𝒍𝒙𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒙. night changes

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AFTER THE WEDDING, EVERYONE HAD BEEN READY TO HEAD ON HOME. Casey was heading to her car and Reid was walking alongside her, walking to her car. His hands were in his pockets as he strolled towards the entrance.

There had slight silence between them but Reid instantly broke the silence. "You friend did a good job with the wedding." He commented and Casey nodded, "I know, right? Who knew an ex-government lawyer could be a caterer?" Reid furrowed his brows. "She's a government lawyer?" He asked.

"Retired," Casey told. "She had a case that totally wiped her out and she decided to stop after that. I've always wondered what it was — but it definitely pushed her back. It makes me think a lot with this job."

Reid looked her way in curiousness. "What do you mean?" He asked.

Casey stopped in her tracks. "Should I have done something different with my life? I mean, I could've done more. But this was the job I chose. I'm just reminding myself that I took this job for a reason. And recently I've been asking myself that if I knew it all before, would I do it again?" Reid looked at the girl and realized that she was becoming him. Questioning herself about the job. She was the one that talked him off the ledge, could he do the same for her?

"I think it's worth it," Reid told. "For you. I mean, you've really made a difference here." He assured. "You think so?" Casey asked. "I know so." Reid told and stared into her eyes and Casey stared back before looking down. "You know... I don't have to go home just yet. We should do something."

Reid checked his watch. "Well, it's 2am? Would anything be open?" He asked. "I'd say my place but it is way too messy. Like even more messy than when you last saw it." Reid remembered the night once Casey mentioned it and looked down at the ground. "Why don't we go back to my place? We could hang out, watch a few movies, order food, I have a bottle of wine in my cabinet — I mean, if you can... do that."

Casey thought about it for a second before shrugging, "Oh, what the hell? Let's go back to your place." With that, the two decided to go to Reid's place and Reid had offered to drive. It was funny because normally, Reid would never drive, he hated it. But when it came to Casey, he liked driving her.

As he drove, he snuck in a couple of glances at Casey. Her side profile intrigued him, everything about her did. Once he looked back at road, Casey snuck in occasional glances of him, too. He was perfect, to her.

They arrived at the apartment complex and went upstairs to Reid's apartment. Casey had never once been in Reid's apartment before, this would be her first visit. As soon as Reid unlocked the door, he immediately rushed in and started tidying the place up.

"Sorry, I didn't expect anyone to be coming over." Reid apologized as he touched up the pillows. Casey looked around. She liked his place, she liked the smell, the stack of books on the bookshelf. She stared around, awestruck of how nice it was.

"It's okay," Casey put her coat on the coatrack in front of the door. "Your home is very... homely." She complimented. Reid went over to his cabinet and pulled the red wine out. "Here, I'll get the glasses." He reached into another cabinet and pulled out two fancy glasses.

Casey had asked Reid where is bathroom was and he pointed down the hall and it gave him time to fancy up the place a bit. He moved his table and set a blanket down for them to lay on. He brought the wine over and put it on the table and then placed the glasses on the table, as well. He turned his TV on and some random '40s movie was playing. He turned the volume down and Casey had exited the bathroom from this point.

"Wow, you touched the place up just for me, huh?" Casey questioned and Reid shrugged, "Uh, y-yeah." Reid stuttered and mentally face-palmed himself for doing so. He poured the two glasses of wine and handed one to Casey.

They clinked the glasses and as the wine sloshed in their mouths, they realized that the wine had an acquired taste and both instantly spit the wine back in their glasses. "Oh, ew—" "Blehh!" They made faces and it caused Casey to burst out laughing. "That did not taste good." Reid told, sitting up in his spot and Casey continued to laugh.

"Oh, it expired in 2009, that explains it. Red wine does expire in 2-3 years." Casey hands her glass over to Reid and he places it on the table. "Sorry about that." He apologizes. "Oh, no, it's okay." She chuckles.

Reid stands up. "I think I do have coolers in the fridge." He goes over to his fridge. "Man, you do have a lot of wines." Casey states. "I keep it over for company and as you can see, I don't have many people over." He tells, reaching down to the bottom of his fridge. Casey pays attention to the movie in front of her.

"Hey, isn't this All The King's Men?" She questions and Reid stands up and looks at the TV. "Oh, yeah." He says. "You know your movies." He tells. "Well, Gideon never let me watch much back at our apartment, growing up. I mean, he did but he preferred showing me the good ol' stuff. This film was my favorite. It wastes no time in plunging its seemingly idealistic characters into the deep morass of moral gray." Casey explains.

"Yeah, my favorite thing about it is its' public success only through discarding his teetotaling tendencies and becoming a much-loved, bloviating alcoholic is about as clear as the film can get with its fatalistic feelings toward American politics: They've always been this polluted, and that will never change." Reid explains as he heads over to the girl with two coolers in his hands. "Don't worry, I recently bought these." He joked, causing Casey to chuckle.

The two had been preoccupied in talking to one another as the film continued to play in front of them. Reid had turned it off once they were getting into deeper conversation. They were having the time of lives, both laughing at sweet nothings and funny yet understandable jokes.

Casey places her wine cooler down. "Okay, let's play a game." She tells. "What game?" Reid asks, knowing he had no games in his apartment. "Let's play truth or dare." Casey shrugged. Reid's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

       "Isn't that like a kids game?" He questioned. "Well, have you ever played?" Casey asks and Reid thinks for a minute, "Truthfully? No. I was never one for parties and people mostly made fun of me." He said sadly, causing Casey to grab his hand.

        "Well, think of this as something that fills the void of never going to parties. Plus, parties are not all they're cracked up to be." Casey assures. "Trust me. They're filled with booze-drinking horny teens that like to make out with each other."

     Reid chuckles in response and ponders in thought for a moment. "Okay," Reid sits up a bit, agreeing to playing the game. "You go first." He nudged his head and Casey nods and thinks of a truth — since she knows Reid isn't gonna pick 'dare'. "Truth or dare." She started. "Truth." Reid picks. Knew it. Casey thought.

"Have you ever had a crush on JJ?" Casey questions.

Reid immediately shakes his head. "Oh, no... no, I—" Casey gives him a careful look and knows he's lying. "We went on one date," He revealed and Casey chuckled a bit. "Redskins game and she invited Garcia with us. Hotch, Gideon and Morgan all gave me pointers and I explained that to her and we both decided that it would be best if we remained friends." Reid explained to the woman and Casey shook her head in embarrassment. "Aw, man."

"Your turn." Casey nudges her head towards the man as she sips from her wine cooler. "Uh..." Reid thought of an easy one. "Truth or dare."

Casey shrugged, "Truth." Reid sits up more this time. "Most embarrassing thing you've never admitted to anyone?"

"Ooh," Casey tries to think one out and suddenly thought of one but thought it was best to keep that one secret. "I actually... no." She stopped herself and shook her head.

"What?" Reid asked.
"No," Casey told. "This is too embarrassing."

Reid sat up, even more intrigued at what she was gonna say. "Just say it." He assured that he wouldn't make fun of her. And she knew he wouldn't, either way.

"Okay," Casey took a deep breath since they made it this far. "Well, before I was intern and before I graduated high school, I did have a bit of a... teeny-weeny crush on you. When I first met you." Casey revealed.

Reid looked at the girl in disbelief. "Really?" He never would've expected that to come out of her mouth. "Yes." Casey told. "Why?" Reid furrows his brows.

"Because you were you. And you were nerdy and cute. And I like nerdy and cute." Casey told, avoiding eye contact with him, now. "Interesting," Reid said. "What happened?"

Casey shrugged, "I started working with you and getting to know you and... well, the crush died." Reid looked down a bit. Her saying that kind of hurt him but it was understandable on too many levels. He liked her, he knew that much. Did she not like him anymore or was she just saying that?

"Your turn." Reid nudges his head towards her and sipped from his wine cooler. "Truth or dare." Casey told.

"Truth." Reid answers. Casey began to think of a truth. "Have you..." She thought of one as she messed with the straw of her cooler. "... Ever... been in love?"

Reid began to think of her answer? Had he ever been in love before? He never experienced it before. "Love encompasses a range of strong and positive emotional and mental states, from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection, to the simplest pleasure but... no, I don't think I've ever been in love." He looked up at the girl, it was his turn now. "Truth or dare."

"Truth." Casey picked.
"How about you?" Reid threw the same question at her.

Casey shrugged, "Well, if I'm being honest..." She began to think. "I haven't... really experienced true love. I mean, I always figured that in this life, I was never gonna find it. After what happened with Hotch and Haley and what it did to Gideon and Sarah... I always figured I would be just as cursed as them if that was true. And that was indeed true when Sawyer died."

Reid shook his head. "I don't think you're cursed," He tells. "Love is a set of emotions and behaviors characterized by intimacy, passion, and commitment. It involves care, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, affection, and trust. It can happen with anyone. And besides, as shown in books, the word 'love' is overrated. But just know... you'll find someone that will love you and someone who will care about you and that someone could be... right under your nose... for all you know."

Reid looked at the girl's face - his eyes looking from her eyes to his lips. Casey had taken notice of this and she began to do the same thing. Was he right? Could it have been right under her nose the entire time?

"Spencer..." Casey began.

"Yes?" Reid asked.

"Truth or dare?"

Reid took a gulp before answering: "Dare."

Casey looked at him and scooted closer to him. "Kiss me." She said. The words felt foreign to her as she said them. There she was, asking the Dr. Spencer Reid, boy genius and her best friend, her co-worker to kiss her.

     Reid's eyes averted to her plump lips and back to her crystal blue eyes, not knowing which to look at more. "I-I want to." He stuttered softly. He couldn't believe it, Cassandra Willows, his co-worker and best friend was asking him to kiss her.

     Casey slowly leaned in herself and Reid had closed the gap between them with his lips and they had the most passionate kiss. It didn't feel like the kiss they shared the night Casey was drunk. This felt real. Fireworks spurred in Reid's head again. This time, they also went off in Casey's head, as well. And the feeling was intoxicating, it scared her.

       Casey deepened the kiss but before she did, she pulled away and began to take into account of what she was doing. Reid could only stare at her and pull a stand of hair behind her ear. She was perfect. She was all he could think about. For the past few months, he only thought of her. And he had an eidetic memory, he could think of a million things if he wanted to but he just couldn't. When he thought of Casey, he felt dumb. That never happened before.

       Looking at him was all she needed. And somehow, she could sense that he wanted it, too. Suddenly, Casey closed the gap between them again and smashed her lips against his. Casey's hands ran through Reid's hair, tugging on it and he ran his hands down her waist.

       Somehow, the two ended up in Reid's bedroom. Casey was on top of Reid as she unbuttoned his shirt and he unzipped her skirt and took off her shirt. Her hand connected with his as they continued to kiss. He began to kiss at her neck and she tugged his hair a bit.

       When they were both undressed, they got under the covers. They continued to kiss and Reid stopped Casey for a second. "Are you- are you sure... you want to do this?" He asked. Casey smiled, laying a hand on the side of Reid's soft face. "Absolutely." She said.

        Since Casey was on top of Reid, he immediately flipped Casey underneath him and now he was on top and the two giggled and Reid continued to kiss her.

He continued to kiss down her body until making it to his destination. Under the sheets, Casey knew what he was doing. And wanted to see every second of it. So, she pulled the covers down to under his neck and he looked up at her with lust-filled eyes and kissed her entrance before diving in.

Reid had placed her legs on his shoulders and slathered his tongue up and down her opening and absorbed her like she was the very last meal he'd ever eat.

Casey moaned as she tugged onto his locks, lighting a fire in him as he dove his tongue deeper into Casey's hole. "Oh... Reid... oh, my God..." She moaned as she pushed his head impossibly harder towards her entrance.

Casey gasped as she felt her orgasm coming sooner than intended. "Cum... cum all over my face." Reid said through her folds and Casey damn near screamed as she felt herself gush all over his face.

As Spencer lifted his head, he realized that she'd squirted all over the bed. Casey lifts herself to her elbows and looks at him. "I'm so... I'm so sorry. I've never done that before..." She apologizes profusely.

Spencer looked at the girl, amused. "You've never done that before?" He asks, impressed with himself. "I'm sorry—" Casey mumbled. "No, don't apologize. I want you to do that again." He tells.

         Casey smiles as she leans over and locks his head in between her hand and his face as she pulls him close to kiss him. Casey goes to reach below to his hardened dick and Reid pulls away for a moment. "No... it's okay." He tells.

"But I wanna make you feel good." Casey tells and Reid looks at the girl, capturing her face with his hands. "You're already making me feel good." He confirms. He also didn't want to waste his load not being inside of her.

So, Reid got on top of her looked down and he had positioned himself into her entrance and slowly went in.

Casey gasped in ecstasy and grabbed onto Reid as he filled her up. Somehow, it just felt right. Reid began to move his hips forward slowly and his face was buried in her neck as he rocked back and forth in her tight, wet hole. Casey tugged on Reid's hair and dug her fingernails into his back, sure enough to leave scratch marks, she was sure of.

       Reid wanted her. The look on her face was everything to him. He wanted her to feel like she had never felt before. He wanted to make her feel so good. And ruin her for any other man. And Casey did. She did feel good. And at this point, he did ruin any other man for her.

        "Spencer..." Casey moaned and Reid smiled at the sound of his name coming from her mouth. It being something other Reid. "Go fast-faster." She panted and Reid looked down at the girl.

       "You want me to go faster?" Reid gasped out and Casey nodded, "Yes." Reid began to go faster and stared into Casey's eyes as he did. "Like this?" Casey's euphoric feeling couldn't even let her answer as her nails dug deeper into Reid's back. All she knew was that she didn't want Reid to stop what he was doing.

       "D-Don't... don't stop." Casey groaned out. "You like that?" Reid whispered into Casey's skin, making her get goosebumps. "I just want to make you... feel good." Casey kissed Reid on the lips once more.

        The room filled with moans from both him and her, calling each other's names and leaving marks on one another. Scratches were on Reid's back and hickies were left on Casey's neck.

         "I think I'm gonna—"
         "Me too."
         "Where do you—?"
"Are you... sure?"
"On the pill... yes!"

    Reid sped his thrusts faster and pushed himself impossibly deeper inside of her. He stayed there for a second as he looked down at the girl, moving a strand of hair away from her face.

Reid then pulled out his now soft cock out of Casey and toppled next to her on the bed, the two panting from what just now occurred. That was definitely the best sex either of them had ever had.

       "Round two?" Casey joked.

       "Give me a sec." Reid chuckled.

       "Okay, but this time I'm on top."


     The sun was beginning to rise and Casey grabbed her shirt that was thrown on the ground and put it on and took a deep breath, pulling out the hair that was suffocating in her shirt.

      It took her a minute to remember the night prior. Then it came crashing back to her. Her and Reid slept together after the wedding. The girl turned her head over at a sleeping shirtless Reid. He looked like a baby as he slept. Casey's heart warmed at the sight... but she had come to realize that she was getting attached.

Casey Willows never attached herself to a person. After knowing what she went through with love, she knew could never be attached to another person after Sawyer. The only way she could protect Reid was to get away as fast as she could. He haunted all of her what-ifs. She knew that Reid could draw stars around her scars but she couldn't afford to bleed again. She could curse him for the longest time.

    The girl sighed and took a deep breath once more. Sleeping with Reid last night was a mistake and it was going to hurt her but she knew she had to leave.

    She watched him as she quietly put her skirt on, grabbed her shoes and her bag and watched his movements as she closed his door quietly and just as quietly exited his apartment.

well... that happened👀
i am definitely not a smut writer but i tried ig🤷‍♀️
lol sorry if you didn't want smut but it's my book and i do what i want😁
two more chapters and we are done!
-mya </3

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