Chapter 6- Unwanted Memories

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That voice could only belong to one person. No one called her babe like he did. She used to love it when he called her babe, she felt as she was loved and she mattered but now it disgusted her.
"What are y-you d-doing h-here?" She was scared and she hated it. She did not like feeling powerless in front of him.

There was no escape. She was trapped. She would not show any sign of weakness. She was a Forbes after all.

"Come on babe, at least try to act that you're thrilled to see me."
"What do you want?" Caroline asked getting to the point.
"You are so hot when you get angry. When I got out of jail, all I could think was about you, Caroline. It was all about you." She could feel her own vomit in her mouth.
"Stop fucking with me, Tyler," she yelled finally saying his name. She had once loved his name but now it haunted and terrified her.

"Or else what Caroline?" Tyler was inches from her. Caroline was frozen on the spot.
"Tyler please. Leave me alone. Don't do this." She pleaded with him.
Tyler brought his lips to her neck, kissing and biting it harshly. Caroline tried to free herself but he pushed his hips into her and caged her.
She could feel the tears rolling on her cheeks.
"I've missed this." Tyler whispered hoarsely biting her ear.
Caroline could no longer bear this. She dug her heels in his right foot making him hiss in pain.
"Fucking bitch," Tyler pushed her against the wall.
"You have always been a little vixen. You turn me so on, babe."

"Why are you doing this to me? What did I do to deserve this?" Caroline mumbled.

"So, you don't remember. Let me refresh your memory then." He pulled her hair harshly.

"Did you forget how you broke things off with me right in front of my friends? Did you forget how humiliating it was for me? My friends mocked and it was all because of a shallow slut like you, Caroline."

"Ty, we need to talk."
"Babe, I'm with my friends. Later, we will talk how long you want."

"Enjoy the party, Caroline." He was already half drunk.
Caroline took his glass of vodka and threw it away. She was fuming.
That caught everyone attention. Everyone one stopped dancing and was watching the scene.

"Oh! Come on baby. What's wrong?"

Tyler asked trying to appease Caroline's anger.

"What's wrong? How dare you?" she shot back at him.

Some were murmuring things behind her back but she did not care. She wanted the truth from Tyler.

"What do you mean?" Tyler said clenching his jaw.
He did not his girlfriend to create a scene at a party he hosted. That would a such a humiliation to him and his family. His reputation was at stake.
"I gave you a chance when I agreed to go out with you. You proved me that you could be nice and gentle. But, was that all bullshit. How could you sleep with my bestfriend behind my back? How could you do that to me? I loved you Tyler."

"You're creating a scene, babe. Let's go home and I'll explain." Tyler smiled nervously.

"How can you be that self centered, Tyler. You are just an arrogant prick living on his parents' fortune. I feel sorry for you." she scoffed.
"Caroline, shut the hell up or else.." Tyler warned.

"You'll what huh? Let me tell everyone how of a cheap person you are, Tyler Lockwood." She said disgusted.

"You used me for his own benefits. While dating me you slept with my best friend. You used me and god knows how many girls only to have your way with them.How could you stoop so low? I have known you since we were kids. Your parents must be ashamed of you." he cut her off

"Enough!" he growled at her.

Everyone was looking at them shocked and at the same time amused. Tyler then showed his true face.

"You're just a pathetic little girl, Caroline. I dated you out of pity. Yes, you were a good fuck but in the end you're all the same, a good fuck. Caroline, you are whore and it was good to fuck you." Tyler sneered.

"I hate you." Caroline took him by surprise when she slapped him.
She refused to cry. She just went away.


"Do you remember now?" Tyler snapped.

"Tyler, please. You had no right to do that-" she cried out desperately.
"Fucking hell, Caroline. You have humiliated me in front of my friends. I have lost all respect. Did you know what they call me when you broke up? Did you?" He gripped her chin forcefully.
"A pussy. They fucking call me a pussy. Do you how embarrassing that is?" He hissed.

He was pushing her too far. He wanted her to remember the 'unwanted memories' she buried in the abyss of her memory.
"Your father passed away. Since then, you change your way of living. That's why you move to New York. You were becoming a burden, weren't you?" Tyler remarked.

She could no longer take it more. Tyler was a spoiled kid and he was drunk.  She did not want to stay anymore or else he would drive her crazy. She knew that Tyler would do everything to ruin or to hurt her. Trying to gather the little remaining strength she spoke in a monotone voice, "I no longer have the energy for meaningless friendships, forced interactions or unnecessary conversations."

Making her way towards the room of her apartment Tyler grabbed her hand.

"Tyler stop, you're hurting me." he was not listening and he was squeezing her hand in an excruciating way.

He was hurting her and  she could not bear it anymore. She wasn't prepare for that kind of situation where someone was aggressive towards her.

Then of all fortune way, she remembered having a small bottle of liquor that Kat gave her. She immediately and slowly took out the bottle and smashed it on the head of Tyler. His vision was burring and he hissed in pain

"You bitch,"Caroline found the courage to run to her room, and locked the door behind. Tyler was yelling and kicking her door with all his strength.

She was sobbing. She was scared. The worst nightmare of her horrible past came to haunt her. She didn't know to whom to turn to.  She wanted peace.

She was depressed. She did not feel like showering. She had not been at work. Katherine left so many voicemails, but she was so scared that she could not move. She was scared in her own house. Tyler had frightened her. Tyler had been at her door all night, throwing insults and smashing his liquor bottles against her door.
She had not not been able to sleep because she could not forget Tyler. He was her nightmare. His promised scared her, "This is not over Caroline. You are mine and only mine. I will haunt you till you accept to leave that nonsense life of yours. Be scared of me, because I will become your worst torment."

After crying for hours, she took a bath and put on some clothes. She wasn't in mood for curling her hair or for her make-up.She put on a skinny blue jean and a white shirt and then wore her favorite black boots. She made her way to Kat's parlor remembering her mother's words

"Fear is nothing than an obstacle that stands in the way of progress. In overcoming our fears, we can move forward stronger and wiser within ourselves."

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