Chapter 3: Dormitory Mysteries

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It was a boy, his features blurred and indistinct, like a watercolor painting that had been smudged.

Her pulse quickened, and she felt a tingle of recognition. This was not the ghost boy she had encountered earlier; this was something else entirely. She took a tentative step forward, her voice trembling as she spoke.

A boy with tousled brown hair and vibrant green eyes stood in the doorway, his expression a mix of surprise and curiosity.

"Um... sorry, I didn't mean to intrude," the boy stammered, his voice tinged with nervousness. "This is Room 205, right?"

Lucy glanced at her room assignment and nodded. "Yes, it is. I'm Lucy, by the way."

The boy smiled, a glimmer of relief crossing his features. "Nice to meet you, Lucy. I'm Alex." He hesitated for a moment before continuing, "I guess we're neighbours then?"

Lucy couldn't help but notice a certain energy emanating from Alex, something that hinted at a connection to the supernatural. She found herself intrigued once again, wondering if he possessed an ability similar to hers and Amelia's.

"Alex, do you believe in the supernatural?" Lucy asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Alex's eyes widened, surprise evident in his features. "Well, that's an unexpected question," he replied, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "I suppose I do. Why do you ask?"

Lucy took a deep breath, her resolve strengthening. "Because I've had some supernatural encounters today, and it seems like Carlton Highschool is a place where unique abilities are drawn together.  Amelia, my friend, can shape-shift."
Alex's eyebrows shot up, a mix of awe and surprise dancing in his eyes.
"You already became  friends with her! Too fast, she is my best friend Lucy."

s Lucy shared her experiences and the revelations she had uncovered, Alex listened intently, his gaze never wavering. When she finished, there was a moment of silence, as if the weight of their shared secrets hung in the air.

Then, to Lucy's astonishment, Alex smiled, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. "Don't be confused, Lucy," he said, his voice filled with newfound determination. "I have an ability too. I can control and manipulate fire."

Lucy's eyes widened, a mix of astonishment and intrigue coursing through her veins. "Fire?" she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper. "That's incredible, Alex."
He nodded, a flicker of confidence crossing his features. "It's been a part of me for as long as I can remember. But I've kept it hidden, afraid of what others might think."
Asurge of understanding washed over Lucy as she realized the weight that Alex had carried, keeping his supernatural ability hidden from the world.

The room fell into a hushed silence as Lucy absorbed the revelation of Alex's ability to control fire. A mix of curiosity and excitement surged through her, eager to witness his power firsthand.
"Alex, could you... show me?" Lucy asked tentatively, her voice filled with both anticipation and a hint of trepidation.

Alex hesitated for a moment, his green eyes searching Lucy's face before a determined expression settled upon his own. "Alright," he agreed, his voice filled with a newfound confidence. "But we need to be careful."

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, and extended his hands. Suddenly, a small flame ignited in his palm, dancing with vibrant hues of orange and yellow. Lucy watched in awe as the fire obeyed his every command, flickering and swirling as if it had a life of its own.

The room was bathed in a warm glow, casting dancing shadows upon the walls. Mesmerized by the display, Lucy couldn't help but notice a faint, flickering shape within the shadows—a silhouette that resembled the ghost boy she had encountered earlier.
Her heart skipped a beat as she watched the ghostly figure move along the wall, his translucent form both ethereal and haunting. It was as if he was drawn to the energy of Alex's fire, a mysterious connection between their abilities.

Lucy's eyes widened, her voice barely above a whisper. "Alex... do you see that?"

Alex turned his gaze to the wall, his fire still burning brightly in his hand. His expression shifted from awe to astonishment as his eyes locked onto the shadowy figure. "The ghost," he murmured, his voice tinged with a mix of fascination and disbelief.

The flame in his hand wavered for a moment, as if responding to the presence of the ghostly apparition. The room grew still, the air charged with an otherworldly energy that seemed to intertwine with their abilities.

With a determined look, Lucy took a step closer to the wall, her eyes fixed on the ghostly figure. "Who are you?" she called out, her voice filled with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

The shadowy figure hesitated for a moment, as if contemplating whether to respond. Then, with a whisper carried on the air, a haunting voice filled the room. "Find the truth... Form annoy me with questions I am stuck here," it murmured, and vanished,  its words hanging in the air like a lingering echo.

Lucy and Alex exchanged glances, their minds racing with questions. What did the ghost boy mean?

Lucy's thoughts built up more and more.
Lucy took a deep breath, her resolve solidifying. She turned to face Alex, her eyes shining with determination.

"Alex, there's something else I need to tell you," she began, her voice steady. "In addition to seeing ghosts, I have the ability to communicate with them. That's how I know the ghost I  saw it and it  was a boy."

Alex's eyes widened in astonishment, a mixture of awe and curiosity crossing his features. "You can communicate with spirits?" he asked, his voice filled with wonder. "That's incredible, Lucy."

Lucy nodded, a mix of vulnerability and strength shining in her gaze. "It's not always easy, and sometimes it can be overwhelming," she admitted. "But it's also a gift—a connection to something beyond our realm."

Alex reached out and gently placed his hand on Lucy's shoulder, a gesture of support and understanding. "We're in this together, Lucy," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "With our abilities combined, we have a better chance of uncovering the truth and helping those restless spirits find peace."

A sense of relief washed over Lucy as she felt the weight of her secret lift from her shoulders. She was grateful to have found a kindred spirit in Alex, someone who not only shared her extraordinary abilities but also understood the importance of using them for a greater purpose.

As the flickering flames in Alex's hand slowly extinguished, Lucy and Alex exchanged a knowing look. They both understood the gravity of their discoveries and the challenges that lay ahead. But for now, it was time to bid each other goodnight.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Alex," Lucy said, a small smile playing on her lips. "We have a lot to uncover together."

Alex returned the smile, his eyes sparkling with determination. "Absolutely, Lucy. We're going to make a difference

With a nod, they parted ways, each heading to their respective rooms. Lucy's mind buzzed with thoughts of the ghost boy, the mysterious connection between their abilities, and the importance of their newfound alliance.

As Lucy entered her room, she found Amelia sitting on her bed, her shape-shifting ability temporarily dormant. The room was dimly lit, casting long shadows that danced across the walls.

Amelia looked up, her eyes meeting Lucy's. "So, how did it go?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

Lucy took a deep breath, her excitement bubbling up within her. "Amelia, you won't believe it. Alex has an ability too. He can control and manipulate fire."

Amelia's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and fascination. "Fire? That's incredible!"

"Wait you don't knew about it?"
Lucy asked in shock.

"No he hasn't told me or never revealed but today he revealed directly to a new girl. We have been friends from the day I came here."

Lucy's face became sad.
"I don't know why he said to me, I don't even ask he just stood up in door and asked are you new and he explained all things when I asked 'Do you believe in supernatural abilities'."

"Okay okay never mind, as long you will be with is from now, but..."

Lucy's eyes saw Amelia's smirk.
"I sense a love growing here."

"What! Amelia we just only seen that won't consider like a love what are you saying." She said as she throw her price of cloth from her bag to Amelia.

"Well we can see."

Lucy nodded, settling down next to Amelia on the bed. "Yes, and that's not all. While we were experimenting with his ability, we saw the shadow figure of the ghost boy on the walls. It's like there's a connection between our powers and the spirits that haunt this place."

Amelia's gaze intensified, her curiosity piqued. "Interesting. It seems like there's more to unravel here than we initially thought. We need to dig deeper and uncover the truth behind these phenomena."

Lucy nodded in agreement, the weight of their mission settling upon her shoulders once again. "We can't do this alone, Amelia. We need to stick together and use our abilities to help the spirits trapped within Carlton Highschool."

A surge of gratitude washed over Lucy as she realized the strength of their friendship and the shared purpose that bound them together. With Amelia by her side, and now with Alex's alliance, Lucy felt an unwavering resolve to face the challenges that awaited them.


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