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He is gone.

Truly gone.

God knows on which dangerous mission, but is gone.

Now, I am free. I can do anything I want!

There is no one here, to give me cold deathly glares if I try to do something foolish (in their

I was watching from the balcony as the carriage was going down the hill. I have to go from here because Amy and others are also going back to London today.

Dancing like a duck, I walked through the corridor and took a turn. And due to dancing and
my amazing thoughts, I didn't notice that someone was coming.

I smashed into a hard muscular chest and being the clumsy person I am, I started falling back.

Ohh god!! Help me! I am going to break my bones!

Just in time an arm encircled my waist and pulled me upwards.

I opened my eyes, only to find the smiling face of Captain Carter who was holding me. My hands were relaxing on his chest.


We stayed in that position. No one was moving. I wanted to, but a little part of me really wanted to stay in this position.

I was just staring at him, his dark brown eyes were staring back at me. It suddenly felt comfortable.

"ey! Not there I was goin' down and- what have we 'ere." A loud voice of Amy echoed in the hall.

That was when I realised. Where were we? What were we doing?

Moving my foot onto its place and making a proper distance, while Captain also loosened his hold on me, I stood there with red cheeks and red ears.

"Umm...Amy, we-" I trailed off but Amy cut me.

"Oooh, I see I 'ad known this long before. I knew it, I knew it, I knew it." She squealed.

"No no no! It was just-"

"ey! Amy we are goin' to be late.", a high-pitched voice echoed in the hall, as Jenny came rushing towards us.

"Yes yes! But we 'ave a great matter here." Amy's eyes twinkle toward me. "So dear Adaira. Are you goin' to explain?"

No, I am not going to.

" no Amy your carriage is leaving. We have to go." I grabbed her hand, dragged her to the stairs giving a last look to Captain and he nodded.

We reached near the carriage, the servants were putting their luggage in.

"So girls I was thinkin' about staying here for some more days, as Adaira would remain alone. Don't you think?" Amy asked the others.

Blast her!

"But Amy, we've already packed and we're ready to go." Cora said. She really wanted to go far away from Lord John.

"Um....ya." Amy hesitated. "So au revoir Adaira."


After saying their goodbyes to many many people, which I doubt, as these many people were not even at the wedding.

But like the great lady my mother is, I have to follow her.

But luckily, Captain has some more holidays so he'll be staying.

"So Adaira... What do you think of heading back to Battlewood? Your father may be waiting.", she said, cutting my thoughts.

No no. I can't go now. I want to spend some time with......

Captain... uhh...

those caring townspeople who helped us.

"No Mother." I said and her head tilted to me. "I mean, it's been ages since we came out ofBattlewood... so, we should enjoy and make this house presentable for my brother when he'llbe back with Lilly."

Please fall for it! Please!

"Yes, you are right." She said. She moved around and looked at the servant and signalled her to come. "We want to go shopping. Ask Captain to come with us because he would be bored while staying at home... he can roam around a little bit.".


h, shopping. This is going to be a lot of fun!


I know the update is short.

And had taken so much time.

But next one will be better or saying more clearly- adequate.

Vote comment and share.。◕‿◕。

P.S:- I know I am bad at writing passionate scenes. So, sorry for any mistakes (◠‿◕)

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