Chapter Nine

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When the lights came up at the end of the show, Carmen had to admit she was impressed. The production quality was maybe even above the company she was working for now. As much as she hated to admit it, Beaksmith had made huge strides since she had auditioned for them last. The only thing they were missing was the name recognition.

"That was pretty good, actually," Owen said, breaking the silence between them.. "I don't know what I was expecting, but that was pretty awesome. I might have to come back."

Carmen nodded, taking a sip of her champagne, "It was. They did a really good job with it. Kinda makes you wonder why they want to hire someone new, though, doesn't it?"

She hadn't meant to say that last part out loud. She was about to apologize when Jodi's voice came from behind her, "Are you ready to join our reception?"

Oh no.

Carmen finished her champagne to give herself some time to think. Owen looked at her with a raised eyebrow until she finally spoke.

"Yes, I'd love to."

"Good. It'll give you time to meet everyone and really hear why we want you to join us."

Awkward. Awkward. Awkward.

"Wonderful," Owen stood to follow Jodi, but stopped at the door to offer his arm to Carmen. "Shall we?"

Her heels were not the most practical, so she was only too eager to accept his assistance in climbing down the several flights of stairs.

To Carmen's surprise, they did not return to the room they had seen before. Instead, Jodi led them to a smaller, fancier room off the left-hand side of the lobby.

The room was set with several round tables with white and gold table cloths and beautiful floral centerpieces. Maybe they were expecting the Queen.

"Your table is this way," Jodi spoke as they entered the room. "The program will begin in about fifteen minutes to allow the cast some time."

When she had shown Carmen and Owen to their seats, she showed them where the bar was and left them to talk.

"So," Owen said, bringing Carmen's drink back from the bar, "these guys really want you to work here, huh?"

Carmen didn't know what to believe, "It seems like it, but they don't really seem to need me so I'm a little confused what my role would actually be. I mean, they're good, but I can't really picture myself here, you know?"

Owen thought for a minute before answering her, "I guess I understand. But would it be so bad to give them a shot? What's the harm?"

Carmen was spared having to answer when the cast entered the room and the master of ceremonies stood in front of the microphone to give the room a five minute warning.

Three of the cast members, two of their guests, and the musical director came to sit at the table with Carmen and Owen. They introduced themselves, but Carmen's attention was drawn by the current lead, a woman named Eva or Ella. She hadn't heard very well and had to check her program to figure it out.

"Hi," Carmen shook the woman's hand, "You were marvellous, by the way."

"Thank you so much," Eva smiled, "That means a lot coming from you. I've seen your tapes. You are also marvellous. That's why I suggested you."

Carmen almost choked on her drink. Coughing to clear her throat, she could not reply to Eva. By the time she finally regained her ability to breathe, she forgot what she wanted to say. It didn't matter in the end, because the conversation had moved on to what Eva had liked about Carmen.

"I mean, you just have a presence about you and I know you will be a beautiful ambassador and face for the company," Eva finally finished. "I'm so glad you're considering it."

"Will you be leaving, then?" Owen asked the question Carmen wanted the answer to.

"Only for a year or so," she smiled at the man to her left and held his hand, "I'm going to have a baby. It's our second. And I just want to make sure whoever is here without me can handle it mostly on their own. I'll be around, of course, but not as much as I usually am."

Suddenly, it clicked.

"You're Evangeline Beaksmith?" Carmen's jaw almost dropped. Evangeline Beaksmith wanting me to work for her company while she is gone.

"Yes, I am," she smiled at Carmen. "Though, there's a reason I work under a stage name around here."

There was an awkward silence as Carmen didn't know what to say.

"Anyway, even when I come back, I don't want the lead in all the shows. And I want to be able to play the role I want to play, so I want someone here who can carry the lead when I want to be the wise old woman," Eva laughed at her own suggestion. "That's why I want you."

"Wow," Carmen said aloud, though she meant to keep it inside her head. "Sorry, but I'm just shocked. This is. . . "

Carmen continued to search for the words, "This is a lot to take in and consider."

"I know," Eva placed her hand on Carmen's, "We'll give you some time to make your decision. You really are my top choice."

The program began, forcing Carmen and Eva to cut their conversation short as awards were presented and speeches were given. By the time the program was over and Carmen had eaten everything she was offered, it was almost 11:30 pm.

"I'm sorry," she whispered to Eva on her way out, "But I have an early rehearsal tomorrow. I really should be going."

"Of course," Eva stood to shake her hand before she left, "I look forward to hearing from you."

Carmen collected her purse as Eva leaned down to pick up a business card her husband had placed on the table, "If you have any more questions, please feel free to give me a call."

"I will," Carmen was trying to be polite, but it was very late and she was looking at four hours of sleep if she didn't leave soon. 

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