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Sam sighs, flattening a hand over her stomach while gazing in the mirror.

Thank God, for that near miss! If not for the morning after pill, Sam’s sure she would be waddling down the aisle now, rather than stumbling in heels. She can’t believe the stupidity of their actions that afternoon but she knows it wasn’t intentional on either of their parts-or at least it hadn’t been on hers. Adrian…well, who knows with that man and his plans. Either way, she wants to wait on the kids for a few years at least. She wants him for a few years for herself-her husband…well, her husband in about 45 minutes. 

“Ready Sam, sweetie?”

Sam glances around at the woman entering the room. Rachel…The woman is a complete Goddess. And the sass in her just inspires Sam. Not to mention the strength she has keeping her whole family together and taking care of them.
Could she do that? Be a mother? A wife?
“Yeah,” exhales Sam glancing back around at the mirror.

It doesn’t feel like she’s looking at herself. She doesn’t feel like her. The woman in the mirror, her lace fishtail wedding gown is so elegant and flawless. Her make-up has her glowing. Her jewellery sparkling. That’s not Sam. That can’t be her. The make-up artist’s good and the seamstress of the dress are good but even they can’t perform miracles. The only thing that has her remotely recognising herself is the hair. The wild locks that are left loose but hair sprayed to stop falling in her face, is the one thing that’s true to her. And the strange thing is, it was not her who insisted on it-but Adrian. She’s glad he did and even more pleased she obliged. In return she asked him to retain some stubble at his cheeks, guess she’ll find out today if he’s managed to keep his word.

“You look beautiful. Absolutely stunning, Sammie,” grins Rachel, reaching around to give her future daughter-in-law a side hug.
Giving a shaky smile, Sam replies with, “thanks Rachel. The make-up’s a litt-”
“Oh no, don’t you start that, young lady. You look perfect. But listen I need to ask you something very important.”
“What-what is it?” Oh no, this is the part that Sam’s been waiting for. The part where Rachel tells her, her baby boy deserves better than the likes of her.
“You do want to marry him…now at least, right?”
“Huh?” asks a stunned Sam. That was definitely not the question that she was expecting.
“Listen I know my all my boys better than anyone out there and I know that as bright and…suave as Adrian is; he can be a little…intense. Especially when it comes to his goals and wishes. I just want you to know that-”
Sam shakes her head, her mind catching up with Rachel’s words.
“Rachel, no, no. I want this just as much as him, I promise. Now is a great time for us to get married too. I mean, I get a few weeks off before starting as Chief and he can have a break now that his new VP has got the hang of things. Plus, come on Rachel, you know me. You know I can put my foot down, even when it comes to him.”
“I do honey and thank God for that. I want you to know I’m very glad you’re going to be my daughter-in-law, I really am and even happier Adrian has someone like you in his life.”
“Rachel, stop it, you’re going to make me cry and then this concrete mask will melt and I’ll have no idea how to fix it!”

Rachel can’t help but laugh at that. Well, that’s Sam.
“Hey, where are the others?” questions Sam gazing around the room, although she needn’t bother. The quietness is a dead giveaway.

“I sent them out of the room for a while, Ivy was getting hungry anyway. I thought you should have a bit of piece and quiet to gather your thoughts,” explains Rachel and Sam breathes a sigh of relief. That is true, had the others stayed, Sam would have had to put on a strong front and not allow the worry to wash over her. What if there’s some disaster? What if something goes awfully wrong? What if she spills something on her dress?!

“Breathe, sweetheart. Enjoy it…” smiles Rachel with her last piece of advice in mind.

Christ! Torres, you look amazing, but listen kid are you sure you want this?” asks Chief holding out his arm for her. Sam exhales slowly and nods.
“You’re the closest person I have to a paternal figure, Chief. But if you’re not comf-”
“Kid, cut the bull. You know I think of you like my own daughter and…God, you’re really going to make me say this aren’t you?...I’m proud of you and I couldn’t be happier for you,” grumbles the Chief, his cheeks staining the faintest pink while his lips curl into a small frown.
Sam can only grin widely at that.
“Thanks Chief,” she states giving the old man a quick hug and in the process startling him.
Before the Chief can say anything else the wedding march starts playing and her beautiful bridesmaid’s all dressed in dark red wine dresses start gliding down the aisle.
Last to go is Hanna-Sam’s maid of honour-and Adrian’s best man, his best friend too. Hanna glances back and mimes out a hangman’s noose, clearly stating her opinion of ‘tying the knot’.
With a roll of her eyes and a teasing grin, Sam simply flips her off before hooking her arm into the crook of the Chief’s and holding up her bouquet of red and white roses.
Well, no take backs now.

His heart pounds to the beat of the music echoing around. Eyes transformed to the angel sashaying towards him. And for a breath moment, he feels his throat clogging and his airways tightening.
She is simply breath taking.
And he’s been around a lot of beautiful women…But Sam-his Sam is simply something else. Her untamed mane, her sparkling mischievous eyes and that devious smile…Does she know she has his heart? A heart he had thought iced over long ago? Only to be alighted with that fire of hers. Silently, he promises, he will not ruin this. He can’t afford to. A person like this only comes into your life once. 

It’s only when she’s being ‘given away’ he realises that it’s the Chief beside her. That does shock him. Especially since he’d asked her previously if she’d like his father to walk her down the aisle, considering they’d be family soon anyway, but she’d said she’d got it. And now, he knows what she means. Although knowing Sam, even if the Chief wasn’t there, she would have done it by herself.
Sam beams at him and Ade can’t help but reciprocate the grin.
As much as he wants to sweep her away to somewhere private where they can speak between gasping breathes in the process of love-making, when the vicar clears his throat to start the ceremony, Ade holds in his words and actions.

Too long, it takes far too long for his to once again have physical contact with his mate.

How he’s managed to refrain himself from doing so until now, when she looks like she does, is beyond him. He really must have the patience of a saint, he concludes, jolting her forwards into his arms.
With one hand sinking into her hair and holding her head, the other clasps her waist while one of her hands squeeze his bicep and the other cups his cheek; they kiss. It’s hard, full of passion and….short. Way too short for Sam.
She mewls softly at the rapidness of the disappearance of his lips from hers to which Adrian’s eyes only dilate in response.
“Later,” he growls only to have Sam pout for a moment before they both hear the cheers and applause surrounding them. They immediately snap out of their own little bubble, grinning at the crowd.

Sam tugs gently on Adrian’s hand, distracting him momentarily from the relatives he’s talking to. Excusing himself, he glances over at her to see what’s wrong and it’s only when his line of vision trails after hers he realises. Her family. They actually came. Her mother as always looks stunning for a woman of her age in a floor length navy blue gown. Ade gazes around for her brother and sister but rather than following their mother they stand back, speaking to other guests while glancing every few minutes over to their imposing mother. Jared on the other-hand, appears to be nowhere and honestly, Adrian’s glad. The man’s a spineless bastard, who remains indifferent to Sam and just that fact alone, angers him beyond belief.

“Mother, you came,” chokes out Sam, forcing on a wavering smile. It feels so foreign to fake it now, especially when she’s genuinely been smiling like a fool previously. At least on the positive, her facial muscles get a break now.
“I did receive an invitation,” points out Lillian and to that Adrian gives a small cough, narrowing his gaze at her. She can try harder than that.
“Yea-Yes. Of course, I’m…I’m glad you could make it.”
“As am I…dear. That dress is simply marvellous…on you.”
Sam blinks at her with amazement. Two minutes in already and her mother’s not criticised any part of her yet, better still, she’s received a compliment that verges on ‘you look beautiful’.
This is the closest she’ll get, she knows it and honestly, it’s enough. She doesn’t expect or need her mother to dote on her and shower her with affections...anymore. She just wants them to be civilised to each other.
“Thank you, Mother.”
The awkward silence stretches between them with her mother and her not being able to think of a single thing to say, in the end Lillian just nods.
“Well…enjoy married life Samantha.”
“Thank you mother, I’ll see you soon,” Sam replies, watching as her mother glides effortlessly away.

“That went well,” exhales Sam glad to see her brother and sister making their way over towards them.
“It could have gone better,” replies Ade.
“Yeah, I know but…this is trying for her. I don’t think miracles are going to be happening any time soon, it’ll take baby steps,” replies Sam.
“Speaking of babies. Remind me again, why I wasn’t allowed to duct-tape Eli’s mouth shut?” he asks glancing over at his brother.
Much to his horror, Eli and Sam have become as thick as thieves. Which means that he’s only got Ivy on his side and he just so happened to like having Eli at a disadvantage. Now though, they’re even. Eli and Sam versus Adrian and Ivy. Admittedly with the girl’s around, their dog-fights have got a lot tamer but the rivalry remains strong.
“Because I highly doubt even duct-tape can shut that trap of his,” replies Sam with a giggle.

Meanwhile, poor Eli’s blissfully unaware that he’s being discussed. Instead he sides up next to his youngest brother frowning at the glass in his hand.
“Is that cola?” he snorts at the drink.
“Yes,” wearily sighs Dane. With strict control of the alcohol, he hadn’t been allowed any, even though, he has drank before and it’s only a few months until he’s legal.
“And you haven’t spiked it?!” whispers Eli. What better excuse to get drunk than a wedding. Besides as groomsmen, they’ve been up since about 6 and so it only stands to reason that a little pick-me-up is in order.
“Eli, Sam’s a cop remember? I don’t think she’d be too pleased to have me arrested at her own wedding.”
“Pfft! Sam’s a pushover. Here give me your glass,” he rolls his eyes sneaking out a bottle of vodka from his inside jacket pocket. Pouring a healthy swig into his little brother’s drink he claps him on the back and strides to find his mate, congratulating himself on a job well done.
“Did you just give Dane alcohol?”

Uh oh. Spinning around, he gives a charming, wholesome grin at his tiny mate, looking less than impressed.
“What? No. Of course not. That would be so irresponsible and illegal.”
“Behave,” she commands, “don’t ruin this for Adrian.”
“Baby, come on. You really think I would-” he drops his speech as soon as he sees he’s really not fooling her, “cross my heart. I won’t say anything, I promise.”
“What about that speech I found?”
“What speech?” he innocently asks.
“Eli…Embarrass your brother today and you will regret it,” she promises and Eli has to gulp at that. If there’s one person he believes will carry out their threat, then it’s Ivy. Just last week, she shrunk all his briefs and he had to go commando-not that that was so bad but then she’d given him a boner-right before work. He has to appease her.
“Ugh, fine but only for you baby,” he grins siding behind her and wrapping his arms around.
“Thank you…aw, look at them dancing-”
“It’d be funny if he trips-”
What was that?!”
“Nothing, I didn’t say anything.”


“Did I mention you look incredible,” whispers Adrian, pulling her closer as the doors open for their floor. Thanking the boy manning the machine, both Sam and Ade step out before she spins around to face him.
“You like this dress?” she shyly asks. She loved it, but what does she know about fashion? Of course, Hanna and the other girls had agreed but maybe they were being kind. Maybe they didn’t want to tell her it clung to her frame just a little too tightly.
“On you, yes. But right now, I’d love it off you more,” he huskily murmurs wrapping his arms around her and kissing her lightly on the lips.
She pouts and whines softly as he pulls back but all too soon that whine is turned to a squeak as he lifts her into his arms.
“Adrian, no! Come on, you know I hate this!” she groans.
Adrian just clicks his tongue against his teeth before simply replying, “traditions, Princess. You, by tradition, get carried across the threshold.”
She groans again but doesn’t complain, allowing him this just this once. For a pretty modern, straight-forward thinking guy, he surprisingly likes to stick to a lot of traditions.

Inside he thankfully sets her down. Her annoyance quickly disappears as soon as they step into privacy. Instead, cinnamon eyes glaze with lust as she gazes up at her husband.
“Ade,” she whispers, reaching for him.
He meets her halfway, just as infatuated by this new bond that ties them together. With a deep passionate kiss, he pulls back well aware that he can’t just rip this dress off her.
“Bedroom, now,” he growls, following her with a wolfish grin as she picks up her dress and runs in.

Tossing off his blazer onto the back of his chair, he grasps her by the waist and hauls her back into his chest. Her gorgeous round ass rests perfectly into his crotch, pressing harder as she curves her spine in response to his suckling of her neck.
“If I could I would rip this dress straight off you,” he whispers honestly.
“Don’t,” she groans hand reaching back to graze his grisly chin, with her other hand, she feels her right side for the zipper. Finding the tiny discrete metal, she tugs it slowly down, making sure not to have it catch on the dress. It would be a record even for her to ruin a dress she’s only worn for one day.
Thankfully it releases but it doesn’t drop, not with Adrian’s arms still wrapped around her and his body pressed to hers.
Tearing off his Velcro-like arms, she steps out and spins around, allowing the dress to pool to her feet.

Adrian’s blue eyes run appreciatively down every inch of her exposed skin, his pupils dilating as he seeps in the sight of her bronze skin seeming darker against the white. This is by far the most risqué lingerie she’s ever worn and just that fact, that’s she’s been practically naked under that damned dress has him growing even harder. Her dusty pink nipples pucker beneath the translucent lace cups of her white bra. Her garter and belt are more modest but her panties. Dear God…

“Princess, please tell me you haven’t been wearing those all day,” he murmurs as she steps towards him and loosens his dark berry tie.
“But then I’d be lying, baby,” she whispers, glancing up at him with her widest faux eyes she blinks at him and with a husky voice whispers, “and these panties? They’re crotchless.”

Of course, they fucking are.
Of course, she would have the guts to equally turn him on and anger him. It frustrates him completely of having this retrospective knowledge that he could have just pulled her into some room hours ago and gained some relief.
With a growl he raises her off her feet and flips her onto the bed.
Sam bounces against the mattress, squealing with laughter. Her giggles soon die on her lips though as he pulls her to the edge of the mattress by her ankles.

He gazes down at his beautiful mate, her playful smile lighting up her whole face. From that angelic grin, his eyes wander down to the sinful body of a full-grown woman and he’s reminded again of her boldness. Capturing her wrists he pins them above her, loving the way she regardless wriggles against his hold, testing its strength when she should know by now it’ll be firm.
“You tempting minx, you knew this was going to happen, didn’t you?” he whispers using one hand to toss off his tie and try unbuttoning his shirt.
“You know, I could help you,” she replies causing him to narrow it eyes at her in warning. But he thinks better of it-he could use her help.
Releasing her wrists he wraps his hand around her throat, firm and restrictive but safe.
“Now Princess, be a good wife and help your husband,” he replies, watching her grin widen at his words. She jumps to the task, gazing at him while she pops off every single button and even grazes down his bare chest to the top of his pants. Unable to reach any further being pinned to the bed, he reaches for the condom in his pocket, tossing it onto the bed before undoing his trousers.

“I should make you beg, for this,” he whispers ripping off the condom packet with his teeth.
“And I would,” she replies, “but I was hoping this outfit would negate that.”
The hand at her throat trails backwards and urges her up. She raises her upper body, bracing herself using her hands and surrendering herself to his brutal kiss. She knows it’s his punishment for her for being so sassy towards him but somewhere in Sam, she feels that of all the days she’ll get away with her prompt retorts, it’s today.

“I love you,” he suddenly states, surprising her. Her heart melts at the abrupt sentiment, as does her body.
“I love you too,” she whispers, legs tightening around his hips as he rolls on the protection.

Lining himself against her wet heat, he cups her face with one hand while the other coils around her waist and he holds her gaze.
“Say it again,” he commands.
Confused but compliant, Sam repeats, “I love-”
She’s cut off by her own piercing scream of pleasure and pain. Adrian had not only bitten her but also entered her. Sam can feel her back arching in ecstasy as she comes all of a sudden, shocking even herself. But…that bliss of his dck scraping against her sensitive walls and the sharp pinch of his elongated teeth sinking into her throat.
A split moment later and he pulls his teeth back, eyes soaking in the sight of her eyes closed and lips parted in euphoria.
As her eyelashes flutter back open, glazed with hunger.
“Say it,” he commands again, pumping deeper into her.
“I love you Adrian.”
Forehead rests against her as he shuffles his hold on her. Gripping back her thighs, he hoists her closer.
“Love you too, Princess.”


A lazy morning get-up is exactly what Sam’s expecting after the night they’ve had. Only when her eyes lazily open does she realise that it’s not the wake-up she has in mind. For starters, there’re suitcases packed and ready by the door.
“Adrian?!” she calls out, only to have him pop through the door fully dressed and carrying a tray with breakfast on.
“What is going-”
“I’ll explain later but come on, the taxi will be here in half an hour. Go get ready,” he instructs and without another backward glance he strides back out the room. Sam blinks at the spot he’d just been standing a minute ago before growling in frustration and dragging herself out of bed.

“Adrian! God, if you were'nt taking me on our honeymoon, I would kill you,” grits out Sam, cheeks burning with embarrassment as he pushes the sound-cancelling headphones onto her and covering her eyes with his palms. If he does say something she doesn’t hear him. But she’s pretty sure she’s being stared at from the hundreds of other passengers travelling to wherever the hell they’re going. She’d hoped to go somewhere on honeymoon but not the very day after their wedding. Plus they haven’t talked about this. So where the hell is he whisking her off to? It’s definitely not domestic. Oh God…she stiffens, what if it’s…
“Oh God…it’s not Canada is it?” she groans only to feel the rumbling of his chest as he chuckles. She takes that to mean no-which is a relief. As nice as she’s sure Canada is, it’s not exactly known for being the most romantic place (or the warmest) in the world.

“Now can you please tell me where we are going?!” she exasperates. She hates not knowing, or having no clues.
“Our final destination is the Maldives,” he finally tells her clipping on his belt and awaiting her reaction.
She stiffens, her eyes wide as she echoes, “ ‘Maldives’? As in the islands?”
“Yes. Do you remember when you said you wanted to go to island resort-”
“I was…I didn’t think…Oh my God! Adrian, are you serious? This is our week away at some beautiful, crazy-expensive, romantic island?!” she cries at him in equal parts joy and disbelief.
He grins back at her to which she too breaks into a large smile.
“Is that a problem?”
She cocks an eyebrow, “nope! I won this, remember?”
“That you did. But I do believe I ultimately won,” he comments causing Sam to frown in confusion.
“How’d you figure that?”

“You’re mine, aren’t you?” 

The End.

A/n Okay, -spoiler alert- this is gonna be long, so skip to the end if you want but honestly, I have to say this. 

So 2 years ago I started writing Dane thinking it would just be a silly book of my fantasy story but more and more people started wanting to read it and from that 3 more books came, each to me becoming more special than the previous. 
I've had so much support for them all and continously and for that I'm so, so grateful. I've also learnt a hell of a lot more about BDSM and also about writing. I know personally, looking back at my writing skill in Dane and now Adrian, I can definitely see a difference (a good difference). 

Again, thank you so much to everyone who has managed to get through all 4 books and I know this is a bit of a bittersweet ending. I personally am looking forward to writing some of other story ideas I have but at the same time, I don't want to stop this series or leave my comfort zone of it. But...'this too shall pass' (that's my favourite qoute btw). 

Anyway, I know a lot of you want to know what's going on next but here's what's happening: 

1) The next full book, I'm going to start writing is 'Cafe Rouge'. This is a one-shot from my 'One-Shots' collection that due to popular request is being turned into a book. I don't know yet if it's going to be a short story and full-length one but I guess, we'll see as we go along.

That will be first posted on: 2nd of January 2015 

2) Since I have a lot of ideas of random future chapters of the Carters, and people are (surprisingly) not sick of them yet-even after 4 books- I'm going to be doing a collection of random one-shot chapters of the Carters. That will be updated sparodically and will be posted in the new year (after Cafe Rouge) as well. 

Again, a HUGE thanks to everyone for voicing their opinions on my books and inspiring me to continue. Without you guys I don't even think I'd ever have got this far and this into Wattpad. Also, I DO read every single comment on my stories ect. (since I get emails about it) but sometimes, I don't have time to reply (especially when I'm on my phone) but I do read them. Again, inbox me and I'll definitely definitely reply :) xx

Alright, I'll stop now. Happy holidays guys! 



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