Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Ade wasn’t expecting the night to drag on so long. He’d hoped after the meeting with the redhead he could go home and relax, but he should have learnt to expect the unexpected. When he got the call that there had been trouble at his BDSM Club, he was shocked without a doubt. His receptionist had spoken at about a thousand miles an hour that he hadn’t managed to catch it all. Oh well, looks like he’ll find out when he gets there.

“Sir! Oh, I’m so glad to see you-”
“Lana, calm down. Explain to me what is happening right now in the club,” instructs Ade.
“Um...there’s some confusion and...well, I think you need to see for yourself Sir,” nervously explains Lana. Ade thanks her and strides through and a hush falls over the whole place.
With purposeful steps, he makes his way onto the stage and steps up onto it.
“Good evening everybody. I understand there has been a disturbance and for that you have my sincerest apologies. Rest assured that it shall be dealt with and there will no more of such...behaviour again in the foreseeable future. Again I apologise and hope that you may resume your enjoyable evening. If you do have any worries or concerns, you can report it to Lana my receptionist and I will get back to you as soon as possible.”
A wave of calmness rolls over his audience as Adrian’s speech ends. Straightening his jacket, Ade gives a brief nod and strides back out of the main club room.
“Lana,” he calls.
“Yes Sir?”
“What exactly happened?” he asks. All he’d managed to gather was that one of his staff had been assaulted.
“Well, I wasn’t there for it all, but all I heard was Nick was punched by a guest-a woman,” she breathes in disbelief herself. In all the years Lana had worked for Adrian Carter, never has a woman ever punched a man before-and a Dom at that.
“Where’s Nick, now?” asks Ade, he’ll have to hear it from both sides before he makes any kind of decision.
“Um...He’s in the common room,” she directs.
With only a nod to Lana, Ade steadily makes his way up the stairs to the upper level and strides into the common room. As expected there weren’t many people there with it being working hours. But Nick and one of his regular Submissive’s- Tiffany- are sat on the couch. Tiffany’s curled up next to Nick, gently holding an ice-pack at his jaw, while Nick is sat there lost in his thoughts. Both of their eyes snap up to Ade as they hear the door shutting.

“Mr Carter,” grunts Nick, shaking off Tiffany gently to stand and greet his boss.
“Sit down, Nick, I think we can forgo formalities for the moment. I need to speak with you,” he states, taking a seat opposite Nick in one of the armchairs. Unbuttoning his jacket he leans forward and props his elbows on his knees so he can be at eye-level with the man.
“I figured as much,” shrugs Nick.
“Good. How’s your jaw? Does it hurt too much for you to talk?” asks Ade. Nick’s momentarily stunned by the concern, even he hadn’t thought of that.
“Er, no Sir, it’’s fine,” he nods. Sure it hurts but for God’s sake it was only a punch. A pretty good slugger from such a small woman but still...Nick can take it.
“Okay, well firstly...I’m sorry for what happened-”
“That’s okay, Sir. It’s not your fault,” hastily replies Nick.
“I know, but you’re an employee of mine and it shouldn’t have happened in my club. Speaking of which, I’m not entirely clear on what has happened. I need you to describe it to me from your perspective, first Nick and then Tiffany, if there’s anything you’d like to add, tell me after.”
“Right...Okay. Well, Tiffany and I were having a...misunderstanding-
“Be more specific,” demands Ade.
“She disobeyed me, not seeking me out when she first came here and I was going to recite to her her punishment. This blonde woman overhears us and confronts us. She accuses me of being abusive and harassing Tiffany, and then threatens to throw me in jail because she’s a police officer. I ask her to leave before I call security, she doesn’t, so we go walk away when she...punches me,” recalls Nick, his voice dropping at the end slightly with embarrassment. He hates knowing that so many people had witnessed it and can only thank God that he didn’t scream out from the blow.
Ade’s brain starts whizzing and suddenly dots start to connect. Dear God, he prays, please do not let it be her! Surely it can’t-it’s just-how in the world-why in the­ world-...Oh God....He mentally groans. It’s her. It is most probably, definitely her. Fuck! Why did he have to be stuck with the troublemaker?!

“Okay, is that it?” asks Adrian, not letting on how mentally frustrated he is.
Nick nods in confirmation.
“Tiffany anything to add?”
“She was only trying to help...I think, she thought Nick was...hurting me. I just-please don’t be too harsh on her. What she did was wrong! I totally agree, but...I think she had the best intentions at heart,” comments Tiffany.
“Right, regardless, I will speak to her and if things match up, she while be reprimanded. Nick, if you need the rest of the night off, that’s fine. I’m sure there are plenty of available Dom’s for Tiffany-”
“No! I mean...with all due respect Sir, I’m fine,” grimaces Nick. Ade raises an eyebrow at this but does not say question his decision-obviously there are some feelings involved in the whole affair which he will have to speak to Nick about at a later stage.
Right now, he needs to speak with the woman up in his office to hear her side of the whole affair and if necessary discuss punishment. 

Rising from his seat, Ade buttons his blazer and makes his way to his next destination-his office.
While one key to his office in the club remains with him another stays in the reception area for emergencies. Which is fine as there’s nothing too valuable in his club office anyway: All employee files are stored in locked cabinets which only he has keys for and instead of having a desktop, he uses a laptop as he rarely ever works in the club office.

Sam can hear the key twist in the lock and she takes that her cue to stand. As the door slowly opens, she squares her shoulders and throws the ice-pack onto the couch. There is no way in hell she’ll be intimidated by anyone. Her fighting talk is slightly in vain though, because as Adrian Carter strolls through the doors, her defence weakness only to allow the nerves to peak through.
His blue eyes briefly flash with surprise and a grimace tugs at his lips before he represses it all down. Instead, his eyes are cold and hard, while his expression is static and stone like.
“Now why does this not surprise me?” he rhetorically asks coming to stand in front of her.
“I don’t know what you mean, Mr Carter,” she replies in a saccharine sweet tone which has Ade lightly shaking his head.
“Show me your hand,” he demands. She looks at him in confusion for a minute before slowly placing her bruised knuckled hand in his waiting palm. She wordlessly watches as he encloses his fingers around hers and brings up her hand to inspect it.
“Hmm, it doesn’t look too bad. Just a little bruised. Do you want to go to the hospital?” he asks grimacing at the reddened knuckles. The only person who should be reddening any part of her, should be him.
Sam jolts back as if in realisation as to what’s happening. Shooting her hand out of his, she lets it fall to her side and says, “no. No, I’m fine.”

Ade nods accepting this and moves to take a seat in the office chair behind the wooden desk.
“Sit down Miss Torres,” he states pointing to the chair in front of the desk.
“I’m fine standing,” replies Sam, surprising herself at the ability to not only find her voice but also to keep it steady.
“Sit,” he states.
When Sam makes no effort to comply, Ade’s eyes glint with anger.
“...Now,” he growls lowly.
Her mind says ‘no’ but her body just doesn’t seem to get the message and with hesitance, she slides onto the chair.
“Not so hard, is it? I’ve just spoken to Nick, the employee of mine, you assaulted; but every coin has two sides. So tell me, what is your side of the story?”
Sam is momentarily shocked. She did not expect this. She had expected him to roar in here or bound in with a devious smirk and a coy plot of evil....just not, to be....well, patient. She never expected him to hear her out-not someone like him- not someone who-
“Yeah. Um...Look, it was not my idea to come here. In fact I was just leaving when I heard ‘your employee’ harassing that poor girl. I have no idea what kind of sick, twisted, awful things you people are into but I can’t stand to watch an innocent women being tortured at the hands of men like you-okay? And I would have happily beaten the crap out of him, if I hadn’t been shoved in here,” defiantly and unapologetically states Sam.
Adrian stares at her with disbelief. He’s angry, proud and amused all at the same time by the same unbelievable woman.
“You signed a contract at the reception. Did you read the rules and regulations of this club?” he finally asks.
Sam hesitates, “...Y-...Yes.”
“Really? Then what is the safe word at this club?”
“ word?” she stutters.
“Yes, the word used by Submissives when they feel they are at their breaking point and wishes to stop,” explains Ade trying to be patient but finding it wearing thin.
“I don’t know,” she mumbles.
“Speak up,” demands Ade.
“I said I don’t know! I didn’t...I didn’t read it,” she snaps.
Ade exhales slowly, is she always his...headstrong, or is just him?
“Apricot,” he states.
“The safe word is ‘apricot’. Did you hear the woman say apricot?” slowly drawls Ade.
“...No, but she didn’t want to be punished.”
“No one wants to be punished. The whole point of punishment is to stop the behaviour. And since we have now established that you need to be punished-”
“Wait, what?! No! I was helping her!” cries Sam shooting out of her seat and leaning forwards in anger with her palms flat against the desk.
Ade seemingly calmly stands as well and copies her posture; only his eyes have hard anger in them rather than Sam’s fire.
“They are a Dominate-Submissive pair, the behaviour is completely normal in this club. If you had read the rules you signed to abide by, you would have known this. You will then know that as Master of this club, I punish as I deem fit, so sit down and listen up,” he growls.
Sam feels a shiver of genuine fright shoot through her. Her mind, suddenly goes numb as the fire in her eyes distinguishes a little and her body complies to his command.
“Good,” he nods seating himself as well.
“Now, you have two options. Option one, I have a police officer-presumably one of your colleagues- escort you to serve your time in jail for the night for assault, which is the only option most people in your circumstance would have received. However, because you are my mate, I’m giving you an alternative,” he pauses allowing her to sink in the information and realise just how good she’s got it.
Sam completely disagrees with that sentiment. She knows that he’s using her pride against her. No doubt his far superior ‘alternative’ would just be some sleazy excuse to get her to do something demeaning. But no matter what, she’d just about die if she had to be handcuffed away from here by one of her colleagues only to spend a night in the police jail, where no doubt more of her colleagues will be staring and sniggering.
“What’s my alternative? Let me guess, fuck you, right?” snorts Sam with an thin light brown eyebrow cocking up.

Ade recoils slightly in shock. He can’t deny it hadn’t crossed his mind, that would be lying, and looking as hot as she does in the little sparkly number, his primal urge is to just fuck her on the table right now. The fire in her doesn’t help his attraction either. Deep in him he wants her to have that fire always when she looks at him, but not with the anger but with...With what Ade? ...Love! He spits to himself. Let’s not get into that pointless debate.
“...No, that would be a reward,” he replies the teasing flicker of a smile at his lips. Despite it, Sam finds herself grinning at the teasing. Who’d have thought he could actually make her smile?
“You sound so sure, did little Red tell you that?” she asks rolling her eyes.
“ ‘Little Red’?” he asks with confusion.
“The red head at the club? Have you finished with her so fast? I thought she was your little play-thing for the-”
“I don’t have ‘play-things’ Miss Torres. I’m 28, my years of ‘playing the field’ as it were, are far, far behind me. Not that I have to explain it to you but that woman may be my new employee. It was an informal interview of sorts....Though, I understand your concern-”
“ ‘Concern’? Honey, I don’t care who you put your disco-stick in, but it’s not coming in me,” she smugly responds.
“Of course, you care, no need to put up this mask, Sam. You’re my mate, as I am yours.-”
“You don’t act like I am, seeing how much you seem to want this mate bond.”
“Yes I do. Which is why I’m allowing this punishment for you, and also something you are not getting out of,” lightly smirks Ade.
Sam sighs. Well it was worth a shot, delaying the whole thing.
“What is it?” she groans.

Grinning, he roots around in his drawer and brings out the equipment, causing Sam’s eyes to bulge at it.
“What the-”
“10 minutes, in Submissive pose wearing the bonds and the gag,” he instructs.
“No! NO! God, no!” cries Sam adamantly, her heart pounding at that. She’d been expecting a...blowjob, or handjob or something sexual, just not, discipline. Christ, that takes her back to her childhood: Suppression, submissiveness, discipline, everything she’d hated.
“Fine, then I guess I’ll just be ringing 911,” he shrugs. He can see he’s shocked her but it disgusts him to think that she’d have such a low opinion of him. Did she really think he’d be so pathetic as to demand something like sex? Please! In no time at all, she’ll be begging him it. No way, will he scope so low as to demand it from her. Begging, is not his style and he finds it absolutely pathetic how men fall to their knees for just some woman- soul mate or not, it’s...emasculating.
“Wait!...” hastily calls Sam, “is there not...a third option?”
“Not one that would be a suitable punishment,” shrugs Ade.
Sam’s shoulders slump, “fine. What do I do?”

Feeling victorious, Ade stands up grabbing the equipment and cocks his finger for Sam to join him in the centre of the room.
“Turn,” he commands, causing her to spin around and have her back facing him. That’s not the only thing facing him and with glee, he takes in the gorgeous view. The sight of her hips curving out so wildly to the naturally, plump, large yet tight ass, honestly has his d*ck twitching and that hasn’t been having too fast in a long time. With a cautious mind, he presses himself lighter to her, feeling the slight curve of that perfect ass, against his quickly awakening d*ck.
Trying to repress the unbelievable urge to bend her right down and pound her from behind. Instead he grips her two wrists and brings them behind her back, then keeping them parallel he cuffs them together.
Then with the ball gag he realises he has to press closer. Doing so, more of her perfect ass comes into contact with his crotch and he’s pretty sure she can feel his semi-erect state now, yet neither say anything about it. Surprisingly to him, she’s very compliant when he gently wedges it between her lips and into her mouth. Fixing it firmly, his fingers linger for a moment feeling her incredible hair. It’s so thick and wild and so completely beautiful. How he’d love to dig his fingers into her mane and grip tight for leverage as she...
Shit, snap out of it, Ade. Why the hell is he acting like a fucking hormonal teenager? Hair- turning him on? Really?!
“Good, now kneel,” he instructs, his voice slightly hoarser than he wanted.
He hears a growl from her but even with the grumbling sounds, she lowers herself onto her knees, wobbling until Ade steadies her.

With a satisfied smile, he squats down and gently removes her tall heels which unsurprisingly she does not protest to. He will never understand how women can stand the things, even if they do make their legs look freaking amazing.
Cuffing her ankles together, he moves stands back up and moves to the front. Eyes asses the pose she’s in and another jolt of arousal soars through him. Kneeling, cuffed on the ground with her eyes focused straight ahead and a black gag between her two plump lips, she looks perfect. Or at least perfect for him-his perfect submissive. Pulling out his phone he sets the timer for 10 minutes and takes a seat back at his desk.

His eyes can’t seem to focus too long on their task of writing out the email though and they flicker up to his silent mate. He can’t believe that she’s being so compliant; he’d truthfully been expecting to force her down over the desk and instead spank her. His thoughts take a turn for the worse as he actually imagines that. Imagines lifting up the tiny flimsy material to reveal her beautiful ass and caressing it, before being able to cause it to blossom red. Would he ever get to do that though? Have some fun with her? Because his current goal is achieved: Find his mate before he’s 30. Now, he needs to complete the next goal one he knows won’t be easy to complete, especially seeing as he needs willing participation from his mate.
The goal?
Have a baby boy.

A/n Unedited. So hopefully this chapter was longer (and updated a day earlier than I planned on doing so). 
Next update will be in 2 weeks, ie. on the 29th November. 

If you think that's far too long, then...tough. I'm sorry but I've tried being all sweet and nice and polite but I guess it's just not working. I'm a Year 13 (senior) in high-school, I'm in the middle of Uni applications, in the middle of coursework because guess what? I took the hardest A-levels (subjects). No I didn't take English and Art and stuff, I took Biology, Chemistry and Psychology and this means that I have a lot to do, which means that lesiure time is minimal. I'm sorry that it doesn't work for you but I can not do anything about it as I'm not willing to sacrifice my future for writing (as much as I enjoy it, it's a no). On top of that, I do voluntary work and music lessons, which again consume time. I'm not trying to get you to feel pity for me because I love being busy and working but it just means that some things take priority over others at certain points in time. When it gets to Christmas and I have a little more time, I may do quicker/longer updates but not right now. 

Point No. 2: Adrian. 
Some people think they know Adrian's character from the snippets given in my other books, but Ade is different, he's complex and he has his reasons. It's too early to judge him yet from the tiny bit of info. you have and perhaps when we get nearer the end and you think he's an a-hole then that's fine. But right now, it kinda peeves me when they say they think I've wrote Adrian's character wrong. I haven't. This is him and this is how I shall write it. Also, someone had a very black-and-white view on his characters and the other Carter Brothers. They seemed to think I paint them as being 'bad' and the women being 'good'. No. That's not true. Each has their own faults and their own imperfections. The whole point is that they grow and they learn. If they were perfect right from the start then where would the story be? And who actually is like that? No one. 
If you don't like Sam's character and/or Ade's then that's fine! That's your opinion and you are completely entitled to it. All I'm saying is that to make such a judgement you need all the information on them and you don't have all the information. Ade's feelings are only slowly being explored and we haven't even got onto Sam's background. So please, just hold your horses. 

Now onto this chapter: You'll be finding out WHY Ade wants a child and why he wants his mate pretty soon (in the next chapter or two) but I welcome any guesses. 

Also, sorry about the long rant, but it was just really getting to me as I had the same questions/misjudgements over and over again and I just wanted to address them all at once. Thanks for the huge support and I promise I'll try make the next chapter as long if not longer than this (minus ranting). :P 


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