Demons oc

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An Oc for my precious ototou MarvelousSanazuki

Name: Lucas D. Marvelous

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Demisexual

Age: 18

Backstory: Lucas D Marvelous was a young man living in Kuoh Town, but what most never could guess was that Lucas was destined for greatness. In this society there were various types of superhuman beings living alongside humans, and at one day during a school trip, Lucas stumbled upon an abandoned lab hidden in a forest. Lucas entered the lab where a mutated spider bit him, altering his DNA without him noticing. Inside the lab Lucas found the Demons Driver, Mojotrix and some Vistamps, alongside a journal from the seeming old owner of the lab, which explained about the devices Lucas found. By reading it, he decided to take the devices and become a vigilante in Kuoh, becoming Kamen Rider Demons.

Sister: Coco Bandicoot/Spider Woman

Overall Powers/abilities/hax: Alternate Digestion
Acid Generation
Appendage Generation/Multiple Arms
Arthropodal Limbs
Contaminant Immunity
Danger Detection
Dermal Armor
Enhanced Agility
Enhanced Balance
Enhanced Strength
Parasite Immunity
Poison Generation
Poison Inducement
Powerful Bite
Stinger Protrusion
Retractable Stinger
Vibration Detection
Wall Crawling

Absolute Condition
Absolute Body
Absolute Defense
Absolute Durability
Absolute Endurance
Absolute Health
Absolute Invincibility
Absolute Invulnerability
Absolute Potential
Absolute Regeneration
Absolute Spirituality
Absolute Stamina
Absolute Strength
Absolute Transcendence
Logic Distortion
Logic Infringement
Almighty Ascension
Complete Arsenal
Endless Development
Eternal Evolution
Eternal Transcendence
Living Anomaly
Meta Ability Creation
Plot Device
Story-Breaking Power
Plot Empowerment
Raw Power
Superior Adaptation
Irrational Indeterminacy
Absolute Inner Power
Transcendent Physiology
Firestorm Matrix
Density Control
Eidetic Memory
Energy Absorption
Energy Projection
Enhanced Vision
Molecular Reconstruction
Superhuman Durability
Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Durability
Superhuman Strength
Ionic Energy Form
Superhuman Strength
Superhuman Speed
Superhuman Stamina
Superhuman Agility
Superhuman Reflexes
Superhuman Senses
Superhuman Hearing
Energy Vision
Ionic Regenerative Healing
Energy Manipulation
Solid Energy Constructs
Electromagnetic Manipulation
Size Alteration
Power Recycling
Omni-Nanite: It grants the user to control and
create their own Nanites inside him/her, and a
support feature to any Omnitrix models. The
Beta-1 Nanite is 100% hack proof and equip
with its own antivirus program.
The Beta-1 Nanite can grant its user to build
their own machine-based weapons and
vehicles out of their body and the ability to
cure any type of EVOs (including the ones that
are incurable.
Superhuman Physical Characteristics
Pain Tolerance
Fear Manipulation
Air Manipulation
Durability Negation
Martial Arts
Power Mimicry
Reactive Power Level
Time Manipulation
Supernatural Willpower & Instinctive
Social Influencing
Afterimage Creation
Large Size
Social Influencing
Martial Arts
Limited Adaptation
Supernatural Willpower
Muscle Manipulation and Body Control
Sound Manipulation
Energy Absorption
Weapon Manifestation
Crystal Shard Projectiles
Slime Spit
Strong/Sharp Teeth
Mouth Expansion
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Speed
Enhanced Senses
Fire Amplification (via Slime Projectiles)
Prehensile Tail
Sphere Transformation
Multipurpose Fruit Pods
Solid Matter Ingestion
Sonic Howls
Bandage Generation
Energy Beams
Cosmic Rays
Freeze Rays
Slime Spit
Energy Absorption
Hypnosis Resistance
Corruptura Projectiles
Dino-Shark: The effects of the unknown
crystal and an injection from a colleague
changed Lucas's body into a new creature. His
appearance consisted of characteristics from
dinosaurs and the teeth and fin of a shark.
Divine Empowerment: Drake gains his
powers from six different heroes and deities:
Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles and
Mercury. He activates these powers by saying
the magical word "Shazam" which is the first
letter of each of the gods' names Combined.
Later, he found a way to access these powers
without having to say "Shazam". Once he
says this word, he will transform with the
complete powers of the champion.
The Wisdom of Solomon (superhuman
The Strength of Hercules (vast superhuman
strength on par with Superman).
The Stamina of Atlas (superhuman endurance,
self-sustenance, and regenerative healing).
The Lightning of Zeus (transformation,
magical resistance, power enhancement, and
The Courage of Achilles (superhuman
inner strength, telepathic Resistance, and
The Speed of Mercury (superhuman speed and
reflexes, and flight).
Mythic Arts: The user can utilize the Mythic
Arts, a specialized system of techniques based
around the powers of mythological creatures.
This set of skills is focused on channeling
mythical essence, forces, magic, energy,
elements, spirits, Items and/or possibly calling
on mythical entities to perform various feats.
Mysticism: User can utilize mysticism, the
practice of causing supernatural effects by
connecting to divine (including holy and/
or unholy) forces in an altered state of
consciousness, allowing users to perform
extraordinary feats such as commanding
concepts, attaining vast knowledge and
possessing powerful dominion. This can
include being able to alter the environment
around them such as classical elements and
being able to alter energy around them into
whatever they can imagine. It is a practice
mostly asso ciated with massive religious
organizations; however, under certain
circumstances, almost anyone can achieve this
ability to some degree.
Unlike Magic, mysticism does not involve
users directly commanding supernatural
forces. Instead, users access power
through either direct intervention of their
supernatural patron or through mechanisms
created by the patron.
Mysticism is predominantly wielded by
religious practicioners, but it can also be seen
to be used by occultists. While most magic
users are not practitioners of mysticism, it is
common amongst wizards and witches.
Mana Manipulation
Mana Projection
Mana Constructs
Fire Suppression (via Mana Constructs)
Mana Construct Tampering
Mana Bursts
Mana-Enhanced Punches
Mana Trail Formation
Mana Telekinesis
Mana Absorption
Size Alteration
Astral Projection
Crushing Forcefield
Body Creation
Mana Field Communication
Memory Erasure
Memory Scanning
Portal Creation
High-Level Technology Detection
Reality Warping
Object Parsing
Hologram Disruption
Dimensional Vision
Mana Scanning Grids
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability
Enhanced Speed (via Flight)
Space Survivability
Prehensile Hair
Assimilation Magic is a magic attributes that allows the user to take on the properties of a nearby object, material, substance or beast, and allows them the use of
its special characteristics.
Superhuman Physical Characteristics Self-Sustenance (Type 1; Can breathe in space) Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant Vehicular Mastery Weapon Mastery 4th Wall Awareness (Can interact with the camera and constantly faces towards it) Acrobatics (Can perform a double jump, somersaults, a slide, and a wall jump. Is referred to as very agile) Stealth Mastery (In Crash Twinsanity, Crash has actually shown being rather keen in using his environments to his advantage hiding from tribes well enough to swiftly cause a ruckus killing off hogs and still able to sneak past their surveillances successfully unseen. And has shown doing so again once more with more uptight guards of Madame Amberley's school, consistently rinse repeats another guard and then again all without breaking a sweat) Non-Physical Interaction and Extrasensory Perception (Can see and interact with ghosts), Instinctive Reaction (Immediately reacts to spears coming out of the floor without noticing) Dimensional Storage (Can store gems/crystals/bazookas and pull them out of nowhere) Underground Mobility (Can dig under the floor) Limited Flight (Can float in the air via Death Tornado Spin) Aura (As seen here)
Attack Reflection (Can deflect energy projectiles) Vibration Manipulation (Can create shockwaves with Super-Charged Body Slam) Fusionism (Can merge two cars together) Energy Projection (As seen here) Size Manipulation (Can manipulate the mutant's size to store them on his pocket) Toon Force and Elasticity (Can survive and recover from being flattened as seen in racing games) Statistics Amplification (Can physically upgrade himself via Mojo) Resistances to: Electricity Manipulation (Survived electrocution a few times) Mind Control
Superhuman Physical Characteristics Self-Sustenance (Type 1; Can breathe in space) Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant Weapon Mastery Toon Force and Elasticity (Can survive and recover from being flattened as seen in Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled) 4th Wall Awareness (Can interact with the camera and constantly faces towards it) Acrobatics (Can perform a double jump, slides, somersaults and a wall run, as well as grind on rails and swing from objects like ropes. Is referred to as very agile) Dimensional Storage Instinctive Reaction (Immediately reacts to spears coming out of the floor without noticing) Non-Physical Interaction and Extrasensory Perception (Can see and interact with ghosts) Underground Mobility (Can dig under the floor) Pseudo-Flight (Can float in the air via Death Tornado Spin. Can also move across the air via Air Dash)
Immortality (Type 4. In the Flashback Tapes of Crash 4, Cortex mentions a device called the "Revive-o-Tron", which is used to revive Crash every time he dies, though as Crash turned on Cortex, this is likely no longer applicable) Invulnerability, Light Manipulation, Statistics Amplification and Possession (Gains temporary invincibility and increased speed via Aku Aku. Crash can also use him to "jack" titans in order to completely control them) Underwater Breathing (Type 3; Via scuba gear) Invisibility (Via Invisibility Crate and power-up from Team Racing and Nitro Kart) Intangibility (When invisible, is untouchable by lasers) Forcefield Creation (Via Power Shields) Explosion Manipulation and Shockwave Generation (Via Bowling Bombs, Tracking/Red-Eye Missiles and TNT/Nitro Crates) Air Manipulation (Via Tornado Tops) Chemical Manipulation (Via N. Brio Beakers) Healing and Power Modification (Can either heal or change his weapons' properties via Wumpa fruit) Flight (Via jetpack, space motorcycle, Copter-Pack and magic carpet) Time Manipulation and Time Stop (Via time crate. Can also temporarily slow down time for his opponents/racers via N. Tropy Clock)
Water Manipulation (Can shoot water from his mech) Fire Manipulation (Can leave a trail of flames behind himself with barrel of gunpowder and shoot fireballs while riding a tank) Ice Manipulation (Via Freeze Crate and Ice Mines) Electricity Manipulation (Via pogo stick, electric shield and Static Orbs) Weather Manipulation (Via lightning item in Bash) Homing Attack (Via firefly and Homing Energy Orb) Sound Manipulation (Via Sonic Ring) Energy Projection (Via magic carpet) Summoning (Can drop an anvil on his opponent by tagging them with the Anvil status) Paralysis Inducement (Via Electro Stun Beam in Bash) Sleep Inducement (Via "Z" power-up in Bash) Possible BFR (Via Warp Orb) Teleportation (Via Travel Pass) Statistics Amplification (Can double his speed via Speed Shoes) Status Effect Inducement (Can stun anyone with one kick via Aku Aku emblem) Duplication (Can make clones of himself with The Makeanotherinator) Portal Creation and BFR (Via Portal Weapon)
Underwater Breathing (Type 3; Via scuba gear) Non-Physical Interaction (Can phase ghostly objects into existence as physical objects with Lani-Loli) Flight (Via jetpack. Can glide long distances via Akano) Time Manipulation (Can slow down time all around himself with Kupuna-Wa) Gravity Manipulation (Can flip gravity via Ika-Ika)

Demons Driver


Forms he can transform with the Mojotrix: Mutants: Spike, Goar, Snipe, Yuktopus,
Rhinoroller, Shellephant, Magmadon,
Stench, Scorporilla, Sludge, Ratcicle,
Battler, Ee-lectric, Uka Uka Tree Monster,
TK, Grimly, Kaiju Rex, Chimera, Megamix,
and Arachnina.
Bonus: Evil Twins' Deathbot, N.Gin's
Mechs, Uka Uka Ice Monster, Tikimon and
Grimm Forms: Apathy, Beowolf, Beringel,
Blind Worm, Boarbatusk, Cenitel, Creep,
Cyclops, DeathStalker, Dragon, Geist,
Goliath, Gorilla, Imp, King Taijitu, Lancer,
Megoliath, Nevermore, Ravager, Sabyr, Sea
Feilong, Sphinx, Teryx, Ursa, Wyvern and Grimmzilla.
Nomu Form Quirks: Shock Absorption,
Super Regeneration, Tool Arms, Absorption
& Release, Pterodactyl, Muscle Augment,
Cremation, All for One & One for All and
Nomu Transformation.
Genome Beast Forms: Werewolf, Merman,
Wendigo, Garuda, Minotaur, Dragon,
Weretiger, Werebear, Unidentified
Weightless Human.
Elemental Powers: Fire, Water, Earth, Air,
Ice, Lightning, Metal, Tech, Light, Darkness,
Undead, Life, Poison, Magic, Nature, Wood
and Sand.
Skylander Battle Class: Sorcerer, Brawler,
Bazooker, Swashbuckler, Knight, Ninja,
Smasher, Bowslinger, Quickshot, Sentinel
and Kaos
Kaiju Forms: King Kong, Gamera, Anguirus, Rodan and Godzilla.
Saiyan Powers: Inhumane Strength, Fusion,
Bing Bang, Kamehameha, and Spirit Bomb.
Demons inside Lucas: Scarecrow; Demon
of Fear, Nightmare; Demon of Dreams,
Kurama; Demon of Hatred, Kaneki; Demon
of Insanity, and Ganon; Demon of Malice.
(If Lucas is starting to get angry or having
a breakdown, the demons inside him will
take control of him. In fact, the demons
will be more powerful by combining their
powers with Lucas's Mojo to shapeshift any
kind mutant if he needs them.)
Tailed Beast Forms: Shukaku, Matatabi,
Isobu, Son Goku, Kokuo, Saiken, Chomei,
Gyuki, Kurama, and the Ten-Tails.
Ancient Sheikah Guardians: Stalker, Scout,
Turret, and Skywatcher
Ganon Phantom Forms: Fireblight Ganon,
Thunderblight Ganon, Waterblight Ganon,
Windblight Ganon, Calamity Ganon and
Dark Beast Ganon.
Hollow Forms: Zangetsu, Hollowfication,
White, Michel, Fishbone D, Acidwire,
Shrieker, Grand Fisher, Demi-Hollow,
Full-Hollow, Vasto-Lorde, Full Getsuga
Tensgo and Dragon Hollow.
Beast Forms: Lion, Tiger, Elephant, Rhino,
Shark, Gorilla, Scorpion, Mantis, Beetle,
Turtle, Wolf, Snake, Wasp, Orca, Boar,
Crocodile, Bear, Cheetah, Spider, Cobra,
and Leopard.
Prehistoric Beast Forms: Triceratops,
Ankylosaurus Velociraptor, Stegosaurus,
Therizosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus,
Dilophosaurus, T-Rex, Carnotaurus, Saber
Tooth Tigers, Mammoth, Titanis, Cave Bear,
and Entelodon.
Mythology Beasts Forms: Manticore,
Griffin, Dragon, Phoenix, Hippogriff,
Leviathan, Chimera, Hydra, and Basilisk.
Magic: Dragon Slayer, Requip and
Elemental Magic
Kryptonian Powers: Super Strength,
Super Speed, Leap/Flight, Invulnerability,
X-Ray Vision, Heat Vision, Super Breath,
Superman Vision, Black Light Vision,
Super Intelligence, and Environmental
Ki Power Level: Infinity
Haki: Conqueror's Haki
Devil Fruit: All
Symbiotes: Venom, Carnage, Purge, Poison,
Chaos, Havoc, Cage, Sting, Malice, Dart and
Hulk's Powers: Incredible superhuman
strength, durability and healing factor.
Jutsu & Chakra Techniques: Shadow Clone
Jutsu, Flying Raijin, Body Flicker, Fire
Ball Jutsu, Phoenix Flower, Chidori, Kirin,
Rasengan, Wind Blade, Water Dragon,
Water Vortex, Mud Wall, Head Hunter,
Transformation and Etc.
Smash Movesets from the Fighters: The
Fighters of Smash gave him a charm in a
shape of the famous Smash Ball. It allows Lucas the ability to use any moves from every last fighter.
Great Octo Weapon Forms: Octostomp,
Octonozzle, Octotwirl, Octomaw, Octobot
King, Octo-Oven, Octo-Samurai, Neo
Octostomp, Octo-Shower, Octobot King II
and Sanitized Octo Weapons.
Bomber Boss forms: Iron Gauss, Fort
Walker, Mystic Hatter, Elegant Dream,
Judge Gwinbee and Great Gattaida.
Miscellaneous Forms: Galeem, Dharkon,
Dharkleem, Galleom, Duon, Heartless,
E.N.D., Ruined Dragon, Orochi, Inkling,
Octoling, Sanitized Inkling and Octoling,
ARMS, Headlock, Ridley, Meta Ridley,
Omega Ridley, Proteus Ridley, Kong, Tusk,
Roc, Hog, Giga Bowser, Fury Bowser, Ghoul,
Majin Lucas, MegaBug Lucas, Mega Dragon Lucas, Giant Lucas, Parallel Lucas, Aku Lucas, Uka Lucas, Apo Lucas, Rok-ko Lucas, Wa-Wa Lucas, Lo-Lo Lucas, Py-Ro Lucas, Rustand Lucas, Fury Lucas and etc.
Rare Powers: Creation or Copy & Create
(This type of power is very rare. Combined
with magical Mojo, this creation power
allows Lucas to inherit every last quirk,
aura, semblance, chakra, sacred gear, devil
fruit, magic, powers from demons, angels,
and gods, dragon powers, saiyan powers,
scroll, stand, Zanpakuto, including mixing
his mutation forms. God only knows what
he can do with it)
DISK Magic: To release those stored within the DISKs, they
are hurled at the ground while announcing
the name of the release procedure, D-Smash.
The subject is then released. People with
proper Biocodes can release a person
indefinitely, but if a Biocode is incomplete,
the release lasts only several minutes, after
which the person is returned to the DISK.
Tech: Tech-based heroes and villains are
stored within red DISKs.
Fight: Heroes and villains who use martial
skills and physical attacks, or do not fit the
other categories are stored in blue DISKs.
Animal: Yellow DISKs contain heroes and
villains with animal-based powers or motifs.
Energy: Purple DISKs are used to store those
who use mystical or energy-based abilities.
Power: Green DISKs are reserved for those
heroes and villains who possess vast Super
Assimilative Evolution
Adaptation Absorption
Enhanced Power Replication
Amorphous Physiology
Body Link
Costume Refinement
Dermal Armor
Enhanced Dressing
Living Clothing
Malleable Anatomy
Natural Weaponry
Symbiotic Weaponry
Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural Condition
Personal Wardrobe
Personal Weaponry
Regenerative Healing Factor
Symbiotic Combat
Symbiotic Connection
Symbiotic Shapeshifting
Symbiotic Substance Manipulation
Alter Ego Creation
Power Summoning
Powered Form


Rider forms and Genomixs:


Asia and Koneko


Mirajane and Juvia


Ms. Marvel

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