Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

After long hard weekdays, Saturday is the one day a week Sam usually allows herself to laze about and that includes waking up well into midday. Except this Saturday. Aware of the tormenting ordeal before her, she begrudgingly steals away a few more precious minutes in the warm embrace of the bed-sheets and Adrian's arms before sighing and silencing off the vibrating alarm. She slowly peels herself away from her own personal radiator before shuffling into the bathroom.

Only at the pitter-patter spraying of water does Adrian realize that he's not waking up to the usual clinging koala of a woman. Shocked at not having a soft, lush womanly figure pressing to him, his body is quick to protest. His head snaps up and gazes around the room, landing firmly at the light radiating from the crack of the door frame to the bathroom. Assured that the water spray is from the shower he assumes his mate to be the one operating it but at such a early time in the morning, he's oblivious as to why. Heck, even the sun's not made an appearance yet! But for some reason his usual sleep loving girlfriend is up and at it. Debating whether or not to disrupt her shower, he's soon relieved of the decision when she tiptoes through into the dark room, bound in only a fluffy white towel.

“Sam? What the hell are you doing up so early?” he whispers with disbelief through the darkness.
“Hmm? Oh just getting ready,” she distractedly replies, clumsily wandering around the room before she then finds the light switch and floods the place with blinding brightness.
Adrian groans at the sudden light, blinking to adjust before glaring at his mate who stands there with a non-apologetic expression.
“Ready? But we have hours yet,” he scowls reminding her the deal was to leave at 9.30 in order to make it for lunch at her family's house.
She just rolls her eyes before replying, “I know that. But I need to get ready. So go sleep on the couch if you want, but I need to get-”
“Ready. Yes, I gathered,” he spits hotly, grabbing his pillow and clutching at the comforter before departing the room to settle into the not-as-comfortable couch. Letting out a short curse at his woman's absurdity, he catches up on a few more hours of much needed sleep.

Meanwhile, Sam flicks on the hairdryer and heats up the borrowed straighteners, while reaching from the list of things she needs to do. It's long since a lot of grooming is required- hardly surprising considering she doesn't bother to do much more than the basics, however it seems it's all now catching up to her. Letting out a short sigh, she gets right on the first struggle of the morning-her hair.

Hours later and Adrian pulls on his light tan corded trousers, huffing in anger at having to dress in the lounge. When Sam had handed him his 'approved' outfit whilst leaning against the door he'd been too stunned to just steamroll his way in and demand usage of his own goddamn room!
Instead she'd flicked on the lock and told him that he would only get in her way. Still fuming, he buttons up the checked green shirt before pulling over the cream v-neck. Even worse is that she'd picked his outfit out for him, right down to his fucking socks. And although it's not too bad, it's usually the kind of thing he would wear to the country club, not to meet parents. Although...truthfully he wouldn't know what to wear to meet parents. Not since high-school when it had been his best jeans and an unstained shirt.
Despite his outrage, he knocks lightly on the door and when she opens, he silently hands forth the toasted bagel spread lavishly with cream cheese and the steaming cup of coffee. Her eyes spark in delight and she rewards him with a grateful smile as thank you before taking it into her dungeon.

“What the...fuck?” exhales Adrian when Sam finally emerges from the bedroom just as they're about to leave.

He has no idea who the woman that's striding towards him is in her four inch satin pink heels but it certainly is not the woman he went to bed with last night. She looks beautiful-she is beautiful, so there's no way she could ever look anything but beautiful; except this beauty is different.

The thing he cherishes the most about Sam-his Sam's- beauty is that it's pure, wild, untamed prowess-from her uninhabited, unapologetic curls to her wide bright fierce eyes and lush plump lips.
This Sam-this woman before him-however is nothing like that. Her hair is so...subdued, flat. Sure it's puffed at the crown and pulled back into some half up-do but it's all styled like that. Then there's the fact that she's worn more make up than usual to play down the largeness of her eyes and the fullness of her lips, which are painted in a soft caramel nude color to match her skin tone and something he instantly despises. He'd much rather the shocking red, she so favors to this. Next is the question of her dress. The dress that again, is yes, pretty but just not her. It's a blush pink, chiffon concoction that flutters just above her knees and crosses over one-shoulder, also with a belt across her waist of the same material. It's so plain, so boring, so...refined.
Before meeting her, refined had been a quality on Adrian's list but since seeing her unapologetic boldness that had magnetized him, refined was double crossed through.

“What do you think? Sophisticated enough?” lightly questions Sam, secretly pleased by Adrian's response. The further she is from her usual self, the better. She gives a small,careful twirl on her mid-high heels, loving the way the material feels against her freshly shaved legs before awaiting Adrian for his answer.
“I...Why?” he questions astonished. While a part of him is still in disbelief, another is in confusion and another in fury.
“Because I wanted to,” snaps Sam, her bubble burst.
“That doesn't explain-”
“Let's just go,” she sighs with annoyance shrugging into the light cardigan and grabbing a handful of gifts. Adrian goes to question the expensive chocolates and wine but as she breezes past him out of the apartment, the words die on his lips.

He catches her arm as they stand in stoic silence inside the descending elevator.
“Sam, is there any need to get upset? I was merely astonished by this new...look. You have to admit it’s not exactly your style,” he tries to diplomatically explain. Sam just gives a small noise of contempt and crosses her arms over her chest.
“Really? Come on now...” he growls before sighing in defeat and frustration, “you look beautiful. Even if it is a bit much.”
Sam shoots him a glare but as she does so her arms unfold indicating her warming up to his words, “should have just stopped at ‘beautiful’ Adrian.”
“And the gifts Sam?” he points out. Normally yes, getting invited to a family meet would entail wine and chocolates but he’s surprised she’s taken the same liberty with the people she despises so much.
Sam clicks her tongue against her teeth and knows that if she wants him to stop with the annoying questions and do things her way just for today she’ll have to use her trump card.
“Ade, you know my coupon? The one where you do exactly-”
“You want to use it today of all days?” he interrupts in chagrin.
“Yep. And I want you to stop questioning every single thing I’ve done and am doing for this trip, alright? I really am thankful that you’re coming with me but I won’t be able to survive today if you’re also against me,” exhales Sam truthfully. She just wants today to be over and done with and the easiest way for that would be if Adrian would just stop fighting her.
“Sam, sweetheart, I’m not against you. I’m just...shocked but fair-is-fair and I won’t question you about it anymore,” he promises winding his arm cautiously around her waist.
She shoots him a grateful look and simply nods in response.

An hour into the ride and the whiny pop music is finally becoming annoying. Sam immediately switches it off but unable to sit in silence she initiates a conversation on safe topic terms.
“So...tell me about the werewolf aspect of your life,” she demands.
“May I speak now?” he replies sarcastically after a moment, but when Sam glances over to shoot him a vicious glare the gentle teasing smile of his causes the glare to morph into a universal eye-roll.
“Speak slave,” she replies back, teasing him also.
“What would you like to know? Surely you learned some of it with your pack.”
“Mmmm, a little. You know how you lot can be. Very secretive. Despite being, sort-of part of the pack, they didn’t like to reveal much of that side to them. I mean, I picked up a few things here and there but I still have questions.”
“Like?” he prompts.
“This werewolf mind thing, I don’t understand how that works. I’ve heard it being called a spirit but does he talk to you? Like an inner voice? Is it a ‘he’?”
“My wolf is male, yes. The wolf always matches your sex. And yes, it is referred to as a wolf spirit because it doesn’t ‘speak’ to us per say. It does not whisper in English or any other language and very rarely does it stir when we are in our human form. The spirit lives in an untouched part of our brain and while we are aware of it when we focus, we are not when we don’t. I would describe it to your hair or your clothes. You know you have it, you know it’s there on you but it’s only when you concentrate on it that you become more acutely aware of it. That’s what it’s like with the wolf spirit. And it’s when we tap into that sensation that we can shift.”

“ don’t notice it as a human?”
“Most of the time-no. Like I said there are instances where there are exceptions though.”
“Usually in circumstances concerning our mates- meeting, marking and other times of danger. For regular werewolves they aren’t as finely tuned with their mates needs until after marking and the connection can break again if they break the bond, but with my family...the connection is stronger than that before and after...marking.”
“Oh...” nods Sam digesting that information.

“May I ask you a question, Sam, regarding your...”
“Freak genes?” she flatly fills in.
“Sure,” she shrugs. There’s nothing remotely interesting about that aspect of her life.
“Do you have a wolf spirit? Can you shift?”
“I can’t shift but as for the wolf spirit thing,” she gives out a short sigh, “I honestly don’t know. There have been a few times in my life when I’ve felt it...stirring in me. Like when I met you. That’s how I somehow knew you were my mate but it’s so...repressed. You said that you can tap into your spirit whenever you want, but I can’t. Even now, if I concentrate on trying to, I just can’t and nothing would happen. I can’t change. To be honest, I really am just a human, Adrian. Nothing exactly special.”
She’s always thought that perhaps she does have certain advantages of werewolves over humans such as the greater intelligence, stamina and speed but whether that’s from her genetics or from the hours of grueling competition with werewolves at school to try desperately not to end up at the bottom of every class; she doesn’t know.
“It’s all a matter of perception, Sam,” muses Adrian to her final statement but when Sam gazes at him curiously awaiting more, he offers none. Shrugging she lets it pass and continues the conversation on.

As time flies by, Sam’s only too aware by the GPS that there’s only half an hour left until they arrive at her own personal hell, so it’s a good thing when there’s a service station up ahead. Forcing Adrian to pull in, she makes him drive to the fast-food restaurant, where he can only stumble after her in bewilderment as she heads towards the KFC joint.
“Sam? What are you doing? I thought we were having lunch at your parents. Do they want you to bring burgers or something?” he hisses in yet again more surprise while tugging her back by the elbow.
“No. This is for me. Look, just go wait in the car. I need to grab a burger really quick. Don’t worry about it,” she tells him distractedly continuing her march towards the restaurant.
He stands there stunned for a moment before he remembers that she has no money on her. With a groan, he rushes to follow her.

The deserted road they travel down is enclosed by rich green trees, filtering through the bright sunlight, however while the scene is wonderful, Adrian glances across to notice that he’s the only one appreciating it. Having polished off the burger and fries, Sam is sat with a full bag of bursting make-up tools, using the tiny overhead mirror to ‘touch-up’. Zipping up the bag, she finally slips it away before gazing across at him nervously.
“Listen, there are some things I need you to do when we get there,” Sam tells him.
He just rises an eyebrow in questioning and reminds her, “I do have to do as you wish.”
“Good, that’s good. Firstly, don’t be rude to them-”
He gasps, appalled, “Sam-”
“Shh, let me finish. I know you won’t be but...the temptation is hard to resist, trust me. But please, just don’t say anything...unpleasant or anything that implies rudeness. And secondly, don’t answer for me-”
“I wouldn’t-”
“I know! I know but please, if my mother or anyone says anything to me...just don’t...answer for me, okay? No matter what. I don’t need you to do that. And please, along, alright.”
He doesn’t like it. Not one bit but with clenched jaws he gives her a brief nod of agreement. He’ll do what she wants-just for today. He can manage that much.

Pulling into the driveway of the large building, he’s not overly surprised by the tiny mansion status of it. Of course, he’d expected that with them being the Alpha’s and the house is only just a smudge smaller than his parents own building. He glances over at Sam who gives him an affirmative nod, before he slides out of the car and helps her out too. With his arm loosely draped around her waist he can tell by her quiet shaky breaths that she’s rattled, however knowing she wants to do this, he gives her a gentle reassuring squeeze before ringing the doorbell.

There is no doubt that the woman who answers is Sam’s mom, despite the large obvious differences between them. Sam’s mother is a tall, slim woman and adorned in a navy wrap around dress with matching kitten heels; her hair is swept up into a chignon and her make-up light. The blonde hair tone is a few shades lighter than Sam’s own dirty blonde but they share the same cinnamon shaded eyes and nose.

“Hello Mother,” exhales Sam tilting her shoulders back while her mother regards her head to toe with cool appraisal. Her eyes then flicker to Adrian and there Sam notes they melt slightly, exactly what happens with most females when meeting Adrian Carter.
“Samantha, I must say I am surprised to see you accept my invitation. However an RSVP would have been more considerate,” points out her mother, condescendingly. Sam mentally rolls her eyes, knowing that it’s only just beginning.
“Mother, this is Adrian-my mate,” she introduces ignoring the first of many jabs to come.
Her mother holds out her right hand, lightly shaking it with Ade’s while remarking on what a pleasure it is to meet him.
“Please, Adrian, you must come inside,” she assures him in first before allowing Sam to follow.
“Mom, here,” mutters Sam handing over the gifts to which her mother glances over them with a twinge of approval. At least, she got that right. Sam can sigh mentally in relief at that. But when her mother doesn’t take it, she feels the familiar prickle of humiliation.

“How...thoughtful, Samantha,” she smilies tentatively, before addressing the maid stood at the doorway, “Isabelle take these to the kitchen. And bring some drinks for our guests.”
The girl does as she’s told and addresses Sam first in what she’d like to drink. Knowing her mother’s watching and judging her, she opts just for a glass of water. Isabelle then turns to Adrian and immediately a soft blush steels across her cheeks. Sam hides a smile as the poor girl stumbles over her words to ask him for his choice. When he requests for the same as her, the girl nods and hesitates for a moment before practically running down the hallway into the kitchen.

Lillian Jacobs leads them into the lounge where the tall graying man rises from the couch to greet them. Sam’s not shocked to see that Jared hasn’t changed all that much apart from the increased wrinkles, gray strands of hair and slight loss of his normal muscle tone.
“Sam?” he echoes almost in amazement, but Sam doesn’t understand why he’d have anything to feel amazed about.
“Alpha,” she responds coolly.
At the greeting his face falls into disappointment, so much so that Sam almost feels sorry. But then she remembers how he would always stand back and stay on the sidelines of her life. She’s not his kid, why would he bother to be involved with her? But she’ll be damned if she lets him now take on some sort of father role towards her now that she’s Adrian Carter’s mate.

“Not anymore kid, it’s just Jared now,” he lightheartedly responds but Sam knows it’s forced, then he adds on, “Bradley’s took over a few years ago.”

Sam’s heart pangs in pain. The one biggest reason to have stayed would have been her younger half-brother Brad. With their slightly larger age gap, she’d managed to bond to him on a higher level than she ever had with Jesse. She’d been the one to help Brad clean his sheets during his late bed-wetting stage and she’d helped with his homework, played with him, babysat him, took him to the mall when he needed new things and Mother was too busy. Shit, he’d only been a sophomore when she’d left. That baby-face was only just changing as he went through puberty. She wonders how he looks now-no doubt a knock out with his genetics.

“Right. Is he here?” she asks unable to resist.
Jared gives her a small smile, “he will be. He rents an apartment in the city, to be closer to work. Jesse lives in the city too now. She’s head of PR.”

Sam nods to the new information, while Jared takes it upon himself to introduce himself to Adrian. The company Jared refers to is Jacobsons Paper. Since the town is nestled in the heart of a forest, logging had been the obvious choice of establishment Jared’s ancestors. Now the company’s expanded from just logging to also paper production and recycling. Although it shouldn’t it surprises Sam that Brad’s taken over as CEO now, but that’s only because she still can’t believe he’s not a boy anymore but a man. She can hardly believe it’s been so long. Still just being able to see him again will be the best part of this whole trip.

As they sit there and make light talk with her ‘parents’ Sam knows the conversation is strained. She’s only too glad for Adrian, to whom most of Jared and Mother’s questions are deflected to. However when that well soon starts to run dry for her mother, she insists on swapping seats with Adrian and having a more ‘private catch-up’. Fully prepared to turn down the offer, Adrian is silenced when Sam’s hand squeezes his knee and she tilts her head to the other couch, in signal for him to join Jared.
Sam regrets the decision almost immediately when her mother settles down next to her and assesses her hair.

“I see you’ve finally managed to tame that awful frizzy mess,” she comments before adding with a nod, “it looks much better now. Although those dead ends aren’t doing you any favors. And you should definitely think about switching your conditioner Samantha, it’s making your hair look absolutely dull and lifeless.”
As she finishes, Sam bites the inside of her cheek to stop anything unsavory leaving her lips.
“Thank you Mother. I will consider your...advice,” Sam grits out and before her mother can start to criticize her clothes the door opens and a gorgeous blonde enters the room.

Sam knows her jaw has dropped from the bombshell that’s just entered the room. Her brain has a moment of shock before the pieces connect and she suddenly realizes that she knows the supermodel before her. Sure her legs have grown longer and her hips have filled out (amongst a few other parts of her) but there’s no doubting that slick shiny platinum blonde hair and those lean golden limbs.
Jeez, in what universe is it fair that Jesse could grow even more beautiful?
Envy eats at Sam when she glances up and down the perfect hourglass figure wrapped in a short, white tight dress. Then as she suddenly becomes aware that she’s not the only one witnessing the goddess that is Jessica Jacobs, brown eyes shift instantly to Adrian. Her breath catches as she sees his eyes are transfixed on Jesse, but as she watches him a moment longer his eyes travel to meet hers and he gives her a questioning gaze at her own narrowed orbs. Her cheeks blush red as she stamps down the silly jealousy she feels. In all fairness Adrian hadn’t been staring at Jesse like she’s a piece of meat and he’s a starving dog; but still, with Jesse’s past with Sam’s boyfriends, Sam doesn’t like any looks cast from Adrian towards her totally sexy half-sister.

Jesse’s eyes however pop open at seeing Sam and her lips part in amazement, and even that gesture, Sam notes with bitterness, makes her look so damn beautiful.
“Sammie? Oh my God, Sammie, I can’t believe you’re actually here!” she cries in her true to form, melodic voice. She bounds over and takes Sam into a huge embrace. Sam forces down her groan as she smells Jesse’s heavenly sweet perfume.
“Um, hello Jessica,” she uncertainly responds patting the back of Jesse’s back. Pulling back, Sam’s shocked when her half-sister has tears pricking at her eyes.
“Oh jeez, look at me, getting all weepy eyed,” mutters Jesse with a smile blinking them away and wearing a bright smile.
“It’’s okay, Jessica...Er, this is mate,” she explains gesturing towards Ade who gives her a brief greeting which Jesse returns without so much of a blush, which Sam is impressed with.
“Sammie, I have so much to talk to you about. Come on, have you seen the garden? Mom and dad recently got it landscaped,” gushes Jesse taking Sam by the arm and dragging her towards the opposite end of the room where the French windows lead out onto the decking.
Sam glances back at Adrian as she’s being taken away but when he offers he gives a small shrug, she knows that he won’t mind if she leaves for a bit. Besides, Adrian would have no trouble dealing with her mother or Jared, especially not since they seem to worship the ground he walks on, however she does pray that he’ll honor his word and not let anything rude or contradictory to her mother slip.

“It looks exactly the same,” frowns Sam gazing around at the rich green lawn with colorful shrubbery and flowers planted around the border.
“I know. That’s because I needed an excuse to get you alone and talk to you,” she grins cheekily.
“Oh...Uh...” mumbles Sam in hesitance, “what did you have to say to me?”
“So much. Oh God...where do I begin?” she exasperates pausing to take in Sam before her expression falls into a sad pout, “I bet you’re wondering if I’ve gone crazy right?”
Sam can’t help but crack a grin at that and mutter, “something like that.”
“I haven’t by the way. I guess, I just grew up. I know I was horrible to you in high-school and I’m really sorry about that Sam. It might be a bit presumptuous of me to ask and it may not be within my right anymore but I really hope one day you’ll forgive me for t-”
“Already done, Jesse,” softly replies Sam, “I was never angry at you. You were in a bad group and it was high-school. There was peer pressure all around you and hey! It was just some stupid pranks.”

“Sammie...” drawls Jesse quietly sweeping her half sister into another quick hug before swallowing that lump in her throat, “it wasn’t just peer pressure though...”
“What do you mean?” questions Sam in confusion. What else could have been going on in Jesse’s perfect little life then. It wasn’t like she was failing classes or rowing with her parents.
“I-I...guess I was acting my issues out on you,” enigmatically murmurs Jesse.
“ ‘Issues’? What-? Jesse, were you pregnant or something?” Sam hates to say it but Jesse did get an awful lot of action during that time and protection isn’t always 100% guaranteed.
“No! No, it wasn’t that but I suppose the sex with guys did have something to do with it.”

“ ‘Sex with guys’,” echoes Sam at the strange phrasing before it suddenly dawns on her, “I had no idea!”
“No one did, I didn’t want mom and dad finding out. And...well, you know how ‘traditional’ the pack is. Imagine if their Alpha’s daughter came out.”
“Jesse...honey, that’s not right. You haven’t told them? Have you told anyone else?” sympathetically asks Sam with one hand resting on the bronze toned arm of her half-sister.

Jesse bites her lip and murmurs, “a few of my friends in the city know. Not the ones that are my work colleagues but some of the ones from college. I can’t let mom and dad find out, Sam. They’d...I’d...I’d lose everything. This job is only there because dad set it up, dad paid most of my college bills, he’s even paying for the apartment I’m staying in. If he found out, I’d lose everything. They’d disown me, the pack would-”
“You don’t know that. Jesse, this is not the 18th Century, so what if you’re gay? You don’t know what Jared and mother will do unless you tell them.”
“But Sam..what if what I say happens then? What if I end up homeless?” exasperates Jesse.
Truth be told, she does hate the lying and it’s not become any easier since high school. Back then she’d just thought that it was some weird hormonal phase and suppressed it, choosing instead to sleep with her male classmates in hopes of getting rid of it. It was only at college when she realized that she can’t just will it away. She’s attracted to women and now that she’s accepted it herself, her big dilemma has been for years on how to get her family to accept it. Her brother would probably be fine with it after a bit of getting used to it and her friends would adjust but her parents? Considering how they’ve treated Sam in the past, Jesse honestly can’t say if they’ll ever accept her.

“Jesse, you would never be homeless. You have me and you have yourself. You’re a beautiful, intelligent, woman and I know that if they did do that then you’ll be able to get another job and another apartment. But if you do need help, I will help you, okay?” reassures Sam. She’s sorry that her own fears and animosity blindsided her from witnessing Jesse maturing into this sweet woman before her, but she will fix it. If her sister wants to reach out to her and reconnect then she has no problem meeting her halfway. After all, this bitterness towards her is getting so weary and Sam just can’t keep it up anymore. It’s time to let it go.

“Thank you. God...I missed you.”
“Really?” asks Sam with a teasing rise of her eyebrow.
“Yes, you jerk. You are my sister. We were close before high-school right? And I guess, loosing you made me realize how much I needed you. Everyone was sad Sam, even mom-”
Sam lets out a snort of disbelief at that, “I highly doubt that.”
But Jesse just shakes her head adamantly, “no it’s true Sam. You know she loves you, even if she suppresses it and has a weird way of showing it. Honest to God, she did miss you Sammie.”
Sam falls silent for a moment before asking, “what about Brad? How..How did he take it?”
Jesse’s face falls at the mention of Brad and she bites on her full bottom lip, informing Sam that whatever she has to say is going to be tough to hear.
“Brad...Brad didn’t take it so well. He...He ate-a lot. He gained so much weight and he was getting closer to taking over the pack but dad wouldn’t let him until he was fit enough for it. So he was forced to shed it all but...Gosh, I don’t know how to tell you this but...He resents you Sammie. He took it really personally that you left him and he never got over the bitterness. I know he’s coming over today and I want to warn you, he may lash out at you.”
“It’s okay Jesse, I...I understand and thanks for warning me but hopefully I’ll be able to talk to him and hash it out.”
Jesse makes a noise of doubtfulness. Only she knows how deep that resentment and hurt goes with her brother and she highly doubts that just one talk with Sam will make it all disappear.

“Anyway how are you?” breezily asks Sam happy to be on good terms with her half-sister.
Jesse smiles at her, “never-mind me. How are you? Damn...I can’t believe you’ve rocked up with Adrian Carter! How the hell did that happen and more importantly, how the hell does he keep up with you?!”
Sam laughs at that. No one had ever asked her that and her heart gives a strange squeeze at the question that highlights Jesse knowing her so well.

They stay and chat there for a while longer but when Lillian comes out to join them, silence reigns.
“Samantha, you’re being extremely rude standing around here gossiping when your...mate, is in the other room,” scolds Lillian causing Sam to duck her head like a little girl.
“Right...Sorry Mother,” she murmurs sliding past the imposing woman back into the lounge and shooting Adrian a guilty look.
As she settles down next to him, he reassuringly takes her hand into his. The knocking on the front door is a welcome intrusion as Jared and Lillian rise to answer it, leaving Adrian to speak freely with Sam despite her sister being there.
“Are you okay?” he whispers.
“Me? I’m fine. Are you okay?” she lightheartedly teases back causing him to shrug in response. It hadn’t been exactly unpleasant taking to her parents who kept it light for the most part.
“Yes, perfectly alright. They seem to like me.”
Sam rises an eyebrow at that, “there was never any question about that Ade. And you know it.”
Ade grins back at her but before he can retort her parents and another guy enter.
Adrian stares up at the hulk of a man. He truly looks like he belongs in the woods, especially with his equally tall and wide frame, and all that facial hair. He notes that as the man recognizes Sam his cloudy gray eyes narrow, filling instantly with anger and his lips press into a hard thin line. Adrian’s own body tenses as the man staggers forth and plants himself a few feet away from his mate.

“You have some nerve turning up here now,” he hisses folding his thick arms across his lumberjack shirt clad chest.

“Excuse-” starts Adrian icily stepping forth to push his mate behind him for safety, however he’s forced to swallow his words when one of her hands wrap around his bicep and urges him backwards. His gaze snaps to hers but she just stares back at him stoically and he knows that he has to honor his word and step down, despite his discomfort in doing so.

“Hi Brad,” wearily states Sam eying him in disbelief. Good God, he really has grown a lot.
“Don’t-...” he inhales sharply before spitting, “why did you come back?”
“Bradley I invited Samantha,” confesses her mother causing both Brad’s and Sam’s gaze to snap towards her in shock. Sam can’t believe her mother would save her like that and Brad is no doubt furious about it but he wouldn’t protest to her-even he’s not that stupid.
“Why? You two...” he mutters in confusion.
“Bradley, this is Adrian. Carter that is. Samantha is his mate as it so happens,” calmly states Lillian gesturing towards Adrian. Understanding dawns on both Sam and Brad. Of course, Mother is just using Sam to make her connections with Adrian.
Brad’s jaw is clamped shut tightly and he deliberates for a moment before clasping his hand in Adrian’s and giving a firm shake.
“Now, Isabelle says lunch is ready so shall we all sit?” clasps Lillian urging them all to take their places.

“Samantha, tell me about your new diet plan,” asks her mother as she takes a seat next to Adrian while her mother takes one end of the table and Jared the other, with her half-siblings opposite her and Ade.
New diet plan? Sam masks her confusion and the sting she feels from that concealed taunt, “oh well, it’s not. I mean I-”
“I assume you’ll be starting one soon if you’re not already on it. Because goodness gracious Samantha, you’ve really let yourself go. At least when you were living under this roof, you had proper nutrition and correct proportions,” continues her mother causing Sam’s cheeks to turn bright red with embarrassment. It’s true, she has gained more weight since leaving the watchful eye of her mom but it’s not all fat-much of it is muscle tone.
“Mrs Jacobs with all due respect Sam-”
“Is going to start that diet soon,” cuts of Sam, her fingers digging into Adrian’s thigh underneath the tablecloth in warning. A satisfactory smile crosses her mother’s features, meaning Sam can sigh slightly in relief.
“A wise decision,” she nods approvingly.

After that conversation, Sam’s not surprised when she’s served with the small portion of fish compared to the larger portion of salad. Good thing she had that burger before hand, because otherwise, Adrian may just find his beef gone before he can even cut into it.
“So Samantha, Adrian was telling us that you...are a police officer, how...” she inhales sharply, trying to find the right word to express her feelings towards that, before settling on, “unusual.”
“The word is yes.”
Yes, Mother. I’m the Deputy”

Her mother’s thin eyebrows rise in surprise, “a deputy police officer, hm? Well, I suppose academia was never your forte. Though as I recall, Samantha, your Sports grade was just above passing.”
“Mom, Sam did have some tough competition though,” points out Jesse referring to the fact that while she’s only just above human the rest of them had their full fledged werewolf abilities. It’s a wonder Sam even managed to pass that class. Though, admittedly it did keep her in peak physical form-always having to work so hard.
“Ah, right. Of course, you were different...So how about now, Samantha? I still can’t imagine a woman of your...figure being able to keep up with the males that surround you.”

The grip on Sam’s knife tightens as does, she notes, Adrian’s. It would be ignorant to ignore that she possess less strength than the men at the department but where she lacks for in strength, she makes up for in precision and agility. Sure yes, they may be able to hit harder but she’s won her fair share of mock fights with them and she can hold her own against them.

“I-” stumbles Sam fishing for words but Jesse cuts in before she can stutter around any more.
“Mom! You can’t ask that! There are plenty of women-capable women-doing those kind of jobs!”
“Jessica, do not raise your voice at me, young lady. I am well aware of that and I am not questioning the general capability of all those women, merely Samantha’s. As I said given Samantha’s lack of physical fitness, one would question her abilities to perform her job satisfactorily.”

“She is Deputy, mom. She must be doing something right,” points out Jesse.
“Since when did you become so chummy with her ?!” Brad asks in outrage.
Sam just sinks further into her seat, wishing she could just disappear right now. God, this is spiraling out of control and fast but there's nothing she can do except wait out the storm.
“Since none of your business,” snaps back Jesse with a glare to Brad.

Brad just scowls but says nothing more and it's in that instance Adrian clears his throat at the tense atmosphere. Sam ducks her head wanting so desperately to just hide from the mortification. It's bad enough having these arguments now but to have them with Ade sat beside her is just humiliating. Thankfully, Jared cuts in with lighter questions to Brad about work and there's a steady hum of questions from him as he, Ade and Brad discuss various topics with Jesse cutting in sometimes.

Sam's relieved that when she opts for the fruit instead of that moist, delicious chocolate cake her mother gives her a slight nod of the head. At least there won't another snide remark about that.

“Oh Brad weren't you going to give Sam that stuff that she left last time,” reminds Jesse causing Brad to glare at her before it softens.
“Yeah, I was going to throw it out but Jesse insisted on keeping it.”
“Jessica, you kept that...rubble? What on earth for?” exasperates Mother.
Jesse shrugs, “I thought she might want it. Sammie, why don't you go with Brad and pick out what you want and don't.”
Brad viciously stares at her but when Jesse gives him her melting puppy dog face, he can only sigh in defeat and rise from the comforts of his seat to lead Sam up to her old bedroom.

“Don't bother, Sam,” he grunts leading her up the flight of stairs and turning right at the end to open up the door leading to her old bedroom. It's spacious enough, like all the rooms in the house but everything in the room is still as plain, boring and white as ever. Her mother didn't allow her to have posters in the room, claiming that it would ruin the walls. Instead, it had to remain clean, clutter free and like something out of Good Living.
“Come on Brad. Are you seriously mad at me?” sighs Sam, opening up the cardboard box he pulls out from under the bed.
“Well I'm not jokingly mad.”
“Ha ha, very funny wise guy. Why are you angry at me? Is it because I left? You know why I-”
“Yeah, Sam I do. And frankly I think it was selfish and rude. You hardly said goodbye, you said you'd be back in a while and then years later and there's still no word from you.”
“I would hardly call it selfish, Brad. I needed to go. There was nothing here for me.”
He grimaces, “nice to know I was nothing to you, Sam.”
“Brad you know I don't mean it like that. What do you want me to say?”
“A sorry would be a start.”
She exhales and looks him square in the eyes, her heart clenching at the hurt in those orbs, “I'm sorry Brad.”

He simply gives a sharp nod of his head, his hands crossing over his chest defensively again.
“Are you still angry with me?” she quietly enquirs.
“I don't know Sam...I had so much I wanted to say-yell-at you but now...” he gives a long sigh, rubbing his beard before finishing, “I just want to say I missed you.”
She can't help it. She tosses herself against her little half-brother and his thick frame, inhaling his consistent woodsy scent. A large smile overcomes her features when he too wraps his broad arms around her and kisses the top of her head.
“I missed you too, knuckle-head.”
He tosses his head back, laughing at the insult.
“Yeah well, if you don't keep in touch, I swear I will put you on my blacklist.” He’s not completely over the grief yet-he doubts he ever can be from her abandonment but it’s a start and perhaps in time, they’ll be able to build a stronger relationship than before.
“I will and I do not want to end up on 'your blacklist',” grins back Sam steeping out of his embrace.

As she sorts through her box, placing it into piles of things she wants to keep and things to toss, Brad brings up Adrian.
“So how come your new boyfriend didn't stick up for you? You're too good for guys like that Sammie. You know-”
Sam dissolves into giggles, “Brad, Brad stop. Trust me, he can get very caveman.”
Noting the suggestive look in her eyes, Brad recoils in disgust, “oh ew, Sam. Too much. I do not need to be hearing about my sister having...that.”
“'That'? Oh you mean sex-
“Lalalala, I can't hear you.”
She just pushes on his bulging shoulder and to no surprise he hardly moves from the gesture.
“Oh grow up.”
“As you can see, I have, short-stack,” he teases patting her hair. His grin widens when she narrows her eyes and sticks her tongue out at him.

All joking aside, they really do have to leave the room and rejoin the others after a few minutes. Sam folds the cardboard box up with things she wants and has Brad carry it down for her, meeting Adrian by the stairs.
“Hey, I wasn't sure what time you wanted to head out but if we're going to beat evening rush hour, we'll need to leave soon,” he says taking the box from Brad.
“Okay, we'll get going,” she nods in compliance before turning to face her family.
Jesse quickly pulls her into a hug, handing her a piece of paper with hers and Brad’s phone numbers on and the threat that if Sam doesn’t keep in touch, they’ll both kick her ass.
Grinning, she’s quickly turned over to Brad who gives her a bear hug, she’s coming to know is the only kind of hugs he probably gives; while Jesse and her parents shake hands with Ade as he juggles the box in one hand.
Giving only a half hearted wave at Jared, Sam faces her mother who rests her palms against Sam’s shoulders and gives her light European kisses on both her cheeks.
“Oh Samantha, a little more concealer next time, those blotches are showing,” she ‘advices’, of course, unable to resist giving one last dig at Sam before letting her go.
“Yes Mother,” sighs Sam, stepping back and bidding one more farewell before taking Ade’s hand and urging him back into the safety of the car where she can finally drop all pretenses.

She slumps back into the leather interior, kicking off her damned heels in the process before smiling slightly to herself for a job well done. It hadn't been so bad. Nothing had been broken, no one had been hurt and there'd not been much yelling. All in all, she'd survived. But Adrian...She glances across at him, thinking he'd be just as pleased for it to be over; however, observing his tight grip on the steering wheel, his clenched jaw and eyes focused forwards.
“Well...that went okay,” she slowly and nervously mutters trying to gain his attention, which she certainly does.
“Sam, listen to me carefully because I’m only saying this once. When we get back, this ‘coupon’ deal is off. I don’t care if you had 24 hours, you can have them later on, but I demand answers and I demand them today,” he sternly dictates.
Sam makes a noise of , “what are you talking about? Things went great!”
“ ‘Great’? Not-” he cuts himself off, inhaling quickly before softly exhaling, “we will discuss this at home.”
“ ‘Discuss’? There is nothing to discuss Adrian,” insists Sam.
He remains silent but Sam finds that that irritates her more than if he’d argued back with her, because she knows in his silence he’s still stuck on his viewpoint and there’s nothing Sam can do right now to change that. With a huff of annoyance, signaling her own anger, she crosses her arms and turns to stare out of the window.

It’s a silent, long drive back to the apartment and when Sam collapses exhaustedly into the couch, Adrian remains standing and that’s when Sam knows he’s fully serious of having his conversation tonight.
“Ade can we please not do this tomorrow or...never?” she whines but he refuses her request.
“I don’t know who that was today Sam, but I didn’t like it. Not one bit.-”
“Adrian, I have no idea what you mean. It was still me-”
“Oh really? Because the woman I know wouldn’t bother to go to such extremes to please someone else, she wouldn’t take kindly to be insulted and undermined and she certainly would have stood up for herself. That is the Sam I know, not whoever I was with today.”
Sam just rolls her eyes at his melodramatic speech, “don’t be so dramatic. Honestly, it was nothing.”
“ ‘Nothing’?! Sam, I just don’t understand! You claim to despise your mother-”
“I don’t ‘despise’ her,” grumbles Sam but allows Adrian to continue.
“-Yet you put up with all of her nitpicking. Plus, you apologized for things that you shouldn’t have to apologize for. Why, Sam? Why? I was under the impression that you were going to show your family how accomplished, independent and happy you’ve become, not...”
She did show that all that, didn’t she? And her mother wasn’t that bad.
Adrian spins away from her, his hand running through his his hair and he mulls over what could possibly be going on in her pretty little head today.

“Come on, Sam tell me why you’ve gone to such lengths, why-”
He stops suddenly in realization. Of course, how could he have been so stupid?! The dressing up, the kneeling over, the biting her all makes sense now.

“You were trying to impress her,” he states finally.

Sam’s eyes pop open and she protests, “who? My mother? No, no, I wasn’t.-”
“Yes, yes you were. You wore things you normally never would but she would like it. You primmed and presented yourself to her standards. You bought her gifts that she would approve and you agreed with everything she said, even if it was insulting to you. You even resisted chocolate cake. You were trying to impress her and you know it deep down.”
“No, no I wasn’t,” weakly protests Sam with a shake of her head and her eyes pooling with unshed tears. She wasn’t trying to impress her mother. That’s ridiculous. Trying to impress her mother would be the equivalent of her becoming the Queen of England-impossible. Besides, why the hell would she do that?

“Yes, you were. Because...because you’re still that little girl trying to gain her mother’s attention and affection,” he finishes, his eyes sparking up as he pieces together the puzzle.
But when those tears spill out from Sam’s eyes, his heart clenches in despair. Oh God, he hadn’t meant to make her cry. Panicked he takes a seat beside her cups her cheek in his palm, swiping away the salty droplet with the pad of his thumb.

“Sam...Sam,why are you crying? This is the part where you yell at me, remember?”
Sam tries to laugh at that but it comes out as a sob, which triggers more tears to trickle down her cheeks.
“Sam...Princess, please stop crying. Please, sweetheart. I would much rather you call me names or something, anything but this,” he whispers with desperation. A crying woman is every man’s worst nightmare but with Sam it shockingly goes more than just panic and the mental challenge of finding a quick exit strategy. With Sam, he actually feels his heart throbbing against his ribcage in angst and he hates the feeling.
“How can I do that, when you’re right?” she stutters continuing on through her sobs, “I thought I’d changed Ade...I thought I’d-I’d...grown up but...”
Adrian can’t take it anymore. Sam shouldn’t be crying. It’s just...not right. To see a strong woman fall apart, he decides, the worst thing he’s ever had to deal with. He doesn’t know what to do-how to ease her pain-but instinct urges him to take her into his arms and keep her protected, so does just that.

“Don’t be so harsh on yourself. She’s your mother, it’s understandable that you want her affection-her love. But you can’t expect someone to love you when you’re someone else. They should love you for you. The woman that you really are, not some impersonation of what you think they will like.”
Sam sniffles rising her head to meet eye-to-eye and feeling those sharp crystal blue orbs hazing under her own tear-glazed eyes.
“But what if she...never likes me?” breathes Sam, her stomach churning at the thought. When she’d claimed to despise and hate her mother, it had all been a cover-a lie-even to herself. Because the bottom line is, she just wants her mother’s love.

Ade just wipes away those fearful tears and whispers honestly to her, “then it’s her loss.”

A/n Good news is that I managed to borrow a laptop with the right software on so I can upload this chapter-yay! Hope you enjoyed and please check out the awesome trailer on the side made my Iliketoread3 who is just...incredible. And so are you guys for being so patient with me when my computer was just crashing and burning. I have ordered a new one so I should be back to writing in a 1-2 weeks, which means I don't know when I can next upload, sorry. I will try responding to comments ect as much as I can though!

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