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Two days passed since the USJ incident with Naofumi explaining what had happened exactly as well as what exactly Izuku's quirk is. Since he was already aware of the Waves of Catastrophe, explaining it wasn't as complicated as it had to be. However, Naofumi had to explain to class A what exactly was happening for him right now being in front of everyone with his group.

"Alright everyone, listen up. Right now, we have a few heroes here from the Seayetto agency. They're here to explain what happened during the USJ incident with Midoriya."

Ochako raised a hand for Aizawa to motion to her. "Is Deku gonna be ok? I haven't seen him in a while and I haven't been able to hear from him."

"It's a long story...Uraraka?" Naofumi asked for her to nod. "Anyway. I think I need to explain to you what exactly Izuku Midoriya is to this world and what my group is about." Naofumi began explaining about the Waves, Cardinal Heroes, the other worlds, even the Curse Series and how Izuku fit into everything. Most were a little confused if this was actually real because of how ridiculously close to a video game it sounded. Nezu however vouched that this is real and the world as a whole made an unspoken agreement to keep this a secret to avoid danger. Once he was finished, Bakugou held his hand up to ask a question he's had for a while.

"The fucking loser was quirkless all his life. How did the shitty nerd get a quirk?"

Raphtalia spoke up to answer. "From what I heard from Sadeena, he was lied to in saying he never had a quirk. This made the Cardinal Weapon not officially manifest to Midoriya even though he could've manifested it at any given time." Aizawa spoke up next.

"If the world found out that Midoriya had an RPG quirk, he'd be put in a special program and not have any freedom. Though it made Midoriya a social pariah, I don't blame his mother for the decision since it is technically the best decision with the least trouble in case heroism wasn't what Midoriya wanted to do."

Then Naofumi pointed at Katsuki "Motoyasu told me he had to alter the timeline because of your stupidity. Had the explosive attack landed, this girl with the bob hairstyle would be in critical condition. Izuku Midoriya would be in prison for ripping your head off and someone would steal his quirk which would have caused the world to descend into complete and utter chaos." This news had surprised everyone in the class. "The job we do is extremely dangerous, so please do not try and hinder it. For those that do question what we do, we'll be facing a Wave here in Japan very soon. Also, this should go without saying but do not tell anyone of what you heard today. It makes our job easier if the masses aren't in fear of the Waves."

Naofumi and his party walked out of the room for everyone to sit in silence over what happened. It was only when Ochako stood up and ran out towards the Shield Hero and his party that people slowly began talking again among themselves. "Mr. Iwatani, sir!"

Naofumi turned around to Ochako for him to calmly speak. "It's just Naofumi."

"Sir. Do you know what happened to Deku after the attack? Kizuna brought him somewhere and I haven't heard of anything. I'm starting to worry." Raphtalia noticed the bandages over Ochako's body to understand what happened.

"Master Naofumi. We should at least give her some understanding of what he's going through."

"L'arc told me it wasn't a pleasant thing he's having happen. I'd rather not mess with them right now."

"Please. She's unable to understand what's happening to him and it's hurting her. Look at her and tell me she's not more worried about him." Naofumi looked at Ochako who was pleading practically from how she looked before sighing and looking at Raphtalia.

"Alright. But first, we'll need holy water. Kizuna said that she knew someone in class 1B who could help. Filo. Atla. Can you both handle getting it? Make sure it's as strong as possible. That's the only way we'll dispatch the curse on Kizuna and Uraraka here."


"It shall be done."

"Raphtalia. Can you go to class 1A and get the work that Midoriya missed as well as the work him and Uraraka are going to miss today?"

"Yes sir." The three left to do what they needed to with Naofumi motioning for Ochako to follow him. They left the school grounds and began heading towards the home of Izuku, Kizuna and their group.

At the home

Upon arrival at the home, Ochako and Naofumi noticed L'arc outside looking somewhat depressed. "I take it he's not any better?" Naofumi spoke up for L'arc to notice the two coming up.

"Sorry, kiddo. But I don't think the kid's as much like you as I thought."

"Not a shock. Any change in his status?"

L'arc looked away before answering. "Not really. The kid's still in a limbo state with his mentality still unable to handle itself. He's taking losing control really badly too."

"What's happening?" Ochako asked for L'arc to sigh before answering.

"It might be easier for you to understand if you come in and see for yourself." L'arc led the two in for the majority of the people living in the house to be in the living room. Most of them seemed a notable bit exhausted for this to confuse the brunette. "Hey. I brought the little miss since she'd most likely be able to help a little."

The silent sounds of sobbing could be heard with Glass missing from the group. Mocha went up to Ochako with a sad tone in her voice. "Where's Deku?"

"In his room. Glass is trying to help him, but there's only so much we can do for him." Theresa said this with some remorse for Ochako to walk towards the room. She heard the sobbing get louder to crack open the door. When she glanced inside, the brunette saw Izuku on his bed hugging Glass while she tried to comfort him in whatever comforting way she physically could to help calm him down. She looked very tired but very sad as well seeing Izuku in the state he was in. This amazed Ochako for Naofumi to speak up.

"Sad. Isn't it? This is what the drawbacks of Midoriya's Curse Series are. Ordinarily, the Wrath Series would make someone cold and distant, but it seems to have a different effect on Midoriya. If I had to put my finger on it, his will was strong, but his heart wasn't. Right now, he's been crying since he got back from the USJ, really shaken up over what happened."

Hearing what happened broke Ochako's heart. The normally aggressive but calm and caring Izuku is in such a state. It was horrible to her. What made it worse was Izuku constantly saying that he was sorry and that he didn't want to hurt anyone and that it was an accident. Glass tried to console him by explaining that she knows and that these things happen. She glanced up to see Naofumi and Ochako to pull away from Izuku. "I think it's about time you have a talk with someone." She got up and walked to the door for Izuku to see Ochako and turn away. "You're going to have to face her eventually. Just try and talk with her and settle your problems now."

She walked out with Naofumi shutting the door to have Ochako and Izuku alone in the room. Mocha laid in Ochako's hair in hopes to not interrupt as the gravity quirk user walked up and sat on the bed next to Izuku. "You ok?"

"*sniffle* I should be asking you that." All ochako could see was that even though he was hurting he still asked about her well-being.

"I'm okay I'm worried about you after USJ we didn't see you so when Naofumi came to class and explained what you're going through I had to see if you were okay." Izuku was on the verge of tears again for her to continue. "I was told about what you're going through right now. I want you to know, you didn't do anything wrong-"

"No. I did a lot of things wrong." Izuku held his head down with tears still coming down his face. "I knew the consequences could be bad if I used the Curse Series, but still did. I put the idea in Kizuna's and my head and the result was you and Kizuna got hurt. Look at you! You can't even heal properly right now! How can you look at me and say that 'this' isn't my fault." Izuku held his hands over his face for Ochako to try and comfort him however she could, but didn't know exactly how. "I saw the video. I saw what I did and almost did to you and Kizuna. I also saw what I did to that Nomu thing. The bad I did I have to live with it, even if I didn't do it on purpose. It's just...I didn't know things could go south so badly. Up until now, I thought I could at least handle things and if needed as a last resort, push through what the Curse Series put on me, but now...I don't even think I have the right to go to UA anymore."

Hearing this now, Ochako couldn't take it anymore. "Deku. I want you to look at me." She pulled his hands away from his face to look her in the eyes. "You didn't do anything wrong. You did what you thought was right. Yes, it went bad. But did you have a better option outside of what you did?"

" and Kizuna..."

"We can get better. If it wasn't for you though, I don't know what would've happened. Nobody outside of you would have been able to handle that thing. If we're being honest right now, you probably did the best thing you could've done at that point even though there was a lot of bad involved. If anyone is to blame, it's everyone else for not being strong enough to force this burden on you."

"Uraraka...I..." Izuku was cut off by Ochako hugging him.

"It's ok. I get it. You wanted to help, and we're grateful for it. But the harm you did to yourself, none of us can accept that. That's why, I promise I'll do what I can to get stronger. Strong enough where you don't have to rely on that power anymore. Just please, promise me you won't try and use it again unless you have no choice. Seeing you hurting like this, it's just too much. Please. Let yourself rely on me. On everyone around you."

"I...I don't know if I can do that, but I'll try." Izuku wrapped his arms around Ochako and let out his grief. Mocha walked up on the bed and pressed her head up to Izuku's side as a way to help as well with Naofumi and L'arc outside the door listening to what's going on.

"The kiddo's got a lot of guilt."

"Unfortunately, he can either learn from this and get stronger or remain where he is in a limbo state."

"Can't you be at least a little happy that he's trying." L'arc spoke up with a bit of annoyance for Naofumi to explain what he meant.

"Unlocking the Curse Series puts you at your lowest point in your life. It's hard to climb up and overcome it with none of us even able to overcome the damage it's done to us who've used it. Hopefully we stopped him before it did some serious damage and maybe at least give him enough ability to pick up the pieces he needs just to function normally."

As Naofumi walked away, L'arc asked him a serious question. "You still feel responsible for letting things with that redhead go out of hand, don't you? I'll give the little miss of Melromarc a lot of credit. Taking the throne at her age wasn't easy, but were you ok with the late queen's end?" He didn't answer to simply walk out.

"We'll have a meeting when Midoriya's restored some of his composure to listen rationally. Ren and Itsuki are already here and we're waiting for him to get back on his feet."

"Yes sir, Mr. Fearless leader." Naofumi left the house with L'arc looking in and seeing Mocha be large enough to be the size of a pillow. 'Guess that little chick is growing healthy.'

Meanwhile, in a bar


"Geez, Shigaraki. Who knew you were this much of an annoying little shit?" A man with glasses and white hair commented while drinking a beer at the bar. "If you were any more of a moron, I wouldn't sit here and listen to your stupid comments. I'm only here because I owe a debt to your 'master' for giving me a new body as a failsafe. Granted, this body is no different than my own, but it's still better than being a stupid Soul Eater's lunch."

"Oh, shut up. You're lucky that we're even accepting you back into the group." A woman with red hair and green eyes said to the man.

"You think I the great Kyo needs your help? I'll just kill that stupid Shield shithead and the loser Fist Hero that still smells like his hag of a mother's tit milk."

"If it was that easy, you think we'd be sitting around here instead of doing that? Myne. You know better than anyone that this isn't gonna be easy even with all of us here." A man with blond hair and resembling a biker spoke up for both Kyo and the woman named Myne to glare at him. "I'm just saying, we all tried to act like we could beat Naofumi and his group in the past and hardly any of us got close. Probably the closest any of us got was that plan you had for killing the queen. That reminds me, do you have any remorse whatsoever for killing your own mother?"

Myne gave an irritated look at the question before responding. "Why should I care? She stripped me of what was rightfully mine, and married me off to the Pig King. As far as I'm concerned, she deserved to die. I'd personally go back to Melromarc to kill my sister if I could, but we're all stuck in this stupid world until we find a way to fix that little bug of yours."

"Hey. I didn't ask for your opinion. Besides, who's the one that got betrayed and a sword stabbed through their chest?" Kyo asked with some confidence.

"And who was the one that got betrayed by some bitch they expected to be superior over?"

"Enough. Both of you." A voice came over a monitor reading 'audio only' for everyone in the bar to turn towards it. "We've had our own differences, but we all have the same goal. Killing the Cardinal Heroes and bringing forth the absolute purge of this world by the Waves of Catastrophe. We have already taken steps to reclaim the Seven Star Whip and the Book Vassal weapons. Unfortunately due to it being in the hands of the Bow Hero, we have yet to reclaim the Musical Instrument Vassal Weapon for you Miyaji."

A man dressed in rather nice attire smiled before speaking. "It is fine. Besides, the fact you were able to steal the book from that filthy rabbit was enough to put a smile on my face. Now he's back to that pathetic boat that he used to hold. That at least put me in a better mood."

"So what now? You want us to steal the Vassal Weapons of this world or others?"

"All in due time, Takt. Let me just ask you, how many Vassal Weapons of this world are known to exist or have the exact locations known?" None of the people in the room could answer. "As of right now, the world as a whole knows where four are. Two are currently in use by heroes of Japan, one is in Europe hoping to find a user and the last is in Japan, protected by All Might. Though he cannot use it, that does not mean he cannot protect it at the moment. However, we hold a total of three others in our possession with only one being lost. That is why, I shall give one of the Vassal Weapons to you for now, Miyaji as well as attempt to offer one to Myne and Mald. If everything goes as it should, we should be able to attain all the Vassal Weapons and Cardinal Weapons."

The group smirked at this with Kyo raising a concern. "What about the idiots from the other worlds? Leaving them alone would be a problem."

"We shall deal with them when the moment arises. For now, let's focus on finding the final Vassal Weapon as well as claiming the others of this world. That would only leave the power of this world's Cardinal Fist to make everyone in a disadvantage and further our goal." And as they spoke, Izuku and the hero agency of Seayetto were completely unaware of what was going on behind the scenes of the assumed isolated incident at the group that attacked the USJ and preparations for a battle that had progressed through multiple worlds before reaching the one they were in currently.

And that finishes this chapter. So the League is working with some major names in the Shield Hero world. See what happens next time. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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