Author's Note

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The writing of this story had been a wild ride (bad pun intended). 

It has spanned 2.5 years, multiple phases of my life, and quite a few changes of direction and existential writer crises. Since I began this story, I have moved twice, gotten engaged, changed jobs, lost a dog, rescued a dog, won a Watty and become a Wattpad Star. It is crazy to look back at earlier chapters and think about where I was in all my dreaming and scheming and now be sitting here writing this final note with some of those dreams realized and others waiting in the wings.

The journey I have undertaken with these characters, who have become so dear to me, has helped shape me as a writer and person, and I could not be more grateful for those of you have traveled this path with me. Those of  you who have read along silently, commented once or  a hundred times, have waited patiently for every late update, who championed Owen and Lira, who gave me honest feedback so I could see this story from a different angle--I cannot tell you how much you and your support mean to me. We wouldn't be here without you all.  So, thank you, thank you, thank you.

There are a few people I have to thank personally for being absolute rock stars: AmyJohnson895 _brebabe_MayaR-31 Simply_Hiraeth You guys are simply the best.

I would like to ask one more thing of all readers before I go because my nosy, curious author mind is always interested and your thoughts will be immensely helpful when I (eventually) return to the beginning to edit:

Was there anything in the story as a whole that you did not like? That wasn't explained enough or you would want to know more about?

Did you have a favorite scene or chapter?

Did any (main) character not feel fully realized?

I would love to know! 

One more time because I can never say it enough and it always feels woefully inadequate -- thank you for reading Carnival Souls!

Til we meet again, my friends :) 

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