Chapter 4

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A/n banner on the side, again by the wonderful appetence

Chapter 4

As Eli makes his way to his apartment building, with his heart still stinging from his mate’s actions and words, he’s met with the sight of a scantily dressed woman. Her ebony straight hair comes to her waist, and lustful blue eyes blink at him. Her body is covered by a short black dress that emphasis her beautiful bust and sticks to her like a second skin.
“Eli...” she whispers as he strides closer to her.
“What are you doing here, Jen?” he coolly asks, unlocking his front door. The woman may be gorgeous but she's not the best at following instructions or rather commands. 
“Eli...please, I need...I need release. Please,” she begs.
Eli gazes at her for a minute, his eyes taking in her entire figure emotionlessly before he makes up his mind.
“Come in,” he invites. He really could use the company tonight. 

“Wine?” Eli offers, pouring out two glasses of red.
“Yes please,” she replies taking him up on that offer. Her legs uncross as he draws nearer with the glass. Taking the drink out of his hand, she takes a sip of the cooling liquid.
“I know I disappointed you last time, I’m so sorry, Eli. Please, I’ll do anything. I need you again-”
“Why don’t you go to the club, Jen?” he interrupts. Jen had been one of the first sub girls he'd met in the new town a few years ago and recently he'd had to let her go. She just couldn't keep up with him and his demands. And his punishments were too much for her. She'd used the safe word too many times and he'd explained to her he couldn't be her Master anymore. 

“I-they-they don’t know my body like you do, Eli....I promise I’ll do better. I promise,” she gently sings, her hand stroking at the tops of his thigh. Eli just sighs and for once in his life, he has to think about the offer of sex. He’s not sure if he should, what if Ivy finds out? But then again, why would she care? He bitterly thinks. She’s the one who told him to leave her alone. Perhaps he should.
Still stung by Ivy’s rejection, he grasps Jen by her hair at the back of her neck and pulls her head up.
“One time that's it," he hisses lowly gaining a nod from her.
"Are you going to obey me this time?” he questions.
“Yes, Sir.” The woman replies, her heart pounding in anticipation at the sweet, sweet torture he’s going to put her through. Her bones ache for it; her whole being being for him. 
“You’re not going to come until I say, are you?”
“No Sir.”
“Then why are you still dressed, sweetheart?”

“Please, Sir, please-” begs Jen, only to be cut off as he gently forces her back down on his dick.
“Not yet. You haven’t earned it yet,” he responds, causing her to moan with sexual frustration onto him. The vibrations of her mouth, create tingles of pleasure and he feels himself on the verge of coming. Switching the control for the butterfly clip higher, he feels Jen dig her fingers into his thigh and groan louder whilst sucking him.
“You make me come first, and I’ll heavily consider allowing you to,” he bargains teasing her as he lowers the setting of the clip again. Jen feels herself pushed back from the brink of orgasm again, yet the frustration still remains, senselessly binding her to her body’s desires. Oh God...she has to make him come, she needs to.

With that desperate thought in mind, her mouth suctions his dick, her tongue slurping and twirling at his head, before she pushes him down her throat. Eli groans from pleasure. Clutching her hair he pulls her head up slightly before forcing her back down on him. She gags slightly at the length of him but pushes past that and tries to keep up with his pace. As his hands move her head up and down, he feels himself closer and closer to orgasm.
Suddenly with a particular lick from her; hot, white come shoots down her throat. Swallowing it all with eagerness, Jen blinks her almond blue eyes up at him and whimpers.
“Please, Sir,” she begs.
“Hm, I’m not sure if you’ve completely deserve to come,” he teases causing her to groan slightly. She rubs her thighs together, causing the vibrating clip to press stronger against her clit and shoot pleasure through her. Suddenly a slap comes at her ass and she yelps.

“You weren’t trying to get yourself off, were you?” rhetorically questions Eli, narrowing his eyes as he does so.
“No Sir.-”
“Are you lying to me?”
“No Sir! Please, please Sir. I need to come...please,” she begs tears of frustration building up in her eyes. Seeing the tears, Eli, internally sighs. They all break so easily...
“ Get on the bed, lie on your back, hands up,” he sharply instructs, grabbing the handcuffs from the bedside table. Clipping her wrists securely by the posts of the bed, he turns the butterfly clip up and grasps her thighs.
His hot mouth sucks at her nipples while she writhes and moans in ecstasy. So close, she’s so close now. His lips kiss down her stomach and as his tongue licks up her slit, she cries out in pure pleasure; her body shuddering and clenching from the powerful orgasm-Her sixth one tonight.

“Eli...please, no more,” she begs moaning again from the vibrations of the still attached butterfly clip. She feels her body starting to get aroused again as her mind groans and muscles burn.
“What do you mean, ‘no more’ Jen? You came to me tonight to be thoroughly satisfied. I don’t think we’re there yet,” he retorts.
“Oh God...I can’t...Eli, I’m so tired and I can’t take anymore. You’ve definitely satisfied me and more. Please, I just-I need to rest now,” explains Jen her mind clouding over with exhaustion. She’d forgotten just how much stamina he has; although, he’s not the one who has to endure the teasing and the denial of orgasms. It’s hard work being his submissive however rewarding, hot and mind-blowing it may be.

Eli unclips the woman and excuses himself to the bathroom. As the water splashes over his face, he groans to himself. He still had a good hour left in him. Still sex is sex and he can’t complain about that.
Entering back into the bedroom, he curls under the comforter with the woman and drifts off into sleep.

“Um, Eli?”
Both Eli and Jake glance up at the lingerie covered woman that's just crept into the lounge. A black lace bra emphasising her beautifully pale breasts and matching lace panties hiding her intimate parts.
“Morning Jen,” Eli chirps, as she picks up her dress and slips it on.
“I got to go. Thanks for last night by the way.”
“No problem. Actually Jen this is Jake. Next time you’re at the club, go and find him. I don’t want you going after those trainee Dom’s, Jake here will take care of you,” commands Eli. Jen blushes and nods as she glances over at ‘Jake’. Although she may have been worked out last night, Eli clearly hadn't and Jen can't help feel a twinge of disappointment in her. But at least, he's not just cutting her loose like last time. At least this time he's offering her another man to fill her needs. One who's pretty damn hot too, even if he isn't a Carter. 

“Oh, um, okay...Hi,” she shyly introduces to him. Jake grins and stands up, going in to hug her. As his arms wrap around her, he mumbles something in her ear which has her blushing bright red. He pulls back and waits expectantly, but she only flickers her eyes from him to Eli.
“You know, keeping your new Dom waiting, isn’t a good start Jen,” sings Jake. Jen bites her lip and glides her dress up her thighs. She hooks her fingers through the lace material of her panties and pries them down her soft legs. She bends down to pick them off the floor and drops it into Jake’s open hand.
“And you’ll get them back tomorrow night, provided you’re a good girl of course,” explains Jake, placing them into his back pocket. Jen just nods and leaves, needing to hurry to get to her apartment so she can get a quick shower before work.

“She’s hot,” whistles Jake as they hear the front door closing.
“Yeah, I guess so,” shrugs Eli.
“Okay...what happened?” asks Jake, knowing something must be wrong if his best friend can’t even comment on the physique of a gorgeous woman. Never mind brag about hitting that ass.
“I don’t know...It’s just..women! Last night...she’s couldn’t last. She couldn’t resist. And then after, we had to stop. It’s’s not enough. I need someone who can...withstand me,” explains Eli in frustration, his handsome features contorting into a frown.
“Isn’t that what your mate’s for? How’s that going by the way?” questions Jake.
“Oh you know, just great!” sarcastically groans Eli, “she found out it was a recording and totally blew. Now I need another plan...Any ideas?”
“Shit, that sucks man. Um, well you’ve used flowers and serenading...I got it! She’s got to agree after this....I promise you that she will,” smirks Jake.
“She better...”

Ivy sings to herself as she wipes down the tables, her voice catching when she suddenly realises what exactly she’s humming. Maroon 5. That song.
Memories of the night before last, comes flooding into her mind and she finds herself in conflict. One part of her keeps saying she was too mean- that any other girl would have appreciated the wondrous gesture of a handsome man; and she should be grateful that someone like her, who doesn’t deserve such attention, even got it. Then another part of her, viciously counteracts, arguing that she never asked for it, in fact, she openly told him not to. Still he pursued her-that must mean something right? Mm, maybe she was harsh on him, at least he tried.  And that’s saying something, especially from men these days. It means that he can be romantic, whatever his weird motives may be. Speaking of which...what exactly are his motives? Play boys like him only want one thing, and that one thing.... surely he can get elsewhere; questions Ivy. So why her? Perhaps he sees her as a challenge. Ivy had known a few boys like that, who had just seen her as a tease-a challenge. They’d all tried for the twisted ‘glory’ of bedding the frigid loner but Ivy’s not stupid. She remained strong and fought them how come her walls seem to be cracking slightly with him?! Even with his lies and damned persistence, she has to admit he has a certain...charm, about him. Oh for God’s sake! Snap out of it Ivy, it’s exactly what he wants, she scolds herself.

“Excuse me, Miss?” asks a man tapping her shoulder. She spins around and gazes up at the tall brunette.
“Are you Ivy?” he asks.
“Um...yes, why?” she cautiously responds.
“Oh good...Then this is for you.”
With a smile the man hands her a small heart wrapped shape. Surprised Ivy, takes it and opens it to reveal it to be chocolate.
“Look, Mister...” she looks back up but he’s already gone. Staring back down at the chocolate heart in her hand, Ivy notices the white cursive decoration that says ‘Tinks’ clear as day on it. Did she honestly feel bad for the man just a minute ago? She definitely takes that back.
However chocolate is chocolate, and unable to resist the temptation of the silky smooth treat, she has a moment of weakness and slides it into her mouth. As the first milk chocolate shell breaks, more creamy goodness flows through her senses.

Falsely hoping that that’s it, Ivy carries on her job, serving customers and cleaning tables. But half an hour later, she found another one of those chocolates wrapped in the same kind of wrapper as before, sat on a piece of paper with her name on, on the table. She unwraps it to find not just one but two words written on it-‘Forgive me’. Ivy sighs, wrapping the chocolate back up and gazing around the diner to see if he’s actually in. But he’s not. Which means, she’ll just have to hand it all back to him later, because she does forgive him. Only since there’s nothing to forgive. For that she’d actually have had to care about his deceit, and Ivy doesn’t care. At least, that’s what she’s telling herself.

Fully expecting there to be a next heart shaped chocolate with some other pointless message written on it, Ivy makes sure to keep a watchful eye on customers coming and going. But when a herd of teenage footballers brawl into the diner, Ivy’s powerless to do anything but her job.

As the crowd of teens slowly but surely trickle out, Ivy exhaustedly wipes up.
“Ivy? Is it okay if I leave now?” asks one of the waitresses.
“That’s fine Jo-Ann. Remind me again, is it your shift tomorrow or Lisa’s?”
“Mine. Oh wait! I nearly forgot,” the girl digs in her pocket and brings up a small letter, “a man asked me to give this to you-”
“A man? What did he look like? When was it?” hastily asks Ivy. How could she have missed him?! Dammit.
“Um, a while ago. I think you were busy but he was cute. Kind of messy blonde hair, blue eyes, quite tall, nice build.-”
“Did he say what his name was?”
“No but he did say that you’d know him. Something about having seen you last night? Oh my gosh! Wait...did you-did you hook up with him?!” Jo-Ann’s eyes go wide at the new misconceived revelation. At 28 Jo-Ann’s a little older than Ivy, but when Ivy was younger and Jo-Ann started working there, they’d see each other and had immediately hit it off. However Jo-Ann had figured out a long time ago that Ivy’s as hard as nails at least when it comes to having fun, and she can’t possibly imagine the girl she thinks of as a little sister, having actually had a one night stand.

“No! Oh God, no! You know I wouldn’t do that. No, he’s just...weird. It’s fine, I can deal with it. Just hand me the letter and I’ll get rid of it,” orders Ivy extending her hand towards Jo-Ann.
“Are you sure?...Okay, fine. Good luck with whatever...that is,” grins Jo-Ann, complying with Ivy and releasing the letter. Ivy nods and bids her farewell, as she slips the letter in her apron and starts mopping up the floor.

It’s only when everyone’s gone and placed everything away that Ivy remembers the letter in her apron. Her fingers grasp either edge of the envelope, fully ready to rip the whole thing in half. But something in her stops her from doing that. Could it be curiosity? Hope? Ivy doesn’t know, but deciding that curiosity is a safer option than any others, she slips the piece of paper out of it’s confides. She has to snort in disbelief when she realises that he’s actually written a hand-written letter. How many of the words on the paper are his own, she doesn’t know, yet she doubts it’s many.

I’m sorry about last night. I hope you got the chocolates. I truly cannot sing or play guitar, and I promise you, that you do not want to hear me sing-ever. I’m not who you think I am (even though I’m not quite sure what you think of me). So please, give me a chance. Let me take you out on one date. Just one. Let me show you that I can be what you want-what you need. All I’m asking for is one shot to prove it. Please....

Ivy sighs, groaning as she lets her head fall back. Why do his words have to sound so sincere? Why does he have to sound so...ugh. For God’s sake, how the hell is she meant to resist him when he does stuff like this?! Ivy refolds the letter, still in serious debate about whether to give in to him or not. A stronger part of her keeps chanting ‘yes’ yet a small side still scream ‘no’. The side which reminds her of his type of boys and their reputations. Ivy briefly shuts her eyes tightly before blinking them open. Right now, she needs rest. This is a problem for some other time, she decides slipping into her coat and heading home for some well earned rest.

A/n Okay, so hey! I know it's short, I'm really sorry I just haven't been finding the time lately to write as much as I used to but I really wanted to upload this week. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the semi-hot scene. I just couldn't write it all out, it felt like I was betraying my own characters.
Thanks for reading! xxx

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