𝒍𝒙𝒊𝒊𝒊. we all scream for ice cream

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CASEY'S MORNING WAS GOING OKAY. It started very roughly, if she were being honest. She had almost forgot what today was. It had been the one-year anniversary since she got kidnapped by Adam. She had finished brushing her teeth in the bathroom and washed her face and was beginning to dry it off.

       The memories started flooding back.

Casey washes her face and grabs a rag near the sink and dries her face and once she does, she looks up and sees someone standing behind her and she gasps and the next thing she knows, the person smashes her face against her mirror and Casey heard the mirror shattering echoing in her ears and she falls backwards and her vision is blurred as she lands on the floor and before she falls unconscious... she gets a good look at her captor that takes off his mask.

Casey closed her eyes tries not to think about it anymore. She reverts back into reality and takes a deep breath as she hangs her rag up on the hook in her bathroom. She gets ready and heads into work. The girl had distracted herself by not saying anything to anyone and grabbing coffee and heading over to her desk and surrounding herself in paperwork.

The girl was informed that the team had a new case they should be getting ready for and before Casey headed in the road table room, she headed towards the memorial and crossed her arms as she stared at Emily's portrait. She kept thinking about the day she left.

         Reid had noticed her staring at the portrait and headed towards the girl with a cup of coffee in his hand.
"Hey." He greets. Casey doesn't bother to look at him. "Hey." She says back.

        Reid takes a sip from his coffee. "You know, standing here, staring at her picture isn't gonna bring her back." He tells. Casey shakes her head, "No, but it's gonna make me wish that it was me." Reid looks at the girl as she continues. "I used to think that me getting taken was the worst thing that ever happened to me. I was wrong. This is the hardest thing that has ever happened to me."

         There was nothing Reid could do to make Casey feel better. It was obvious that she was still struggling with Emily's death. He was, just as much. But he knew how to hide it. Casey had been trying her best to hide it but Reid read her like a book. "She's with us," He assured. "Everywhere we go, she is."

         Garcia approached the two. "Not to interrupt anything, but we have a case." She tells and the three of them head over to the round table room.

        The rest of the team is in the room and Casey and Reid take their seats as Garcia moves over to the screen to go over the case. "Mississippi. Two perps were seen dropping a body bag down the river. The body belongs to Sandra Rogers, nineteen, she was badly beaten and stabbed to death."

       "Evidence of sexual assault?" Rossi asked. "Yes." Garcia nodded. "Only one murder?" Morgan questioned.

       "This is more about the unsubs more than the body." Hotch informed the team as Casey read the file in front of her. "The unsubs were seen leaving in a..." She paused as she read. "Is this right?"

        "What?" Garcia questioned.

         "The unsubs were seen leaving in an ice cream truck." Rossi stated. "An ice cream truck?" Garcia asked.

         "The unsubs are Aria and Turbo Turner." Hotch stated. "Aria and Turbo Turner? Are those the Blood Red Mississippi Rippers?" Reid questioned and Casey furrows her brows. "The siblings?" She asks.

        "They were charged with 25 counts of murder in the first degree." Rossi nodded.  "And they got out?" Seaver asked in confusion.

         Hotch looks around at the team. "Aria was released due to overcrowding and broke Turbo out of the Mississippi mental hospital and they're on the heist again." He tells.

        "Overcrowding?" Seaver asked.
        "She traded places with an inmate." Hotch says.
        "Smart move." Casey nods.

       "The Mississippi PD wants us there," Hotch closes the file up. "Wheels up in 30."

On the jet ride, Casey had been getting herself some coffee and started to reminisce on Adam once more. The memories were flooding back — all of the bad ones. She remembered the room she was stuck in. How Adam never let her out.

She would've zoned out but Hotch had called her name, knocking her out of her blank state. "Willows," Casey looked over at the team. "We're ready to debrief." Casey nodded and grabbed her cup and headed back to her spot on the seats next to Rossi. "Okay."

"An ice cream truck," Morgan stated. "Have they used the same vehicle for transportation before?" Hotch looked over the girl. "Their father used to own an ice cream truck. It's licensed to him, it's the same truck."

"If it's the only thing that's out of place about them, why make themselves seen?" Seaver asked. "The fact that they're not afraid of them being seen is because they want to be seen." Rossi says.

"What do we know about the Turner siblings?" Casey asked.

"Aria, the oldest, she is the mastermind of everything. She had certain charges on her for being a drug lord before she started the killings and her brother, Turbo, he is mentally disabled, she's had to take care of him her entire life and he soon followed into his sister's footsteps and started murdering people. In fact, there's no evidence that Aria ever murdered any of the victims, but she had openly admitted to being the mastermind." Reid explained.

"She has her brother do all the dirty work." Rossi commented.

"When we get to Mississippi, Seaver, Reid, you're in charge of the geographical profile, Rossi and I will go to the PD." Hotch groups and then looks over at Rossi. "Rossi, your nephew, Marco, will be joining us, so he'll be investigating the crime scene along with Morgan and Willows."

Casey looks up at the mention of Marco's name. He hadn't mentioned anything about being on the case. "Marco's coming?" She asked. Hotch looks towards the girl. "He was invited in on the case by the superficials." He stated.

Casey looks over at the empty seat in front of her and thinks of Emily. She would've been sitting in front of her. Now, she was gone. Casey sighed as she looked at the file, preoccupying herself until they landed in Mississippi.


Casey and Morgan had arrived at the crime scene was Casey was met with Marco, who had been waiting on the two. The Willows smiled at the sight of her... well, she didn't know what to call him. "Hey." Marco smirked.

"Hey." Casey smiled as Marco engulfed her in a hug and kissed her on the cheek. Marco pulled away and looked towards the other person in front of him. "Morgan. Hey, man." Marco shakes his hand. "Nice to see you, again." Morgan tells. "Likewise." Marco nods.

"You check out the crime scene?" Morgan asks Marco and he nodded, looking over his shoulder. "It's brutal. She has marks all over her body." The three begin to head to the crime scene down the river and arrive on the scene.

Morgan and Casey take a look. "Her arms were bound." Marco points out. "Wounds are fresh." Morgan points out. "There was definitely a struggle."

Casey remembered being tied to the bed where Adam had kept her. Her yelling for help.

"Hey," Marco noticed Casey's zoning out. "You okay?" He furrowed his brows at the girl. Casey nods, pulling a strand of hair behind her ear, "Yeah. Fine."

Truth was... she wasn't.

"Willows," Morgan calls. "Come take a look at this." Casey examines closer and sees the woman's clothing and the makeup smeared on her face.

They were aware of the doll-like clothing from before and the makeup. The woman had been injected with something in her arm. They hadn't noticed until now and now, they had something to tell the team.

The three made it back to the PD and began to explain the injection and their theories. Casey hadn't engaged in the conversation as much as the team continued.

"Just like their previous victims, they were all found in that same attire." Reid tells as Casey fiddles with her pen.
"Do we know the reasoning behind the way they dress them up?" Seaver asks. "No." Rossi shakes his head.

Casey had been getting flashbacks left and right. Casey backed away towards the wall as Adam approached him. "Come on." Casey began to push with her feet and she tried to push him away but he was too strong. "I don't want it! Stop!" She yelled. Adam had a grip on her and successfully gotten her arm.
Casey is facing Adam and Adam begin to try and punch Casey but she ducks and trips him, her being tripped in the process. Adam had gripped onto Casey's ankle as Casey tries to reach for the bat. Successfully, she grips onto the bat and kicks Adam in the face, breaking his nose as Casey hears a crack to where she kicked.
          Casey stands over him and yells: "Go... to... hell!" She then takes the bat and begins to beat Adam's head in—

"Willows." Hotch calls Casey's name twice and the second time: it gets Casey's attention. "What?" Casey questions and she blinks and looks towards the rest of the team. They all look concerned.

"Are you okay, kid?" Morgan inquires to the girl and Casey looks down and stands up. "Uh, yeah. I just..." The girl leaves the room with no explanation. Everyone is left confused.

"What's going on with her?" Rossi asked, tossing his thumb over to the door. "I don't know, but maybe I should go and talk to her?" Marco suggests and Rossi nodded to his nephew and Marco follows Casey.

Casey went to get some air outside. "Hey." Marco greets the girl and closes the door behind him. "You okay?" He asks. Casey pulls a strand of hair behind her ear. "Uh, yeah." She says.

Marco furrows his brows at the girl and smirks: "You did the thing." He points. Casey furrows her brows next. "What thing?" She asks. "The thing you do when you lie. You pull a strand of hair behind your ear." That was her tell.

"What's up?" Marco asks. Casey looks away from Marco. "Hey, I know something's bothering you. It has been since I first saw you at the crime scene. I just want to know what's going on." Marco tells.

Casey sighs: "I just... I've had a lot on my mind since Emily. And I... I'm just not in the right state of mind." Casey had been on-edge and it was clear. Marco looks at the girl. "Well, it sounds like you could use another vacation." He says.

"I've already taken so many sick days, what makes you think anyone's gonna have me take another couple weeks off?" Casey questions. "Well, you need it. Especially after all you've been through. You deserve a break." Marco tells, holding the girl's hands.

"Consider taking a break after this case. Come back to New York with me for a little bit. Just for a couple of weeks. I can take time off work, clear your head. You need it." Marco persuades.

          Casey smiles a bit. "Is this your way of trying to get me back in bed with you?" She questions playfully. "You caught me." Marco jokes and Casey kisses him on the lips. "Seriously, though, you do need a break. I can see it in your face." Marco tells and Casey takes a deep breath.

          "I know," Casey says. "It's hard. Especially with a job, like this. It makes it hard to feel what I want to feel." Marco touches Casey's cheek and gives her a hug. "Oh, I needed that today." Casey exhales. "I really did."


       It had been the course of a day or two and nothing had come in about the Turner siblings. Until today, that was.
The lead detective and Marco had come running in. "Guys! Guys! We just got a call in." Deputy Lowell announces. "A woman late-thirties early forties just shot and killed two of our policemen." Marco informs.

      "How do we know?" Hotch asks. "One of our policemen called it in before he died," Deputy Lowell tells. "The woman had two girls with her and a giant guy with a messed up face helped her. It sounded like he killed the policeman."

       They play back the recording. It was brutal.

      "Did they catch who the girls were?" Hotch asks.

      "On the vest cameras, yeah." Lowell nods.

      "I'll have that footage sent over to Garcia." Hotch says as he takes his phone out and dials Garcia in.

       It took a couple of minutes to identify the girls on the video footage but Garcia did it. She had called the team as soon as she did. "I've identified the brunette girl as Maggie Sanders. I can only take guess because of the hair but her sister is Emma."

      "What happened to their faces?" Morgan asked, noting to their faces and how distorted they looked. "Look how much makeup is caked on their faces." Reid pointed out. "They could be having a reaction from the makeup." Seaver says.

       "Maggie is 12, Emma is 14," Garcia continued. "Their mother is Julia Evergreen and their father... recently divorced the mother so now, they're on the move. Last spot they were seen in public was the gas station on Route 33. Julia and the family are currently residing in Julia's great-great aunt's old mansion on Brownstone."

       "They could be heading back to the mansion." Casey assumes. "Or on their way back to there, at least." Rossi says. "I've sent the address to your phones." Garcia informs. "Thank you, Garcia. Let's go!"

         The team had split into two — Hotch, Marco and Rossi headed to the mansion and the rest of the team had been notified of the river near Brownstone since it was a pattern that their victims were all injected and drowned. Seaver, Morgan and Reid were heading there now.

         They were met with Aria, who was ready to kill Maggie in front of them. All gunshots were fired at Aria and Aria had dropped Maggie in the water and Maggie was struggling to hold herself above the body of water. Maggie was beginning to drown. Without thinking, Casey jumped in the water to save the girl.

         Casey had lifted Maggie to get her out of the water as Morgan and Reid grabbed Maggie. Casey had then struggled to keep her own head above water and memories were flooding back again as she let herself go.

         She thought of being on the swim team again in high school and how Adam used to cheer her on. Now, he wasn't. He turned on her and those memories of him holding her captive and drugging her came flooding back. (No pun intended). She then thought of Emily and how she let her go. She wasn't even thinking of her dying in this second. In fact, she wanted it.

        Casey felt someone grab onto her waist and out of the water. "I've got her." She distinctly heard Reid say as she opened her eyes. Morgan lifted her out of the water.

       "Willows," Morgan tries and Casey coughs out as she rests on the ground. "Willows, are you okay?" Casey looks over at a wet Reid and a concerned Morgan. "I'm-I'm okay. Is Maggie okay?"

       "She's okay," Morgan tells. "She's in an ambulance." Casey exhaled out and both Morgan and Reid exchange a look, noticing the way that Casey didn't come out of that water. They were worried, to say the least.

        In the end, Maggie and Emma were reunited and Julia's body was found in the mansion. She had been killed by the siblings. Marco, Hotch and Rossi — along with SWAT — had to kill Turbo in action. The siblings were dead. Maggie and Emma were going to placed with their father. Everything was okay now.


       On the way back home, it was quiet. Casey had stared at the empty seat in front of her. Her mind had been occupied by her brain yelling at her. Morgan had been sitting in the seat across from Casey and took notice of the girl staring at the seat.

      "You miss her, don't you?" Morgan questioned and Casey looked up at the man and shrugged: "Yeah." She admitted. Morgan nods, "Me, too."

       Morgan saw in Casey's face that this was more than just about missing Emily. "Are you okay, Ace?" He asked.

       Casey looked at Morgan and confided in him. She shut the book in front of her and sulked. "Today is the anniversary. The day Adam took me. And looking at this case and those girls... just... brought back a lot. A lot of painful memories I didn't wanna remember. A time where I relied on nobody but myself."

       Morgan looked at the girl. "You're safe," He assured. "Adam's gone."

      "Then, why do I feel so scared all the time?" Casey questioned.

       Morgan sat up. "Because it's natural," He said. "I know you've been impacted by a lot... Emily's death, this... the pain doesn't make you weak... it makes you human. What you've gone through, it's made you tough. It's made you badass, face the reality. You're the best damn agent I've ever known, Casey. And if Emily were alive, she'd be proud."

      Casey smiles a bit. "She is," Casey nods. "I know she's proud."

      After the convo, Casey sat back and looked at the clouds surrounding them. She was considering the vacation time with Marco. Time would tell if she was really going to go through with it.

hey, lovelies!
i hope y'all liked this original chapter
i personally think it kinda sucked but yea
thank you for reading!!
also this was loosely based on that movie "incident in a ghostland" if y'all have seen it
we're literally so close to being on s7 and i'm literally so excited- love you all
what do y'all think's gonna happen??
any predictions??? i'd love to hear them!!
-mya <3333

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