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I woke up alone in the coffin me and Godric shared like usual.

Because of his older age he could wake up earlier than me.

Eric has this ability too but that's besides the point.

I tried to get out but I couldn't. I smelled the air inside. It reeked of the pleasant sent of Godric's cologne and sea air.

Why the fuck am I commenting on Godric's cologne? Nevermind. I fucking gave it to him for Christmas. That's why I fucking like it. I fucking picked it out.

Not that he smelled like shit or anything but, whatever! I'm being fucking kidnapped or some shit like that!!!

Fuck my weak muscles. I may be a vampire now. But whatever is pinning me down better be bat shit impressive, or I swear to fucking satan's ass......

The coffin suddenly opens after awhile and I see a young brown haired boy.


He looked young.

"Min blomma?"
My flower


"Ja dumma?" I chuckled at my disrespectful words towards my maker, completely forgetting the situation.
Yeah dumbass

"Du tik."
You bitch

"Jag är din tik."
I'm your bitch

Godric chuckled.

Well actually he had a stone cold expression that would make you want to wet yourself.

But I know DEEP DEEP DEEP DEEP down!! WAY down!

He laughed.

These are from Google translate so yeeeeaaahhhh.....

"Um Godric..... why are we here?" I asked, finally sitting up.

But I couldn't see anything except for Godric's face because of where he was standing.

Our faces were very close to each other.

I thought nothing of it, but Godric was hiding a blush. His pale vampire skin was his 'saving grace'.

His blood vessels as well as mine are practically dead. So blushing was pretty much out of the question.

"Well because you didn't tell us it was your birthday yesterday, me and Eric set something to celebrate."

This had me confused.

"Godric, you've known me for 10 years. Why celebrate now? And why at all?" I questioned. Godric seemed different, not in a bad way. But I didn't know if it was in a good way either.

"Because...." He sighed, trying to change the subject. "Just get out of the coffin, child. The night is young but not for long."

He held out his hand and I grabbed it.

I looked to see what was on top of me when I first woke up.....

And boy was I disappointed in myself....

It was a silver ring........

Well except that disappointment later went away after I realized that it was actually locked.

Not held shut.


That would have been embarrassing.

I looked out on the dock where the coffin was set. The waves of the clear blue water was magnificent. I ran to the water and jumped in.

It felt so nice to swim in the cool water.

Godric sat on the deck and watched me.

I decided that he looked too dry so I decided to........ help him out.

I swam deep into the water so Godric hopefully couldn't see me.

I chuckled at my somewhat cunning plan.

It was completely foolproof....

Until Godric ended up on top of me under the water without me doing anything.

But the problem was, the angle he came in put us into a forced kiss.

The kiss lasted close to 10 minutes because of 3 things.

Shock, lust created from our vampire senses, and because we didn't even need to swim up for air.

But it felt so magical. I kissed someone when I was human...... but never had it felt like THIS.

When we FINALLY realized what was happening we swam apart quickly.

We pretty much locked eyes. He really does have ocean eyes.

Godric looked the most boyish I've probably ever seen him.

None of the seriousness that came with his age was apparent on his face.

He just had so many conflicting emotions on his face.

It was somewhat adorable tbh.

Finally looking up we both made it to the surface, Eric and Pam were there.

Eric was giving Pam a stern look while Pam had a smug look on her face.

She looked like she just got a new Prada dress for free.

I slightly forgot the situation as I went to hug my niece I called my aunt. As well as my brother I call a 1000 year old still in their emo faze.

"Aunt Pam! 1000 year old emo!" I say with glee.

I wasn't kidding.

Eric just rolled his eyes.

I ran to the place where it looked like a picnic a human would have.

With some obvious differences.

The food was trueblood (and maybe some humans Pam glamoured). It was night because we are incapable of being in the sun.

I looked behind me and see Godric looking at Eric. His arms were folded.

He looked like he wanted to say something. But obviously wasn't going to. Even though it went against his better judgment.

Yeahhhhhhh. Updates are probably going to be slow alot for awhile. Thank you for reading my fan fiction even if it's shit!! If you got any advice comment plz!!!!!

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