Unhappy Patient

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The way Domino left the hospital left such a nasty aftertaste for me. I told the truth to all the pokemon staff and told them all to carry on like a normal day. If they had a problem, they could come to me and I could sort it out. Following Domino's departure, I felt the urge to check all of her regular patients and the one one that was on the list was a wild dragonite in room 12.

Three months ago he crashed into a ship, cracked his skull, broke both his wings and torn the ligaments in his wings. It didn't take him very long for him to develop a pressure ulcers because Domino told the staff not to turn Dragonite about. He was stuck in the same place for a month so no wonder he's so unhappy in hospital. He is expected to spend another six months in hospital and must undergo lots of operations. On top of that, he's on the waiting list for a liver transplant. On a good day he can be very funny, but on a bad day, he can be very rude and racist.

Pressure ulcers are a very unpleasant business. There's four main stages of pressure ulcers and the healing machine can only heal stage one ulcers because it can't repair thick tissue loss or bone exposure. Which is why we have to avoid patients from getting pressure ulcers, things like making sure patients are comfortable, well nourished and making them as mobile as possible can all reduce the risks of these bed sores.

"Where am I?" Dragonite asked. "I want to complain about Nurse Joy."

I don't think Dragonite knows, and I'm not sure if I should say it yet. "What would you like to complain about?" I closed the blue curtains around me so that the patient could have some privacy.

"I LOVE BLACK PEOPLE!" Dragonite shouted in pride. I'm sure he's a huge fan of Iris, Unova's dragon-hugging champion. "THEY TREAT YOU LIKE A MEMBER OF THE FAMILY. NOT LIKE THE WHITE TRASH LIKE SHITTY NURSE JOY!"

"What did Nurse Joy do to you?" I asked. I know she doesn't like white humans very much, but that's a legal reason to complain. Being a wild pokemon, he probably doesn't understand anything about the social forms of conduct and how humans in society work.

"She dumped me here," Dragonite croaked. His entire body was covered in bandages and he was trying hard to get out of them. "The medicine sucks. The food sucks. The staff are useless and the patients are disturb my sleep."

"She's not here anymore," I said, thinking it would make him feel better.


"Nurse Joy no longer works for us. We will be getting a new nurse soon."

"It only proves my point," Dragonite announced. "You need to stop hiring white human doctors: they're rubbish!"

"I don't do the hiring, it's the Human Resources and Head Office that do all that."


"Would you like to use the litter tray?"

"Where's that?"

"It's under your bed." I picked up the tray from under his bed and showed it to him. Since Dragonite is a big pokemon, the tray was about half the size of his bed.

"You can eat it if you want," Dragonite hissed and whipped the tray into my chest with his tail. "I don't eat rice."

"This isn't rice, this gravel. For you to have number ones or twos in."

"I've already got a toilet." Dragonite shook his head. "No! Take it away."

I've got to document that in the care notes so the other staff can know. On the tracking sheet, I wrote the date, the time and my signature. In the space next to it I wrote; Refused litter tray. Litter tray has been removed by the request of the patient.

"If you need to go, ring your bell and someone will help you," I told Dragonite as I took the litter tray with me out of the room. Since it is clean, I can use it for Red's Pikachu. I shouldn't really in case of cross-contamination or risks of infection control, but we've ran out of litter trays and Red's Pikachu really needs one. I'm not sure why Red brought his Pikachu to our hospital when there was one just next to the cave to Mt. Silver, but it didn't matter now.

Red's Pikachu needed my help and I had to save his life. It didn't matter weather the trainer was a triple murderer or a pokemon champion.

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