Tell Me the Truth

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Lira's head jerked up to stare at Owen. Her internal hackles rose in fear and all the suspicion of her previous misgivings coursed through her body like adrenalize.

Why is Genzel apologizing to Bebinn?

Owen met her gaze for a heartbeat and then determinedly turned his attention to the old man who had regathered his senses but was still wheezing. Did Owen know something he wasn't telling Lira? He spent nearly all of his time with Genzel and was quick to jump to the old man's defense whenever Lira voiced her concern about his allegiance.

"Here. Drink this," said Owen. He pressed his water bottle into Genzel's shaking hands. The carver suddenly looked like he had aged twenty years. "Do you know where we are?"

"'Course I know where I am. I bumped my head, but it hasn't turned all funny just yet," he growled. He took a noisy drink of water, the overflow spilling out the sides of his cracked mouth and down his chin.

"What happened?" asked Owen.

"What does it look like? Damn water horse got the best of me. Took me for a ride I didn' want and went over a rock or two on the way there." His fingers probed the lump on his forehead and he winced. "I told Bebinn I was getting too old for this kinda thing."

"Speaking of Bebinn," interjected Lira.

Owen turned toward her, shielding the old man from view. "Could you see if you could find some wood or grass to burn? I think a fire might do us good."

Lira narrowed her eyes, but Owen had already turned away again. As she walked away, she glanced over her shoulder to see Owen clearing a space for a fire and rolling out Genzel's mat.

He's just worried about Genzel. But not that deep down she knew she didn't believe that.

It wasn't Owen she was worried about though. He seemed too sincere all the time to truly be plotting behind her back. Besides, what would he have to gain? No, it was the old man who concerned her. The one working for Bebinn for some mysterious reason.

Lira walked along the shore collecting odd bits of driftwood. The weird flashing lights that haunted the spirit world made ghostly shadows on the surface of the black lake and Lira was reminded of the apparitions in the forest. Who or what had they been? A different breed of forest spirit? Some sort of lost soul? No, that couldn't be right.

She thought again of the little girl with the tight curls, the exasperated know-it-all expression on her face. Of the lady, just a few years older than herself, clutching at her old embroidered dress with the stained lace collar, begging her father not to marry her off.

Her father.

"Bebinn, I'm sorry."

Lira nearly dropped her armload of wood, instead pressing it hard to her chest, splinters digging into her fingers. Her heels spit out sand as she whirled, her heart thumping madly against her ribcage. The wood dropped with a clatter next to the two men, making them jump.

"Who were those girls?" she demanded of Genzel.

"Lira," Owen warned. He took a step closer to her, hands raised like he might leap forward to restrain her.

"Don't," she snapped at him. She glared down at Genzel huddled on his mat, his good arm supporting the dislocated shoulder. She might feel bad from him if not for what she knew. "Bebinn is your daughter. Isn't she?"

Owen's lack of protest signaled he had guessed the same. Genzel's face darkened, his brows and mouth pulling in as those he could hide behind his bushy beard.

"So you've guessed, have you?" he said, still managing to growl the words. As though nothing could be wrong about that. As if Lira should've figured it out long ago.

"Why didn't you tell us?" she retorted.

"Would ya have trusted me more if I did?" the old man fired back. "Been more keen to take me at my word that I'm tryin' to help?"

"How do we know you are trying to help?"

Genzel's jaw jutted forward, his paunchy jowls quivering almost indignantly. Like he had something to be indignant about. "Would I have gone through the trouble to bring yer here is I wasn'?"

Lira glared at him, rage making the words stick in her throat. Owen caught her eye and raised an eyebrow. It was a look that said: "This couldn't have waited?"

Genzel harrumphed. "I can see yer in a state about it. And you've got good reason. Can't blame yeh for that. Get the fire goin' and I'll answer yer questions. The ones I can anyway."


Hey guys, sorry for this awkwardly short update. It's more of a segue between the last part and next part to bridge them together. But it still has a big reveal! What do you think, did you guess it?

Also, I hate to be this person BUT I am anyway. FANTASCI is holding their Chosen One competition and Carnival Souls has just come up in the second round of voting. And I need your help to continue to the next round. This round is looking at the first chapter and what compelled you about it. More information and the place to vote can be found here: 

A big THANK YOU to everyone who has continued to read this far :) 

Love, Red<3

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