Chapter 23 : Fun chats

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As the first light of dawn began to paint the sky, Lucy felt a mix of sadness and gratitude swirling within her heart. She had experienced an adventure beyond imagination, forged a deep connection with an otherworldly being, and helped break a curse that had plagued the mansion for generations. Yet, it was time to say goodbye to Felix, the ghostly spirit who had guided her through the darkness.

She turned away from the balcony and stepped back into her room. The dorm was now bathed in a gentle morning glow, the same place that had once seemed eerie and malevolent. Lucy took a moment to absorb the tranquility that had settled over the space, feeling a sense of closure.


The next day, Lucy woke up feeling a mix of emotions. The memories of the cursed mansion and her encounter with Felix were still fresh in her mind, but life at Carlton High School continued as usual. Determined to move forward, she got ready for the day and headed to the canteen to meet her friends, Alex, Amelia, and Max.

As Lucy approached their usual table, she was greeted with warm smiles from her friends.

Amelia, a bubbly and vivacious girl, immediately noticed Lucy's thoughtful expression. "Hey, Lucy! You seem lost in thought. What's on your mind?"

Lucy took a moment to gather her thoughts before replying, "Oh, just thinking about some strange things that happened yesterday. You won't believe what I experienced in that old dorm nearby."

Max, the resident skeptic of the group, raised an eyebrow. "Strange things? Like ghosts and ghouls?"

Lucy chuckled, knowing how Max always had a logical explanation for everything. "Well, not exactly ghosts, but it was definitely spooky. There was this mansion, and it seemed to have an otherworldly energy. I even met someone called Felix, but you know, that's a story for another time."

Alex, the easy-going and humorous one, grinned mischievously. "Oh, come on, Lucy! Don't keep us in suspense. Spill the beans!"

As she recounted the events, her friends listened with wide-eyed fascination.

Amelia was engrossed in the tale. "Wow, Lucy, that's incredible! You had quite an adventure! I wish I could've been there to see it all!"

Max, always the practical thinker, couldn't resist adding, "I'm sure there's a rational explanation for everything, though. Old houses can play tricks on your mind, and perhaps Mr. Anderson had some sort of medical condition that made him appear transformed."

Lucy laughed. "You're probably right, Max. But it felt so real and surreal at the same time."

Alex, seizing the opportunity to lighten the mood, chimed in, "Well, you're our official ghostbuster now, Lucy! Solving mysteries and breaking curses. Who knows, maybe you're the chosen one!"

The group burst into laughter, and Lucy couldn't help but smile. "Oh, great! I've got a new job title now."

After finishing their meals, the group got up to wash their food trays, still sharing laughter and jokes along the way. Lucy playfully pretended to wield an imaginary ghostbusting gadget, making zapping noises as she "cleared" the invisible spirits from the tray return area.

"Step aside, folks, official ghostbuster coming through!" Lucy teased, making her friends chuckle.

Amelia joined in the fun, holding an empty soda can like a microphone. "And here we have the fearless ghostbuster, Lucy, on a mission to banish the evil spirits of dirty trays! Are you ready for this epic showdown, Lucy?"

"I was born ready!" Lucy replied dramatically, striking a superhero pose.

Max couldn't help but shake his head at the theatrics. "You guys are ridiculous," he said with a smile, but his eyes twinkled with amusement.

Alex jumped in, pretending to be a perplexed onlooker. "What's going on here? Is there a new cleaning crew in town? Are they doing stand-up comedy as well?"

Lucy pointed the imaginary ghostbusting gadget at Alex. "Stand back! I'm about to unleash the ultimate laughter-cleansing spell! It'll sweep away all your worries and bad jokes."

The group burst into another round of laughter, their playfulness infecting everyone nearby. A few other students smiled at the sight of the friends having so much fun together.

As they continued to wash their trays and put away the dishes, Amelia spotted a soap bubble floating in the air. She couldn't resist trying to catch it, and soon enough, the others joined in, playfully trying to pop the soapy spheres.

"Watch out, everyone! It's a soap bubble invasion!" Alex exclaimed, batting at the bubbles like a pro baseball player.

Lucy, catching one of the bubbles, laughed. "I can't believe we're having this much fun with soap bubbles. Who needs high-tech gadgets when you have these magical little things?"

Max, ever the pragmatist, added with a wink, "Well, if any of these bubbles turn into real ghosts, I know who to call - the official ghostbuster!"

The friends dissolved into laughter once more, enjoying the simple joy of being carefree in each other's company.

As they finished washing the trays, they made their way back to their table, ready to head to their next class.

Amelia clapped her hands together, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Alright, enough ghostbusting and soap bubble adventures for today. Let's get back to reality before we miss our next class!"

Max nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and I'd rather not have to explain to our teachers why we were late because we got lost in the realm of imaginary ghostbusting."

They all laughed, knowing that Max's practicality would undoubtedly keep them grounded.

Later in the evening, after a day filled with classes and laughter, Lucy and her friends returned to their dorm. They gathered in the common area, sitting on the cozy couches as they began packing their bags and discussing their upcoming projects and exams.

Amelia, always the one to bring enthusiasm to the table, exclaimed, "Alright, guys, let's talk about our project! We need to come up with an epic idea that'll impress our professor."

Lucy nodded, eager to brainstorm with her friends. "I agree. The project is a significant part of our grade, and we want to do something memorable."

Alex leaned back on the couch, stroking his imaginary beard. "Hmm, how about we create an interactive website with cool animations? We could showcase our creativity and technical skills."

Max, who was already flipping through his notes, added, "That's a good idea. It'll demonstrate our abilities, and we can incorporate relevant content from our classes to make it more impactful."

Amelia clapped her hands excitedly. "Yes! And I can design some eye-catching graphics to grab everyone's attention. It'll be like a virtual adventure through our coursework!"

Lucy grinned, loving the collaborative spirit of her friends. "That sounds awesome! I'll focus on writing engaging content and ensuring the website's user experience is top-notch."

As they discussed their project plans, they also shared tips on how to manage their study schedules for the upcoming exams. It was evident that each of them had different approaches to studying, and they couldn't resist poking fun at each other's quirks.

Amelia pointed at Alex. "I bet you'll be cramming at the last minute, just like you always do!"

Alex chuckled. "Hey, it's my tried and tested method! Works like a charm!"

Max rolled his eyes playfully. "I prefer a more organized approach. Breaking down the material into smaller chunks helps me retain the information better."

Lucy chimed in, "I'm with Max on this one. I find making study guides and flashcards really helpful."

Amelia shrugged. "Well, I guess everyone has their own study superpowers."

Their laughter filled the dorm, and they continued to discuss study strategies and share funny anecdotes about past exam experiences.

As the evening wore on, the conversation naturally transitioned to lighter topics. They talked about their favorite movies, shared funny memes, and even started planning a movie night together after the exams were over.

Lucy felt a sense of contentment and camaraderie with her friends. They were more than just dormmates; they were like a little family, supporting each other through both the ups and downs of college life.

As the night grew darker, they finally finished packing their bags and tidying up the common area. They all retired to their respective rooms, but not before Amelia suggested, "Hey, how about we have a study session tomorrow? We can help each other review for the exams."

Max nodded in agreement. "Sounds like a plan. It'll be more productive if we study together."

Lucy smiled. "Count me in. We'll make sure we're all well-prepared for those exams."

With their plans set, they bid each other goodnight and settled into their beds, ready to face the challenges of the upcoming days. Lucy felt a sense of gratitude for her friends, knowing that no matter what happened, they had each other's backs.

As she drifted off to sleep, the memories of the cursed mansion and her encounter with Felix felt like distant dreams. But the lessons she learned from those extraordinary experiences remained with her, making her cherish every moment of laughter, friendship, and love in her ordinary college life.


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