*Chapter 1*

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It took me a little bit longer than expected but here is chapter 1. 

I hope you'll like it.


xxx Me

P.s  English isn't my first language so it's possible that there're some spelling and grammar mistakes in this story. Please comment them in you see them. Thank You!


Carlisle P.O.V.

"Carlisle, Carlisle. Wake up," screams Alice's voice in my ear. I open my eyes and realize what happened. No... Bella is gone. Anders kidnapped her.

I don't need to tell them what happened because they know. When I feel my legs, I get up and look at them.

"There's only one thing we can do," I say to them.

"What can we do?" asks Jasper.

"Get the others, we're going to leave right now. We're going to visit the Volturi. We need to speak to Jane," I tell them and they nod.

Two minutes later we're driving to the airport.

"Why are we going to the Volturi. They hurt Bella like Esme did?" asks Rose.

"Yes. But they are our only hope. They have more friends all over the world than we do. Jane will be the vampire who can convince them."

"I hope she can or we will be in big trouble," Rose answers back.

"Yes. I hope so too," I say back and look down, not sure if I do the right thing.

Bella P.O.V.

I open my eyes and it's dark everywhere. There is no light or window. The only sound I hear is my breathing.

Suddenly the door opens and some light shines on my face. I hold my hand half before my eyes.

"You're awake," says the voice of Anders and I get goosebumps all over my body.

"You're going to kill me," I say scared.

"Well. Bella. Is that the only thing you can think of? That I'm going to kill you? You're so pathetic. I have other plans for you. My soulmate is dead because of you. Yes, because of you and your friends. But it's all your foult. You deserve it to die. But, I've another plan. A genius plan and I know, it will work this time. I can assure you."

Anders walks slowly towards me and sits down next to me on the cold floor.

My body starts to freeze and I can't breath.

Will this be the end? I think.

His red eyes looking at me and I feel my heart is pouting fast. His hands move to my face and he grabs my face.

"Calm down Bella. You're not going to die today. I'm only going to tell you what I've in mind to do with you."

Anders sighs and he looks down and when he looks at me again he looks more scary than before.

"I'm going to break you, Bella. Break your mind so you'll be mine," says Anders and smiles at me.

My eyes become big.

Then he kisses me on my forehead and walks without saying anything through the door and closes the door.

There's only one thing I can think of. He's going to brainwash me and I'll forget Carlisle forever. My husband will be just a memory or it will be razed out of my memory. His memory will be gone forever. 

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