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Sitting in the club, I glance around for someone going off alone, someone worth the hunt. I don't take innocent blood. It is preferable that way. The problem is, those who deserve to be taken  advantage of as a light snack to sustain me, are far to often polluted with other substances. I scan the crowd and a guy slowly sneaks his hand around my waist as I drink from the glass of wine in my hand. 

"What is a sweet little thing like you doing in a place like this?" I hear his voice say and I turn to look over at the tall, dark haired man who basically presented himself on a silver platter. I play with my necklace a little. I look him in the eye and feel him falling under my spell. 

"Well, wouldn't you like to know," I say softly. "Perhaps I'm waiting for something yummy to nibble on? Something tall, dark and handsome. You seen anything around?" He chuckles and takes my glass. 

"Perhaps I can oblige?" He says smirking and I giggle. 

"You won't remember anything that happens between us right?" I say to affirm my compulsion. 

"Nope," He confirms and I smile. 

"Then perhaps," I whisper leaning over into his ear, nipping at his ear. "You could find us somewhere more intimate." He grabs my hand and slowly leads me to the side of the bar and through the doors. I chuckle and squeeze his hand, trying to just look like a cute, flirty little girl. He shoves me into the ally and shoves me up against the cold brick wall. He starts trying to make out with me and I clutch my hands onto his neck. He looks at me and and I glare at him as I smell his pumping, hot blood. 

"What's wrong?" He asks. "I thought you were kinda into it."

"What is your name, dude?" I ask, cutting the crap and making sure I'm the one in control. 

"Jake," He says, smirking and falling back under control.

"You take anything I should know about?" I say, licking my lips. "I'd hate a stomach ache." 

"Clean as a whistle," He replies and I coo softly. 

"Good," I say. "So here's the deal. I'm going to feed from you. You are going to not make a noise to suggest I'm hurting you adn to passerbys, it will look like two people making out. And then, you are going to pass out and never remember anything about this, okay?" He nods and I yank his head back and sink my teeth into his neck. He grunts and grips onto me feeling me up a little but I roll my eyes and I continue to feed.

Some crazy guys seem to get off on it and I hate that. I just want this whole thing to be over with. I start to try to push him away but he refuses to come off. I don't want to throw him, because obviously I wouldn't want anyone to see a girl throw a man double my size. 

"Get off, Asshole!" I grunt, smacking his arm. He doesn't move and I almost resort to just giving up  and letting him have his fill with me.

But I don't have to.The punk is thrown off me and onto the ground. I wipe his blood from my mouth as I look at him on the ground and tilt my head a little. I kick him over and set my foot on his chest. I smell the man's blood before I could even look look up at him, flowing angrily through his veins. He grabs my arm and makes me take a step away. 

"Katniss?" Peeta asks and I look up at him. "Oh my God. Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine," I say, digging my heel into Jake's chest to make sure he really is down for the count. "Though I must say, this is precisely why I don't go out drinking. Your gender has a habit of getting a little too handsy." He reaches over and tips my chin up. 

"You're bleeding." I shake my head and wipe my mouth again on the sleeve of my black dress.

"I bit him to get him off," I lie. "He didn't hurt me." I look over at him and roll my eyes. "I can take care of myself. I don't need some knight in shining armor to come rescue me." I start to try to walk away and he grips onto my arm.

"Yeah, clearly," He says. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up." I think of fighting a moment, but the way he looks at me, I feel all those feelings all over again. I look. at his hand on my arm and sigh. I look back up at him and gently reach over, touching his cheek. 

"You remind me a lot of someone," I say softly. "Someone who I've tried to let rest in peace. Someone I intend to remain locked away where he is safe, having lived out his life."

"What are you getting at?" He asks and I step over the would be rapist so I'm standing in front of Peeta. I sigh and run my hand along his cheek. I fell him fall under compulsion and sigh. 

"Where is your family from, Peeta?" I ask quietly and he looks at me hazily

"West Virginia," He says and I nod. 

"Near the mountains?" I ask and he nods. "What do you know about them?"

"We came from Holland," He says. "Before the revolution. They moved after the Indian Plague swept through." I look down a moment and shake my head. "Did I say something wrong?" I shake my head and feel a tear run down my cheek. 

"Do you remember than?" I ask and he looks confused. 

"I wasn't born yet," Peeta says. 

"Of course not," I admit. "But I must know for sure since I never asked before." I look back up at him and blink. "What is your full name?" He blinks at me, his eyes still a little hazy.

"Peeta Sean Mellark," He says and I look down. I feel my heart being squeezed by emotions long since buried and I shake my head. "What, is it that cheesy? I told you, it's a family name." I look back up at him and pull my hand away.

"No," I say. "It isn't your fault. It's nature's cruel joke to me. His name, his eyes, his features, even his voice. You inherited all of it. Nature's recreation of the love of my life set before me on a shining platter. But you don't deserve this life. You didn't then, and you certainly don't now. Especially when you don't know even an ounce of what we had in those mountains, when you dreamed of foolishly running away with me." 

He just blinks at me and I trace the line of his jaw. I reach for the necklace that I always wear tucked inside my clothing, the vervain trapped in it tucked away where it can't hurt me. I pull it off and open the little leather pouch on the end. I pull the the sleeve over my hand and pull out the gold ring with the rich orange amber stone in it. I hold it up and the hypnotized boy in front of me looks at, curiously. He reaches for it and I pull it away.

"What is it?" He asks and I look at him. I take a deep breath as I let it glitter in the moon light. My memory flashes around me for a whirling moment and I clutch it tightly.

"Your Great something, something, something, Grandfather's ring," I say softly. "After I was turned and had to leave him so I didn't hurt him, I left this on a windowsill for him. It prevents my kind from twisting your mind like I'm working on now." He looks at me and I close my hand over it a moment. "He sent it to the witch of the village when he was on his deathbed. Somehow, he knew it was from me and wanted me to have it back. A last token of our love. " I look at Peeta and shake my head. 

"Why did you bring it out?" He asks hazily. 

"After I say these words, make you forget forget everything I just asked and told you about, I'm going to give this to you so you will never be able to be taken advantage of again. You will always wear this ring, and never remember why or where you got it. You rescued me and are going to walk me home so I'm safe." He nods and I slide the ring on his finger. He looks at it for a while and then at me as the clouded looks comes from his eyes. He looks at the broken man on the ground and then at me again. 

"Let's get you home and cleaned up," Peeta says and I nod, smiling. 

"Thanks," I say, faking a reassured smile. "I'd really appreciate that. There's a lot of creeps out this time of night." I loop my arm in his and let him walk me home.

My heart rebreaking  with every step as I'm reminded again of life I can never have.

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