*Chapter 29*

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Dear readers,

I am so sorry I haven't update for so long. So I wrote an extra long chapter.

I hope you'll like it and please don't forget to vote and comment.

P.s I won 3rd place in the Rare award 2020. I am so happy.

xxx Me


Bella P.O.V.

I feel two cold hands under my head and I open my eyes.

Aro is beside me and his hands are under my hand.

"Welcome back dear. Please don't pass out again, Isbabella," he says seriously.

I don't know what to do. My heart is beating fast and I can't breath.

"How are you feeling, dear," Aro says worry.

Because I said no word and the only sound in the whole room is my beating heart, Aro sighs.

"Let's we take Bella to her room. A doctor needs to see her and she needs rest. Jane, please take Bella to her room", Aro commands.

When I wink two times with my eyes, I feel suddenly an arm around me and someone pulls me up.

"See you soon my lovely Isabella." I hear Aro saying behind me when Jane pulls me away of the big room.

She lead me to a hallway and it looks, it wouldn't end, until she stops for a small door.

"Where're you taking me?" I ask.

Jane doesn't say anything and opens the door with a key and pulls me inside.

"Take some rest, the doctor will be soon here." Jane says compassionately and she closes the door. I hear a click and know the door is locked.

I am in the same room as before.

The same feeling as before I feel inside. The feeling of kidnapping and the feeling of not knowing what will happen now. Esme brought me here to get away from me. She didn't kill me. Why?

Why would she do that? Now I don't need to be scared to be killed by Esme but from The Volturi. I know what they are capable of. If they don't like something or someone, they killed it.

My hands become sweety. No, no, this isn't happening to me. Not again. I can't do anything. The Volturi is the most powerful family. I need to try to escape this place. However the consequences.

I sit down on the bed and close my eyes. There's a way. There must be a way out.

Suddenly, I hear a knock on the door and I look at the door. The door opens and a man... No a vampire walks in.

"Good evening, miss. I am Dr. Sarvo. My master did ask me to take a look at you. I heard you have been treated badly," he says worry.

I don't know what to do. Can I trust him?

"Could I take a look at your arm," Dr. Sarvo asks.

"Perhaps, I should trust him and everyone. I mean, I'll show them, I trust them but I am not. And then there might be a change to escape.

"Yes," I reply back to Dr. Sarvo.

He takes my hand and his cold hands gives me goosebumps. I look into his eyes and see he has red eyes. I pull my hand back.

"I am sorry, if I do something wrong. Please could I take a look again?"

Trust, trust. A voice says in my head.

The next ten minutes, Dr Sarvo looks at my wounds and take care. He wants some blood and put it in a small tube.

"Just to make sure you are healthy. I coming to check you in two days, just to make sure you're okay," he says with a smile.

I nod and he leaves my room.

Now it's time to make an escape plan to leave this place as forever.

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