Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

She glares as she passes by him at the entrance of his door. He doesn't seem too put out. They'd arrived separately to avoid suspicion which had been her idea. He'd taken his car and she'd got the bus. Of course that had meant he arrived before her though the time on the bus had given her time to think and strategise. She considers herself fairly smart and yet she can't find a good way to come up on top. Whatever Dane's demands are, she's not going to like it but if she can't meet them or renegotiate, he's going to do...well, she's not sure what he's going to do but it can't be very nice.

"Drink?" he asks as walks into the kitchen and lounge area to which the door opens to.
She gives a firm shake of her head, "no. I'm not staying long."
"Long enough. Join me on the couch?" he phrases it as a question but it's really more of a statement.
Right now, she doesn't have any other choice. With an annoyed growl, Emery drops her bag at the foot of the island counter and her coat on the counter.
"Fine. Let's get this over with," she says marching over to the fancy couch.
Everything about the apartment is pretty refined. It's all sleek and minimalistic with big abstract paintings hung up. Is this his parents style?

"Where are you parents by the way?" she asks, gazing around for signs of them within the apartment.
"2 hours away," he responds with a grin.
Her head whirls back around to stare at him in shock, "what?"
"They didn't move with me when I moved here."
He's a teenager. Well, adult now. But when he joined their school he was only 16. She knows his parents are liberal and a little wild but wild enough to let him live by himself at that age?

"It was too hard to keep commuting back and forth so when their friend had a spare apartment as he went to lecture in England, they rented it for me at a lower price. There's a housekeeper that also cooks who comes over every few days and gives them updates. Not to mention I have to check in with my mom everyday. So it's not like I can have a rager every weekend."

That explanation is still very out there and she can't believe his parents still did that for him. Her mom and her are close and her mom definitely gives her a lot of freedom but even that would be too far for Tory.

"So you get to live here. By yourself?"
He shrugs as if it's no big deal, "well yeah. I go home at vacations and one weekend every month or so. To be honest, it's been pretty cool. But even at home, my mom and dad are mostly chill. They let me do my thing as long as I'm not breaking the law or failing all my classes."

"Dane," she drawls, "how did you even convince them to let you transfer in the first place? Why did you even transfer?"
He stares at her as if the answer is obvious. His gaze and the silence gets far too intense for her. Emery's heartbeat feels too loud and too fast, her skin too hot and her lips too dry. When she wets them, his eyes flicker to them and back. For a second she leans slightly in, feeling him also shift on the couch before gaining a moment of clarity and ceasing immediately.
"You know why," he murmurs.

Her breath catches seeing the green in those hazel eyes seem to glow. Captivated by them against her better judgement she leans in. He follows suit and before Emery knows it they're kissing. This isn't just some fumble in the dark corner of the school dance that she's experienced before. This is a proper kiss. His lips move confidently, soft but sure against her own trembling ones. Gently he coaxes her into relaxing, so much so that as his tongue slips into her mouth she barely realises. That is until it moves against her own in a slow but passionate dance. She's lost in him, her mind fogged over with all sense of reason drowned out. It's only when his hand tugs on her braid and his body leans against her that reality snaps at her.

What is she doing? They can't do this. They shouldn't. No matter how good this feels. Somewhere in her she's pleased as heck to be making out with arguably the most popular boy in their grade but this is also not her. She doesn't make out with the most popular guy in school.

Palm pressing against his chest, she breaks the seal of their lips and blinks at him, her breath a soft pant. He is so handsome. Way too handsome. The kind of handsome that leaves hearts like hers broken and incurable.

"Dane," she whispers.
It wasn't meant to be a come hither whisper or invitation to carry on but by the way heat flushes his features and his eyes flicker back to her lips, he obviously sees it as one. She glances down to his lips too, just to see. It's not intended to be anything more than a settling of scores and curiosity however as he leans in again, so does she.

Before Emery knows it they're making out again and this time her body is ready to continue this further. Her skin feels so hot, her pussy throbs with neglect and her nipples tighten as they seek attention. With every fibre of her being urging for a progression of events it is her brain that has to be the cold water to the fire. Once again it reminds her that this is not a good idea.

She rips away from him. This time scrambling to the far side of the couch away from his magnetic touch.
"We-we need to stop! I just came here to talk. Y-You-You're confusing," she stutters out.
Smoothing a shaky hand over her hair she tucks back the shorter fly-aways and forces herself to focus. This is not why she's here. The mission is to get her book back and buy his silence somehow. Not to silence him with her lips on his.

"I'm confusing you?" he laughs without humour, "Honey Bee, you're the one who's rejecting me and then kisses me like that."

She goes to protest and then halts. She wasn't the one kissing him like that, he was the one kissing her like that. But starting that argument will just defeat spiral them off tangent. They need to get back on track here. She needs to sway him into seeing her side of all this without being taken in by him.

"Okay whatever. Let's just figure this...mate...stuff out so we can move on," she says with a flourish of her hand.
He straightens up and nods.
"Alright, talk to me. What's the problem now?"
"Tell me, what is it? It's not the distance thing anymore, I'm here. It can't be about college, that's all pretty much set. So what's the issue? It can't be that you're not attracted to me."
Emery shakes her head, "of course it's not that."
Right from the start she's been attracted to him. She never considered the All-American boy type to be her kryptonite but when it comes in the form of Dane Carter, it is and she can't even deny it. Not when she wants to fall into his arms every time she's in his presence.

It's complicated and she's not sure how to explain it to him though she has to try.
"We have our whole lives ahead of us Dane. We're just finishing high school. There's so much we have to figure out and do. Starting a relationship now just...won't work.-"
He begins to interrupt her but she holds up a hand and continues.
"-I know, I know mating and mates are different for your family but Dane, it's still a relationship. And the timing is just not good right now."

Starting a relationship with her mate while in high school is a recipe for disaster. Emery knows that much. Her parents are prime examples of it. It can start off great but then what happens when one person feels the other is holding them back? The resentment starts to grow and with that the relationship breaks down. She doesn't want to go through that, least of all with her freaking soul-mate. That's the one person who's love will never make you feel the same again. Imagine what their hate could do too.

"Honey Bee, the timing is right because fate brought us together now. How can we question that?"
Nonetheless she shakes her head in disagreement. Fate can make mistakes. She can't trust some divine force she can't even see or reason with. She especially can't base her life around this.

"I know why you're reluctant," he states.
"Why?" she asks with curiosity.
"I heard about your parents. I know they were mates and your dad left you and your mom."
It's not sneered or spoken callously but she's heard those words throughout her childhood from her peers spoken with either pity or smug malicious. Just like then it creates a strange tightening of her chest while fire bubbles in her blood.
"You don't know what you're talking about," she hisses quietly, hoping he shuts up about that.

How the hell would he know? He only joined 2 years ago. He doesn't know her. He doesn't know her family either. Even if he'd have been in the pack for years, he wouldn't know. No one does. Her mom and her don't just go around talking all about their business.

"Baby, it's okay. We're not your parents," he cajoles in a soft voice.

That's even worse than the flying accusations. She'd rather them than this pity. Like he has her all perfectly diagnosed and psyche evaluated.

"It's not them, it's you!" she cries, standing to her feet, "have you thought that maybe I just don't want to date you?!"
Everything blurs around her but she spins around stumbling towards her coat and bag. Damn him. Damn him for bringing up ancient history.
"Emery, what are you talking about? Wait. You're clearly upset. Let me drive you-"
God, not more pity. She can't take it anymore.
She whirls around to face him, except she can't see much with tears coating her vision. The band around her heart is still iron clad and burning hot it's so painful. It's the only excuse she has for the lies that spew from her lips as they bypass her brain.

"No. No, don't touch me. I know the kind of clubs your family owns. I know the freaky stuff you're all into. I won't let you do that to me."

As soon as the words are out of her mouth she watches in horror as he straightens. The concerned expression is wiped clean from his face to be replaced with...nothing. He just blinks at her blankly. She can see the rest of his form is straight and tense though and as he takes a step towards her, Emery instinctively takes one back making him falter and halt. She gulps the fear wondering if she pushed him too far.

"If you knew anything about me or that 'freaky stuff' you'd know that like any sexual act, it has to be mutually consensual and based on trust. I would never coerce anyone into it, I would never do that to anyone. That's disgusting. I-...I misjudged you Emery. I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone from now on. After we graduate you won't ever have to see or speak to me again."

They're exactly the words she wanted to out of him and yet hearing them now just feels wrong. Her stomach knots as a sense of nausea works itself up her throat. Why isn't she elated by his news? Why does she have this sense of wanting to latch onto him and beg him to take back those words? She doesn't know him. They aren't anything. But the possibility of being something now destroyed all thanks to her does make her feel bad.

"Do you need a lift or-"
"I'm good. Thanks," she breathes, already gathering her stuff and rushing to the door.

The tears have already started slipping and though she doesn't know why she's crying, she does know that she needs to get out of there.


Almost more than a week later since she ran out of Dane's place and Emery still can't shake the uneasy feeling. Rather than closing up, the pit in her stomach only grows with each passing minute, demanding to be acknowledged. The interaction, or lack thereof, between them at school is even worse than before. At least before he might occasionally slide his eyes to her in a crowded room, give her a little head tilt or quirk of his lips. Now she doesn't get any of that. Instead it's like he just sees through her. She's worse than hated by him. She's nothing to him. And there's no one to blame for it but herself. Well, a mistake can only be a mistake after you've made it.

She's still thinking about what she can do to fix this or at the very least stop herself from feeling that way when her mom returns with a bowl of popcorn for her. As her mom switches play to the rom-com they have up on the TV, Emery decides there's only one thing she can do- she has to finish the rest of her schooling at home.

Yep. That's the only solution left. And now she needs a good strategy to convince her mom of it. A better one than her plans for convincing Dane, especially with how badly that went.

For now, Emery digs into the snack and half concentrates on the scenes playing out on the screen while mulling over her speech.

It's a rare occasion for both her mom and her to have a weekend evening together. Usually her mom works a second job on the weekends at the grocery store and Emery works evening shifts as a waitress at a local restaurant so for them both to be able to have a movie night without either of them being exhausted is a miracle.

"Mom," she starts.
"Yes my darling daughter," sings Tory with amusement. That tone means Em wants something.
"So you know how I'm 18 now..."
"I do."
"And there's just like a few more months of school left, which is totally just not that important anyway."
Tory turns to Emery with a raises eyebrow and makes a noise of disagreement.
"I was thinking, why don't I just finish it at home?-"
"No -"
"But mom listen! I can just stay here and study while you go to work. And I can help with the chores after. Plus this way I can be more flexible so I can do more shifts at work!"
"Not happening, daughter of mine.-"
"Emery. Enough. First of all, there's a lot of paperwork before hand to get that all approved and organised. And second of all, I have no idea how it works and what kind of resources you need. It's too late to sort all of that. Besides, like you said you only have a few more months of school left, you can stick it out until then."

Emery doesn't say anything. She closes her mouth and glares at the TV. Great. Just great. Now she's back to square one. Of course her mom wouldn't understand. She was popular and pretty in high school, a cheerleader even. Apart from getting pregnant with her, her mom was a model teenager. She was with Emery's dad since Sophomore year so it's not even like she had any boy problems either.

"Sweetheart, what's going on? You've not been yourself lately. I know you're not fond of school but is there something happening? Is it the bullying again? Do I need to talk to your Principal-"
Emery rolls her eyes and shakes her head. No, thankfully she escaped that after middle school.
"No mom," she groans, "it's not that."
"Okay then what's wrong?"
Her mother scoots up to Emery, nudging her shoulder.
"Just...nothing. You wouldn't get it," she mutters.
"Honey, you act like I've never been a teenager myself!" laughs Tory.
"It's not the same mom. Times are different."
Tory is not convinced. Times may be different but a lot of the issues they face are the same.
"Hmm, well I'll try keep up. If you do want to talk about it, that is."
"Yeah okay," murmurs Emery already miles away.

A little while later, Emery throws her hands towards the TV with a frustrated growl causing Tory to jump at the sudden explosion of emotion.

"That's so stupid! Why would she do that?! She knows he's a player!" cries Emery.
Wheels turn quickly in Tory's mind. Her daughter loves rom-com movies, the cheesier the better. She does tend to get annoyed with the characters but never to this extent. Seeing the frown on Emery's face, Tory's convinced more than ever now that there is definitely something up with her normally sedate child.
"Now anything shitty he does, it'll be her own fault. She knew better and she still made the dumb choice to believe him," continues Emery.
Tory looks over to the TV, cautiously saying, "that's a little harsh, don't you think?"
"No, it's just the consequence of her actions," argues Emery.
"So because she chooses to believe him and give him the benefit of the doubt, anything that goes wrong in their relationship in the future is on her?"
Emery thinks about that for a moment before slowly nodding, "he's not going to change. Why would he? She's crazy if she thinks that a guy who gets any girl he wants is just going to suddenly settle down and be into only one girl his whole life."
"Emery...that's not so crazy," argues Tory, gently as she feels herself starting to get to the root of the issue now.
"Yes it is mom. Real life doesn't work like that."

Tory cocks her head and comments to her daughter, "you know for a hopeless romantic you sure are very pessimistic."
"I'm not being pessimistic. I'm just being realistic," points out Emery.
"Sweetheart, whatever you want to call it the truth is if you don't give people a chance, life is going to be very lonely."
"I do give people a chance," mutters Emery, "I just can't risk giving him one."

Ah, so it is about a guy. Tory perks up and brings her daughter in for a cuddle. Rather reluctantly, Emery allows herself to be dragged towards her mother.

"This is boy drama then," concludes Tory.
"Yes. No. Maybe," grumbles Emery.
Tory gives a soft chuckle. Alright, her daughter is entitled to some of her secrets. Emery doesn't have to spill all her beans but if she's anything like Tory, talking about it can help.
"And what's the issue? He doesn't return your feelings? He has a girlfriend?"
"Nothing like that. Actually..." Emery hesitates to tell her mother. It's kind of embarrassing to be discussing this kind of stuff with your mom. But what choice does she have? She can't very well speak to anyone at school about this. They may connect the dots and then she'll have an even bigger mess on her hands. Her online friends are great but they just don't get it. They think she should be fawning over him.
"Actually mom, it's kind of the other way around. I was the one who pushed him away."
"Oh. Why? Do you not see him in that way? Did he hurt you?"
Emery rushes to reassure her mom, hearing the protective rise in her tone at that last question.
"He didn't. He's been great actually. And I do like him."
"I'm sorry honey, but what's the problem then?"
Emery hesitates but she knows if anyone will get it, it's her mom. A relationship with your mate isn't always a beautiful fairy-tale.

"He's not a safe, steady relationship kind of guy."

At least Emery doesn't think so. Admittedly even as she's been closely listening to the rumour mill for stories of him, all that's ever been spread is that apart from a handful of dates he doesn't actually date a lot. In the last 2 years he's been at the school, he's also never had a girlfriend. But he's a football player. He's Dane Carter. She's pretty certain that looking the way he does, being young as well, he's not exactly looking to have one relationship for the rest of his life. Not just that but Emery's also not ready to play house yet, she has stuff she wants to do too with her life first.

"He told you that?"
" But Mom, you know what guys like that are like."
"I don't. Tell me. What are guys like that like?" grins her mom, stroking her hair.
Okay so there's got to have been the jock types in her mom's time as well. She's not that old despite what Emery said earlier.
"They just play you. They don't care about your feelings. Once you get attached, it's not fun for them any longer and they're off to the next person, leaving you heartbroken. I don't want that. I especially don't want that now in my life!"
"Emery that's love. That's taking a chance on someone and having faith they'll do the same with you. You can't predict the future. You can only operate with trust. Trust that they will care for you as you care for them and any problems there are that you both talk to each other. When you take a risk on people like that, sometimes you do get burnt. Heartbreak can happen. That doesn't mean you live your life in fear."
"What if they could really, really hurt you though? Like emotionally destroy you?"

Tory sighs and kisses her daughter's head. What advice can she give to that? It's a total Catch-22 situation. Be miserable not having taken tried at least or test your luck to see if you end up badly heartbroken.
"That's a choice you have to make, sweetheart. Do you want to pass this opportunity up to see the future with this person or do you want to stick to the path you're on? It's true taking the unknown path might leave you in pain at the end but would the journey be worth it? Is this person worth it? You may not think some people are and that's okay."
"No, he is. He's worth it," whispers Emery.

Not a lot of people would have moved schools to take a chance on someone who rejected them. They wouldn't live by themselves and stick around for a person until they're ready. Is she ready? Not really. Not at all. But her mom's right. She has to at least try.

"Then," softly responds her mother, "be brave."


It's all well and great that she decides to give him a shot but first she has to make him give her a shot...again. Now how does she do that? In rom-coms they do the big gesture right? Somehow she doesn't think he'd really like a huge bouquet of flowers or a grand gesture. Then again, she doesn't know him all that well.

Her safest option right now is to see if he'd even be open to communication again. She did say some pretty mean things that are totally out of character for her. She's never spoken to anyone that way and it does make her feel guilty to have done that with him. Finishing the last of her burger, Emery smiles distractedly around to the people on her table and searches the cafeteria for Dane. The people she sits with aren't really her friends. She doesn't know them well enough to be able to call them that and she's sure they'd agree. They're just kids that are in some of her classes and are nice enough to let her occasionally join them at lunch. Dane on the other hand always sits with the same group of people. Those are other members of the pack and some of the popular human kids too.

She toys with her phone, wondering what she should start off by even saying.


Strong opener, Em. She curses her awkwardness and watches nervously while on the other side of the cafeteria Dane opens the message. He seems to pause for a moment before his fingers fly across the device and the phone in her hand vibrates.


Okay so great opener from him too. She deliberates what to say again before taking a deep breath and just going for it.

'I'm really sorry for how we ended things.'
'It's cool. You were pretty clear from the start anyway. I won't tell anyone or bother you again, don't worry.'

Though well within his rights to say it, his words are like a stab to her heart.

'That's the thing, I want you to. I thought about what you were saying and I was wrong. Can we talk? Properly, I promise.'

He starts to type something out and then she watches as his finger erases it all. She wonders if he's ever going to reply, even if it's a rejection. Eventually she gets a text through.

'I still have your book. After school today you can come to my place again to pick it up.'

That's not exactly an open invitation for communication again however Emery is thankful it's not a complete shutdown. She'd happily jump at the chance if today wasn't her volunteer day. It's a lot to ask him to either change the date or wait for her but she can't bail on her responsibilities. At least not this one.

'I have volunteering after school.'

Now he can tell her if he wants to reschedule or if he's going to decide she's not worth the effort.

'After that.'

She sighs a small breath of relief. Sending a quick thanks. He doesn't respond but she watches him read the message. He's able to quick pocket the device before Charlotte grabs his arm and attention. Emery frowns over at the interaction. Charlotte is a member of the pack and used to be the bane of Emery's existence. She led the valiant charge of verbal attacks and bullying of Emery in middle school and while Charlotte still has little regard for Emery, there's no longer any direct attacks. On principle Emery tries not to hate anyone but Charlotte sure does make it difficult on her. It's obvious to anyone with two eyes that the redhead wants Dane, not that he returns the sentiments. If the rumours are true then Charlotte's warned off every girl in the school from him and staked a claim she has no right to. In a different world, Emery imagines marching right up to Dane and kissing him solidly in front of the other girl. God, how the jealousy would make her just seethe and be all the sweeter for Emery. But this is not that world and Dane is not some trophy to be paraded about.

Luckily he seems to agree as he shakes his head at whatever question Charlotte asks and subtly removes his arm from her grip. Well, he may not be a fan of Emery now but at least he's not running into the arms of a viper.


Emery's digging through her backpack for change for the bus only to gaze up and stop dead. Dane. Like some hot-shot in a movie, he's leaning against his car with one leg hooked at the ankle over the other. His shiny, light brown hair glints in the sunlight as he stares down at his phone. His head raises sensing commotion. With those sunglasses on his face she can't tell what his expression but he tilts his head towards his car and she takes it as a signal to get over there.

"Hi," she says nervously, "I was going to just take the bus."
"That'll take too long. Get in," he states, opening the passenger door and rounding the car to his side.
She's a little taken back but his curt tone and words but she can't really blame him. Clutching her bag to her chest, she slides in and stays quiet.

Throughout the ride neither of them break the silence. Dane does glance at her every so often. Why, Emery has no idea. It makes her uncomfortable all the same. This whole situation is uncomfortable and makes her more nervous than performing on a stage. Which is the most nervous Em has ever been.

After an eternity they do reach his place though and déjà vu hits her as she dumps her stuff in the exact place again. This time she doesn't take a seat since it's not offered. She also doesn't know how this is going to go. All she does know is that she's not running out the door again this time. Her mom's words of 'be brave' echoes in her soul as she faces him.

"We're here. So what is it you wanted to say?"

He crosses his arms across his chest and faces off against her. Sensing this could get hostile, Emery takes the first step this time and lowers her defences.
"Sorry. I want to say sorry. I shouldn't have said-"
"Emery it's fine-"
"It's not," she argues, "it's not fine and you shouldn't have to take that from anyone least of all me. What I said wasn't even true. I don't want you to think that's normal for me. I've never spoken to anyone so mean and I should have never done that to you."

His arms drop at her sincere apology and he hesitates like he's about to move towards her but doesn't. Instead a small smile is painted on his lips as he gives her a nod.
"You're forgiven. Thank you for the apology."

He doesn't say anything more after that just waiting for her to speak. She glances around before finally gaining the courage to continue.
"Also I think the reason I lashed out at you is because...when you said that thing about my parents, I guess it hit an insecurity."

This time he does follow through on getting closer to her. His arms open, giving her the choice to receive the hug or not. Of course she wants it. Standing there confessing something she's never confessed to anyone before, especially out loud has her absolutely craving some comfort. It's the first time she's really touched him and paid attention to it. Of course they've kissed but those kisses were heat of the moment touches and done out of passion. This is purely for comfort. He's average height which means taller than her but not by a massive amount since she's also pretty average height. With his arms around her, her face plants into the centre of his chest and she breathes in the scent of his deodorant and clothes. Dane gives her a light squeeze before his arms relax again, allowing her to step out of them if she so wishes.

Rather than that, Emery presses her palms against his chest and gazes up at him.

"I'm sorry too in that case, Honey Bee," he murmurs, "I shouldn't have spoken so carelessly."
"Can we start over?" she asks softly.
"Yeah we can start over," he equally gently agrees, "but as what? Friends or...?"
Leap of faith time. This path she's taking could end really well or really, really badly. That's a risk she's almost positive she wants to take.
"More than friends Dane. I..." she readies herself to make sure she can say what she needs to with sufficient conviction, "I want to be with you."

He pauses for a second and just when she thinks he's doing to lean down for a kiss, he pulls back. Emery's left confused and a little stung with rejection as he steps completely away from her. Did she say something wrong? Misread the signals? Wasn't those the words he was wanting to hear from the beginning?

"Dane?" she questions fearfully.

Oh god, she might just die of embarrassment if he says it's too late now.

"Before you decide that you should know some things about me. What you said last time about my family-"
"I'm sorry! I really didn't mean to-"
"No, baby, hold on. What you said about us being into BDSM is true. It's true that I'm into that. You should know if we're going to be intimate sexually, I struggle without incorporating that."

That puts a roadblock on her plans.

It's obvious now that he says it. Why wouldn't be into that stuff if the rest of his family are and he's been raised in that kind of environment where it's normalised? Unsurprisingly her sexual experience not just on that but also generally is limited. She's not even made it past 2nd base- the awkward groping stage. That doesn't imply that she's completely naïve. Emery's read about what might be considered BDSM in her books however there's a massive difference reading about it in a book where the author purposefully has the characters being into that and experiencing it first-hand. It's really odd to picture herself doing any of that with Dane, a guy she sees almost everyday in a non-sexual setting. Besides she really doesn't want her butt being spanked bright red like she's some naughty little child, or be chained up and whipped. That is not her idea of a fun time. Her pain tolerance okay but being tortured isn't high on her wish-list.

Still, despite all that she likes him. And if that's a part of him, how can she ask him to give it up? And for how long?

"Um," she hesitates, "I'm not really sure I'm into the whole whips and pain stuff. That's what the S is for right? Sadism."
Despite hearing her weak refusal, he seems to light up at the chance of a discussion. He invites her over to the couch for this chat which he hopes will be a thorough honest one. This time he also reminds himself not to put his foot in it and treat her with more care. She's his mate after all.

"It can be. But that's not what I am. I'm more of a Dominant."

Oh. Dominant. So that's just being all bossy and controlling, right? That's not exactly the largest leap to make in regards to him. Dane's not pushy but he is assertive, quietly so. Clearly when he gets an idea in his head he's not easy to be convinced otherwise. Lucky for him, this time Emery concedes to it since coming to realisation it's what she wants too but it won't be like that every time. She knows she's a softie but she's not a pushover.

"That would make me be the submissive, right?" she confirms.
"Only if that feels right for you. I wouldn't want you to be something you're not comfortable being. But I just wanted you to know and be warned beforehand. I can tone it down but I think it's important you know that that's my nature."
She nods with a smile slowly spreading across her features.
Emery laughs and snorts, "Dane you've just basically described what most straight guys want anyway. A woman that does as she's told."

His jaw drops in shock which only makes Emery laugh louder. She falls against his chest as he starts to grin. Not because he agrees with her scathing observation of his gender but because it's allowed him to hear her laughter. He had a strong inclining she'd be shy and thought she'd be sweet too but he hadn't predicted her being so goofy. And that laugh. The little snorts and slight wheeziness is odd but adorable.

Dane catches her hand as she pulls back and straightens, getting the chuckles under control.
"No," he good-naturedly protests, "that's not what I was saying."

She shoots him a look that says she doesn't quite believe him.
"Uh-huh," she replies with a small shrug.
Then gazing down at where he's got her fingers captured in his she embarrassingly admits, "it's fine anyway. It's not like I was gunning to be in charge of of our relationship. Um, as you could probably tell I'm not...very experienced like that."
Obviously. She'd love to boldly proclaim that people shouldn't just judge her on her outward appearance and that she's highly desired sexually and skilled in the pleasures of the flesh but unfortunately it is her imagination and not body that gets that kind of workout.

There's a squeeze to her fingers causing her to glance up at him. There's no expression of 'duh' on his face, nor one of pity or God-forbid, smug victory. Instead he just gives her an enigmatic demure smile.

"That's not an issue for me as long it's not an issue for you that I've had some experience."

Some. Yeah right. Emery bets that's putting it mildly. He may only be 18 but this is Dane Carter. Most of teen girls of their species view him as a minor celebrity and while there aren't a huge amount of them, the straight human teen girls are probably just as enamoured. And again, he's 18. Speaking for herself, the horniness is real. She's sure it's the same for him.

"It's not," she confirms with a shake of her head.

"Okay, back to what I was saying. The D&S is different for everyone, what they get out of it and why they incorporate it into their lives. For me, it's about the communication. Of course, each relationship needs good communication, trust, respect and all. But I find it extra important to have when being intimate like that."

Emery's mind whirs rapidly to piece together what he's saying with the subtext of what he's saying. She's left with some confusion and plenty of questions. First of all, why does he talk about it like he's 30 or something. Is it meant to be that complicated? It's just sex (and the things in-between), isn't it? Why is he so in his feelings about it? Is it because he's into some freakier than freaky stuff? Oh God...What if he is?

"Dane, I don't understand. I thought you just liked to be bossy in bed. Why are you talking like you're going to blindfold me and throw me in the deep end?"

"I'm not. That's the point."
Wow, he is really going a crappy job explaining this to her. It hadn't been so hard when he'd explained it to his dad or therapist. Maybe because he's more nervous with her. She is his mate after all and the one who's consent is most important here.

"Look, I'm not going straight away start pouring hot wax on you and demand you endure it or anything. That's not how it works- how I work. Just imagine we're having sex. I want us to be able to talk so I can know that you like what I'm doing and you know I like it too. Being a Dominant, I find it rewarding to learn in depth every little thing about my submissive; which areas are her favourites, what her needs are and especially what her limits are so that if she'd like we can push them sometimes. Just as we can push mine sometimes. Getting to know someone that well, sharing those experiences I get more of a connection with that person and I find I need that. I need to be able to focus on her and know that she's focused only on me, that it's me with her in that moment. I need that Honeybee."

Emery exhales softly still absorbing all of that vulnerability. She shouldn't have discounted him as just that rich jock. She'd be more worried this is all some planned speech if it weren't for the conviction in his eyes. There's a hollowness in them that rings of truth and openness.

"Dane, I'm with you," she responds, "you're the first guy I'm taking this leap of faith with. I want to try. For you and me. But this is all new for me so if you can show me, slowly, then I promise to give it a shot."

It would be ridiculous of her to even pretend to understand what he's talking about when she has no practice of it. She gets the appeal of being able to talk freely with your partner during those intimate moments as he says, but she doesn't understand the difference between that and this D&S business. Despite that Emery's already wading through unknown waters, she may as well keep going.

For her bravery she's rewarded with a gentle kiss. One that's kept far too respectable. She leans forward, following him as he pulls back with that grin coming back.

"That's all I can ask for. Thank you. Normally people do safe words but I think between us we can just use 'no' or 'stop' or something like that. It's not like we're going to be doing anything extreme."

She narrows her eyes yet there's a hint of a smile on her lips.
"Okay that's easier to remember but our definitions of 'extreme' may be different."
Dane leans forward whispering, "I doubt it but that's why we'll take it slow and stop anytime it's too much."
Her eyes go to lips. Well, kissing isn't extreme. She wouldn't complain about doing more of that.

Her thoughts are completely obvious. Dane likes the direction she's going in but he wants to show her also what he's been talking about. In a very limited capacity of course. They aren't there yet to be full-on ripping each other's clothes off. He wants to get to know her more.

"Let's make it a game."
She pauses in confusion asking, "make what a game?"
"Getting to know each other."
"Oh. Um...okay? Like 20 questions?"
"Kind of. More like...strip 20 questions. And not just 'yes' or 'no' answers. We take turns answering truthfully about whatever question the other person has. If we lie or hesitate and are called out on it, we strip an item of clothing. Things in a pair count as one."
"Wait, we're taking off our clothes?" she repeats, her mouth growing dry.

Oh no. Oh God, she's totally not prepared for that. Emery tries to think back to the underwear she has on however her mind is still buffering.
"Unless that's too extreme for-"
He does mean it as a taunt but she sure takes it as a challenge and before her brain can stop her mouth she's already uttering, "nope. Not extreme at all! I'm fine with it!"

"Alright," grins Dane, rising to his feet and pulling her up with him, "ladies first."

Emery tries to think of a good question to ask him. She's had so many before but now she's drawing a complete blank. He's so open and upfront about everything, what on Earth can she even ask him?

"Er...were you always so perfect?" she blurts out causing him to burst out laughing.
She feels the blush at her cheeks from such a stupid question.
"I'm not perfect," he points out so obviously, "and my family would definitely be the first to tell you that. My mom used to have this small bell that you use for dogs and cat collars tied to a piece of yarn which she'd loop around my foot when I was young because I would run around so much and according to her cause trouble. She'd hear the bell and know if I was sneaking in somewhere I shouldn't be."
Emery can't picture him being naughty but that's cute. She smiles wide at the story, glad her question wasn't completely wasted.
"Tell me about your family. Are you close with them?"

She hesitates something he definitely picks up on. Wordlessly, Emery sighs and removes her shoes.

"You can still answer anyway if you'd like," he comments.
She supposes it's not like she's got anything to hide. If this works out like he thinks it will then he's have to eventually know about her family-or lack thereof.
"It's just my mom and I. I see my grandparents on my dad's side sometimes. They're sweet. But not on my mom's side. My mom got pregnant with me when she was a teen and they sort of stopped talking to her. I think I met them once when I was young but I don't really remember."
"I'm sorry."
Em just shrugs. It's not the best but it could be a whole lot worse. At least she has one parent who tries their best and is there for her.
"It's okay. It is what it is. My turn. What's your most embarrassing moment?"
She needs to make him seem more real somehow. Dane good-naturedly just shakes his head at this and replies, "clarify for me. Is this in my whole life or more recently? And don't worry this still counts as your turn."
"More recently," she decides. She doesn't want to hear about cute baby Dane. She wants the embarrassing stuff he's done now.

"Er well-"
"Hesitation," points out Emery to which he laughs but takes off his shoes also.
"You still want me to answer don't you?" he rhetorically asks and then continues after getting her nod of affirmation, "probably when I was still driving back and forth to school from my parents' house, I would get super tired. Especially those days after football practice the night before. I ended up falling asleep in one of my classes, not very surprisingly. The teacher-Mrs Lopez, you know her? Well, she woke me up by crashing this book really loud on the desk beside me. When I was startled awake, she was speaking to me so fast in Spanish, I didn't even think, I just spoke and I ended up, in Spanish at least, telling her to 'shut up mamita'. That really didn't go well. She ended up giving me detention for a week."

Emery vaguely remembers hearing about that. She hadn't realised it was him though!
"Wow, you rebel," she teases.
"I'm not proud of it," he grins back, "my dad was so mad. Not so much about the falling asleep in class, which my mom was more concerned with, more about the disrespect. Telling women to shut up is uh, not something he's raised me to do."

They continue on exchanging questions and answers. Sticking to topics of school and their hobbies, they manage to keep most of their clothes apart from a hesitation on Emery's side which has her losing her socks. Noticing their state of relaxation now, Dane goes out on a limb, deciding to broach the very topic that sent her running last time.

"I'd like to know more about your dad. Do you know why he left?"

Emery's stumped for a second. She knows she's hesitating and she'll take the L for that however it just throws for off loop to be asked that question. Unlike last time when he tossed that out there, those walls don't immediately erect. Instead Emery looks to him and decides that he may as well know.
"Yeah my, my dad wasn't a great husband. He left when I was young so I only know what my mom's told me. He wasn't abusive or anything. He didn't hit or yell at me but I don't really remember him being there with me either. I don't have any memories of that. I remember his face but not doing anything with him. My mom even then I remember but not him. Mom says that even though they were soulmates he-he cheated on her. A lot. And she eventually realised that she deserved better. She was basically doing it all by herself anyway."

With that she numbly strips off the t-shirt. It feels more raw and exposing to admit that to him than taking off the article of clothing. She's never told anyone that. They know her dad left and information in their small pack is rarely kept secret so most people also knew that he was cheating on her mom. Emery's just never been the one to tell anyone.

"Hey," he softly says taking her hand, "you're better off without him too. No matter the circumstances, cheating is wrong. It's not the answer and you shouldn't be punished for his mistakes. I hope you know I don't judge you for them or think any less of you because of him."

She gives him a waning smile and unable to speak, a squeeze of their joined hands. Her mom does her best and Emery appreciates it but all her life she's been acutely aware that she may in some way be lacking from not having her father in her life. It's nice to hear that Dane doesn't think so. Maybe she would have turned out different with her dad in her life but she'll never know that however as long as she's accepted for who she is without him, that's all that matters.

With that reassuring the notion she's now in just her bra and jeans are so acute she blushes. Her bra is a rather boring, plain white one which on one hand she wishes were a little more interesting since her boobs are not that extraordinary but on the other hand, she's glad it's not one of her older faded ones. Now she has to pray her underwear matches. Except if it does that might be a lot worse. White panties and a white bra, God what is she? 12 years old. That's definitely not the way to be seen as an actual adult woman. Okay, so she just has to make sure not to hesitate or lie about any more of her questions and then it'll all be okay. Actually, when will the game end? Surely, they're not going to strip completely naked?!

"Em? Your turn, baby. Unless you want to stop. Which we can. It's completely up to you."

No way. She can't wimp out and confirm to him that she's this inexperienced loser who can't keep up with him. Besides she'll basically just be in a bikini which is what she wears to the beach and pool anyway. Though it would be nicer if he also were on the same level of nakedness as her.

"No, I'm good. Okay. Why haven't you dated anyone since coming here? Properly I mean. I had told you I didn't want us to be mates so why did you keep coming to the school and why would you keep just waiting for me?"
She knows that's more than just her one question and she's fine if he just wants to pick one of them to answer but those have all be circling her mind. She doesn't get it. Why would you wait on someone like that? She's not that special. He could have been with anyone he wanted (and there were many who want him) and he would have been well within his rights to do so.

He doesn't answer for second and then with a sigh replies, "it's not that I was chasing after you or holding onto the idea that I could persuade you. It's more that I didn't want to date anyone. No, actually I did try to. I hung out with a few people but it didn't feel right. There was no spark or connection, nothing that made me want to keep dating them."

Of all the answers he could have given she wasn't expecting that. A spark. Connection. He's 18 years old. That's what he's looking for? She can hardly believe it. Does that mean he thinks he has it with her? Or is her fears that he's going to lose interest actualise? Will she be another girl who couldn't hold the attention of Dane? Her turn is over so she can't ask those questions though even if the rules allowed her to, Emery's not sure she can. To speak it aloud is to almost bring it into existence. Maybe she shouldn't have even started this, she's just playing with fire.

She's about to call it off when he takes his shirt off. Emery doesn't have the same decorum as him. Her eyes go straight to his chest before she tears herself off it. Then again, it's not everyday (or any day) that a guy pulls off his shirt in front of her. And he's very handsome. She couldn't help herself. From his smile, he doesn't seem to mind too much though.

Still it's rude.
"Sorry," she murmurs even as her gaze goes back to the indentations of those abdominal muscles.
"It's all good," he snorts, "but it does make me wonder. When you said you were inexperienced, are you saying you're a virgin?"
She looks him in the eyes and without hesitation states, "no."
For a moment he doesn't say anything then with a blink, he narrows his eyes and gives a small shake of his head.
"That's a lie."

It is. She just can't say it to him. Statistically it's totally normal that she is however saying it to him when he's clearly not is difficult. She'd rather lose the jeans. Laying them on the couch with her t-shirt, she faces him with a whole lot of awkward vulnerability. Telling herself that this is just like wearing a bikini doesn't help anymore. The context is all different and this is underwear-something that's not meant to be seen entirely like this. Not only that but the large area they're in suddenly seems so much smaller. He doesn't say anything for a long time, just watches her as she watches him back. Then he takes a step forward.

Emery doesn't know why but she takes one back.

"Emery that's not a bad thing. Or a good thing," he rushes to add, "it just is. I told you before, it doesn't matter to me that we have different levels of experience."
"I know. I believe you," she replies, taking another step back to match his one forward.
"So why do you keep backing away from me?"
"I'm not."
He laughs as his one forward means her one backward. Pretty soon she's going to be up against the wall with nowhere to go.
"Honey Bee, you're literally doing it now."
She stops. Just as he does.
"Are you scared of me?" he asks.
"I'm not scared of you."
"Okay," he says unconvinced taking a small step towards her. This time she stays completely still though it's not because she's comfortable.

"Em this is the talking part. Talk to me. What's going on?"
She gazes up at him, her heart racing.
"I-I don't know. Um, this is just...uh, it's a lot more than I thought we were going to be doing."
He cups her cheeks, leaning in. His palms on her face is the only point of contact between them and yet it's like he's pressed fully against her.
"Do you want me to stop? Shall we put our clothes back on? Watch a movie or something?" he questions.
She braves placing her hands on him. A light hesitant touch of her fingers at his chest but feeling that strong, warm muscle beneath them stirs the desire in her. It's been a low constant hum in her lower belly that she's been able to tune out to interact somewhat normally with him though now it buzzes loudly, demanding to be heard.
"I want to kiss you," she admits.

Luckily he wants that as well. He's coming to learn that kissing her is becoming quite addicting. She's like no other girl he's kissed before. A little hesitant and shy at first but once coaxed out of her shell, she gives it her all. Not too long after and Emery's hands curl around his shoulders, pressing her body completely against his. He takes it as his cue to allow his hands to drift down her back. Even more surprisingly as they continue to make out, she goes exploring. It's an unexpected gift to which he smiles against her lips at. She strokes lightly down his back and then gaining confidence sweeps up his chest with her palm. He's fine with her feeling him up. More than fine with it actually. Though the football season is over, conditioning still continues and although he's finishing this year he still likes to keep training with the other boys. All that means that he's in pretty good shape. It's not all about getting the cut body and abs but he can't deny that it's a nice side effect particularly if his mate is into that.

"You, um, you can move your hands too," she mumbles when they part very briefly.
It's sweet how he's being all gentlemanly by keeping his hands strictly on her back and still allowing her to run hers over his bare chest. It's a very nice chest, really nice. It's even better getting to feel it and press against it. His skin is warm, his body is strong and pairing that with his kisses make her want to rip the rest of their clothes off. There's a throbbing between her legs, her breasts feel heavy and every inch of her skin cries for his touch.

"We should slow down," he replies, rather reluctantly.

What? Hearing that is like ice water to her hot shower. What does he mean they should slow down? Nothing's even really happening. She draws him back towards her.
"What? Why?" she cries softly.
Dane cuts him off, distracted by something, his head tilts to the side to listen closer but Emery doesn't notice it.
"Dane?" she calls.
"A phone's buzzing. Is it yours or mine?" he muses, pulling away.

Emery makes a noise of protest but that doesn't deter Dane. He walks over to the table where they've dumped their stuff, slipping his arm out of the grip Emery hangs onto by. With a sigh, Em considers this the final dumping of cold water on the fire. Slightly annoyed, she lets him investigate as she tugs her clothes back on.

"It's not mine. It's yours, baby," he says as she pulls down her t-shirt.

Emery frowns. Her phone. That doesn't make sense, no one calls her except her mom. Oh shit. Realisation hits her as she glances out the window only to realise the sun's already set and it's far later than she thought it is. The time had just slipped away with him. Since she's not exactly a social butterfly, her mom tends to know where she is at all times. Not to control her but just to be informed. The rare times she does have to stay late or something unexpected comes up (usually the bus being super late) then Em will text or call to let her know.

"Shoot! Is it my mom?" she asks reaching out for it.
"Yeah looks like it."

Emery glances down at the phone and winces, wondering if she could just not pick it up and deal with things when she gets home. Ugh no. Her mom would go crazy. She's not a shouty person but she plays the guilt trip card super well and Emery's a sucker for it. Sometimes she would rather her mom just yell than give her the 'disappointed' face and tone of voice.

"Oh no," she groans and accepts the call as it buzzes again, cringing as she says, "hey mom."
She turns to gain some composure. From her peripheral she sees Dane getting dressed meaning disappointingly that she doesn't get to see that chest.
" 'Hey mom'? That's all you have to say? Emery, why haven't you been answering any of my texts? Where are you? What's going on?"
"Uh, well..."
She can't think of a single lie. How did she get accepted by any college when she can't even make up a basic lie.
"Yes? I'm waiting," impatiently snaps her mom in a move very unlike her.
Yikes, Emery knows when it's time to grovel.
"I'm so sorry mom. I got caught up afterschool with this project I'm doing with a classmate and we totally lost track of time. I'm on way back now, I promise."

Hearing the half plausible reason, Em can sense her mom's worry deflating to be one of more annoyance.
"It's dark and late, I can come pick you up-"
Nope, no way is she leading her mom straight to Dane's place. If she finds out she's been here alone with him all this time there's going to be a whole other lecture and she'll be in twice as much trouble. Not only that but it'll just make her mom distrust Dane and create an irreversible bad first impression. She won't do that to him.
"It's okay," she rushes, "I'll get a ride."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah totally," she looks towards Dane saying that and thankfully he gives a nod of confirmation.
"Okay well I'll see you soon. We can discuss this incident then and there are going to be consequences Emery. Don't be long."
She sighs, "yes mom."

With a groan, Em ends the call and looks over to Dane. The unsympathetic jerk just laughs and gives her pouting lips a peck.
"Guess the clock's struck midnight Cinderella. Let's get you home."
With a groan Emery allows him to drag her to collect her stuff and out the door. 

A/n if you've read the old version you know that I've incorporated bits of that first few chapters in this! As always, thank you for reading and I'd love to read any comments you have :) This was a super long chapter update I know but I'll try to still update in another two weeks! 

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