Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

“Oh shit,” he quickly hangs up the phone and pushes it away from him. From the tone of his voice, Eli knows that his best friend, Jake, is not best pleased. Eli’s not sure about which of his antics he’s angry about this time, but he as suspicious feeling it’s about the sexaholic thing. He couldn’t help it. He hated sitting there listening to those people talk about how much of a problem it is to want sex-as if the act is such a burden! Psh! Naturally, he had to have some fun. And little Miss Lisa...well, he hadn’t missed the looks and subtle body signs from her, hinting-no, begging, at him to fuck her. And it wasn’t like she wasn’t into it...reasons Eli. As he recalls she definitely wanted it.

“Eli, you better open this fucking door, right now,” sings a masculine voice from outside his apartment.
Bracing himself for a lecture, Eli swings open the front door, to reveal a less than pleased, Jake.
“I heard you screwed Lisa,” states Jake entering his friend’s apartment and closing the door behind him.
“Eli...she’s my sister’s friend,” sighs Jake heading into the lounge with Eli and flopping into the couch.
“Oh...Jake, man, look I didn’t know. You know I don’t screw with family. I’m sorry,” apologies Eli. Even he has some limits and morals; family and friends being the line that he doesn’t cross.
“I know, Eli...Hey! Are you coming to the club tonight?”
“Not tonight, but tomorrow. I’ve got some paperwork to get and catch up on.”
“You? Work?” teases Jake.
“You know I do...sometimes,” snaps back Eli.

“One double cheeseburger and chicken taco’s. Will that be all?” asks Ivy with a forced smile on her face. One more hour to go and you can finally go home, Ivy, she mentally murmurs to herself. Oh but then, she’s got housework she needs to do. Oh joy...
“Are you on the menu, baby?” leers the kid. Ivy glancing down at the 13 year-old and at any other time she probably would have laughed, but right now, she felt too cranky and tired to.
“Very funny kid,” mutters Ivy replacing the pencil behind her ear and pocketing her notebook in her apron pocket.
“Hey, come on, give a guy a chance,” grins the little boy. Ivy heaves a sigh and tries to count to 10 in her head, before she does something unreasonable.
“Right, I’m walking away now,” murmurs Ivy feeling it better to leave than argue with the customer.
Just as Ivy spins around and goes to leave, a soft spank comes at her ass, causing her to squeak in surprise and swivel right back around.
She glares at the young boy who just smiles cheekily as his friend looks scared. At least one of them has sense, she bitterly thinks.
“Did you just smack my ass, young man?” she icily questions. The boy’s smile slips slightly and he gulps, “, Ma’am, I mean...sorry?”
Ivy starts to glare again at the kid and give him a good scolding, possibly a lecture in respecting women, but just then, the sound of laughter from across the booth, cuts her off. Surprised and confused, she glancing over there to see a man chuckling at the whole situation. A hot man, actually. Short dirty blonde hair is tousled carelessly, deep blue eyes smiling in amusement. His navy t-shirt collar, tickles at his thread necklace. His wrists also adorned in various male bracelets. Legs are enclosed in pale, blue stone-washed jeans and feet in plain sneakers. However, no matter how cute he may be, Ivy’s less than impressed. She softly sighs in her mind and makes her way over there to take his order.

“Can I get you anything else?” questions Ivy picking up the empty plate.
“ ‘Are you on the menu, baby’?” he mocks with a faux-innocent grin on his face.
“Not for you,” snaps back Ivy with narrowed eyes, before spinning around and leaving to drop the plates in the kitchen.
Passing one of the young, teen workers she makes sure to whisper in her ear to take care of the table with the boys on, and the blonde-haired man, fearing she doesn’t have the patience to deal with either and both of them.

“Bye Ivy! See you tomorrow,” calls Frank the chef.
“Bye Frank,” she cries back, fluffing out her short blonde hair.
“Hey! Wait up,” cheers a masculine voice. Ivy whips around, trying to figure out who the unfamiliar tone belongs to.
“What do you want?!” exclaims Ivy her hand subtly trying to dig in her bag to find her pepper spray. Shit, where is it?
“Woah...calm down Tinkerbell,” winks the blonde haired man. Ivy just rolls her eyes. Tinkerbell, sure like she hasn’t heard that before. With short, pixie cut platinum blonde hair, and a slim, petite frame; Tinkerbell’s a name, that she’d been called...a lot.
“Very original,” sarcastically retorts Ivy, fully intending on walking away from the man. But as she strides along the sidewalk, he too decides to follow beside her.

“You know this could be classed as stalking?” she comments breezily. Eli glances to his side and grins. He’s never had a woman uninterested in him...especially not his mate. A challenge. Just what he loves.
“But how? I’m just a civilian walking beside another civilian,” smiles Eli, hands casually sliding into his pockets. Ivy suddenly stops walking, causing him to cease as well- a few steps ahead of her though.
“Well go on, then,” she encourages waving for him to carry on his destination.
“...Look, is it such a crime I want to walk next to a pretty lady?”
Despite her intentions, Ivy’s cheeks blush a light pink, “it’s kinda creepy, seeing as I don’t know you and all.”
“Well, we could easily change that,” winks Eli and then tilting his head down the street he makes a suggestion, “how about I buy you a drink?”
Ivy goes to say ‘yes’, before she realises what he’s doing and blinks her eyes in shock, as she reconsiders.
“Nice try, but I don’t think so. I have a better suggestion; you go your way and I’ll go mine. And as enlightening as this has been, let’s hope our paths never cross again,” nods Ivy.
Eli clutches his t-shirt at his heart and gives a soft sniff, “ouch. Wow, Tinks, you really know how to hit a man where it hurts.”
“...What do you even want?” sighs Ivy, just wanting to go home now and maybe rest her feet.
“A kiss would be nice,” cheekily proposes Eli.
“Unless you want a kick in the nuts, don’t bother trying,” smugly counters Ivy, causing Eli to chuckle.
“Okay, how about your name?” he asks.
Ivy ponders this for a minute; does she really want some random, man knowing her name? Not really. Lord knows what kind of person he could be. Maybe a pervert or a killer or a...
“Tinkerbell,” flatly announces Ivy, quickly crossing the street quickly and rushing on her path.
Eli stares stunned at the body of a petite blonde retreating as his face coils in confusion. He glances into the shop window and runs a hand through his hair before shrugging. Look at him! He looks fucking gorgeous! So...what the hell is wrong with his mate? How can she resist him? He’s Eli Carter. The one no straight woman can refrain from. And his mate definitely shouldn’t be that exception.

A/n To the right is a picture of Jenson Button (who is a F1 driver and someone no-one seems to cast characters as even though he's totally smexy and has an awesome job) and that's how I imagine Eli to look like. However as always as reader's feel free to imagine the characters as you wish! Thanks for reading! 

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