Where Are They Now ~ Amos & Emmy

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              If there was one thing Amos Castillo couldn’t get enough of, it was being able to snuggle in bed with Emmy.

But it was even more than that. It was how her presence filled every nook and cranny of his heart. Sometimes, he would wake up before her and just lay there, admiring the contours of her blanket-covered body. Even her odd way of sleeping caused the corners of his mouth to tug into a smile. He was more of a side sleeper, but Emmy slept face down, with her legs scissored yet slightly tucked, which pushed her butt into the air. 

It was adorable but not as cute as the color of her face anytime he teased her about it.

And like most mornings, he planned on poking fun at her later. Though, at the moment, he just wanted her closer, so he wrapped his arms around her and snuggled his face into her hair. 

“You gotta wake up soon, sleepy head,” he whispered, but Emmy mumbled something about pancakes and continued dozing. With a chuckle, he squeezed her. “Silly girl.”

It had only been six months, but Amos was ready to take their relationship to the next level. They still lived in separate apartments, so the constant back and forth needed to end.

“Baby…” he whispered into her ear.

“Five more mins…”

“I’ve already given you ten.”

“Just five…mo…” Emmy replied, her words dissolving as she succumbed to sleep.

But who was Amos kidding? He would give her fifteen more if it meant holding her for a little longer and inhaling the sweet scent of her mango hair wash.

Except, he had plans for their morning, so he slipped out of bed, tiptoed to the kitchen, and began making pancakes while smiling the whole time.

It was going to be a good day, and when his phone buzzed on the counter, it only made him grin even more. 

Carlos: Yo, bro! We still meeting for lunch?

Amos: Of course. 1:30 PM

Rodrigo: I might be running late…

Amos: No worries. Text us what you want, and we’ll order for you.

Carlos: What’s the matter, old man? Got your period?

Amos: Carlos!

Rodrigo: Carlos!

Carlos: You guys are squares. See ya at Sumo Sushi.

Amos tucked the phone into his pocket and then arranged their breakfast on a tray with pancakes, bacon, toast, coffee, and daisies plucked from the yard. Emmy appreciated the little things, so he knew it was something she’d enjoy.

But first, she needed to wake up!

“Are you thinking about opening your eyes now?” Amos entered the bedroom.

“Maybe,” Emmy said facedown into the pillow. “But only if those are pancakes, I smell.”

“I’m surprised you can smell anything with your head buried in the pillow.”

“Oh, hush! It’s comfortable.”

“What was that? I can’t hear you. Guess I’ll just have to eat this delicious breakfast alone…”

“Does it have chocolate chips?” Emmy swiveled her head just enough to reveal her eye.

“Of course!”

“And banana slices?” 

“Guess you’ll just have to find out.”

“Can’t you just feed me in this position?”

“Fine, but only because you’re adorable when you’re sleepy,” Amos sighed with a chuckle and eased onto the bed.

This prompted Emmy to roll onto her back and stare at the ceiling while finger-drumming her abdomen. She was such a sleepy head and often woke up in stages. So, staring at the ceiling would soon be followed by a good stretch and sitting up. 

“Thank God it’s Friday,” she yawned. “What time is the rehearsal dinner today?”

“At six.”

“Good. We have plenty of time to veg out.”

“No vegging!” Amos brushed wispy strands of curls from her cheek. “You’re supposed to meet Cass at the bridal shop at 1 PM for her final fitting and then go to the spa to get all dolled up for tonight.”

 “Can I skip the spa?” Emmy sat up and grabbed a fork.

“I know you hate doing things where people fuss over you, but you’re doing this for Cass. She loves you, and she wants you there.”

“I know. I know. I’m just being grouchy because somebody insisted on waking me up to eat these yummy pancakes.”

“You love them!”

“I do. I do.” Emmy leaned in and puckered her lips.” Kiss, kiss, kiss.” 

“If I must…” Amos grinned, obliging her.

For the next twenty minutes, they ate breakfast while gossiping about the latest work drama. It mainly was Emmy chattering away as Amos chewed with his mind off in another place. There was still so much he needed to get done before the rehearsal dinner.

“Anyway, I’m going to brush my teeth and take a shower.” Emmy kissed him on the cheek and hopped off the bed. “Thanks for breakfast, handsome!” 

“Anytime, beautiful.”

“See you in a bit,” Emmy said while stripping off her clothes on the way to the bathroom and then wiggling her butt at him with a wink.

“That’s not fair! You know that drives me crazy.” Amos groaned. “I… I should join you in the shower.” 

“I don’t think so. You have lots to do today, remember? And you don’t have time for this.” Emmy ran her hands up her torso to her breasts and shimmied her shoulders. 

“Woman, you’re killing me!” Amos flopped over and screamed into the pillow playfully. “Now hurry up and get in the shower before I attack you, and we end up rolling in the sheets all afternoon.”

“Pfft! You say that like it’s a threat.”

“Emmy… baby… please, get in the shower. We really do have a lot to accomplish before tonight.”

“Fine. But just for that, I’m gonna wear granny panties to the rehearsal dinner instead of my sexy ones.”

“Well, I think granny panties are hot, so jokes on you!” he called out as Emmy shut the bathroom door.“Love you.” 

“Love you more,” she shouted back.

While Emmy freshened up for the day, Amos scurried around the apartment cleaning. As he moved from one spot to the next, a small black box in his pocket bounced against his thigh—reminding him of what he was about to do. He needed the surprise to be perfect for Emmy but couldn’t decide if he would pop the question in the bedroom or the living room?

When the bathroom door opened and Emmy stepped into the hallway with her curls tossed into a stylish messy bun, Amos froze. She usually took longer getting ready, which meant he now had to improvise as he stood in the kitchen with flowers in hand. Thankfully, she headed into the bedroom instead of his direction, but it would only buy a few extra minutes. 

So, he hurried over to the dining table, where a vase with a wilting bouquet sat, and chucked the old flowers aside. 

“Amos…” Emmy called out.

“Shit!” he said under his breath, then roughly arranged some flower petals in a heart shape around the vase.

It wasn’t as romantic as he had envisioned, but it would have to do. 

“Amos,” Emmy called out again.

“Yeah, babe, what’s up?” He smoothed his short faux-hawk right as she strolled into the living room. 

“Amos, have you seen my…” She froze mid-sentence, her eyes scanning the dining table in confusion, her hands fastening the belt on her wrap-around romper. “What’s this?”

“Emmy,” Amos cleared his throat. “For the last six months, we’ve been inseparable, and when I look ahead, I can't imagine my life without you.”

“Oh, my god…” She brought her hands to her cheeks and stepped closer. 

“I’ve never been one to believe in soul mates or that God has a plan, but finding your mom’s journal and having it lead me to you feels like it was meant to be. As if our fates were pre-written in another time, in another dimension, where forces of nature decide who’s heart belongs to who.”

“Amos…” She stepped closer, her eyes watering.

“And I don’t want to live another day without you here with me.” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out the small black box and placed it on the table.

“Oh, my god! Yes.” Emmy leaped across the last few feet between them and threw her arms around him. “A thousand times, yes, Amos!”

“So, you’ll move in?” 

“What?” Emmy jerked back to look him in the eyes.

“Open it.”

Open it?” She furrowed her brows.

“The box.” Amos nodded towards it, and Emmy slid her arms away from him while stepping back.


With a gentle pluck from the table, she took the box into her palm, eyeing him. The hinges made a soft squeak as she opened it, and her brows furrowed even further. 

“It’s a key…” She held up the offensive item. 

“For the apartment.”

“I already have one.” 

“Yeah, but this one has your name engraved in it, but most importantly, it means I want us to live together. It can be here, or we can even find a new place together.”

“I see.” She snapped the small black box shut and set it back on the table.

“You’re disappointed. Do you not want to move in together? I know it’s only been six months, but it feels like the right step.”

“No. I mean, yes, I do want to move in together. It’s just that I thought…” Emmy shook her head and waved her hands. “Nevermind. It’s getting late, and Cass already texted asking where I am, so I need to get going.”

“Alright, we’ll talk about this later tonight.” 

“Yeah, sure.”

“Emmy, you sound upset.”

“I’m fine. I swear. I just can’t find that charm bracelet you gave me.”

“It’s by the sink.” He pointed behind him with his thumb. “You took it off to wash dishes last night.” 

“Oh, right!”

“Emmy.” He placed his hands on her shoulders and kissed her nose. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“You sure?” A smile tugged at his lips.

“Yes, of course. You know me. I hate being rushed, so this whole meeting up with Cass has me stressed out. I’m fine, and I am excited about moving in together. I swear.” 

“Alright, well, give me a kiss before you leave.”

With a quick peck on his lips, Emmy swiveled on her heels and left the apartment with the door closing just a little hard behind her. 

Amos winced. 

Despite Emmy’s attempt at masking her disappointment, he knew she was expecting more than a house key inside that box. He hated seeing her upset, but if she could be patient, it would all pay off soon. So, he proceeded to grab his jacket and headed off to meet Carlos and Rodrigo.


“So, how did she take it?” Carlos eyed Amos across the table with a mouthful of sushi.

“You should finish chewing before you speak.”

“What can I say? I’m a pig.” Carlos swallowed a swig of water and belched.

“Oh, come on!” Rodrigo waved the smell away while glancing around. “This is a nice place. Behave.”

“Behave?” Carlos snorted. “This comes from the man who went streaking through Golden Gate Park in broad daylight?”

“I was twenty years old and high on drugs.”

“Whatever, we’re getting off track. Let’s focus back on Amos.” Carlos turned to him. “So, how did Emmy react?”

“Exactly how I planned.” Amos sat back and grinned.

“Good. And you’re sure she won’t find the ring?”

“Positive. I gave it to Rodrigo for safe keeping.”

“Where, in his sock drawer, next to the arthritis ointment for his old man knees?” Carlos directed at him.

“No. In a safe, in my closet, and for the record…” Rodrigo held up his crooked finger. “I don’t enjoy lying to my daughter, and I especially don’t like seeing her upset, so this little plan of yours better work.”

“It will. I love Emmy, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her.”

“You said the same thing about Lorena,” Carlos snorted and then wiped the smirk off his face when Amos and Rodrigo shot him a deadly glare. “Just saying...”

“This is different.” Amos reached for sushi. “Emmy is different. From the moment we met, I’ve just had this feeling, you know?”

“Yeah, I know.” Carlos folded his arms, smiling. “It’s the same feeling I had when I met Cass, and now look at us. Getting married tomorrow.”

“And yet you refuse to cut your hair.” Amos nodded at his brother’s low-hanging ponytail. 

“Are you kidding? Cass would kill me if I cut this gorgeous mane. Besides, I can’t let Rodrigo be the only one with good hair at the wedding tomorrow. Right old man?” 

“I am not old! Stop saying that,” Rodrigo objected. “Besides, wine becomes finer with age.”

“You got that right! Look at this guy.” Carlos motioned over him. “No wonder Carmela couldn’t resist you. Fuck that douche bag, Ben.” 

“Ben…” Rodrigo sighed, his shoulders sagging.

“What’s wrong?” Amos leaned forward.

“He…Ben…” Rodrigo trailed off, his attention on the napkin twisting between his fingers. “Ben contacted me recently.”

“What!?” Amos and Carlos shouted at the same time.


“Does Carmela know?” Amos asked.

“No. I can’t bring myself to tell her.”

“You have to!” 

“No, I don’t, Amos. This man broke her heart. He broke her soul. Not to mention how much of a cuckolding fuck he is! So, I refuse him going anywhere near her.” 

“Fair enough.” Carlos nodded.

“No, not fair enough!” Amos protested. “When Carmela talked to me about Ben, I could see the unhealed wounds he created. She needs closure, and you could help her with that. Don’t rob her of it.”

“Amos has a good point too.” Carlos bobbed his head.

“Hey, I thought you were on my side!”

“I’m on both of your sides, old man. Call me Switzerland.” Carlos shrugged. 

“I’ll call you a pendejo…” Rodrigo muttered. “But we’ve gotten way off track here. This isn’t about me or that asshole, Ben. This is about my daughter and how for the rest of the day, I have to go along with your plan of lying to her.”

“We’re not lying to her,” Amos replied. “We’re just… tricking her.”

“Trick. Lie. Same thing.”

“It’s not.” Amos insisted. “And by the end of tonight, I’m getting down on one knee and asking Emmy to marry me. She’ll be so happy she’ll forget about the stunt I pulled this morning.” 

“If you say so,” Carlos snorted.

“I do say so.”

“Listen,” Rodrigo began to say. “I might not understand why you’re doing it this way, but I know my daughter, and she loves you. As soon as you get down on one knee, she’ll say yes before you even pop the question.”

“You’ve got this, hermano!” Carlos held up his water glass. “Now, let’s finish stuffing our faces with sushi and head to the tuxedo place to pick up our suits.”

And Amos truly hoped that his plan to surprise Emmy with a real proposal would work out perfectly.

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