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All Pixar movie's take place in the same universe. This is called the Pixar theory. This is my personal favorite.

During the 14th century, Brave take's place. Marida discovered the "will-of-the-wisp's (magic)". The magic is the reason why most animal's and inanimate object's in the Pixar movie's act like human's. The witch in Brave also play's a role in another Pixar movie. But i will get to that soon.

Between 1950 and 1960, The Incredible's happen's. The magic create's the super's, which now hold the balance of order on Earth. But Syndrome, a superhero wanna-be, create's A.I. killbot's designed to adapt to a super's power's, and therefore destroy them. Syndrome is also known to use Zero-point energy. Because of this, toy's started absorbing this energy. That bring's us to.....

1997-1999. The year's of Toy Story and Toy Story 2. Toy's find out that the love from human's in another source of energy. Toy's and human's live together in harmony. But toy's start to question there purpose in life. The finally start to resent on the human's. Like how Jessie resent's on Emily for abandoning her. This is a sign that they are ready for a rebellion.

In 2003, Finding Nemo came next. The mega-corporation Buy n' Large (from Wall E) is polluting the ocean's and experimenting on sea life. This is why Dory has short term memory loss. Note that the animal's have high intelligence. Which mean's they are also ready to fight. But what could they do?

Ratatouille is next in 2007. This is the first time we see animal's and human's have personal interaction's with eachother. We see that Remmy has a few similar characteristic's with human's. Like how he washes his paw's, walk's on his hind paw's, and cook's and read's. This is only for him to find out if he can control the human's.

We head to Toy Story 3 in 2010. Human's are now abuseing toy's, both physically and emotionally. Lotso dose not like the human's, because he was abandoned and replaced by his owner, Daisy. He decide's to take care of his own kind .

Carl and Ellie found out about the retaliation toy's and animal's have on the human's. So thye sent a post card to Andy to get rid of his toy's, immediately! This bring's us to Up, between the year's of 2011- 2016. Carl is forced to sell his house so that Buy n' Large can expand the city. Year's later the war between animal's and human's start's.

But the machine's save the human's. Therefore, the human's won the war. But because the machine's helped the human's, this throw's the balance of Earth out of wack. So the machine's had to send the human's to space on the Axiom. This lead's to Car's and Car's 2 between 2100-2200. In Car's 2, an energy crisis is taking place, for oil is the only source of fuel. Allinol became the catalyst for the crisis. But Allinol was actually a cover-up for Buy n' Large. Earth finally become's a wastland. Life can no longer live on Earth.

2800-2900. The year's of Wall E. Wall E was the last machine on Earth. But he brought the human's back to Earth. In the credit's, Wall E and Eve's plant grow's strong.

It become's the tree in A Bug's Life!! Between 2898-3000, very little human's exists, making it dangerous for insect's to worry about them. Year's later, due to the radiation created by Buy n' Large, animal's start to evolve into dominant species. Into MONSTER'S!!!

Between 4500-5000, Monster's Inc. and Monster's University come to effect. Monster's and machine's didn't realize their their mistake in getting rid of the human's. So they use time machine's (the wooden door's) to go back to the time of the human's and collect their scream.

Finally, we come to BOO!!! BOO IS THE WITCH IN BRAVE!!!

Boo never got over Sully. But she realized how monster's came to her time. WOODEN DOOR'S!!! So, she used them to try to find her "Kitty"!!! But she was not sure which time Sully lived in. So she traveled to every time period in every Pixar movie.

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