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At four years old Dean was sure of a few things, one was that he loved his little brother and would do anything to protect him. When his mother first showed him his little brother, all Dean could think was that Sam was so little. He was so happy and tried to put a sticker on Sam's face hoping his brother would like it, but his father stopped him. Saying that as a baby Sam could get hurt easily, instantly Dean kissed his little brother on the head and promised to protect him from that day on.

Currently his little brother was on the floor laying on a carpet trying to play with his toys. Dean watched carefully and tried to help Sam crawl but he didn't know how to explain it. So he ended up just handing Sam his rattle and teething ring, Sam giggled and tried to grab Dean's hand to say thank you.
"You're very silly Sammy, but sweet, I bet you're going to be big and strong one day," Dean told him. Sam blinked at him and chewed on his ring covering it in salvia. "Sammy thats gross," Dean laughed and Sam babbled at him with incoherent noises, if Dean didn't know any better he would say Sam was trying to talk. "I don't know what that means but okay, I'm going to tell you about the dream I keep having."

Dean knew that Sam probably didn't understand him but, he felt a strong connection with his brother that he couldn't explain. Plus he was a great listener, Sam would never judge him on what he wanted, so Dean pretty much told him everything. He told his brother in great detail about the dream he had been having for the past few nights about a man with blue eyes and black hair with wings. Dean didn't know who or what the man was, but he was always happy to see him. The man didn't do much except gave Dean advice and tell him that he was destined for great things. Dean didn't know what that meant but hopefully it meant he could be a hero, and save people. Just like he saved Sam, he chased away anyone who he felt might hurt him in anyway.

It was a special skill and he hopped that when Sam was older, he could explain it to his brother. Sam forgot all about his toys and reached out wanting to be held, Dean immediately picked him up despite his parents always telling him to let them help. Dean was careful to hold on tight and sat back on the couch. He continued his story and wondered if the man in his dreams was an angel. The two brothers were interrupted by their father who told them both it was time for bed.
"Come on Dean we should get Sammy to bed." John said.
"Aww but I wanted to finish my story." Dean responded and frowned.
"Don't worry buddy you can always finish the story tomorrow," John answered.

Dean nodded and handed his brother over, Sam fussed at being away from Dean but John quickly calmed him down. "Looks like you're his favorite Dean, I'll have to think about having you two share a room." Dean didn't know what to think about sharing a room with his brother, his mother told him that they shouldn't share a room. The four year old didn't get to think about it for too long as he raced off to go say goodnight to his brother. His mother was already in Sam's nursery and had placed him in his crib.
"Come on let's say goodnight to your brother." Mary said once she noticed Dean.
"Good night Sam." Dean said kissing his brother on the cheek. Sam giggled and made a few more baby noises.

"Goodnight kiddo I love you," John said once he picked Dean up and gently rubbed Sam's hair. Dean looked at his father with a bit of offense. "I love you too Dean." Dean smiled and watched as his mother talked with Sam while he was taken to his bedroom. He was eager to see more of the angel in his dreams, and ask if one day he would have a family like this one. But not long after all Hell broke loose, and Dean was awoken by the smell of smoke. He didn't understand what was happening and ran to Sam's room to check on his brother. All he saw was his mother standing there in tears with his brother in her arms. But he didn't understand where his daddy was, there was fire, so they needed to all get out.
"Mommy?" Dean asked. Mary handed him his brother and told him to run outside to safety.

Dean obeyed and held onto Sam tight worried about the fire and wondering why his Dad wasn't anywhere to be found. When he got outside and he saw the fire consome most of his house, he cried thinking his parents didn't make it out. Almost instantly he felt someone pick him and he realized that it was his mother but something was wrong. He didn't know how he knew but he could feel it in his bones. His mother had a strange look in her eyes that scared him, and what had happened to his father? Sam cried at all the strange events and Dean held him close trying to console him. Even though Dean himself was very worried and confused about what had happened.

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