Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Weeks later, Emery's been claimed by her mom. The past few weekends even though she's spent some with Dane, they've mostly been studying. There's a few kisses and touches here and there but they've been honouring Dane's wish to keep it at second base still. It's been harder than Emery thought to go back a step when she's experienced the next one but she does concede that it's a good decision they've made. 

Discovering Dane's interests outside of just being 'the jock' is fun. He's a lot more intuitive and observant than she'd realised. Still despite all that, something about that day on her couch bothers her. Just what did prompt him to retreat like that? There's something he's not telling her and she's not sure if that feeling is a real instinct or a self-preservation tactic.

This Saturday at least Emery's going to focus on spending time with her mom and try not to talk too much about Dane. Her mom's probably sick to death already of them.

"It's nice of you to take the day off work mom," Emery says as they make their way out of the clothing store.
They each have a shopping bag in hand but they're both more window shoppers than anything. Extra money to spend on clothes they don't need was something they didn't have for so long, even now they treat it as a luxury.

Tory simply shrugs and loops her arm through Emery's.
"Well, I feel like we barely spend much time together now! And I know I'm running out. Soon you'll be in college and I'll only get the vacations with you."
Emery rolls her eyes at that with amusement. She's been hearing that since the start of her senior year. There's still the whole exam season to go, prom, graduation and summer. Her mom has plenty of time with her. Besides at most she'll be across the country. Not in a different world.
"That's if I get into college," she mutters.
"Sweetie, you work hard, you'll get in. And even if you don't, it's not the end of the world. There's plenty of other just as good options."
Em thanks her mom and agrees half-heartedly. Her mom's right of course. Not going to college shouldn't be the end of the world but Emery knows in her bones, it's the right choice for her. She wants to study English and she wants to have a career in journalism or something related. It's what she's good at. It's what she was meant to do.

Lost in her own thoughts, Emery doesn't realise when she's directed into the CVS store.
"Mom? What do we need from here?" she asks.
"Oh just need to pick up some things. I'll be right back," distractedly comments her mom before wandering off down one of the aisles.

Em isn't even annoyed anymore. When she was younger she'd get so frustrated by her mom doing this but now Em's accepted it. She's learnt if she just hovers around the cash registers eventually her mother will turn up. This CVS isn't too big or too busy so she's sure she won't have to wait for long.

As predicted it's long before Tory is getting rung up. The 2 items are bagged quickly, before Emery can see what she's got and they're out of the store.

"I could do with a break. Let's go grab coffee," comments Tory, directly her daughter to the Starbucks.
Emery makes a lunge for the new bag in her mother's hand just as they reach the store. Peering inside she notes the contents and is grateful she didn't just pull out the things in front of everyone. 

Her mom whilst with her just went and bought condoms and lube! That very thought of her mother, lube and condoms all in one sentence takes a good while for Emery to process as her brain keeps stuttering on it.
What the hell? Who is her mom boning?

"Something you want to tell me mom?" implies Emery handing back the bag, "or rather someone you want to tell me about?"
They move up in the queue first before Tory glances over to her wide eyed daughter.
"No of course not. Let's get our drinks first and then we'll discuss it."
Again they move up. Now almost at the till.
"So there is something to discuss?" counters Emery.

There is someone then! Maybe not serious which is perhaps why her mom's being all evasive about it but maybe a 'special friend'. Which again is so completely gross though she supposes her mom's not exactly past it and entitled to some fun. She'll be leaving soon after all. Oh God...they better not turn her bedroom into some sex playroom though!

"We'll talk about it in a minute. Now what do you want?"

Emery shoots her mom another suspicious glare before giving her order to the nice cashier. Before her mom can order, she informs her she's going to go find them a table and stalks away.

Tory sighs at the sight of her teenage daughter sulking away. Her and Em have more of a friendship bond than a mother-daughter one and sometimes she forgets that Emery isn't one of her almost 30 years old girlfriends but a teenager figuring out herself and life.

The cashier calls her and that when Tory snaps back to her previous task. She gives her drink order and takes out her purse ready to pay.
That's when, still flustered by thoughts of her daughter, the credit card slips out from her fingers. A stranger gets to the plastic first. A suit but no wedding ring wearing man. Tory's not a short woman by any means though despite this she still has to tilt her head to meet the eyes of the stranger.


He's a handsome man undoubtedly. Not exactly her type. She prefers a classic tall, dark and handsome gentleman and this guy is all blonde, slightly scruffy and well tall at least. His hair is worn just a touch long so that it curls around his neck and shows the natural wave pattern to it. It's combed back but Tory doubts that's its usual state. His face is a touch too angular to be considered Hollywood handsome but his cheeks and chin are coated with a fuzzy blonde beard. Lastly, she notes that he's wearing a suit far nicer than one someone would wear to work. His tie is pulled down though and the top few buttons of his shirt undone like he can't wait to get out of it.

"Here you go," he says with a smile, handing her back the card.
"Thank you," she replies politely, turning to apologise to the employee and pay for the drinks.
"Actually," comes that smooth caramel voice, "if you don't mind. I'll pay for her drinks."
That's never happened to her before. Maybe once or twice a guy will buy her a drink at a bar but it's a rare occurrence and not one she tends to encourage. Though no one's ever bought her coffee before especially not a stranger.
"Oh! Uh. Oh," stutters Tory stumbling over her words and then weakly adding, "you don't have to..."
Her protest dies at her lips as he assures her it's no problem and adds his order to hers, well, his order now.

She really should protest more. Just as she wraps her head around what's happening and the way that it implies this guy likes her, he's already finished paying.

They move over to the side waiting for the drinks which is when Tory pulls herself together. She should make it clear that just because he bought her coffee doesn't mean owes him anything and she's not going to be falling at his feet for it. She can buy her own damn drinks. The knight act may work on other women but not her.
"You didn't have to do that," she repeats.
"I wanted to. It's not everyday I get to buy coffee for a beautiful woman."
Okay so that's confirmed. He's definitely hitting on her. A part of her wants to coo and flirt back but that part of her isn't considerate of the responsibilities and duties she has.

Her lips pull into a slight frown as she shakes her head.
"Well if that's all it is. Thank you," she sniffs.
"It can be all it is," he responds, "unless there's a special someone that would object?"
She gazes back at him sharply and stiffly replies, "no. There's no one like that. But that doesn't mean I don't object."
The smile doesn't drop even in the face of her strong rejection.
Instead he solemnly nods and says, "noted. I apologise then."

He turns too to the counter where they're calling out orders. After a few moments, Tory looks towards him. He's silent but not in a sulking way. She can't do a casual relationship but she also can't do a serious one.
It's just better she doesn't date at all.
That being said, maybe she was a bit too harsh with her words. That's not really her and he did do something nice for her. The least she can do is offer him the curtesy of politeness even in her rejection.

"Look I'm sorry," she says catching his attention again, "it's just..."
"Hey no apology needed. Surprising I know but I am a man who can take no for an answer. I'll just consider this my good deed of the day," he grins good-naturedly.
Maybe he's playing the good guy card in hopes of getting what he wants but Tory's instincts don't say that's the case. He seems like a genuinely nice guy.

"Okay. It's just not anything to do with you. You're obviously a very attractive man," his smile broadens at that assessment, "but I...I come with a lot of baggage."
He simply gives a small shrug.
"We all have baggage," he says, "for instance. I have a big family and I love them dearly but they can be crazy. It was meant to be my cousin's wedding today and just before his bride started walking down the aisle he decided he'd rather marry her bridesmaid. So the minister got them married and that did not exactly please the bride as you can image. I managed to get out before the real chaos began."

For a second Tory can't tell if he's being serious or not. Then she looks to his chest where a small sprig of baby's breath flowers pokes out from the front pocket to corroborate his story. She fails to keep the laughter at bay but does wrangle into submission quickly, just not quick enough to stop him grinning wide at her.

"Well I have a different sort of baggage. I'm a single mom."
"That's not a deterrent for me. I don't have any but I've always liked kids."
Oh. Normally that's enough to make a man start to back away. Particularly if that man is in his late 20s like her or early 30s. Being a stepdad usually isn't something they look favourably on and Tory can't exactly blame them. It's a big ask of anyone which is why she's always upfront about it.

"Okay then I'm part of a community."
His bushy eyebrows scrunch up at that part until she says tell him the name of the Alpha who leads their 'community'.
Understanding dawns on his features as he whispers conspiratorially, "I'm part of a similar community."


He's a werewolf too. It's almost all too good to be true. She has a million questions about his mate and lack thereof and all the rest of that but before she can they're calling out her order.

He walks over with her to grab his coffee as she picks up hers and Em's.
"None of this is a deal-breaker for me, sweetheart. But we can talk over the rest of your concerns and so called baggage over dinner?"
Tory blinks up at him. Dinner is serious. Dinner gives them lots of time to talk, dinner means he's wanting to really know her. If the goal was just sex he'd go for drinks or an actual coffee date, not dinner.

"You want to take me to dinner?" she confirms.
"Absolutely. I know this great Japanese restaurant. The food is good but I think with you there the company will be better."
"I-um, I...I don't even know your name."
"It's James," he states, "and you're Tory? Is it short for something?"
She shakes her head. Nope, her parents were just weird.
"Okay well," he slowly says digging into his pocket for a pen and writing something on a napkin, "if you have any other questions or 'baggage claims' for me, here's my number."
Her eyes roll at the awful pun and she wordlessly takes it still not sure what to say but thankfully he continues speaking.
"You're under no obligation to use it of course. If you do, we can arrange dinner. If you don't, I'll just consider this a great day anyway. It's been a pleasure meeting you Tory, I hope we can get to know each other more."

He gives her a soft shoulder touch, waiting a moment to see if she has anything to say to him but Tory's still a little tongue tied. Then noting that he turns to leave which is when she finds her voice again, finally.
"James," she calls.
He does a small pivot to face her in response.
"It was a pleasure meeting you too."

His smile broadens and gives a small dip of his head before heading out. She watches his broad frame lumber through the thinning crowd before shaking herself free from the fantasies of a dinner date with the man.


"So was that him? Why didn't you want me to meet him?" asks her daughter as soon as she sits down.
Tory looks around in confusion.
"Was that who? Who did you want to meet?"
Em rolls her eyes and answers in a song, "your boyfriend. Or whatever label you're putting on it."
Tory snorts before taking a sip of her drink.
"That wasn't my boyfriend. I don't know who he is. He um, he was actually hitting on me. He gave me his number and asked me out for dinner."
Tory fingers the piece of paper in contemplation. She should probably just throw it away, right? For all she knows the guy could be crazy. Or this might be MO. He trolls coffee shops for vulnerable woman.

There's a pause before Emery speaks up again a little hesitantly this time, "he's hot. For an old guy I mean. You guys would be cute together. Are you, you know, into him?"
Tory glances up and replies begrudgingly, "maybe. It doesn't matter anyway. I'm not going to date him. I and work and other things to worry about."
"Mom," her daughter states taking her hand, "I'm 18. I'm leaving the house soon. You can date if you want to date. I'm not going to stand in your way of doing that. If you like this guy you should totally go out with him. If not him then someone else. Dad was a douchebag. You deserve someone who appreciates you, don't let him put you off dating another guy just because he won't be your 'soulmate'."


Tory smiles softly at her daughter, squeezing that hand with love. The pep talk is sweet and she supposes if Emery's really okay with her possibly finding someone then she can take that first step into the big world of dating.
"Thank you, sweetheart. I really appreciate that. Maybe...maybe I'll hang onto this then. He was very handsome, wasn't he?"
"Totally," agrees her daughter.

Tory's given a flash of white teeth before that expression drops into one of confusion.
"So about that stuff..." asks Emery looking to the CVS bag again, "if it's not for you then..."
Tory doesn't need to finish that for Emery, she's already made the right assumption.

Laying her palms flat on the table Tory leans in, back straight in full mom mode.
"Look we've always been open and honest with each other right? So I'm not going to pretend that things aren't getting physical with you and Dane.-"

Her daughter cuts her off with a low groan, "mom please! We've already had this talk. I definitely still remember it."
Em gives a small shudder in memory to that. Just as she got to high school, her mom had come to her room and had this massive whole talk about sex and sexuality. It's still scarred into her brain. They were all worthy points but Em would rather not have heard it from her mom's lips.

"I know I know! But just listen to me a sec. Let me just say this once and I won't bother you again about it, okay?"
"Alright," concedes Emery.
If it'll make her mom feel better then fine she'll hear her out. Though for the record, she'd much rather just silently accept the condoms.

Tory takes a moment to inhale and collect her thoughts. She doesn't want to say the wrong thing or miss out a valuable point. Her parents preached abstinence to her and told her virtually nothing about sex. That hadn't worked out too great for her in the end so she's determined not to make the same mistake with her daughter. Hopefully if they can be open about this, Em will come to her if there's any problems.

"I just want to say this because it's different now. You have a boyfriend and if you're both being intimate it's natural for things to progress. I just want you to have these for when and if that happens. I hope you know there's absolutely no pressure to but it's also completely okay if that's what you want. I don't ever want you to feel ashamed alright baby? Sex can be fun and it can be really good. Just make sure you're being safe."

"Oh my god! Mom!"
Em's low groan of embarrassment is followed by her cheeks turning red. Is it over now? God, she hopes so.
"Okay, well, I'm just saying. I'm not going to pretend it's not happening. But I'm not going to stop you both either. It's your body and you get to choose what's right for you."
"Okay fine! I'll...I'll take the condoms already. Stop, please."
"And the lube," argues her mom.
"What? Why? I don't need...we don't need..."
"Trust me honey, yes you do. Doesn't matter how good it is, it's always better with some lube."

Okay, Em really doesn't want to ask her mom any more questions about that. She bets Dane definitely wouldn't be expecting her to be packing that stuff. Not that they'd be breaking out any of it anytime soon. For whatever reason her boyfriend's being weird about all that. It's not that he doesn't want it so something's up with him.

Emery hesitates bringing it up with her mother. On one hand her mom could probably give her some actually good advice but on the other hand it's her mother. Fuck it. They're already basically on the topic. Maybe her mom will be happier and more reassured knowing those rubbers are not going to be used anytime soon.

"Actually mom, things aren't moving that fast."
She takes a sip of coffee and glances away as her mom squeezes her hand in comfort.
"And I'm guessing by your tone you're not happy about that?"
"It's not that I'm unhappy about it," says Emery struggling to vocalise what she's feeling, "it's more that...I'm confused."
Her mom waits for her to continue.

"Dane's really great, respectful and sweet. I thought he was holding back and going slow because of me. But I don't think that's it anymore. He keeps saying we should go slow and wait until we really know each other. What does that even mean? I just...I don't get why he's being like that. I'm not trying to push him into anything he doesn't want to but I just want to know what's going on with him. Does that make sense?"
Her mom nods, "it does. Have you talked to him about it?"
"Kind of. He wasn't like this with his ex! So I just don't understand why he is with me."

Her and Charlotte don't look anything alike. What if that's the reason? What if Dane just isn't as physically attracted to her? But he kisses her like crazy and he gets hard when they're being intimate. Although that's just biology. What if he's just going through the motions and his head isn't in it yet? Maybe that's why he's saying he needs to get to know her. He needs time to try find her attractive.


"Hey," calls her mom bringing her out of her thoughts, "don't start comparing yourself with exes. It's a slippery slope. All that matters is he's with you now and he wants to be. If anything it sounds like he's trying to show you he's serious by taking things slow and getting to know you first. But if that's bothering you, just talk to him."

She nods numbly and she will talk to him....soon. First she's got to make sure this isn't just all in her head and second she wants to test out her current theory.


Spring break comes around fast. Way faster than her or Dane were anticipating. As he'd said they slow things down and take it back to touching with the occasional going down on each other but apart from that he doesn't seem any different. He's clearly unhappy about going back home for the week but Emery chalks that down to them not being able to see each other rather than anything else. Still even in that week, they videocall and talk, in between her shifts at work that is.

Before long, they're back at school with the looming threat of finals coming up. It's also their last ever semester of high school which adds a dash of excitement to it all. Emery's glad. High school will be an experience she'll gladly forget. She can't wait to move out of this town and on with her actual life. Of course she has to first get through her classes and exams.
It should be fine, Emery reassures herself. She's doing well academically. She'll be okay.

As the final bell rings, Mr. Grant finishes writing the last sentence and places down the marker just as everyone starts to pack their things.
"Hand in your assignments on my desk on your way out please!" he shouts over the noise of chairs scrapping and papers being rustled.

Emery riffles through her backpack for the paper she knows she's done. As she keeps searching the panic starts to build. Where the hell is it? She knows she did it! She remembers distinctly because she'd finished it just before Dane called and she picked up this morning. Right? No. No she didn't. With dread she remembers exactly where it is on her desk as she'd mistakenly skimmed the title and thought it was for tomorrow's History class not English.
Oh crap. 

Mr. Grant is a lenient teacher but he has a dumb rule about punctuality. If he has to mark their things back to them in time, they need to hand in their work on time.

Nothing to do but own up to it of course and maybe if she asks really nice, he'll not put a penalty on her late submission. Most of the class has already rushed out and is gone when Emery zips up her things and stands. Charlotte and her friend are still around as they fix their make-up and hair but they're at the back of class and if Em keeps her voice down, maybe they won't notice.

"Uh Sir?"
"Yes Miss Collins? Something I can help you with?"
She fiddles with the strap of her backpack nervously as he glances up at her.
"About my assignment..."
"I uh, I forgot it at home. I'm really so sorry Sir. I can get it to you first thing tomorrow morning. Please don't give me a late mark. I totally forgot this morning. I've done it, I promise."

She waits with bated breath to see what he'll say. Slowly he rises from his desk and just her luck, Charlotte and Diana chose now to slid their reports on the pile.
"What's the matter Emery? Handing in work, late? Someone keeping you busy maybe?" remarks Charlotte.

From anyone else it may have sounded like just a teasing jab but from her, it's definitely not intended that way. There's a tinge of envy and hatred to her tone that makes Emery want to glare her to death. Only that's just going to fuel the fire and she'd rather not let this escalate. Giving a reaction will only spur on Charlotte more and Emery can deal with the snide remarks. There's only a month and a half left of school anyway.

Diana giggles at Charlotte's remarks and makes her own.
"I guess instead of sucking up to teachers you're sucking something else instead."

Charlotte bursts into laughter at that just as Emery feels her cheeks light up with heat. Okay, now that crosses the line. She gazes over to Diana, fully intending on speaking up for herself for once when Mr. Grant beats her to it.

"Alright ladies. That's enough. School's out. You've handed in your assignments, feel free to leave now."
"Aw come on Sir. We just kidding-"
"Okay well you've had your fun. Time to go now."

They glance at each other, Charlotte then giving Emery a final dirty glance before the terrible two leave. Great, as if she wasn't humiliated enough before. She dares to look to Mr. Grant who is failing to tamper his annoyed expression. Noticing her gaze, he directs his to her and smooths his expression out.

"Is this going to be a regular occurrence, Emery?"
"No Sir. Absolutely not," she vehemently states.
"Good. Don't let it be. Give me your paper after class tomorrow and I won't dock you any marks."
"Okay, yes Sir. Thank you so much. Thank you."

The weight lifts off her shoulders and relief floods her. She turns to leave when he calls her name.
"It's your final few months of high school. There's still a lot of work to be done. Don't forget that and don't let anyone make you forget it."

Emery nods, fully aware that Mr. Grant is not exactly okay with her relationship with Dane for whatever reason. It's not like she's even his best student but maybe he sees her as a little sister or something. Either way she's not going to bother to try convince his mind or try to argue with him on it because frankly she wants to stay on his good side for his generous marks.

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