck!" Chika laughed loudly.

"Thank god... It's done... But now I'm gonna save the rich girl the 30k yen she probably gets every week..."

All around, a poor experience for Airi.

But things weren't done just yet.

After that whole Mount Iwafune clash, the trio returned to town, and the train ride was just around round of Junpei and Chika arguing, though Chika had the upper hand of being better at card games.

The day was already ending, sun setting and all, and three were on their way back to the mall.

"This sucks... I wasted my whole day on this instead of spending time with Junpei..." Airi cried.

"Besides, you guys got Ghost." Junpei scoffed.

"Ghost sucking isn't an excuse!" Chika replied.

"Oh please, as if you guys didn't use Ninninger against us all the time!"


The two teenagers stopped their argument and looked back. The one calling out to them was Ryuzaki, who, alongside his trusty buds Maverick and Inu, chased after some young lad.

Feeling as if someone needed them to help in bringing someone to justice, Junpei and Chika exchanged glances and nodded.

Junpei grabbed a random pebble from the floor, and with impeccable marksmanship, striked the perpetrator right between the eyes.

"Zenryoku Zenkai Finale Buster!"

On the other hand, Chika, taking advantage of the prepetrator being stunned by Junpei shot, charged at him and kicked him in the gut with enough power to send him to the center of the crosswalk. Yukiko taught her well.

"Rex Stamping Finish!"

"Oh god, I wasn't made to run... Thanks, kids..." Inu panted.

"You're cornered! Give it up!" Maverick called out to the young lad.

"Never! You'll never take me-!"

"MITSUBA, GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Ryuuga yelled.

That's right. The young lad was the infamous Mitsuba Jun.

And that's also right. Ryuuga was fast approaching the crosswalk on the old Toronada. He slammed his foot on the brakes, but even when turning the car to the side to make it stop faster, he still punted poor Mitsuba into the middle of the road with the old Toronado.

"Oh god, it finally happened... Ryuuga hit a meme character with his car! Mitsuba was Mario all along!" Ryuzaki said, with his hands on his head. "Wait no, I'm mad at that guy, he had it coming!"

"Ow, right on the Donald Duck Gucci bandana..." Mitsuba coughed.



Ryuuga got out of his car, and rushed to Mitsuba's side with Ryuzaki and the boys. Mitsuba tried to crawl away, but Ryuzaki grabbed him by his collar and pulled him up.

"You... You spider monkey! Do you even any idea how much time I spent finding you?!" Ryuzaki asked.

"Huh... One month?" Mitsuba smiled.

"That's right! I spent one whole month chasing you after you fucked up! You had one job! I told you to watch the server room for one hour while I went home switch my tie, take a dump and nail my wife, and what did you do? YOU DOWNLOADED ENOUGH PORN TO TAKE DOWN THE VANGUADRIVER SERVERS FOR GOOD!"

"Wait, you caused all of this?!" Ryuuga asked.

"Huh... I was a business man... D-doing business?"

"Do you have any idea how much money you made me-" Ryuzaki suddenly began gasping.

He started remembering something that happened the day Kaido graduated.

He remember the exact exchange of words between he and his wife Payic.

"I should run for president."

"You can run for president the day one of your students makes you waste alot of money."

"...I see. Oh Takanori-kun!"

"Not Yza's kid!"

"...Mitsuba, you god... Your little fuck up is a loophole to one of my wife's rules... I'm gonna run for president!"

"W-wait, what about me?!" Mitsuba asked.

"You? Oh, you my boy... I got a special role for you after I become the presi-king of this place."

"Did he said presi-king?" Inu asked.

"Once I'm presi-emperor of Japan, you're gonna have a special role, with an even more special task."

"Now it's presi-emperor." Ryuuga sighed.

"You, my friend, under my guidance as presi-god, will be..."

"Oh boy, I should call Payic." Maverick deadpanned.

"We're in danger." The branch manager said.

Ryuzaki let go of Mitsuba, cleaned up his suit, and with his arm around Mitsuba's shoulders, he pointed to the sky.

"You will become... The CEO of Sex, tasked with creating a sequel to sex."

"...Ryuzaki-sensei, I am very thankful for this great honour! In your face, Yukimura!"

Across the street, Airi just stared at entire skit with a very confused look on her face.

"What the hell was that about... Anyway, Junpei- Geh!"

Once she looked back at her brother, she was faced with something straight out of someone's nightmare.

Junpei was wall-slamming Chika, and telling her the words she most wanted to hear.

"So if you want, I'll join you on your sunday morning entertainment."

"Well, if you don't mind watching some Kamen Rider, then I suppose I couldnwatch some Super Sentai with you... Perhaps withour your shirt on, fufu." Chika chuckled, fixing Junpei's tie.


Grabbing Junpei by the back of his collar, Airi began dragging her brother as far away as possible from Chika.

"But Nee-chan, this is my shot at happiness! I finally moved on from Hirabayashi, this is the perfect time for me to get a girlfriend! And she's a toku fan, girls who like toku are rare to boot!" Junpei explained.

"Vettoed, vettoed, super vettoed!"

"JUNPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEI!" Chika yelled, reaching for him.


Winner of today's battle... Everyone except Airi... And probably the population of Japan with that Ryuzaki thing.

But hey.

It's finally time for Volume 3.

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