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I went off the couch and into a bathroom he had for human companions.

I took off my converse and all those types of things.

I looked in the mirror.

I was going to look like this forever.

I put my dirty clothes in a pile and took a shower.

It felt nice.

Especially with the dirt up my ass.

After the shower there was a pile of clean clothes.

Luckily it was some jeans and a tshirt.

Because I didn't want to go out looking like a hoe.

My hair is the length of Godric's, so not much to do there.

After putting my shoes back on, I came back out.

I look so fucking pale.

I sat in a corner and read a book I found on a book shelf.

It was a language book.

I was learning about swedish.

After I was finished I became fluent in the language.

Which was very surprising to be honest that I learned them so fast.

I learned some more, even Latin and Greek.

I decided to brush up on my Spanish (which I already knew because of school), when I was grabbed by my arm.

What the fuck now?

"Come with me." It was Eric, my new 'brother'.

I roll my eyes and put down the book.

I follow him and try to start a conversation in swedish.

"So, you're a viking?" I asked in swedish.

"Was a viking." He replied.

We were silent for the rest of our walk.

I don't even know how to feel about all of this.

It felt awkward being around all of these people.

The time was now 11:00 PM.

Which left me surprised.

I thought it would be at least 2:00 by now.



"Eric. Why do I have these fucking veins?"

I already knew what it was.

Hep V.

That girl must have had it!


Ok. I'm gonna die.

Whatever, I guess.

Ok, now I'm starting to rot.

Eric ran to some place and came back.

He put a liquid in my mouth.

It tasted bitter, yet somewhat sweet at the same time.

After it was done the veins went away and the rotting stopped.

"Why did you do that?" I gasped.

"Godric wants you alive. I'm only doing what I was told to do." He said coldly.

Why am I fucking important? I was something he made as a punishment for doing some random shit.

Why the fuck would he care.

After that episode we went into what was supposedly Godric's room.

It was dark.

Well, obviously.

He's a fucking vampire.

Yet again, who am I to talk?

There was a coffin in the right corner. Another one was on the left.

A dark blue couch was in the middle of the room. A coffee table was about 2 feet away from it.

He had a bookshelf with mostly religious and historical books on them.

Godric came from behind us and told Eric to leave us alone.

I sat on the couch, he sat next to me.

We sat in silence.

After awhile I rolled my eyes, realizing I couldn't not tell him my name forever.

Or at least my nickname.

"My name is Kook. Well, my nickname is Kook." I said.

He looked like he was thinking about something and stood up.

"Listen Kook. What you did earlier was unacceptable." He went into fucking beast mode. WTF?! "I have rules and you must follow them or there will be consequences. 1: Never go anywhere without permission. 2: You go to sleep at 6:00. 3: You must drink at least 2 bottles of trueblood per night. 4. You do as you're told. Rules may be added if needed. Understand?"

I nodded, then went back to reading.

I was now reading a book on Ancient Rome.

I was learning about it in school before I was abducted.

So it felt kinda euphoric, in a weird way.

"What are you reading?" Godric asked calmly.

WTF! This dude is fucking bipolar.

"A book." I said, turning the page.

He rolled his eyes.

"What type of book? What are you learning about?"

"Ancient Rome." I said. "I was learning about it in school before....... all this."

He looked at the ground, looking crestfallen.

"I'm sorry Kook. I'm sorry this happened to you."

"Why should I care? Nothing could have been done to stop it." I said, looking at him. "Just let it go brah. What's done is done."

"You're so young. You're life is now to be in the shadows, never to see the light." He let blood slip from his eyes, but quickly wiped it away. Almost as though he was thinking of when he was turned. But wiped it away because he thought it was weakness.

Being the nerd I am, I knew the story.

I rubbed his back as he was trying to hide his feelings.

Even though he was 2000 years older than me, he was still a teen.

Broken and depressed just like the rest of us.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be crying." He laughed, but I knew it was fake.

"Crying doesn't make you weak Godric."

"Then what does it make me Kook?"

"Well I guess you're going to have to figure it out on your own, Godric Gryffinblood." I punched his shoulder in a joking way.

"Ok then, little Kookie." He teased.

"Fuck you!"

We basically talked and read books for a few more hours.

I guess I had a good time.

But this was tonight.

It doesn't mean I can give my full trust yet.

I went into my coffin.

It was kinda comfy.

But I was terrified.

I was afraid of going dead, even if it was just for the day.

The space didn't really help either.

Not that it was tiny, it was big.

I was alone, in a big dark place.

I knew it was day by now because I could feel I was getting the bleeds.

A second later, the door for the coffin was opened.

It was Godric.

"You need to sleep." Godric said. "The bleeding will get worse."

I didn't want to admit I was afraid. He could probably sense it with our maker-progeny bond.

But I couldn't admit it outloud.

My family had a 'suck it up' way of thinking.

He seemed to sense my discomfort of being alone so he slipped into the coffin with me.

We were about the same height, him just being a centimeter taller.

He held me and I started to fall asleep.

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