*Chapter 6*

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Carlisle P.O.V.

I'm sitting in a tree and listen to the sound of the wind what's blowing through my hair. If I could cry I would do that right now. My whole life I had two mates. My first was Esme. After the Volturi I found her and changed her. I loved her very much but then she changed and my mate become the evil. Then I met Bella. My beautiful Bella. I can hear her laughing in my head and I can't keep my face together and I start to smile. She is really my mate and my wife. I love her so much. 

All the memories of her I play in my head. When we first met. I saved her and she was dead and then she wasn't anymore. The moment she opened her eyes and I saw her dark brown eyes  I fell for her. 

At that moment I realize what to do. What I can do to get Bella back. Perhaps it doesn't work but this is what we could try. 

I climb down and run back to the house. 

When I arrive at home I walk inside and see Alice and Bella are sitting on the couch. The rest of the family is in their own room.

"You're back," Alice says and her voice sounds relieved.

I sit down next to Bella and start to talk: "Bella, can you remember us?"

Bella's face looks confused and she looks down. "I don't know who you are. Anders said that I can stay here for a while and when he's back I am going with him. I think he trust you so I can trust you," she says and my mouth is wide open. 

She sounds like a whole new person, I think in shock.  

"Well. You can trust us. I don't know if you'll believe me what I am going to say now but please, try to believe. You're kidnapped by Anders some days ago and he brainswashed you. He told you that he's your boyfriend. Sadly, he is not. Before he kidnapped you, you were my wife. We're been married and Anders is..."

"Stop! LIER! How dare you say that. Anders is the most amazing person in the whole world. He saved me from Edward and Esme," yells Bella and she stand up and walk upstairs. 

"Well that went well," A dissapoint voice of Emmet says upstairs. 

"Shut up Emmet. I just wanted to tell her this before we're going to plan B. I've a plan to get Bella back. But I see it will be even more difficult than I thought, so I need all your help. 

I hear from Emmet, Rose and Jasper a soft "yes" upstairs. "We're going back to the beginning. 

"We're going to the place I saved Bella. Where I met Bella for the first time." 

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