Chapter 11: Ancient evil

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Relieved and grateful, Lucy and Alex shared a moment of quiet reflection. They had faced unimaginable dangers, witnessed the power of darkness, and emerged stronger and wiser. The bond forged in the face of adversity had grown unbreakable, and they knew that they could face any challenge as long as they stood together.

As they made their way back to their friends, Lucy and Alex vowed to honor the spirits they had encountered in the forest. They would delve deeper into their abilities, seeking to understand the mystical forces that had guided and protected them.

Lucy panted heavily from running this long from that eveil creature. Alex in on other hand was shocked and tears began flowing down.
"Hey Alex stop crying it's a shame."

"I...I haven't experienced something like this in my immortal life I can't imagine that monster again coming to attack us, what was that Lucy?"

Lucy gaze softened.
"As a boy you shouldn't be crying look at me all confident girl. I know you had terrified with that I need to find about it . These mysteries are giving me a headache. Don't say this to Amelia she will get worry."

"Okay okay."

"And about max I have to share something to you."

"What is it?"
Alex exclaimed.

"He has the great powers of illumanity and to gave life to anything do you know that?"

"Yes we already know I thought itself something other than my knowledge."

"Ugh you fools why didn't you said to me already."

"We kept Max from you and he revealed himself I think he started growing feelings to you he is such a good boy bine unlike me."

Lucy blushed hard.
"No way in hell goodnight."

She though how funny Alex was from others. He knew how to make her laugh in serious situation.

And Max another boy who trespasses in her life taking a role of friend.

Lastly Amelia who came as an Angel of Guardians.

She blinked her eyes twice in happiness.
"I can't imagine how fast the days are going with those mysteries."

She told her to herself. Kicking her shoes to side she washed her face and bathed. Coming back in her room she took the towel and dried her hair.

Lucy wrapped the towel around her damp hair, feeling a sense of calm wash over her. As she stared at her reflection in the mirror, she contemplated the events that had unfolded. The forest, the spirits, the monster—it all felt like fragments of a larger puzzle, waiting to be deciphered.

Sitting on the edge of her bed, Lucy pulled out a weathered journal from her nightstand drawer. The pages were filled with notes, sketches, and cryptic symbols, remnants of her past encounters with the supernatural. She flipped through the pages, seeking patterns, connections, anything that could shed light on the recent events.

Lost in thought, Lucy hardly noticed the gentle knock on her bedroom door. Startled, she turned to find Alex standing in the doorway, his eyes still puffy from tears.

"Hey," he said softly. "Mind if I come in?"

Lucy smiled, setting her journal aside. "Of course, come on in."

Alex stepped into the room, his gaze lingering on the open journal. "Are you trying to make sense of everything too?"

Lucy nodded. "I can't help but feel that there's something bigger at play here, something beyond our understanding. These encounters with the supernatural, the spirits, and that monster... They all seem connected somehow."

"How is your research going on?"
Alex asked with curiosity filled in.

"Hmm it's as usual normal I don't find any thing suspicious."

"Can you give me those remnants that you get from forest Lucy?"

"Yes here you go."

Lucy wrapped her finger around the edge of the bed sighing. Alex was lossed in examining the remnants each by each.

Making her startle Lacy shouted.
"Look here."

Lucy gazed upon the half burned letter of a couple and there she saw a drawing of a giant monster in blurred picture. It was not at all clear but in one glance she can sah it was a monster. She glanced at Alec in a shocking manner.

"I didn't see this before I am sure."

"What? You didn't see this picture afterall your investigation on this old paper."

Lucy's heart skipped a beat as she examined the picture on the half-burned letter. The image depicted a horrifying monster, its features distorted and blurred. She couldn't shake off the feeling that she had missed this crucial detail during her previous investigations.

"What does this mean, Alex?" Lucy's voice quivered with a mixture of fear and curiosity.

Alex's brow furrowed as he studied the picture. "I'm not sure, Lucy. It looks like some sort of monster, but the image is so distorted. It's hard to make out any specific details."

Just then, as if on cue, the room seemed to darken. Lucy's heart raced, and she felt a chill run down her spine. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a figure materialize in the room. It was Felix, their friend who had disappeared after the encounter with the monster in the forest, the spirits.

But Felix's appearance was far from what Lucy remembered. His face was bruised, blood stained his clothes, and his expression was one of both pain and determination.

"Felix!" Lucy gasped, rushing towards him. "What happened to you? Where have you been?"

Felix held up a hand, his voice weak but determined. "There's no time, Lucy. I've seen things, terrible things. The monster we encountered, it's not just a creature from the forest. It's something more, something ancient and powerful."

Lucy's mind raced with questions, but before she could speak, Felix continued. "I managed to uncover some information about it, but I was caught. They... they did this to me. They didn't want me to reveal the truth."

Tears welled up in Lucy's eyes as she reached out to touch Felix's bruised face gently. "We need to stop it, Felix. We can't let it continue terrorizing innocent people."

Felix's voice trembled with urgency as he grasped Lucy's hand. "Lucy, promise me you won't go after that monster alone. It's more powerful than we can imagine. If we want to defeat it, we need to be united and gather as much knowledge as possible."

Lucy nodded, her determination unwavering. "I promise, Felix. We won't face it alone. We'll gather our friends and strategize. But we need to act quickly, before it causes any more harm."

As the group solidified their commitment to face the darkness together, Felix suddenly staggered back, a look of shock on his face. He clutched his head and let out a pained cry, causing Lucy and Alex to rush to his side.

"Felix, what's happening?" Lucy's voice quivered with concern.

Felix's eyes darted around frantically. "I... I can feel it. The darkness, it's trying to pull me back. It knows I've revealed its secrets."

"Alex help him ..."

Before anyone could react, a powerful surge of energy enveloped Felix, and he disappeared in a blinding flash of light. The room fell into an eerie silence, broken only by Lucy and Alex's gasps of disbelief.

"No, Felix!" Lucy's voice trembled with a mix of fear and determination.

Alex wiped her tears and hugged her.

"Don't be scared of his tragic life he is over in this world but I will be always with you to help you in this investigation till the end."


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