Checkmate 17: Kin and Sakayanagi

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❝𝓢𝓸 𝓪𝓼 𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓰 𝓪𝓼 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝔂 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓶𝓮, 𝓵𝓮𝓽 𝓾𝓼 𝓼𝓵𝓮𝓮𝓹 𝓲𝓷 𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓼 𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮.❞

-𝐊𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐢 & 𝐒𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐢



"Tch." Sakayanagi scoffed behind her mask. "Damage check (Candy Clown) heal trigger! Power to Luquier! (22000)"

"One heal wouldn't help you, Sakayanagi." Asahi smirked taunting his enemy.

"Another one.." She muttered flipping another Candy Clown. "Heal! (32000)"

Asahi's look however doesn't change one bit and so Sakayanagi flipped the next card of her deck.

"Heal... Trigger... (42000)" She whispered as she stared at the third Heal that save her, her minions was cheering making Asahi laughed. A cruel and mocking laugh.

"It's my win. Sakayanagi." He smiled, tilting his head in amusement. "After all... It's useless~"

He smirked as the implications sinked in, gritting her teeth she reached out to top card and flipped it.

Rising Dragon. No trigger obviously, the last heal trigger is in her hand after all.

The crowd soon roared a loud cheer.

"The King did it!"

"We're finally free!"


"Ha..! He did it!" Kazane pushed her fist up in contrast to Shiro whose lips just smile lightly at the victor.

"This.. this isn't supposed to.." Sakayanagi muttered, her hand that was holding the final damage that ended the game trembled.

"You know the part of the deal don't you?" Asahi looked towards Sakayanagi. The girl with the mask shot back at him gritting her teeth. She stood there in silence, her legs were ready to jump down from the stage and ran as fast she could.


The door of the gymnasium slammed opened revealing the school counselor, a couple of staff members and some of Chevalier students. The once crowded gymnasium halt into a silence.

"Sakayanagi, your reign of terror is over." The counselor pointed her pen towards her as Sakayanagi looked at her with disgust that hide behind her mask.


The royalty were seated in front of the principal's office. Time felt slower as the awkward silence lingered the air. The five royalties weren't even looking at one another in the eyes.

Just in time the door to the principal's office opened, to reveal the secretary.

"You may come inside now." She stated heading back inside followed by the five royalty.

Sitting in front of the headmaster was Sakayanagi, still having her mask on. She was sitting still surprisingly, not even attempting to make her escape when the door opened.

"I will let you five do the honors." The headmaster stated.

The royalties look at one another for a moment before nodding. Asahi pressed the button that opened her mask helmet as Rin, Shiro, Kazane and Mashiro lift it up.

Long platinum blonde locks fell downwards revealing the mastermind behind the show; Kin Takami.

Both of Kazane's brows rose as her mouth agaped open.

"No.. K-Kin, this has to be joke.." She uttered out completely bewildered.

"The little prune that bumped into me really? This does sound like a joke." Rin scoffed.

"You're just.. you're just covering for Sakayangi right?! There's no way you-"

"Shut up." Sakayanagi shot a glare at Kazane. "You damn traitor."

"M-Me?!" Kazane pointed to herself in disbelief.

"Cut your bullshit." Rin fumed. "You won't be barking anymore once we tell the whole school who you really are!"

Sakayanagi's eyes widened lightly, furrowing her brows.

"H-hold on Rin, isn't that an invasion of privacy?" Shiro interjected.

"It's not one when she literally cheats and decodes faking some of the chess pieces!"

"Although justice has to be served one way or another." Mashiro added siding with Rin. "Sakayanagi needs to learn her lesson."

"Shouldn't we at least let her explain her actions beforehand?" Asahi suggested.

"I agree, I'd like to know Takami's reasoning, you have five minutes to defend yourself before I expel you from this academy." The headmaster declared resting his chin on his forehands.

"Takami? Pft." Sakayangi snorted. "I'm not Kin Takami, I have my own name, Sakayanagi; Kin's guardian, protector and split personality. I've been in control over her for the pass three years, all the times you've spend moment with "Kin" is none other than me."

The room fell silent for a moment.

"Stop lying to get yourself out of trouble." Mashiro pointed out.

"Why would I lie about that? I'm already caught." Sakayangi stated whistling like she has no care in the world anymore.

"She.. She's telling the truth.." Kazane interrupted Mashiro who was about to counter that. "Her dad is my uncle and he has dissociative identity disorder although.. I know that genetics don't come into play.. Did.. Did something happen?"

"A lot did." Sakayanagi answered vaguely. "Yet you're all too idiotic to notice. All her pent up fear, loneliness and frustrations created me. The only person who understands and listens."

"B-but.. Ju and Mai-!"

"She didn't want to bother them about it, she felt scared what they'd react. All Kin wants to is to not trouble anyone."

"Is.. Is that why you did all this..?"

"My goal was simple, it was to make a world to keep Kin safe and happy." Sakayanagi looked away. "Hence why, when I heard what 16 chess pieces are able to do. I can grant that as my wish, but sadly only the royals get to do that so I took matters into my own hands."

"By cheating..?"

"Don't you think it's unfair that only royalty gets to get a wish? Players will bound to cheat and if I'd play on a fair footing I'd have no chance in winning if I didn't break the rules myself don't I?"

Kazane opened her mouth to say something but stayed quiet.

"That's what I thought." Sakayanagi clicked her tongue. "You royals are just selfish."

"I've heard enough." The headmaster cleared his throat to clear tension between his students. "Your five minutes are up, I've made up my mind to let the royalty decide your fate."

"I say we expel her already!" Rin gritted her teeth in annoyance.

"Isn't expelling her too extreme? I mean, this is not Kin we're talking to right now. It's Sakayanagi. A whole different person." Shiro reminded. "We should give her another chance!"

"Again, justice has to be served and Sakayanagi would have to face the consequences." Mashiro said. "So I vote expel."

"I'm going to vote no." Asahi finally spoke up after awhile.

"And let her stay?" Rin turned back.

"This isn't the Takami that's supposed to be, besides she can't control Sakayanagi well from the looks of it."

It all comes down to Kazane, who stood there frozen. She bit her bottom lip tapping her foot as cold sweat dripped from her forehead. An idea sparked in her however.

"What if we give Kin a suspension instead?" She suggested. "Y'know to let her get her life together and this time Kin will be the one in control and not Sakayanagi."

The four royalties looked at one another for a few moments, they suppose a suspension would be lighter.

"Suspension it is then." Mashiro agreed.

"How long would a suspension suffice?" Shiro questioned the headmaster. He hummed before answering.

"I will give her until the next academic year starts. Does that settle it?"

"Yes." Shiro and Kazane replied while Asahi, Rin and Mashiro just nodded as a response.

"Very well then. Kin Takami, Sakayanagi. You are hearby suspended from this school until April."

Sakayanagi's expression remained indifferent for a moment before the ends of her lips curved upwards slightly. It might just be a simple action but it will forever speak louder volumes than words could ever do as it closes an era for herself.

- "I suppose, your wish is finally granted, Kin."

The End.

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